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synced 2025-03-02 03:21:37 +01:00
Update MakeInstall.bat
This commit is contained in:
@ -28,11 +28,6 @@ set "just_installing=FALSE"
REM Get the system32 (or equivalent) path
call :getsyspath "syspath"
if "%~1" == "--install-python" (
set "just_installing=TRUE"
goto installpy
REM Make sure the syspath exists
if "!syspath!" == "" (
if exist "%SYSTEMROOT%\system32\cmd.exe" (
@ -63,6 +58,11 @@ if "!syspath!" == "" (
if "%~1" == "--install-python" (
set "just_installing=TRUE"
goto installpy
goto checkscript
@ -86,83 +86,6 @@ if not exist "!thisDir!\!script_name!" (
goto checkpy
:getsyspath <variable_name>
REM Helper method to return a valid path to cmd.exe, reg.exe, and where.exe by
REM walking the ComSpec var - will also repair it in memory if need be
REM Strip double semi-colons
call :undouble "temppath" "%ComSpec%" ";"
REM Dirty hack to leverage the "line feed" approach - there are some odd side
REM effects with this. Do not use this variable name in comments near this
REM line - as it seems to behave erradically.
(set LF=^
%=this line is empty=%
REM Replace instances of semi-colons with a line feed and wrap
REM in parenthesis to work around some strange batch behavior
set "testpath=%temppath:;=!LF!%"
REM Let's walk each path and test if cmd.exe, reg.exe, and where.exe exist there
set /a found=0
for /f "tokens=* delims=" %%i in ("!testpath!") do (
REM Only continue if we haven't found it yet
if not "%%i" == "" (
if !found! lss 1 (
set "checkpath=%%i"
REM Remove "cmd.exe" from the end if it exists
if /i "!checkpath:~-7!" == "cmd.exe" (
set "checkpath=!checkpath:~0,-7!"
REM Pad the end with a backslash if needed
if not "!checkpath:~-1!" == "\" (
set "checkpath=!checkpath!\"
REM Let's see if cmd, reg, and where exist there - and set it if so
if EXIST "!checkpath!cmd.exe" (
if EXIST "!checkpath!reg.exe" (
if EXIST "!checkpath!where.exe" (
set /a found=1
set "ComSpec=!checkpath!cmd.exe"
set "%~1=!checkpath!"
goto :EOF
set "spath="
set "upath="
for /f "USEBACKQ tokens=2* delims= " %%i in (`!syspath!reg.exe query "HKCU\Environment" /v "Path" 2^> nul`) do ( if not "%%j" == "" set "upath=%%j" )
for /f "USEBACKQ tokens=2* delims= " %%i in (`!syspath!reg.exe query "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment" /v "Path" 2^> nul`) do ( if not "%%j" == "" set "spath=%%j" )
if not "%spath%" == "" (
REM We got something in the system path
set "PATH=%spath%"
if not "%upath%" == "" (
REM We also have something in the user path
set "PATH=%PATH%;%upath%"
) else if not "%upath%" == "" (
set "PATH=%upath%"
REM Remove double semicolons from the adjusted PATH
call :undouble "PATH" "%PATH%" ";"
goto :EOF
:undouble <string_name> <string_value> <character>
REM Helper function to strip doubles of a single character out of a string recursively
set "string_value=%~2"
set "check=!string_value:%~3%~3=%~3!"
if not "!check!" == "!string_value!" (
set "string_value=!check!"
goto :undouble_continue
set "%~1=!check!"
goto :EOF
call :updatepath
for /f "USEBACKQ tokens=*" %%x in (`!syspath!where.exe python 2^> nul`) do ( call :checkpyversion "%%x" "py2v" "py2path" "py3v" "py3path" )
@ -387,3 +310,80 @@ if /i "!pause_on_error!" == "yes" (
goto :EOF
:undouble <string_name> <string_value> <character>
REM Helper function to strip doubles of a single character out of a string recursively
set "string_value=%~2"
set "check=!string_value:%~3%~3=%~3!"
if not "!check!" == "!string_value!" (
set "string_value=!check!"
goto :undouble_continue
set "%~1=!check!"
goto :EOF
set "spath="
set "upath="
for /f "USEBACKQ tokens=2* delims= " %%i in (`!syspath!reg.exe query "HKCU\Environment" /v "Path" 2^> nul`) do ( if not "%%j" == "" set "upath=%%j" )
for /f "USEBACKQ tokens=2* delims= " %%i in (`!syspath!reg.exe query "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment" /v "Path" 2^> nul`) do ( if not "%%j" == "" set "spath=%%j" )
if not "%spath%" == "" (
REM We got something in the system path
set "PATH=%spath%"
if not "%upath%" == "" (
REM We also have something in the user path
set "PATH=%PATH%;%upath%"
) else if not "%upath%" == "" (
set "PATH=%upath%"
REM Remove double semicolons from the adjusted PATH
call :undouble "PATH" "%PATH%" ";"
goto :EOF
:getsyspath <variable_name>
REM Helper method to return a valid path to cmd.exe, reg.exe, and where.exe by
REM walking the ComSpec var - will also repair it in memory if need be
REM Strip double semi-colons
call :undouble "temppath" "%ComSpec%" ";"
REM Dirty hack to leverage the "line feed" approach - there are some odd side
REM effects with this. Do not use this variable name in comments near this
REM line - as it seems to behave erradically.
(set LF=^
%=this line is empty=%
REM Replace instances of semi-colons with a line feed and wrap
REM in parenthesis to work around some strange batch behavior
set "testpath=%temppath:;=!LF!%"
REM Let's walk each path and test if cmd.exe, reg.exe, and where.exe exist there
set /a found=0
for /f "tokens=* delims=" %%i in ("!testpath!") do (
REM Only continue if we haven't found it yet
if not "%%i" == "" (
if !found! lss 1 (
set "checkpath=%%i"
REM Remove "cmd.exe" from the end if it exists
if /i "!checkpath:~-7!" == "cmd.exe" (
set "checkpath=!checkpath:~0,-7!"
REM Pad the end with a backslash if needed
if not "!checkpath:~-1!" == "\" (
set "checkpath=!checkpath!\"
REM Let's see if cmd, reg, and where exist there - and set it if so
if EXIST "!checkpath!cmd.exe" (
if EXIST "!checkpath!reg.exe" (
if EXIST "!checkpath!where.exe" (
set /a found=1
set "ComSpec=!checkpath!cmd.exe"
set "%~1=!checkpath!"
goto :EOF
Reference in New Issue
Block a user