#!/usr/bin/python from Scripts import * import os, datetime, shutil, time, sys, argparse class gibMacOS: def __init__(self): self.d = downloader.Downloader() self.u = utils.Utils("gibMacOS") self.min_w = 80 self.min_h = 24 self.u.resize(self.min_w, self.min_h) self.catalog_suffix = { "public" : "beta", "publicrelease" : "", "customer" : "customerseed", "developer" : "seed" } self.current_macos = 14 self.min_macos = 5 self.mac_os_names_url = { "8" : "mountainlion", "7" : "lion", "6" : "snowleopard", "5" : "leopard" } self.current_catalog = "publicrelease" self.catalog_data = None self.scripts = "Scripts" self.plist = "cat.plist" self.saves = "macOS Downloads" self.save_local = False self.find_recovery = False self.recovery_suffixes = ( "RecoveryHDUpdate.pkg", "RecoveryHDMetaDmg.pkg" ) def resize(self, width=0, height=0): if os.name=="nt": # Winders resizing is dumb... bail return width = width if width > self.min_w else self.min_w height = height if height > self.min_h else self.min_h self.u.resize(width, height) def set_prods(self): self.resize() if not self.get_catalog_data(self.save_local): self.u.head("Catalog Data Error") print("") print("The currently selected catalog ({}) was not reachable".format(self.current_catalog)) if self.save_local: print("and I was unable to locate a valid {} file in the\n{} directory.".format(self.plist, self.scripts)) print("Please ensure you have a working internet connection.") print("") self.u.grab("Press [enter] to exit...") self.mac_prods = self.get_dict_for_prods(self.get_installers()) def set_catalog(self, catalog): self.current_catalog = catalog.lower() if catalog.lower() in self.catalog_suffix else "publicrelease" def build_url(self, **kwargs): catalog = kwargs.get("catalog", self.current_catalog).lower() catalog = catalog if catalog.lower() in self.catalog_suffix else "publicrelease" version = int(kwargs.get("version", self.current_macos)) url = "https://swscan.apple.com/content/catalogs/others/index-" url += "-".join([self.mac_os_names_url[str(x)] if str(x) in self.mac_os_names_url else "10."+str(x) for x in reversed(range(self.min_macos, version+1))]) url += ".merged-1.sucatalog" ver_s = self.mac_os_names_url[str(version)] if str(version) in self.mac_os_names_url else "10."+str(version) url = url.replace(ver_s, ver_s+self.catalog_suffix[catalog]) return url def get_catalog_data(self, local = False): # Gets the data based on our current_catalog url = self.build_url(catalog=self.current_catalog, version=self.current_macos) self.u.head("Downloading Catalog") print("") print("Currently downloading {} catalog from\n\n{}\n".format(self.current_catalog, url)) try: b = self.d.get_bytes(url) self.catalog_data = plist.loads(b) # Assume it's valid data - dump it to a local file if local: cwd = os.getcwd() os.chdir(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))) with open(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), self.scripts, self.plist), "wb") as f: plist.dump(self.catalog_data, f) os.chdir(cwd) except: if local: # Check if we have one locally in our scripts directory if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), self.scripts, self.plist)): return False # It does - try to load it try: cwd = os.getcwd() os.chdir(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))) with open(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), self.scripts, self.plist), "rb") as f: self.catalog_data = plist.load(f) os.chdir(cwd) except: return False return True def get_installers(self, plist_dict = None): if not plist_dict: plist_dict = self.catalog_data if not plist_dict: return [] mac_prods = [] for p in plist_dict.get("Products", {}): if not self.find_recovery: if plist_dict.get("Products",{}).get(p,{}).get("ExtendedMetaInfo",{}).get("InstallAssistantPackageIdentifiers",{}).get("OSInstall",{}) == "com.apple.mpkg.OSInstall": mac_prods.append(p) else: # Find out if we have any of the recovert_suffixes if any(x for x in plist_dict.get("Products",{}).get(p,{}).get("Packages",[]) if