from Scripts import * import os, sys, tempfile, shutil, zipfile, platform, json, time class WinUSB: def __init__(self): self.u = utils.Utils("MakeInstall") self.min_plat = 9600 # Make sure we're on windows self.verify_os() # Setup initial vars self.d = diskwin.Disk() self.dl = downloader.Downloader() self.r = run.Run() self.scripts = "Scripts" self.s_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), self.scripts) self.dd_url = "" self.dd_name = os.path.basename(self.dd_url) self.z_json = "" self.z_url2 = "" self.z_url = "[[vers]]-x64.msi" self.z_name = "7z.exe" self.z_reg = [ { "loc" : "HKLM\\Software\\Classes\\CLSID\\{23170F69-40C1-278A-1000-000100020000}", "val" : "7-Zip Shell Extension" }, { "loc" : "HKLM\\Software\\Classes\\CLSID\\{23170F69-40C1-278A-1000-000100020000}\InprocServer32", "name": "ThreadingModel", "val" : "Apartment" }, { "loc" : "HKLM\\Software\\Classes\\*\\shellex\\ContextMenuHanders\\7-Zip", "val" : "{23170F69-40C1-278A-1000-000100020000}" }, { "loc" : "HKLM\\Software\\Classes\\Directory\\shellex\\ContextMenuHanders\\7-Zip", "val" : "{23170F69-40C1-278A-1000-000100020000}" }, { "loc" : "HKLM\\Software\\Classes\\Folder\\shellex\\ContextMenuHanders\\7-Zip", "val" : "{23170F69-40C1-278A-1000-000100020000}" }, ] self.bi_url = "" self.bi_name = "BOOTICEx64.exe" self.clover_url = "" # From Tim Sutton's brigadier: self.z_path = None self.z_path64 = os.path.join(os.environ['SYSTEMDRIVE'] + "\\", "Program Files", "7-Zip", "7z.exe") self.z_path32 = os.path.join(os.environ['SYSTEMDRIVE'] + "\\", "Program Files (x86)", "7-Zip", "7z.exe") self.recovery_suffixes = ( "recoveryhdupdate.pkg", "recoveryhdmetadmg.pkg" ) self.dd_bootsector = True self.boot0 = "boot0af" self.boot1 = "boot1f32alt" self.boot = "boot6" self.efi_id = "c12a7328-f81f-11d2-ba4b-00a0c93ec93b" # EFI self.bas_id = "ebd0a0a2-b9e5-4433-87c0-68b6b72699c7" # Microsoft Basic Data self.hfs_id = "48465300-0000-11AA-AA11-00306543ECAC" # HFS+ self.rec_id = "426F6F74-0000-11AA-AA11-00306543ECAC" # Apple Boot partition (Recovery HD) def verify_os(self): self.u.head("Verifying OS") print("") print("Verifying OS name...") if not"nt": print("") print("This script is only for Windows!") print("") self.u.grab("Press [enter] to exit...") exit(1) print(" - Name = NT") print("Verifying OS version...") # Verify we're at version 9600 or greater try: # Set plat to the last item of the output split by . - looks like: # Windows-8.1-6.3.9600 # or this: # Windows-10-10.0.17134-SP0 plat = int(platform.platform().split(".")[-1].split("-")[0]) except: plat = 0 if plat < self.min_plat: print("") print("Currently running {}, this script requires version {} or newer.".format(platform.platform(), self.min_plat)) print("") self.u.grab("Press [enter] to exit...") exit(1) print(" - Version = {}".format(plat)) print("") print("{} >= {}, continuing...".format(plat, self.min_plat)) def get_disks_of_type(self, disk_list, disk_type=(0,2)): disks = {} for disk in disk_list: if disk_list[disk].get("type",0) in disk_type: disks[disk] = disk_list[disk] return disks def check_dd(self): # Checks if ddrelease64.exe exists in our Scripts dir # and if not - downloads it # # Returns True if exists/downloaded successfully # or False if issues. # Check for dd.exe in the current dir if os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.s_path, self.dd_name)): # print("Located {}!".format(self.dd_name)) # Got it return True print("Couldn't locate {} - downloading...".format(self.dd_name)) # Now we need to download self.dl.stream_to_file(self.dd_url, os.path.join(self.s_path, self.dd_name)) print("") return os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.s_path, self.dd_name)) def check_7z(self): # Check for 7z.exe in Program Files and if not - download the 7z msi and install # # Returns True if found, False if not if os.path.exists(self.z_path64): # Got it self.z_path = self.z_path64 return True elif os.path.exists(self.z_path32): # Found the 32 bit version self.z_path = self.z_path32 return True print("Didn't locate {} - downloading...".format(self.z_name)) # Didn't find it - let's do some stupid stuff # First we get our json response - or rather, try to, then parse it # looking for the current version dl_url = None try: json = json.loads(self.dl.get_string(self.z_json)) v_num = json.get("release",{}).get("filename","").split("/")[-1].lower().replace("7z","").replace(".exe","") if len(v_num): dl_url = self.url.replace("[[vers]]",v_num) except: pass if not dl_url: dl_url = self.z_url2 temp = tempfile.mkdtemp() self.dl.stream_to_file(dl_url, os.path.join(temp, self.z_name)) print("") print("Installing 7zip...") # From Tim Sutton's brigadier:{"args":["msiexec", "/qn", "/i", os.path.join(temp, self.z_name)],"stream":True}) print("Setting reg entries...") for x in self.z_reg: if not "val" in x or not "loc" in x: continue args = ["reg.exe","add",x["loc"]] if x.get("name",None): args.extend(["/v",x["name"]]) if x.get("type",None): args.extend(["/t",x["type"]]) if x.get("val",None): args.extend(["/d",x["val"]]) args.append("/f") out ={"args":args}) if out[2] != 0: print("Error: {}".format(out[1])) print("") self.u.grab("Press [enter] to exit...") print("") return os.path.exists(self.z_path) def check_bi(self): # Checks for BOOTICEx64.exe in our scripts dir # and downloads it if need be if os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.s_path, self.bi_name)): # print("Located {}!".format(self.bi_name)) # Got it return True print("Couldn't locate {} - downloading...".format(self.bi_name)) temp = tempfile.mkdtemp() zfile = os.path.basename(self.bi_url) print("Downloading {}...".format(os.path.basename(self.bi_url))) self.dl.stream_to_file(self.bi_url, os.path.join(temp,zfile)) print("") print(" - Extracting...") # Extract with built-in tools \o/ os.chdir(temp) with zipfile.ZipFile(os.path.join(temp,zfile)) as z: z.extractall(temp) for x in os.listdir(temp): if self.bi_name.lower() in x.lower(): # Found it print(" - Found {}".format(x)) print(" - Copying to {} directory...".format(self.scripts)) shutil.copy(os.path.join(temp,x), os.path.join(self.s_path,x)) # Return the cd to the local script dir os.chdir(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))) # Remove the temp folder shutil.rmtree(temp,ignore_errors=True) return os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.s_path,self.bi_name)) def get_dl_info(self): # Returns the latest download package and info in a # dictionary: { "url" : dl_url, "name" : name, "info" : update_info } json_data = self.dl.get_string(self.clover_url, False) if not json_data or not len(json_data): return None try: j = json.loads(json_data) except: return None dl_link = next((x.get("browser_download_url", None) for x in j.get("assets", []) if x.get("browser_download_url", "").lower().endswith(".lzma")), None) if not dl_link: return None return { "url" : dl_link, "name" : os.path.basename(dl_link), "info" : j.get("body", None) } def get_size(self, size): # Returns the size passed as human readable if size == -1: return "Unknown" ext = ["B","KB","MB","GB","TB","PB"] s = float(size) s_dict = {} # Iterate the ext list, and divide by 1000 each time for e in ext: s_dict[e] = s s /= 1000 # Get the maximum >= 1 type biggest = next((x for x in ext[::-1] if s_dict[x] >= 1), "B") # Round to 2 decimal places bval = round(s_dict[biggest], 2) # Strip any orphaned, trailing 0's non_zero = False z_list = [] for z in str(bval).split(".")[1][::-1]: if z == "0" and not non_zero: # We have a zero - and haven't hit a non-zero yet continue # Either got a non-zero, or non_zero is already set non_zero = True # Set again - just in case z_list.append(z) if len(z_list): return "{}.{} {}".format(str(bval).split(".")[0], "".join(z_list[::-1]), biggest) else: return "{} {}".format(str(bval).split(".")