mirror of
synced 2025-03-02 03:21:37 +01:00
216 lines
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216 lines
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### ###
# Imports #
### ###
import datetime
from io import BytesIO
import os
import plistlib
import struct
import sys
if sys.version_info < (3,0):
# Force use of StringIO instead of cStringIO as the latter
# has issues with Unicode strings
from StringIO import StringIO
FMT_XML = plistlib.FMT_XML
FMT_XML = None
### ###
# Helper Methods #
### ###
def _check_py3():
return True if sys.version_info >= (3, 0) else False
def _is_binary(fp):
if isinstance(fp, _get_inst()):
return fp.startswith(b"bplist00")
header = fp.read(32)
return header[:8] == b'bplist00'
def _get_inst():
if _check_py3():
return (str)
return (str, unicode)
### ###
# Deprecated Functions - Remapped #
### ###
def readPlist(pathOrFile):
if not isinstance(pathOrFile, _get_inst()):
return load(pathOrFile)
with open(pathOrFile, "rb") as f:
return load(f)
def writePlist(value, pathOrFile):
if not isinstance(pathOrFile, _get_inst()):
return dump(value, pathOrFile, fmt=FMT_XML, sort_keys=True, skipkeys=False)
with open(pathOrFile, "wb") as f:
return dump(value, f, fmt=FMT_XML, sort_keys=True, skipkeys=False)
### ###
# Remapped Functions #
### ###
def load(fp, fmt=None, use_builtin_types=True, dict_type=dict):
if _check_py3():
return plistlib.load(fp, fmt=fmt, use_builtin_types=use_builtin_types, dict_type=dict_type)
elif not _is_binary(fp):
return plistlib.readPlist(fp)
return readBinaryPlistFile(fp)
def loads(value, fmt=None, use_builtin_types=True, dict_type=dict):
if _check_py3():
# Requires fp to be a BytesIO wrapper around a bytes object
if isinstance(value, _get_inst()):
# If it's a string - encode it
value = value.encode()
# Load it
return plistlib.load(BytesIO(value), fmt=fmt, use_builtin_types=use_builtin_types, dict_type=dict_type)
if _is_binary(value):
# Has the proper header to be a binary plist
return readBinaryPlistFile(BytesIO(value))
# Is not binary - assume a string - and try to load
# We avoid using readPlistFromString() as that uses
# cStringIO and fails when Unicode strings are detected
# Don't subclass - keep the parser local
from xml.parsers.expat import ParserCreate
# Create a new PlistParser object - then we need to set up
# the values and parse.
p = plistlib.PlistParser()
parser = ParserCreate()
parser.StartElementHandler = p.handleBeginElement
parser.EndElementHandler = p.handleEndElement
parser.CharacterDataHandler = p.handleData
if isinstance(value, unicode):
# Encode unicode -> string; use utf-8 for safety
value = value.encode("utf-8")
# Parse the string
parser.Parse(value, 1)
return p.root
rootObject = p.parse(s)
return rootObject
def dump(value, fp, fmt=FMT_XML, sort_keys=True, skipkeys=False):
if _check_py3():
plistlib.dump(value, fp, fmt=fmt, sort_keys=sort_keys, skipkeys=skipkeys)
plistlib.writePlist(value, fp)
def dumps(value, fmt=FMT_XML, skipkeys=False):
if _check_py3():
return plistlib.dumps(value, fmt=fmt, skipkeys=skipkeys).decode("utf-8")
# We avoid using writePlistToString() as that uses
# cStringIO and fails when Unicode strings are detected
f = StringIO()
plistlib.writePlist(value, f)
return f.getvalue()
### ###
# Binary Plist Stuff For Py2 #
### ###
# timestamp 0 of binary plists corresponds to 1/1/2001 (year of Mac OS X 10.0), instead of 1/1/1970.
MAC_OS_X_TIME_OFFSET = (31 * 365 + 8) * 86400
class InvalidFileException(ValueError):
def __str__(self):
return "Invalid file"
def __unicode__(self):
return "Invalid file"
def readBinaryPlistFile(in_file):
Read a binary plist file, following the description of the binary format: http://opensource.apple.com/source/CF/CF-550/CFBinaryPList.c
Raise InvalidFileException in case of error, otherwise return the root object, as usual
Original patch diffed here: https://bugs.python.org/issue14455
in_file.seek(-32, os.SEEK_END)
trailer = in_file.read(32)
if len(trailer) != 32:
return InvalidFileException()
offset_size, ref_size, num_objects, top_object, offset_table_offset = struct.unpack('>6xBB4xL4xL4xL', trailer)
object_offsets = []
offset_format = '>' + {1: 'B', 2: 'H', 4: 'L', 8: 'Q', }[offset_size] * num_objects
ref_format = {1: 'B', 2: 'H', 4: 'L', 8: 'Q', }[ref_size]
int_format = {0: (1, '>B'), 1: (2, '>H'), 2: (4, '>L'), 3: (8, '>Q'), }
object_offsets = struct.unpack(offset_format, in_file.read(offset_size * num_objects))
def getSize(token_l):
""" return the size of the next object."""
if token_l == 0xF:
m = ord(in_file.read(1)) & 0x3
s, f = int_format[m]
return struct.unpack(f, in_file.read(s))[0]
return token_l
def readNextObject(offset):
""" read the object at offset. May recursively read sub-objects (content of an array/dict/set) """
token = in_file.read(1)
token_h, token_l = ord(token) & 0xF0, ord(token) & 0x0F #high and low parts
if token == '\x00':
return None
elif token == '\x08':
return False
elif token == '\x09':
return True
elif token == '\x0f':
return ''
elif token_h == 0x10: #int
result = 0
for k in xrange((2 << token_l) - 1):
result = (result << 8) + ord(in_file.read(1))
return result
elif token_h == 0x20: #real
if token_l == 2:
return struct.unpack('>f', in_file.read(4))[0]
elif token_l == 3:
return struct.unpack('>d', in_file.read(8))[0]
elif token_h == 0x30: #date
f = struct.unpack('>d', in_file.read(8))[0]
return datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(f + MAC_OS_X_TIME_OFFSET)
elif token_h == 0x40: #data
s = getSize(token_l)
return plistlib.Data(in_file.read(s))
elif token_h == 0x50: #ascii string
s = getSize(token_l)
return in_file.read(s)
elif token_h == 0x60: #unicode string
s = getSize(token_l)
return in_file.read(s * 2).decode('utf-16be')
elif token_h == 0x80: #uid
return in_file.read(token_l + 1)
elif token_h == 0xA0: #array
s = getSize(token_l)
obj_refs = struct.unpack('>' + ref_format * s, in_file.read(s * ref_size))
return map(lambda x: readNextObject(object_offsets[x]), obj_refs)
elif token_h == 0xC0: #set
s = getSize(token_l)
obj_refs = struct.unpack('>' + ref_format * s, in_file.read(s * ref_size))
return set(map(lambda x: readNextObject(object_offsets[x]), obj_refs))
elif token_h == 0xD0: #dict
result = {}
s = getSize(token_l)
key_refs = struct.unpack('>' + ref_format * s, in_file.read(s * ref_size))
obj_refs = struct.unpack('>' + ref_format * s, in_file.read(s * ref_size))
for k, o in zip(key_refs, obj_refs):
key = readNextObject(object_offsets[k])
obj = readNextObject(object_offsets[o])
result[key] = obj
return result
raise InvalidFileException()
return readNextObject(object_offsets[top_object])