x["URL"].endswith(self.recovery_suffixes)): mac_prods.append(p) return mac_prods def get_dict_for_prods(self, prods, plist_dict = None): if plist_dict==self.catalog_data==None: plist_dict = {} else: plist_dict = self.catalog_data if plist_dict == None else plist_dict prod_list = [] for prod in prods: # Grab the ServerMetadataURL for the passed product key if it exists prodd = {"product":prod} try: b = self.d.get_bytes(plist_dict.get("Products",{}).get(prod,{}).get("ServerMetadataURL",""), False) smd = plist.loads(b) except: smd = {} # Populate some info! prodd["date"] = plist_dict.get("Products",{}).get(prod,{}).get("PostDate","") prodd["installer"] = False if plist_dict.get("Products",{}).get(prod,{}).get("ExtendedMetaInfo",{}).get("InstallAssistantPackageIdentifiers",{}).get("OSInstall",{}) == "com.apple.mpkg.OSInstall": prodd["installer"] = True prodd["time"] = time.mktime(prodd["date"].timetuple()) + prodd["date"].microsecond / 1E6 prodd["title"] = smd.get("localization",{}).get("English",{}).get("title","Unknown") prodd["version"] = smd.get("CFBundleShortVersionString","Unknown") if prodd["version"] == " ": prodd["version"] = "" # Try to get the description too try: desc = smd.get("localization",{}).get("English",{}).get("description","").decode("utf-8") desctext = desc.split('"p1">')[1].split("</a>")[0] except: desctext = None prodd["description"] = desctext # Iterate the available packages and save their urls and sizes if self.find_recovery: # Only get the recovery packages prodd["packages"] = [x for x in plist_dict.get("Products",{}).get(prod,{}).get("Packages",[]) if x["URL"].endswith(self.recovery_suffixes)] else: # Add them all! prodd["packages"] = plist_dict.get("Products",{}).get(prod,{}).get("Packages",[]) prod_list.append(prodd) # Sort by newest prod_list = sorted(prod_list, key=lambda x:x["time"], reverse=True) return prod_list def download_prod(self, prod, dmg = False): # Takes a dictonary of details and downloads it self.resize() cwd = os.getcwd() os.chdir(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))) name = "{} - {} {}".format(prod["product"], prod["version"], prod["title"]) if os.path.exists(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), self.saves, self.current_catalog, name)): while True: self.u.head("Already Exists") print("") print("It looks like you've already downloaded {}".format(name)) print("") menu = self.u.grab("Redownload? (y/n): ") if not len(menu): continue if menu[0].lower() == "n": return if menu[0].lower() == "y": break # Remove the old copy, then re-download shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), self.saves, self.current_catalog, name)) # Make it new os.makedirs(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), self.saves, self.current_catalog, name)) dl_list = [] for x in prod["packages"]: if not x.get("URL",None): continue if dmg and not x.get("URL","").lower().endswith(".dmg"): continue # add it to the list dl_list.append(x["URL"]) if not len(dl_list): self.u.head("Error") print("") print("There were no files to download") print("") self.u.grab("Press [enter] to return...") return c = 0 done = [] for x in dl_list: c += 1 self.u.head("Downloading File {} of {}".format(c, len(dl_list))) print("") if len(done): print("\n".join(["{} --> {}".format(y["name"], "Succeeded" if y["status"] else "Failed") for y in done])) print("") if dmg: print("NOTE: Only Downloading DMG Files") print("") print("Downloading {} for {}...".format(os.path.basename(x), name)) print("") try: self.d.stream_to_file(x, os.path.join(os.getcwd(), self.saves, self.current_catalog, name, os.path.basename(x))) done.append({"name":os.path.basename(x), "status":True}) except: done.append({"name":os.path.basename(x), "status":False}) succeeded = [x for x in done if x["status"]] failed = [x for x in done if not x["status"]] self.u.head("Downloaded {} of {}".format(len(succeeded), len(dl_list))) print("") print("Succeeded:") if len(succeeded): for x in succeeded: print(" {}".format(x["name"])) else: print(" None") print("") print("Failed:") if len(failed): for x in failed: print(" {}".format(x["name"])) else: print(" None") print("") print("Files saved to:") print(" {}".format(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), self.saves, self.current_catalog, name))) print("") self.u.grab("Press [enter] to return...") def show_catalog_url(self): self.resize() self.u.head() print("") print("Current Catalog: {}".format(self.current_catalog)) print("Max macOS Version: 10.