[0], biggest) def diskpart_flag(self, disk, as_efi=False): # Sets and unsets the GUID needed for a GPT EFI partition ID self.u.head("Changing ID With DiskPart") print("") print("Setting type as {}...".format("EFI" if as_efi else "Basic Data")) print("") # - EFI system partition: c12a7328-f81f-11d2-ba4b-00a0c93ec93b # - Basic data partition: ebd0a0a2-b9e5-4433-87c0-68b6b72699c7 dp_script = "\n".join([ "select disk {}".format(disk.get("index",-1)), "sel part 1", "set id={}".format(self.efi_id if as_efi else self.bas_id) ]) temp = tempfile.mkdtemp() script = os.path.join(temp, "diskpart.txt") try: with open(script,"w") as f: f.write(dp_script) except: shutil.rmtree(temp) print("Error creating script!") print("") self.u.grab("Press [enter] to return...") return # Let's try to run it! out ={"args":["diskpart","/s",script],"stream":True}) # Ditch our script regardless of whether diskpart worked or not shutil.rmtree(temp) print("") if out[2] != 0: # Error city! print("DiskPart exited with non-zero status ({}). Aborting.".format(out[2])) else: print("Done - You may need to replug your drive for the") print("changes to take effect.") print("") self.u.grab("Press [enter] to return...") def diskpart_erase(self, disk, gpt=False): # Generate a script that we can pipe to diskpart to erase our disk self.u.head("Erasing With DiskPart") print("") # Then we'll re-gather our disk info on success and move forward # Using MBR to effectively set the individual partition types # Keeps us from having issues mounting the EFI on Windows - # and also lets us explicitly set the partition id for the main # data partition. if not gpt: print("Using MBR...") dp_script = "\n".join([ "select disk {}".format(disk.get("index",-1)), "clean", "convert mbr", "create partition primary size=200", "format quick fs=fat32 label='CLOVER'", "active", "create partition primary id=AB" # AF = HFS, AB = Recovery ]) else: print("Using GPT...") dp_script = "\n".join([ "select disk {}".format(disk.get("index",-1)), "clean", "convert gpt", "create partition primary size=200", "format quick fs=fat32 label='CLOVER'", "create partition primary id={}".format(self.hfs_id) ]) temp = tempfile.mkdtemp() script = os.path.join(temp, "diskpart.txt") try: with open(script,"w") as f: f.write(dp_script) except: shutil.rmtree(temp) print("Error creating script!") print("") self.u.grab("Press [enter] to return...") return # Let's try to run it! out ={"args":["diskpart","/s",script],"stream":True}) # Ditch our script regardless of whether diskpart worked or not shutil.rmtree(temp) if out[2] != 0: # Error city! print("") print("DiskPart exited with non-zero status ({}). Aborting.".format(out[2])) print("") self.u.grab("Press [enter] to return...") return # We should now have a fresh drive to work with # Let's write an image or something self.u.head("Updating Disk Information") print("") print("Re-populating list...") self.d.update() print("Relocating disk {}".format(disk["index"])) disk = self.d.disks[str(disk["index"])] self.select_package(disk) def select_package(self, disk): self.u.head("Select Recovery Package") print("") print("{}. {} - {} ({})".format( disk.get("index",-1), disk.get("model","Unknown"), self.get_size(disk.get("size",-1)), ["Unknown","No Root Dir","Removable","Local","Network","Disc","RAM Disk"][disk.get("type",0)] )) print("") print("M. Main Menu") print("Q. Quit") print("") menu = self.u.grab("Please paste the recovery update pkg path to extract: ") if menu.lower() == "q": self.u.custom_quit() if menu.lower() == "m": return path = self.u.check_path(menu) if not path: self.select_package(disk) return # Got the package - let's make sure it's named right - just in case if os.path.basename(path).lower().endswith(".hfs"): # We have an hfs image already - bypass extraction self.dd_image(disk, path) return # If it's a directory, find the first recovery hit if os.path.isdir(path): for f in os.listdir(path): if f.lower().endswith(self.recovery_suffixes): path = os.path.join(path, f) break # Make sure it's named right for recovery stuffs if not path.lower().endswith(self.recovery_suffixes): self.u.head("Invalid Package") print("") print("{} is not in the available recovery package names:\n{}".format(os.path.basename(path), ", ".join(self.recovery_suffixes))) print("") print("Ensure you're passing a proper recovery package.") print("") self.u.grab("Press [enter] to return to package selection...") self.select_package(disk) return self.u.head("Extracting Package") print("") temp = tempfile.mkdtemp() cwd = os.getcwd() os.chdir(temp) # Extract