import sys, os, time, re, json, datetime, ctypes, subprocess if == "nt": # Windows import msvcrt else: # Not Windows \o/ import select class Utils: def __init__(self, name = "Python Script"): = name # Init our colors before we need to print anything cwd = os.getcwd() os.chdir(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))) if os.path.exists("colors.json"): self.colors_dict = json.load(open("colors.json")) else: self.colors_dict = {} os.chdir(cwd) def check_admin(self): # Returns whether or not we're admin try: is_admin = os.getuid() == 0 except AttributeError: is_admin = ctypes.windll.shell32.IsUserAnAdmin() != 0 return is_admin def elevate(self, file): # Runs the passed file as admin if self.check_admin(): return if == "nt": ctypes.windll.shell32.ShellExecuteW(None, "runas", sys.executable, file, None, 1) else: try: p = subprocess.Popen(["which", "sudo"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) c = p.communicate()[0].decode("utf-8", "ignore").replace("\n", "") os.execv(c, [ sys.executable, 'python'] + sys.argv) except: exit(1) def compare_versions(self, vers1, vers2, **kwargs): # Helper method to compare ##.## strings # # vers1 < vers2 = True # vers1 = vers2 = None # vers1 > vers2 = False # Sanitize the pads pad = str(kwargs.get("pad", "")) sep = str(kwargs.get("separator", ".")) ignore_case = kwargs.get("ignore_case", True) # Cast as strings vers1 = str(vers1) vers2 = str(vers2) if ignore_case: vers1 = vers1.lower() vers2 = vers2.lower() # Split and pad lists v1_parts, v2_parts = self.pad_length(vers1.split(sep), vers2.split(sep)) # Iterate and compare for i in range(len(v1_parts)): # Remove non-numeric v1 = ''.join(c.lower() for c in v1_parts[i] if c.isalnum()) v2 = ''.join(c.lower() for c in v2_parts[i] if c.isalnum()) # Equalize the lengths v1, v2 = self.pad_length(v1, v2) # Compare if str(v1) < str(v2): return True elif str(v1) > str(v2): return False # Never differed - return None, must be equal return None def pad_length(self, var1, var2, pad = "0"): # Pads the vars on the left side to make them equal length pad = "0" if len(str(pad)) < 1 else str(pad)[0] if not type(var1) == type(var2): # Type mismatch! Just return what we got return (var1, var2) if len(var1) < len(var2): if type(var1) is list: var1.extend([str(pad) for x in range(len(var2) - len(var1))]) else: var1 = "{}{}".format((pad*(len(var2)-len(var1))), var1) elif len(var2) < len(var1): if type(var2) is list: var2.extend([str(pad) for x in range(len(var1) - len(var2))]) else: var2 = "{}{}".format((pad*(len(var1)-len(var2))), var2) return (var1, var2) def check_path(self, path): # Let's loop until we either get a working path, or no changes test_path = path last_path = None while True: # Bail if we've looped at least once and the path didn't change if last_path != None and last_path == test_path: return None last_path = test_path # Check if we stripped everything out if not len(test_path): return None # Check if we have a valid path if os.path.exists(test_path): return os.path.abspath(test_path) # Check for quotes if test_path[0] == test_path[-1] and test_path[0] in ('"',"'"): test_path = test_path[1:-1] continue # Check for a tilde and expand if needed if test_path[0] == "~": tilde_expanded = os.path.expanduser(test_path) if tilde_expanded != test_path: # Got a change test_path = tilde_expanded continue # Let's check for spaces - strip from the left first, then the right if test_path[0] in (" ","\t"): test_path = test_path[1:] continue if test_path[-1] in (" ","\t"): test_path = test_path[:-1] continue # Maybe we have escapes to handle? test_path = "\\".join([x.replace("\\", "") for x in test_path.split("\\\\")]) def grab(self, prompt, **kwargs): # Takes a prompt, a default, and a timeout and shows it with that timeout # returning the result timeout = kwargs.get("timeout", 0) default = kwargs.get("default", None) # If we don't have a timeout - then skip the timed sections if timeout <= 0: if sys.version_info >= (3, 0): return input(prompt) else: return str(raw_input(prompt)) # Write our prompt sys.stdout.write(prompt) sys.stdout.flush() if == "nt": start_time = time.time() i = '' while True: if msvcrt.kbhit(): c = msvcrt.getche() if ord(c) == 13: # enter_key break elif ord(c) >= 32: #space_char i += c if len(i) == 0 and (time.time() - start_time) > timeout: break else: i, o, e = [sys.stdin], [], [], timeout ) if i: i = sys.stdin.readline().strip() print('') # needed to move to next line if len(i) > 0: return i else: return default def cls(self): os.system('cls' if'nt' else 'clear') def cprint(self, message, **kwargs): strip_colors = kwargs.get("strip_colors", False) if == "nt": strip_colors = True reset = u"\u001b[0m" # Requires sys import for c in self.colors: if strip_colors: message = message.replace(c["find"], "") else: message = message.replace(c["find"], c["replace"]) if strip_colors: return message sys.stdout.write(message) print(reset) # Needs work to resize the string if color chars exist '''# Header drawing method def head(self, text = None, width = 55): if text == None: text = self.cls() print(" {}".format("#"*width)) len_text = self.cprint(text, strip_colors=True) mid_len = int(round(width/2-len(len_text)/2)-2) middle = " #{}{}{}#".format(" "*mid_len, len_text, " "*((width - mid_len - len(len_text))-2)) if len(middle) > width+1: # Get the difference di = len(middle) - width # Add the padding for the ...# di += 3 # Trim the string middle = middle[:-di] newlen = len(middle) middle += "...#" find_list = [ c["find"] for c in self.colors ] # Translate colored string to len middle = middle.replace(len_text, text + self.rt_color) # always reset just in case self.cprint(middle) print("#"*width)''' # Header drawing method def head(self, text = None, width = 55): if text == None: text = self.cls() print(" {}".format("#"*width)) mid_len = int(round(width/2-len(text)/2)-2) middle = " #{}{}{}#".format(" "*mid_len, text, " "*((width - mid_len - len(text))-2)) if len(middle) > width+1: # Get the difference di = len(middle) - width # Add the padding for the ...# di += 3 # Trim the string middle = middle[:-di] + "...#" print(middle) print("#"*width) def resize(self, width, height): print('\033[8;{};{}t'.format(height, width)) def custom_quit(self): self.head() print("by CorpNewt\n") print("Thanks for testing it out, for bugs/comments/complaints") print("send me a message on Reddit, or check out my GitHub:\n") print("") print("\n") # Get the time and wish them a good morning, afternoon, evening, and night hr = if hr > 3 and hr < 12: print("Have a nice morning!\n\n") elif hr >= 12 and hr < 17: print("Have a nice afternoon!\n\n") elif hr >= 17 and hr < 21: print("Have a nice evening!\n\n") else: print("Have a nice night!\n\n") exit(0)