#!/usr/bin/env python from Scripts import * import os, datetime, shutil, time, sys, argparse # Using the techniques outlined by wolfmannight here: https://www.insanelymac.com/forum/topic/338810-create-legit-copy-of-macos-from-apple-catalog/ class buildMacOSInstallApp: def __init__(self): self.r = run.Run() self.u = utils.Utils("Build macOS Install App") self.target_files = [ "BaseSystem.dmg", "BaseSystem.chunklist", "InstallESDDmg.pkg", "InstallInfo.plist", "AppleDiagnostics.dmg", "AppleDiagnostics.chunklist" ] # Verify we're on macOS - this doesn't work anywhere else if not sys.platform == "darwin": self.u.head("WARNING") print("") print("This script only runs on macOS!") print("") exit(1) def mount_dmg(self, dmg, no_browse = False): # Mounts the passed dmg and returns the mount point(s) args = ["/usr/bin/hdiutil", "attach", dmg, "-plist", "-noverify"] if no_browse: args.append("-nobrowse") out = self.r.run({"args":args}) if out[2] != 0: # Failed! raise Exception("Mount Failed!", "{} failed to mount:\n\n{}".format(os.path.basename(dmg), out[1])) # Get the plist data returned, and locate the mount points try: plist_data = plist.loads(out[0]) mounts = [x["mount-point"] for x in plist_data.get("system-entities", []) if "mount-point" in x] return mounts except: raise Exception("Mount Failed!", "No mount points returned from {}".format(os.path.basename(dmg))) def unmount_dmg(self, mount_point): # Unmounts the passed dmg or mount point - retries with force if failed # Can take either a single point or a list if not type(mount_point) is list: mount_point = [mount_point] unmounted = [] for m in mount_point: args = ["/usr/bin/hdiutil", "detach", m] out = self.r.run({"args":args}) if out[2] != 0: # Polite failed, let's crush this b! args.append("-force") out = self.r.run({"args":args}) if out[2] != 0: # Oh... failed again... onto the next... print(out[1]) continue unmounted.append(m) return unmounted def main(self): while True: self.u.head() print("") print("Q. Quit") print("") fold = self.u.grab("Please drag and drop the output folder from gibMacOS here: ") print("") if fold.lower() == "q": self.u.custom_quit() f_path = self.u.check_path(fold) if not f_path: print("That path does not exist!\n") self.u.grab("Press [enter] to return...") continue # Let's check if it's a folder. If not, make the next directory up the target if not os.path.isdir(f_path): f_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(f_path)) # Walk the contents of f_path and ensure we have all the needed files lower_contents = [y.lower() for y in os.listdir(f_path)] # Check if we got an InstallAssistant.pkg - and if so, just open that if "installassistant.pkg" in lower_contents: self.u.head("InstallAssistant.pkg Found") print("") print("Located InstallAssistant.pkg in the passed folder.\n") print("As of macOS Big Sur (11.x), Apple changed how they distribute the OS files in") print("the software update catalog.\n") print("Double clicking the InstallAssistant.pkg will open it in Installer, which will") print("copy the Install macOS [version].app to your /Applications folder.\n") print("Opening InstallAssistant.pkg...") self.r.run({"args":["open",os.path.join(f_path,"InstallAssistant.pkg")]}) print("") self.u.grab("Press [enter] to return...") continue missing_list = [x for x in self.target_files if not x.lower() in lower_contents] if len(missing_list): self.u.head("Missing Required Files") print("") print("That folder is missing the following required files:") print(", ".join(missing_list)) print("") self.u.grab("Press [enter] to return...") # Time to build the installer! cwd = os.getcwd() os.chdir(f_path) base_mounts = [] try: self.u.head("Building Installer") print("") print("Taking ownership of downloaded files...") for x in self.target_files: print(" - {}...".format(x)) self.r.run({"args":["chmod","a+x",x]}) print("Mounting BaseSystem.dmg...") base_mounts = self.mount_dmg("BaseSystem.dmg") if not len(base_mounts): raise Exception("Mount Failed!", "No mount points were returned from BaseSystem.dmg") base_mount = base_mounts[0] # Let's assume the first print("Locating Installer app...") install_app = next((x for x in os.listdir(base_mount) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(base_mount,x)) and x.lower().endswith(".app") and not x.startswith(".")),None) if not install_app: raise Exception("Installer app not located in {}".format(base_mount)) print(" - Found {}".format(install_app)) # Copy the .app over out = self.r.run({"args":["cp","-R",os.path.join(base_mount,install_app),os.path.join(f_path,install_app)]}) if out[2] != 0: raise Exception("Copy Failed!", out[1]) print("Unmounting BaseSystem.dmg...") for x in base_mounts: self.unmount_dmg(x) base_mounts = [] shared_support = os.path.join(f_path,install_app,"Contents","SharedSupport") if not os.path.exists(shared_support): print("Creating SharedSupport directory...") os.makedirs(shared_support) print("Copying files to SharedSupport...") for x in self.target_files: y = "InstallESD.dmg" if x.lower() == "installesddmg.pkg" else x # InstallESDDmg.pkg gets renamed to InstallESD.dmg - all others stay the same print(" - {}{}".format(x, " --> {}".format(y) if y != x else "")) out = self.r.run({"args":["cp","-R",os.path.join(f_path,x),os.path.join(shared_support,y)]}) if out[2] != 0: raise Exception("Copy Failed!", out[1]) print("Patching InstallInfo.plist...") with open(os.path.join(shared_support,"InstallInfo.plist"),"rb") as f: p = plist.load(f) if "Payload Image Info" in p: pii = p["Payload Image Info"] if "URL" in pii: pii["URL"] = pii["URL"].replace("InstallESDDmg.pkg","InstallESD.dmg") if "id" in pii: pii["id"] = pii["id"].replace("com.apple.pkg.InstallESDDmg","com.apple.dmg.InstallESD") pii.pop("chunklistURL",None) pii.pop("chunklistid",None) with open(os.path.join(shared_support,"InstallInfo.plist"),"wb") as f: plist.dump(p,f) print("") print("Created: {}".format(install_app)) print("Saved to: {}".format(os.path.join(f_path,install_app))) print("") self.u.grab("Press [enter] to return...") except Exception as e: print("An error occurred:") print(" - {}".format(e)) print("") if len(base_mounts): for x in base_mounts: print(" - Unmounting {}...".format(x)) self.unmount_dmg(x) print("") self.u.grab("Press [enter] to return...") if __name__ == '__main__': b = buildMacOSInstallApp() b.main()