Guillermo Ruffino 69879920eb
add-black (#1593)
* Add black

Update pre commit

Update pre commit

add empty line

* Format with black
2021-03-07 16:03:16 -03:00

398 lines
10 KiB

"""Tests for the file."""
import esphome.wizard as wz
import pytest
from esphome.pins import ESP8266_BOARD_PINS
from mock import MagicMock
def default_config():
return {
"name": "test_name",
"platform": "test_platform",
"board": "test_board",
"ssid": "test_ssid",
"psk": "test_psk",
"password": "",
def wizard_answers():
return [
"test_node", # Name of the node
"ESP8266", # platform
"nodemcuv2", # board
"SSID", # ssid
"psk", # wifi password
"ota_pass", # ota password
def test_sanitize_quotes_replaces_with_escaped_char():
The sanitize_quotes function should replace double quotes with their escaped equivalents
# Given
input_str = '"key": "value"'
# When
output_str = wz.sanitize_double_quotes(input_str)
# Then
assert output_str == '\\"key\\": \\"value\\"'
def test_config_file_fallback_ap_includes_descriptive_name(default_config):
The fallback AP should include the node and a descriptive name
# Given
default_config["name"] = "test_node"
# When
config = wz.wizard_file(**default_config)
# Then
assert 'ssid: "Test Node Fallback Hotspot"' in config
def test_config_file_fallback_ap_name_less_than_32_chars(default_config):
The fallback AP name must be less than 32 chars.
Since it is composed of the node name and "Fallback Hotspot" this can be too long and needs truncating
# Given
default_config["name"] = "a_very_long_name_for_this_node"
# When
config = wz.wizard_file(**default_config)
# Then
assert 'ssid: "A Very Long Name For This Node"' in config
def test_config_file_should_include_ota(default_config):
The Over-The-Air update should be enabled by default
# Given
# When
config = wz.wizard_file(**default_config)
# Then
assert "ota:" in config
def test_config_file_should_include_ota_when_password_set(default_config):
The Over-The-Air update should be enabled when a password is set
# Given
default_config["password"] = "foo"
# When
config = wz.wizard_file(**default_config)
# Then
assert "ota:" in config
def test_wizard_write_sets_platform(default_config, tmp_path, monkeypatch):
If the platform is not explicitly set, use "ESP8266" if the board is one of the ESP8266 boards
# Given
monkeypatch.setattr(wz, "write_file", MagicMock())
# When
wz.wizard_write(tmp_path, **default_config)
# Then
generated_config = wz.write_file.call_args.args[1]
assert f"platform: {default_config['platform']}" in generated_config
def test_wizard_write_defaults_platform_from_board_esp8266(
default_config, tmp_path, monkeypatch
If the platform is not explicitly set, use "ESP8266" if the board is one of the ESP8266 boards
# Given
del default_config["platform"]
default_config["board"] = [*ESP8266_BOARD_PINS][0]
monkeypatch.setattr(wz, "write_file", MagicMock())
# When
wz.wizard_write(tmp_path, **default_config)
# Then
generated_config = wz.write_file.call_args.args[1]
assert "platform: ESP8266" in generated_config
def test_wizard_write_defaults_platform_from_board_esp32(
default_config, tmp_path, monkeypatch
If the platform is not explicitly set, use "ESP32" if the board is not one of the ESP8266 boards
# Given
del default_config["platform"]
default_config["board"] = "foo"
monkeypatch.setattr(wz, "write_file", MagicMock())
# When
wz.wizard_write(tmp_path, **default_config)
# Then
generated_config = wz.write_file.call_args.args[1]
assert "platform: ESP32" in generated_config
def test_safe_print_step_prints_step_number_and_description(monkeypatch):
The safe_print_step function prints the step number and the passed description
# Given
monkeypatch.setattr(wz, "safe_print", MagicMock())
monkeypatch.setattr(wz, "sleep", lambda time: 0)
step_num = 22
step_desc = "foobartest"
# When
wz.safe_print_step(step_num, step_desc)
# Then
# Collect arguments to all safe_print() calls (substituting "" for any empty ones)
all_args = [
call.args[0] if len(call.args) else "" for call in wz.safe_print.call_args_list
assert any(step_desc == arg for arg in all_args)
assert any(f"STEP {step_num}" in arg for arg in all_args)
def test_default_input_uses_default_if_no_input_supplied(monkeypatch):
The default_input() function should return the supplied default value if the user doesn't enter anything
# Given
monkeypatch.setattr("builtins.input", lambda _: "")
default_string = "foobar"
# When
retval = wz.default_input("", default_string)
# Then
assert retval == default_string
def test_default_input_uses_user_supplied_value(monkeypatch):
The default_input() function should return the value that the user enters
