
390 lines
12 KiB
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2018-10-07 05:07:20 +02:00
@echo off
2020-12-29 12:19:32 +01:00
REM Get our local path before delayed expansion - allows ! in path
set "thisDir=%~dp0"
2018-10-07 05:07:20 +02:00
2020-12-29 12:19:32 +01:00
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
2018-10-07 05:07:20 +02:00
REM Setup initial vars
2020-07-03 16:05:54 +02:00
set "script_name="
2019-03-14 18:47:17 +01:00
set /a tried=0
2019-03-14 19:09:20 +01:00
set "toask=yes"
2020-07-05 18:45:06 +02:00
set "pause_on_error=yes"
2019-09-15 05:32:16 +02:00
set "py2v="
set "py2path="
set "py3v="
set "py3path="
set "pypath="
2024-02-07 21:15:56 +01:00
set "targetpy=3"
2019-09-15 05:32:16 +02:00
REM use_py3:
REM TRUE = Use if found, use py2 otherwise
REM FALSE = Use py2
REM FORCE = Use py3
set "use_py3=TRUE"
2018-10-07 05:07:20 +02:00
2024-02-07 21:15:56 +01:00
REM We'll parse if the first argument passed is
REM --install-python and if so, we'll just install
set "just_installing=FALSE"
2020-07-03 15:36:13 +02:00
REM Get the system32 (or equivalent) path
2020-07-15 23:25:50 +02:00
call :getsyspath "syspath"
2020-07-03 15:36:13 +02:00
2024-02-07 21:15:56 +01:00
REM Make sure the syspath exists
if "!syspath!" == "" (
if exist "%SYSTEMROOT%\system32\cmd.exe" (
if exist "%SYSTEMROOT%\system32\reg.exe" (
if exist "%SYSTEMROOT%\system32\where.exe" (
REM Fall back on the default path if it exists
set "ComSpec=%SYSTEMROOT%\system32\cmd.exe"
set "syspath=%SYSTEMROOT%\system32\"
if "!syspath!" == "" (
echo ### ###
echo # Warning #
echo ### ###
echo Could not locate cmd.exe, reg.exe, or where.exe
echo Please ensure your ComSpec environment variable is properly configured and
echo points directly to cmd.exe, then try again.
echo Current CompSpec Value: "%ComSpec%"
echo Press [enter] to quit.
pause > nul
exit /b 1
if "%~1" == "--install-python" (
set "just_installing=TRUE"
goto installpy
2019-03-14 18:47:17 +01:00
goto checkscript
2019-02-21 20:30:04 +01:00
REM Check for our script first
2020-07-03 16:05:54 +02:00
set "looking_for=!script_name!"
if "!script_name!" == "" (
set " or %~n0.command"
set ""
if not exist "!thisDir!\!script_name!" (
set "script_name=%~n0.command"
2019-02-21 20:30:04 +01:00
if not exist "!thisDir!\!script_name!" (
2020-07-03 16:05:54 +02:00
echo Could not find !looking_for!.
2019-02-21 20:30:04 +01:00
echo Please make sure to run this script from the same directory
2020-07-03 16:05:54 +02:00
echo as !looking_for!.
2019-02-21 20:30:04 +01:00
echo Press [enter] to quit.
pause > nul
2024-02-07 21:15:56 +01:00
exit /b 1
2019-02-21 20:30:04 +01:00
2019-03-14 18:47:17 +01:00
goto checkpy
2019-02-21 20:30:04 +01:00
2020-07-15 23:25:50 +02:00
:getsyspath <variable_name>
2024-02-07 21:15:56 +01:00
REM Helper method to return a valid path to cmd.exe, reg.exe, and where.exe by
REM walking the ComSpec var - will also repair it in memory if need be
REM Strip double semi-colons
call :undouble "temppath" "%ComSpec%" ";"
REM Dirty hack to leverage the "line feed" approach - there are some odd side
REM effects with this. Do not use this variable name in comments near this
REM line - as it seems to behave erradically.