in sections and remove any files we run into print("Extracting Recovery dmg...") out ={"args":[self.z_path, "e", "-txar", path, "*.dmg"]}) if out[2] != 0: shutil.rmtree(temp,ignore_errors=True) print("An error occurred extracting: {}".format(out[2])) print("") self.u.grab("Press [enter] to return...") return print("Extracting BaseSystem.dmg...") # No files to delete here - let's extract the next part out ={"args":[self.z_path, "e", "*.dmg", "*/Base*.dmg"]}) if out[2] != 0: shutil.rmtree(temp,ignore_errors=True) print("An error occurred extracting: {}".format(out[2])) print("") self.u.grab("Press [enter] to return...") return # If we got here - we should delete everything in the temp folder except # for a .dmg that starts with Base del_list = [x for x in os.listdir(temp) if not (x.lower().startswith("base") and x.lower().endswith(".dmg"))] for d in del_list: os.remove(os.path.join(temp, d)) # Onto the last command print("Extracting hfs...") out ={"args":[self.z_path, "e", "-tdmg", "Base*.dmg", "*.hfs"]}) if out[2] != 0: shutil.rmtree(temp,ignore_errors=True) print("An error occurred extracting: {}".format(out[2])) print("") self.u.grab("Press [enter] to return...") return # If we got here - we should delete everything in the temp folder except # for a .dmg that starts with Base del_list = [x for x in os.listdir(temp) if not x.lower().endswith(".hfs")] for d in del_list: os.remove(os.path.join(temp, d)) print("Extracted successfully!") hfs = next((x for x in os.listdir(temp) if x.lower().endswith(".hfs")),None) # Now to dd our image - if it exists if not hfs: print("Missing the .hfs file! Aborting.") print("") self.u.grab("Press [enter] to return...") else: self.dd_image(disk, os.path.join(temp, hfs)) shutil.rmtree(temp,ignore_errors=True) def dd_image(self, disk, image): # Let's dd the shit out of our disk self.u.head("Copying Image To Drive") print("") print("Image: {}".format(image)) print("") print("Disk {}. {} - {} ({})".format( disk.get("index",-1), disk.get("model","Unknown"), self.get_size(disk.get("size",-1)), ["Unknown","No Root Dir","Removable","Local","Network","Disc","RAM Disk"][disk.get("type",0)] )) print("") args = [ os.path.join(self.s_path, self.dd_name), "if={}".format(image), "of=\\\\?\\Device\Harddisk{}\Partition2".format(disk.get("index",-1)), "bs=8M", "--progress" ] print(" ".join(args)) print("") print("This may take some time!") print("") out ={"args":args}) if len(out[1].split("Error")) > 1: # We had some error text - dd, even when failing likes to give us a 0 # status code. It also sends a ton of text through stderr - so we comb # that for "Error" then split by that to skip the extra fluff and show only # the error. print("An error occurred:\n\n{}".format("Error"+out[1].split("Error")[1])) print("") self.u.grab("Press [enter] to return to the main menu...") return # Install Clover to the target drive self.install_clover(disk) def install_clover(self, disk): self.u.head("Installing Clover") print("") print("Gathering info...") c = self.get_dl_info() if c == None: print(" - Error communicating with github!") print("") self.u.grab("Press [enter] to return...") return print(" - Got {}".format(c.get("name","Unknown Version"))) print("Downloading...") temp = tempfile.mkdtemp() os.chdir(temp) clover_lzma = c["name"] self.dl.stream_to_file(c["url"], os.path.join(temp, c["name"])) print("") # Empty space to clear the download progress if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(temp, c["name"])): print(" - Download failed. Aborting...") print("") self.u.grab("Press [enter] to return...") return # Got a valid file in our temp dir print("Extracting {}...".format(clover_lzma)) out ={"args":[self.z_path, "e", os.path.join(temp,clover_lzma)]}) if out[2] != 0: shutil.rmtree(temp,ignore_errors=True) print(" - An error occurred extracting: {}".format(out[2])) print("") self.u.grab("Press [enter] to return...") return # Should result in a .tar file clover_tar = next((x for x in os.listdir(temp) if x.lower().endswith(".tar")),None) if not clover_tar: print(" - No .tar archive found - aborting...") print("") self.u.grab("Press [enter] to return...") return # Got the .tar archive - get the .iso print("Extracting {}...".format(clover_tar)) out ={"args":[self.z_path, "e", os.path.join(temp,clover_tar)]}) if out[2] != 0: shutil.rmtree(temp,ignore_errors=True) print(" - An error occurred extracting: {}".format(out[2])) print("") self.u.grab("Press [enter] to return...") return # Should result in a .iso file clover_iso = next((x for x in os.listdir(temp) if x.lower().endswith(".iso")),None) if not clover_tar: print(" - No .iso found - aborting...") print("") self.u.grab("Press [enter] to return...") return # Got the .iso - let's extract the needed parts print("Extracting EFI from {}...".format(clover_iso)) out ={"args":[self.z_path, "x", os.path.join(temp,clover_iso), "EFI*"]}) if out[2] != 0: shutil.rmtree(temp,ignore_errors=True) print(" - An error occurred extracting: {}".format(out[2])) print("") self.u.grab("Press [enter] to return...") return print("Extracting {} from {}...".format(self.boot0,clover_iso)) out ={"args":[self.z_path, "e", os.path.join(temp,clover_iso), self.boot0, "-r"]}) if out[2] != 0: shutil.rmtree(temp,ignore_errors=True) print(" - An error occurred extracting: {}".format(out[2])) print("") self.u.grab("Press [enter] to return...") return print("Extracting {} from {}...".format(self.boot1,clover_iso)) out ={"args":[self.z_path, "e", os.path.join(temp,clover_iso), self.boot1, "-r"]}) if out[2] != 0: shutil.rmtree(temp,ignore_errors=True) print(" - An error occurred extracting: {}".format(out[2])) print("") self.u.grab("Press [enter] to return...") return print("Extracting {} from {}...".format(self.boot,clover_iso)) out ={"args":[self.z_path, "e", os.path.join(temp,clover_iso), self.boot, "-r"]}) if out[2] != 0: shutil.rmtree(temp,ignore_errors=True) print(" - An error occurred extracting: {}".format(out[2])) print("") self.u.grab("Press [enter] to return...") return # At this point, we should have a boot0xx file and an EFI folder in the temp dir # We need to udpate the disk list though - to reflect the current file system on part 1 # of our current disk self.d.update() # assumes our disk number stays the same part = self.d.disks[str(disk["index"])]["partitions"].get("0",{}).get("letter",None) # get the first partition's letter if part == None: shutil.rmtree(temp,ignore_errors=True) print("Lost original disk - or formatting failed!") print("") self.u.grab("Press [enter] to return...") return # Here we have our disk and partitions and such - the CLOVER partition # will be the first partition # Let's copy over the EFI folder and then dd the boot0xx file print("Copying EFI folder to {}/EFI...".format(part)) if os.path.exists("{}/EFI".format(part)): print(" - EFI exists - removing...") shutil.rmtree("{}/EFI".format(part),ignore_errors=True) time.sleep(1) # Added because windows is dumb shutil.copytree(os.path.join(temp,"EFI"), "{}/EFI".format(part)) # Copy boot6 over to the root of the EFI volume - and rename it to boot print("Copying {} to {}/boot...".format(self.boot,part)) shutil.copy(os.path.join(temp,self.boot),"{}/boot".format(part)) # Use bootice to update the MBR and PBR - always on the first # partition (which is 0 in bootice) print("Updating the MBR with {}...".format(self.boot0)) args = [ os.path.join(self.s_path,self.bi_name), "/device={}".format(disk.get("index",-1)), "/mbr", "/restore", "/file={}".format(os.path.join(temp,self.boot0)), "/keep_dpt", "/quiet" ] out ={"args":args}) if out[2] != 0: shutil.rmtree(temp,ignore_errors=True) print(" - An error occurred updating the MBR: {}".format(out[2])) print("") self.u.grab("Press [enter] to return...") return print("Updating the PBR with {}...".format(self.boot1)) args = [ os.path.join(self.s_path,self.bi_name), "/device={}:0".format(disk.get("index",-1)), "/pbr", "/restore", "/file={}".format(os.path.join(temp,self.boot1)), "/keep_bpb", "/quiet" ] out ={"args":args}) if out[2] != 0: shutil.rmtree(temp,ignore_errors=True) print(" - An error occurred updating the PBR: {}".format(out[2])) print("") self.u.grab("Press [enter] to return...") return print("Cleaning