6. In UI, delete project X directly. (should fail with errors)
7. While keeping the current user A logged on, in a different browser, log in as admin user.
8. Under "Admin Options", create a replication policy of project X to another Harbor instance. (Do not need to activate this policy.)
9. Switch to the UI of User A, delete all images under project X.
10. In user A's UI, delete project X directly. (should fail with errors)
11. Switch to the UI of admin user, delete the replication policy of project X.
12. In user A's UI, delete project X.
13. In user A's UI, recreate project X,
14. On a Docker client, log in as User A and run `docker push` to push an image to project X, e.g. projectX/anotherimage:v1. The image name should not be the same as those deleted in previous steps.
15. Switch to the UI of admin user, view images under the re-created project X.