When upgrading your existing Habor instance to a newer version, you may need to migrate the data in your database and the settings in harbor.cfg. Refer to [change log](../tools/migration/changelog.md) to find out whether there is any change in the database. If there is, you should go through the database migration process. Since the migration may alter the database schema and the settings of harbor.cfg, you should **always** back up your data before any migration.
*If your install Harbor for the first time, or the database version is the same as that of the lastest version, you do not need any database migration.*
4. Before upgrading Harbor, perform migration first. The migration tool is delivered as a docker image, so you should pull the image from docker hub. Replace [tag] with the release version of Harbor (e.g. v1.5.0) in the below command:
5. Back up database/harbor.cfg to a directory such as `/path/to/backup`. You need to create the directory if it does not exist. Also, note that the username and password to access the db are provided via environment variable "DB_USR" and "DB_PWD".
**NOTE:** In v1.6.0, you needs to DO three sequential steps to fully migrate Harbor, Notary and Clair's DB. The migration of Notary and Clair's DB depends on Harbor's DB, you need to first upgrade Harbor's DB, then upgrade Notary and Clair's DB. The following command handles the upgrade for Harbor DB and CFG, not include Notary and Clair DB.
**NOTE:** You must run migration of Notary and Clair's DB before launch Harbor. If you want to upgrade Notary and Clair DB, refer to the following commands:
docker run -it --rm -e DB_USR=root -v /data/notary-db/:/var/lib/mysql -v /data/database:/var/lib/postgresql/data vmware/harbor-migrator:${tag} --db up
docker run -it --rm -v /data/clair-db/:/clair-db -v /data/database:/var/lib/postgresql/data vmware/harbor-migrator:${tag} --db up
**NOTE:** If you want to upgrade DB or CFG only, refer to the following commands:
/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/psycopg2/__init__.py:144: UserWarning: The psycopg2 wheel package will be renamed from release 2.8; in order to keep installing from binary please use "pip install psycopg2-binary" instead. For details see: <http://initd.org/psycopg/docs/install.html#binary-install-from-pypi>.
will be occurred during upgrading from harbor <= v1.5.0 to harbor v1.6.0, just ignore them if harbor can start successfully.
7. Under the directory `./harbor`, run the `./install.sh` script to install the new Harbor instance. If you choose to install Harbor with components like Notary and/or Clair, refer to [Installation & Configuration Guide](../docs/installation_guide.md) for more information.
**NOTE:** Roll back doesn't support upgrade across v1.5.0, like from v1.2.0 to v1.6.0. It's because Harbor changes DB to Postgresql from v1.6.0, the migrator cannot roll back data to MariaDB.
**NOTE:** Rollback from harbor 1.3 to harbor 1.2 should delete `/data/database` directory first, then create new database directory `docker-compose up -d && docker-compose stop`. And must use `vmware/harbor-db-migrator:1.2` to restore. Because of DB engine change.
**Note:** If you choose to install Harbor with components like Notary and/or Clair, refer to [Installation & Configuration Guide](../docs/installation_guide.md) for more information.