(set LF=^
2020-07-08 19:31:58 +02:00
%=this line is empty=%
2024-02-07 21:15:56 +01:00
REM Replace instances of semi-colons with a line feed and wrap
REM in parenthesis to work around some strange batch behavior
set "testpath=%temppath:;=!LF!%"
2020-07-03 15:36:13 +02:00
REM Let's walk each path and test if cmd.exe, reg.exe, and where.exe exist there
2020-07-03 16:05:54 +02:00
set /a found=0
2020-07-08 19:31:58 +02:00
for /f "tokens=* delims=" %%i in ("!testpath!") do (
2020-07-03 15:36:13 +02:00
REM Only continue if we haven't found it yet
2024-02-07 21:15:56 +01:00
if not "%%i" == "" (
2020-07-03 16:05:54 +02:00
if !found! lss 1 (
2024-02-07 21:15:56 +01:00
set "checkpath=%%i"
2020-07-03 15:36:13 +02:00
REM Remove "cmd.exe" from the end if it exists
2024-02-07 21:15:56 +01:00
if /i "!checkpath:~-7!" == "cmd.exe" (
set "checkpath=!checkpath:~0,-7!"
2020-07-03 15:36:13 +02:00
REM Pad the end with a backslash if needed
2024-02-07 21:15:56 +01:00
if not "!checkpath:~-1!" == "\" (
set "checkpath=!checkpath!\"
2020-07-03 15:36:13 +02:00
REM Let's see if cmd, reg, and where exist there - and set it if so
2024-02-07 21:15:56 +01:00
if EXIST "!checkpath!cmd.exe" (
if EXIST "!checkpath!reg.exe" (
if EXIST "!checkpath!where.exe" (
2020-07-03 16:05:54 +02:00
set /a found=1
2024-02-07 21:15:56 +01:00
set "ComSpec=!checkpath!cmd.exe"
set "%~1=!checkpath!"
2020-07-03 15:36:13 +02:00
goto :EOF
set "spath="
set "upath="
2020-07-03 15:36:13 +02:00
for /f "USEBACKQ tokens=2* delims= " %%i in (`!syspath!reg.exe query "HKCU\Environment" /v "Path" 2^> nul`) do ( if not "%%j" == "" set "upath=%%j" )
for /f "USEBACKQ tokens=2* delims= " %%i in (`!syspath!reg.exe query "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment" /v "Path" 2^> nul`) do ( if not "%%j" == "" set "spath=%%j" )
2020-04-02 02:40:33 +02:00
if not "%spath%" == "" (
REM We got something in the system path
2020-04-02 02:40:33 +02:00
set "PATH=%spath%"
2024-02-07 21:15:56 +01:00
if not "%upath%" == "" (
REM We also have something in the user path
2020-04-02 02:40:33 +02:00
set "PATH=%PATH%;%upath%"
2020-04-02 02:40:33 +02:00
) else if not "%upath%" == "" (
set "PATH=%upath%"
REM Remove double semicolons from the adjusted PATH
2020-07-15 23:25:50 +02:00
call :undouble "PATH" "%PATH%" ";"
2020-04-02 02:40:33 +02:00
goto :EOF
2020-07-15 23:25:50 +02:00
:undouble <string_name> <string_value> <character>
2020-04-02 02:40:33 +02:00
REM Helper function to strip doubles of a single character out of a string recursively
2020-07-15 23:25:50 +02:00
set "string_value=%~2"
2024-02-07 21:15:56 +01:00
2020-07-15 23:25:50 +02:00
set "check=!string_value:%~3%~3=%~3!"
if not "!check!" == "!string_value!" (
2024-02-07 21:15:56 +01:00
set "string_value=!check!"
goto :undouble_continue
2024-02-07 21:15:56 +01:00
set "%~1=!check!"
goto :EOF
2019-03-14 18:47:17 +01:00
call :updatepath
2020-07-03 15:36:13 +02:00
for /f "USEBACKQ tokens=*" %%x in (`!syspath!where.exe python 2^> nul`) do ( call :checkpyversion "%%x" "py2v" "py2path" "py3v" "py3path" )
for /f "USEBACKQ tokens=*" %%x in (`!syspath!where.exe python3 2^> nul`) do ( call :checkpyversion "%%x" "py2v" "py2path" "py3v" "py3path" )
2020-07-15 22:55:09 +02:00
for /f "USEBACKQ tokens=*" %%x in (`!syspath!where.exe py 2^> nul`) do ( call :checkpylauncher "%%x" "py2v" "py2path" "py3v" "py3path" )
2019-09-15 05:32:16 +02:00
if /i "!use_py3!" == "FALSE" (
set "targetpy=2"
set "pypath=!py2path!"
) else if /i "!use_py3!" == "FORCE" (
set "pypath=!py3path!"