# Given
user_input = "A value"
monkeypatch.setattr("builtins.input", lambda _: user_input)
default_string = "foobar"
# When
retval = wz.default_input("", default_string)
# Then
assert retval == user_input
def test_strip_accents_removes_diacritics():
The strip_accents() function should remove diacritics (umlauts)
# Given
input_str = "Kühne"
expected_str = "Kuhne"
# When
output_str = wz.strip_accents(input_str)
# Then
assert output_str == expected_str
def test_wizard_rejects_path_with_invalid_extension():
The wizard should reject config files that are not yaml
# Given
config_file = "test.json"
# When
retval = wz.wizard(config_file)
# Then
assert retval == 1
def test_wizard_rejects_existing_files(tmpdir):
The wizard should reject any configuration file that already exists
# Given
config_file = tmpdir.join("test.yaml")
# When
retval = wz.wizard(str(config_file))
# Then
assert retval == 2
def test_wizard_accepts_default_answers_esp8266(tmpdir, monkeypatch, wizard_answers):
The wizard should accept the given default answers for esp8266
# Given
config_file = tmpdir.join("test.yaml")
input_mock = MagicMock(side_effect=wizard_answers)
monkeypatch.setattr("builtins.input", input_mock)
monkeypatch.setattr(wz, "safe_print", lambda t=None: 0)
monkeypatch.setattr(wz, "sleep", lambda _: 0)
monkeypatch.setattr(wz, "wizard_write", MagicMock())
# When
retval = wz.wizard(str(config_file))
# Then
assert retval == 0
def test_wizard_accepts_default_answers_esp32(tmpdir, monkeypatch, wizard_answers):
The wizard should accept the given default answers for esp32
# Given
wizard_answers[1] = "ESP32"
wizard_answers[2] = "nodemcu-32s"
config_file = tmpdir.join("test.yaml")
input_mock = MagicMock(side_effect=wizard_answers)
monkeypatch.setattr("builtins.input", input_mock)
monkeypatch.setattr(wz, "safe_print", lambda t=None: 0)
monkeypatch.setattr(wz, "sleep", lambda _: 0)
monkeypatch.setattr(wz, "wizard_write", MagicMock())
# When
retval = wz.wizard(str(config_file))
# Then
assert retval == 0
def test_wizard_offers_better_node_name(tmpdir, monkeypatch, wizard_answers):
When the node name does not conform, a better alternative is offered
* Removes special chars
* Replaces spaces with underscores
* Converts all uppercase letters to lowercase
# Given
wizard_answers[0] = "Küche #2"
expected_name = "kuche_2"
wz, "default_input", MagicMock(side_effect=lambda _, default: default)
config_file = tmpdir.join("test.yaml")
input_mock = MagicMock(side_effect=wizard_answers)
monkeypatch.setattr("builtins.input", input_mock)
monkeypatch.setattr(wz, "safe_print", lambda t=None: 0)
monkeypatch.setattr(wz, "sleep", lambda _: 0)
monkeypatch.setattr(wz, "wizard_write", MagicMock())
# When
retval = wz.wizard(str(config_file))
# Then
assert retval == 0
assert wz.default_input.call_args.args[1] == expected_name
def test_wizard_requires_correct_platform(tmpdir, monkeypatch, wizard_answers):
When the platform is not either esp32 or esp8266, the wizard should reject it
# Given
wizard_answers.insert(1, "foobar") # add invalid entry for platform
config_file = tmpdir.join("test.yaml")
input_mock = MagicMock(side_effect=wizard_answers)
monkeypatch.setattr("builtins.input", input_mock)
monkeypatch.setattr(wz, "safe_print", lambda t=None: 0)
monkeypatch.setattr(wz, "sleep", lambda _: 0)
monkeypatch.setattr(wz, "wizard_write", MagicMock())
# When
retval = wz.wizard(str(config_file))
# Then
assert retval == 0
def test_wizard_requires_correct_board(tmpdir, monkeypatch, wizard_answers):
When the board is not a valid esp8266 board, the wizard should reject it
# Given
wizard_answers.insert(2, "foobar") # add an invalid entry for board
config_file = tmpdir.join("test.yaml")
input_mock = MagicMock(side_effect=wizard_answers)
monkeypatch.setattr("builtins.input", input_mock)
monkeypatch.setattr(wz, "safe_print", lambda t=None: 0)
monkeypatch.setattr(wz, "sleep", lambda _: 0)
monkeypatch.setattr(wz, "wizard_write", MagicMock())
# When
retval = wz.wizard(str(config_file))
# Then
assert retval == 0
def test_wizard_requires_valid_ssid(tmpdir, monkeypatch, wizard_answers):
When the board is not a valid esp8266 board, the wizard should reject it
# Given
wizard_answers.insert(3, "") # add an invalid entry for ssid
config_file = tmpdir.join("test.yaml")
input_mock = MagicMock(side_effect=wizard_answers)
monkeypatch.setattr("builtins.input", input_mock)
monkeypatch.setattr(wz, "safe_print", lambda t=None: 0)
monkeypatch.setattr(wz, "sleep", lambda _: 0)
monkeypatch.setattr(wz, "wizard_write", MagicMock())
# When
retval = wz.wizard(str(config_file))
# Then
assert retval == 0