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// Copyright Project Harbor Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package runner
import (
tracelib "github.com/goharbor/harbor/src/lib/trace"
const (
maxTrackRetries = 6
tracerName = "goharbor/harbor/src/jobservice/runner/redis"
// RedisJob is a job wrapper to wrap the job.Interface to the style which can be recognized by the redis worker.
type RedisJob struct {
job interface{} // the real job implementation
context *env.Context // context
ctl lcm.Controller // life cycle controller
// NewRedisJob is constructor of RedisJob
func NewRedisJob(job interface{}, ctx *env.Context, ctl lcm.Controller) *RedisJob {
return &RedisJob{
job: job,
context: ctx,
ctl: ctl,
// Run the job
func (rj *RedisJob) Run(j *work.Job) (err error) {
_, span := tracelib.StartTrace(context.Background(), tracerName, "run-job")
defer span.End()
var (
runningJob job.Interface
execContext job.Context
tracker job.Tracker
// Track the running job now
jID := j.ID
// used to instrument process time
now := time.Now()
// Check if the job is a periodic one as periodic job has its own ID format
if eID, yes := isPeriodicJobExecution(j); yes {
jID = eID
logger.Infof("Start to run periodical job execution: %s", eID)
span.SetAttributes(attribute.Key("jobID").String(jID), attribute.Key("jobName").String(j.Name))
// As the job stats may not be ready when job executing sometimes (corner case),
// the track call here may get NOT_FOUND error. For that case, let's do retry to recovery.
for retried := 0; retried <= maxTrackRetries; retried++ {
tracker, err = rj.ctl.Track(jID)
if err == nil {
if errs.IsObjectNotFoundError(err) {
if retried < maxTrackRetries {
// Still have chance to re-track the given job.
// Hold for a while and retry
b := backoff(retried)
logger.Errorf("Track job %s: stats may not have been ready yet, hold for %d ms and retry again", jID, b)
<-time.After(time.Duration(b) * time.Millisecond)
span.AddEvent("retring to get job stat")
} else {
// Exit and never try.
// Directly return without retry again as we have no way to restore the stats again.
j.Fails = 10000000000 // never retry
// Log error and exit
logger.Errorf("Job '%s:%s' exit with error: failed to get job tracker: %s", j.Name, j.ID, err)
tracelib.RecordError(span, err, "failed to get job tracker")
// ELSE:
// As tracker creation failed, there is no way to mark the job status change.
// Also a non nil error return consumes a fail. If all retries are failed here,
// it will cause the job to be zombie one (pending forever).
// Those zombie ones will be reaped by the reaper later.
// Defer to switch status
defer func() {
// Switch job status based on the returned error.
// The err happened here should not override the job run error, just log it.
if err != nil {
// log error
logger.Errorf("Job '%s:%s' exit with error: %s", j.Name, j.ID, err)
metric.JobserviceTotalTask.WithLabelValues(j.Name, "fail").Inc()
metric.JobservieTaskProcessTimeSummary.WithLabelValues(j.Name, "fail").Observe(time.Since(now).Seconds())
tracelib.RecordError(span, err, "job failed with err")
if er := tracker.Fail(); er != nil {
logger.Errorf("Error occurred when marking the status of job %s:%s to failure: %s", j.Name, j.ID, er)
// Nil error might be returned by the stopped job. Check the latest status here.
// If refresh latest status failed, let the process to go on to void missing status updating.
if latest, er := tracker.Status(); er != nil {
logger.Errorf("Error occurred when getting the status of job %s:%s: %s", j.Name, j.ID, er)
} else {
if latest == job.StoppedStatus {
// Logged
metric.JobserviceTotalTask.WithLabelValues(j.Name, "stop").Inc()
metric.JobservieTaskProcessTimeSummary.WithLabelValues(j.Name, "stop").Observe(time.Since(now).Seconds())
tracelib.RecordError(span, err, "job stopped")
logger.Infof("Job %s:%s is stopped", j.Name, j.ID)
metric.JobserviceTotalTask.WithLabelValues(j.Name, "success").Inc()
metric.JobservieTaskProcessTimeSummary.WithLabelValues(j.Name, "success").Observe(time.Since(now).Seconds())
// Mark job status to success.
logger.Infof("Job '%s:%s' exit with success", j.Name, j.ID)
span.SetStatus(codes.Ok, "job exit with success")
if er := tracker.Succeed(); er != nil {
tracelib.RecordError(span, err, "failed to mark job success")
logger.Errorf("Error occurred when marking the status of job %s:%s to success: %s", j.Name, j.ID, er)
// Defer to handle runtime error
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
// Log the stack
buf := make([]byte, 1<<10)
size := runtime.Stack(buf, false)
err = errors.Errorf("runtime error: %s; stack: %s", r, buf[0:size])
logger.Errorf("Run job %s:%s error: %s", j.Name, j.ID, err)
// Do operation based on the job status
jStatus := job.Status(tracker.Job().Info.Status)
switch jStatus {
case job.PendingStatus, job.ScheduledStatus:
// do nothing now
case job.StoppedStatus:
// Probably jobs has been stopped by directly mark status to stopped.
// Directly exit and no retry
return nil
case job.RunningStatus, job.ErrorStatus:
// The failed jobs can be put into retry queue and the in progress jobs may be
// interrupted by a sudden service crash event, all those jobs can be rescheduled.
// Reset job info.
if err = tracker.Reset(); err != nil {
// Log error and return the original error if existing
tracelib.RecordError(span, err, "reset job failed")
err = errors.Wrap(err, fmt.Sprintf("retrying %s job %s:%s failed", jStatus.String(), j.Name, j.ID))
if len(j.LastErr) > 0 {
err = errors.Wrap(err, j.LastErr)
logger.Infof("Retrying job %s:%s, revision: %d", j.Name, j.ID, tracker.Job().Info.Revision)
case job.SuccessStatus:
// do nothing
return nil
err = errors.Errorf("mismatch status for running job: expected %s/%s but got %s", job.PendingStatus, job.ScheduledStatus, jStatus.String())
tracelib.RecordError(span, err, "status mismatch")
return err
// Build job context
if execContext, err = rj.context.JobContext.Build(tracker); err != nil {
// Defer to close logger stream
defer func() {
// Close open io stream first
if closer, ok := execContext.GetLogger().(logger.Closer); ok {
if er := closer.Close(); er != nil {
tracelib.RecordError(span, er, "close job logger failed")
logger.Errorf("Close job logger failed: %s", er)
// Wrap job
runningJob = Wrap(rj.job)
// Set status to run
if err = tracker.Run(); err != nil {
tracelib.RecordError(span, err, "failed set status to run")
// Run the job
err = runningJob.Run(execContext, j.Args)
// Add error context
if err != nil {
err = errors.Wrap(err, "run error")
// Handle retry
rj.retry(runningJob, j)
// Handle periodic job execution
if _, yes := isPeriodicJobExecution(j); yes {
if er := tracker.PeriodicExecutionDone(); er != nil {
// Just log it
func (rj *RedisJob) retry(j job.Interface, wj *work.Job) {
if !j.ShouldRetry() {
// Cancel retry immediately
// Make it big enough to avoid retrying
wj.Fails = 10000000000
func isPeriodicJobExecution(j *work.Job) (string, bool) {
epoch, ok := j.Args[period.PeriodicExecutionMark]
return fmt.Sprintf("%s@%s", j.ID, epoch), ok
func backoff(x int) int {
// y=ax^2+bx+c
var a, b, c = -111, 666, 500
y := a*x*x + b*x + c
if y < 0 {
y = 0 - y
return y