) else if /i "!use_py3!" == "TRUE" (
set "pypath=!py3path!"
if "!pypath!" == "" set "pypath=!py2path!"
if not "!pypath!" == "" (
goto runscript
2020-07-15 23:25:50 +02:00
if !tried! lss 1 (
if /i "!toask!"=="yes" (
REM Better ask permission first
goto askinstall
2019-03-14 18:47:17 +01:00
) else (
2020-07-15 23:25:50 +02:00
goto installpy
2019-03-14 18:47:17 +01:00
2020-07-15 23:25:50 +02:00
) else (
echo ### ###
echo # Warning #
echo ### ###
REM Couldn't install for whatever reason - give the error message
echo Python is not installed or not found in your PATH var.
echo Please install it from
echo Make sure you check the box labeled:
echo "Add Python X.X to PATH"
echo Where X.X is the py version you're installing.
echo Press [enter] to quit.
pause > nul
2024-02-07 21:15:56 +01:00
exit /b 1
2019-03-14 18:47:17 +01:00
goto runscript
2020-07-15 22:55:09 +02:00
:checkpylauncher <path> <py2v> <py2path> <py3v> <py3path>
REM Attempt to check the latest python 2 and 3 versions via the py launcher
for /f "USEBACKQ tokens=*" %%x in (`%~1 -2 -c "import sys; print(sys.executable)" 2^> nul`) do ( call :checkpyversion "%%x" "%~2" "%~3" "%~4" "%~5" )
for /f "USEBACKQ tokens=*" %%x in (`%~1 -3 -c "import sys; print(sys.executable)" 2^> nul`) do ( call :checkpyversion "%%x" "%~2" "%~3" "%~4" "%~5" )
goto :EOF
2020-07-08 19:31:58 +02:00
:checkpyversion <path> <py2v> <py2path> <py3v> <py3path>
2019-09-15 05:32:16 +02:00
set "version="&for /f "tokens=2* USEBACKQ delims= " %%a in (`"%~1" -V 2^>^&1`) do (
REM Ensure we have a version number
call :isnumber "%%a"
if not "!errorlevel!" == "0" goto :EOF
set "version=%%a"
if not defined version goto :EOF
if "!version:~0,1!" == "2" (
REM Python 2
call :comparepyversion "!version!" "!%~2!"
if "!errorlevel!" == "1" (
set "%~2=!version!"
set "%~3=%~1"
) else (
REM Python 3
call :comparepyversion "!version!" "!%~4!"
if "!errorlevel!" == "1" (
set "%~4=!version!"
set "%~5=%~1"
goto :EOF
2020-07-08 19:31:58 +02:00
:isnumber <check_value>
2019-09-15 05:32:16 +02:00
set "var="&for /f "delims=0123456789." %%i in ("%~1") do set var=%%i
if defined var (exit /b 1)
exit /b 0
2020-07-08 19:31:58 +02:00
:comparepyversion <version1> <version2> <return>
2019-09-15 05:32:16 +02:00
REM Exits with status 0 if equal, 1 if v1 gtr v2, 2 if v1 lss v2
for /f "tokens=1,2,3 delims=." %%a in ("%~1") do (
set a1=%%a
set a2=%%b
set a3=%%c
for /f "tokens=1,2,3 delims=." %%a in ("%~2") do (
set b1=%%a
set b2=%%b
set b3=%%c
if not defined a1 set a1=0
if not defined a2 set a2=0
if not defined a3 set a3=0
if not defined b1 set b1=0
if not defined b2 set b2=0
if not defined b3 set b3=0
if %a1% gtr %b1% exit /b 1
if %a1% lss %b1% exit /b 2
if %a2% gtr %b2% exit /b 1
if %a2% lss %b2% exit /b 2
if %a3% gtr %b3% exit /b 1
if %a3% lss %b3% exit /b 2
exit /b 0
2019-03-14 19:09:20 +01:00
echo ### ###
echo # Python Not Found #
echo ### ###
2019-09-15 05:32:16 +02:00
echo Python !targetpy! was not found on the system or in the PATH var.
2019-03-14 19:09:20 +01:00
set /p "menu=Would you like to install it now? [y/n]: "
if /i "!menu!"=="y" (
REM We got the OK - install it
goto installpy
) else if "!menu!"=="n" (
REM No OK here...