{}".format(self.current_macos)) print("") print("{}".format(self.build_url())) print("") menu = self.u.grab("Press [enter] to return...") return def main(self, dmg = False): self.u.head() print("") print("Available Products:") print("") num = 0 w = 0 if not len(self.mac_prods): print("No installers in catalog!") print("") exit() for p in self.mac_prods: num += 1 var1 = "{}. {} {}".format(num, p["title"], p["version"]) var2 = " - {} - Added {}".format(p["product"], p["date"]) if self.find_recovery and p["installer"]: # Show that it's a full installer var2 += " - FULL Install" w = len(var1) if len(var1) > w else w w = len(var2) if len(var2) > w else w print(var1) print(var2) print("") print("R. Toggle Recovery-Only (Currently {})".format("On" if self.find_recovery else "Off")) print("U. Show Catalog URL") print("Q. Quit") self.resize(w, (num*2)+11) if os.name=="nt": # Formatting differences.. print("") menu = self.u.grab("Please select an option: ") if not len(menu): return if menu[0].lower() == "q": self.resize() self.u.custom_quit() elif menu[0].lower() == "u": self.show_catalog_url() return elif menu[0].lower() == "r": self.find_recovery ^= True self.u.head("Parsing Data") print("") print("Re-scanning products after recovery preference toggled...") self.mac_prods = self.get_dict_for_prods(self.get_installers()) return # Assume we picked something try: menu = int(menu) except: return if menu < 1 or menu > len(self.mac_prods): return self.download_prod(self.mac_prods[menu-1], dmg) def get_latest(self, dmg = False): self.u.head("Downloading Latest") print("") self.download_prod(self.mac_prods[-1], dmg) def get_for_product(self, prod, dmg = False): self.u.head("Downloading for {}".format(prod)) print("") for p in self.mac_prods: if p["product"] == prod: self.download_prod(p, dmg) return print("{} not found".format(prod)) def get_for_version(self, vers, dmg = False): self.u.head("Downloading for {}".format(vers)) print("") for p in self.mac_prods: if p["version"] == vers: self.download_prod(p, dmg) return print("10.{} not found".format(vers)) if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("-l", "--latest", help="downloads the version avaialble in the current catalog (overrides --version and --product)", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("-r", "--recovery", help="looks for RecoveryHDUpdate.pkg and RecoveryHDMetaDmg.pkg in lieu of com.apple.mpkg.OSInstall (overrides --dmg)", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("-d", "--dmg", help="downloads only the .dmg files", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("-c", "--catalog", help="sets the CATALOG to use - publicrelease, public, customer, developer") parser.add_argument("-p", "--product", help="sets the product id to search for (overrides --version)") parser.add_argument("-v", "--version", help="sets the version of macOS to target - eg 10.14") parser.add_argument("-m", "--maxos", help="sets the max macOS version to consider when building the url - eg 10.14") args = parser.parse_args() g = gibMacOS() if args.recovery: args.dmg = False g.find_recovery = args.recovery if args.maxos: try: m = int(str(args.maxos).replace("10.","")) g.current_macos = m except: pass if args.catalog: # Set the catalog g.set_catalog(args.catalog) # Done setting up pre-requisites g.set_prods() if args.latest: g.get_latest(args.dmg) exit() if args.product != None: g.get_for_product(args.product, args.dmg) exit() if args.version != None: g.get_for_version(args.version, args.dmg) exit() while True: g.main(args.dmg)