up...") shutil.rmtree(temp,ignore_errors=True) print("") print("Done.") print("") self.u.grab("Press [enter] to return to the main menu...") def main(self): # Start out with our cd in the right spot. os.chdir(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))) # Let's make sure we have the required files needed self.u.head("Checking Required Tools") print("") if not self.check_dd(): print("Couldn't find or install {} - aborting!".format(self.dd_name)) exit(1) if not self.check_7z(): print("Couldn't find or install {} - aborting!".format(self.z_name)) exit(1) if not self.check_bi(): print("Couldn't find or install {} - aborting!".format(self.bi_name)) exit(1) # Let's just setup a real simple interface and try to write some data self.u.head("Gathering Disk Info") print("") print("Populating list...") self.d.update() print("") print("Done!") # Let's serve up a list of *only* removable media self.u.head("Potential Removable Media") print("") rem_disks = self.get_disks_of_type(self.d.disks) # SHOWING ALL DISKS CURRENTLY - CHANGE THIS FOR RELEASE!!!! # rem_disks = self.d.disks # Types: 0 = Unknown, 1 = No Root Dir, 2 = Removable, 3 = Local, 4 = Network, 5 = Disc, 6 = RAM disk print("!WARNING! This list includes both Removable AND") print("!WARNING! Unknown disk types. Be ABSOLUTELY sure") print("!WARNING! before selecting a disk!") print("") for disk in sorted(rem_disks): print("{}. {} - {} ({})".format( disk, rem_disks[disk].get("model","Unknown"), self.get_size(rem_disks[disk].get("size",-1)), ["Unknown","No Root Dir","Removable","Local","Network","Disc","RAM Disk"][rem_disks[disk].get("type",0)] )) if not len(rem_disks[disk].get("partitions",{})): print(" No Mounted Partitions") else: parts = rem_disks[disk]["partitions"] for p in sorted(parts): print(" {}. {} ({}) {} - {}".format( p, parts[p].get("letter","No Letter"), "No Name" if not parts[p].get("name",None) else parts[p].get("name","No Name"), parts[p].get("file system","Unknown FS"), self.get_size(parts[p].get("size",-1)) )) print("") print("Q. Quit") print("") print("Usage: [drive][option (only one allowed)] (eg. 1C)") print(" Options are as follows with precedence C > E > U > G:") print(" C = Only install Clover to the drive's first partition.") print(" E = Sets the type of the drive's first partition to EFI.") print(" U = Similar to E, but sets the type to Basic Data (useful for editing).") print(" G = Format as GPT (default is MBR).") print("") menu = self.u.grab("Please select a disk or press [enter] with no options to refresh: ") if not len(menu): self.main() return if menu.lower() == "q": self.u.custom_quit() only_clover = set_efi = unset_efi = use_gpt = False if "c" in menu.lower(): only_clover = True menu = menu.lower().replace("c","") if "e" in menu.lower(): set_efi = True menu = menu.lower().replace("e","") if "u" in menu.lower(): unset_efi = True menu = menu.lower().replace("u","") if "g" in menu.lower(): use_gpt = True menu = menu.lower().replace("g","") selected_disk = rem_disks.get(menu,None) if not selected_disk: self.u.head("Invalid Choice") print("") print("Disk {} is not an option.".format(menu)) print("") self.u.grab("Returning in 5 seconds...", timeout=5) self.main() return # Got a disk! if only_clover: self.install_clover(selected_disk) elif set_efi: self.diskpart_flag(selected_disk, True) elif unset_efi: self.diskpart_flag(selected_disk, False) else: # Check erase while True: self.u.head("Erase {}".format(selected_disk.get("model","Unknown"))) print("") print("{}. {} - {} ({})".format( selected_disk.get("index",-1), selected_disk.get("model","Unknown"), self.get_size(selected_disk.get("size",-1)), ["Unknown","No Root Dir","Removable","Local","Network","Disc","RAM Disk"][selected_disk.get("type",0)] )) print("") print("If you continue - THIS DISK WILL BE ERASED") print("ALL DATA WILL BE LOST AND ALL PARTITIONS WILL") print("BE REMOVED!!!!!!!") print("") yn = self.u.grab("Continue? (y/n): ") if yn.lower() == "n": self.main() return if yn.lower() == "y": break # Got the OK to erase! Let's format a diskpart script! self.diskpart_erase(selected_disk, use_gpt) self.main() w = WinUSB() w.main()