2020-07-15 23:25:50 +02:00
set /a tried=!tried!+1
2019-03-14 19:09:20 +01:00
goto checkpy
REM Incorrect answer - go back
goto askinstall
2019-03-14 18:47:17 +01:00
REM This will attempt to download and install python
REM First we get the html for the python downloads page for Windows
2020-07-15 23:25:50 +02:00
set /a tried=!tried!+1
2019-03-14 18:47:17 +01:00
echo ### ###
echo # Installing Python #
echo ### ###
echo Gathering info from
2019-03-30 04:54:08 +01:00
powershell -command "[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12; (new-object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('','%TEMP%\pyurl.txt')"
2019-03-14 18:47:17 +01:00
if not exist "%TEMP%\pyurl.txt" (
2024-02-07 21:15:56 +01:00
if /i "!just_installing!" == "TRUE" (
echo Failed to get info
exit /b 1
) else (
goto checkpy
2019-03-14 18:47:17 +01:00
echo Parsing for latest...
pushd "%TEMP%"
:: Version detection code slimmed by LussacZheng (
2019-09-15 05:32:16 +02:00
for /f "tokens=9 delims=< " %%x in ('findstr /i /c:"Latest Python !targetpy! Release" pyurl.txt') do ( set "release=%%x" )
2019-03-14 18:47:17 +01:00
2024-02-07 21:15:56 +01:00
echo Found Python !release! - Downloading...
2019-03-14 18:47:17 +01:00
REM Let's delete our txt file now - we no longer need it
del "%TEMP%\pyurl.txt"
REM At this point - we should have the version number.
REM We can build the url like so: "[version]/python-[version]-amd64.exe"
set "url=!release!/python-!release!-amd64.exe"
2019-09-15 05:32:16 +02:00
set "pytype=exe"
if "!targetpy!" == "2" (
set "url=!release!/python-!release!.amd64.msi"
set "pytype=msi"
2019-03-14 18:47:17 +01:00
REM Now we download it with our slick powershell command
2019-09-15 05:32:16 +02:00
powershell -command "[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12; (new-object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('!url!','%TEMP%\pyinstall.!pytype!')"
2019-03-14 18:47:17 +01:00
REM If it doesn't exist - we bail
2019-09-15 05:32:16 +02:00
if not exist "%TEMP%\pyinstall.!pytype!" (
2024-02-07 21:15:56 +01:00
if /i "!just_installing!" == "TRUE" (
echo Failed to download installer
exit /b 1
) else (
goto checkpy
2019-03-14 18:47:17 +01:00
REM It should exist at this point - let's run it to install silently
echo Installing...
pushd "%TEMP%"
2019-09-15 05:32:16 +02:00
if /i "!pytype!" == "exe" (
echo pyinstall.exe /quiet PrependPath=1 Include_test=0 Shortcuts=0 Include_launcher=0
pyinstall.exe /quiet PrependPath=1 Include_test=0 Shortcuts=0 Include_launcher=0
) else (
set "foldername=!release:.=!"
echo msiexec /i pyinstall.msi /qb ADDLOCAL=ALL TARGETDIR="%LocalAppData%\Programs\Python\Python!foldername:~0,2!"
msiexec /i pyinstall.msi /qb ADDLOCAL=ALL TARGETDIR="%LocalAppData%\Programs\Python\Python!foldername:~0,2!"
2019-03-14 18:47:17 +01:00
2019-09-15 05:32:16 +02:00
echo Installer finished with %ERRORLEVEL% status.
2019-03-14 18:47:17 +01:00
REM Now we should be able to delete the installer and check for py again
2019-09-15 05:32:16 +02:00
del "%TEMP%\pyinstall.!pytype!"
2019-03-14 18:47:17 +01:00
REM If it worked, then we should have python in our PATH
REM this does not get updated right away though - let's try
REM manually updating the local PATH var
call :updatepath
2024-02-07 21:15:56 +01:00
if /i "!just_installing!" == "TRUE" (
echo Done.
) else (
goto checkpy
2019-03-14 18:47:17 +01:00
exit /b
2018-10-07 05:07:20 +02:00
2019-03-14 18:47:17 +01:00
2018-10-07 05:07:20 +02:00
REM Python found
2019-03-14 19:15:43 +01:00
2019-06-14 18:29:01 +02:00
set "args=%*"
set "args=!args:"=!"
if "!args!"=="" (
2019-09-15 05:32:16 +02:00
"!pypath!" "!thisDir!!script_name!"
2018-10-07 05:07:20 +02:00
) else (
2019-09-15 05:32:16 +02:00
"!pypath!" "!thisDir!!script_name!" %*
2019-02-21 20:30:04 +01:00
2020-07-05 18:45:06 +02:00
if /i "!pause_on_error!" == "yes" (
if not "%ERRORLEVEL%" == "0" (
echo Script exited with error code: %ERRORLEVEL%
echo Press [enter] to exit...
pause > nul
2019-03-14 18:47:17 +01:00
goto :EOF