2019-09-10 11:54:50 +02:00
# Harbor Compatibility List
This document provides compatibility information for all Harbor components.
## Replication Adapters
| | Registries | Pull Mode | Push Mode | Introduced in Release | Automated Pipeline Covered |
| [Harbor ](https://goharbor.io/ )| ![Harbor ](img/replication_adapters/harbor_logo.png )|![Y](img/replication_adapters/right.png)|![Y](img/replication_adapters/right.png)| V1.8 | Y |
| [distribution ](https://github.com/docker/distribution ) | ![distribution ](img/replication_adapters/distribution.png )|![Y](img/replication_adapters/right.png)|![Y](img/replication_adapters/right.png)| V1.8 | Y |
| [docker hub ](https://hub.docker.com/ ) | ![docker hub ](img/replication_adapters/docker_hub.png )|![Y](img/replication_adapters/right.png)|![Y](img/replication_adapters/right.png)| V1.8 | Y |
| [Huawei SWR ](https://www.huaweicloud.com/en-us/product/swr.html ) | ![Huawei SWR ](img/replication_adapters/hw.png )|![Y](img/replication_adapters/right.png)|![Y](img/replication_adapters/right.png)| V1.8 | N |
| [GCR ](https://cloud.google.com/container-registry/ ) | ![GCR ](img/replication_adapters/gcr.png )|![Y](img/replication_adapters/right.png)|![Y](img/replication_adapters/right.png)| V1.9 | Y |
| [ECR ](https://aws.amazon.com/ecr/ ) | ![ECR ](img/replication_adapters/ecr.png )|![Y](img/replication_adapters/right.png)|![Y](img/replication_adapters/right.png)| V1.9 | Y |
| [ACR ](https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/services/container-registry/ ) | ![ACR ](img/replication_adapters/acr.png )|![Y](img/replication_adapters/right.png)|![Y](img/replication_adapters/right.png)| V1.9 | N |
| [AliCR ](https://www.alibabacloud.com/product/container-registry ) | ![AliCR ](img/replication_adapters/ali-cr.png )|![Y](img/replication_adapters/right.png)|![Y](img/replication_adapters/right.png)| V1.9 | N |
| [Helm Hub ](https://hub.helm.sh/ ) | ![Helm Hub ](img/replication_adapters/helm-hub.png )|![Y](img/replication_adapters/right.png)| N/A | V1.9 | N |
| [Artifactory ](https://jfrog.com/artifactory/ ) | ![Artifactory ](img/replication_adapters/artifactory.png )|![Y](img/replication_adapters/right.png)| ![Y ](img/replication_adapters/right.png ) | V1.10 | N |
| [Quay ](https://github.com/quay/quay ) | ![Quay ](img/replication_adapters/quay.png )|![Y](img/replication_adapters/right.png)| ![Y ](img/replication_adapters/right.png ) | V1.10 | N |
| [GitLab Registry ](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/packages/container_registry/ ) | ![GitLab Registry ](img/replication_adapters/gitlab.png )|![Y](img/replication_adapters/right.png)| ![Y ](img/replication_adapters/right.png ) | V1.10 | N |
* `Pull` mode replicates artifacts from the specified source registries into Harbor.
* `Push` mode replicates artifacts from Harbor to the specified target registries.
## OIDC Adapters
| | OIDC Providers | Officially Verified | End User Verified | Verified in Release |
| [Google Identity ](https://developers.google.com/identity/protocols/OpenIDConnect ) | ![google identity ](img/OIDC/google_identity.png )| ![Y ](img/replication_adapters/right.png ) | |V1.9|
| [Dex ](https://github.com/dexidp/dex ) | ![dex ](img/OIDC/dex.png ) | ![Y ](img/replication_adapters/right.png )| | V1.9 |
| [Ping Identity ](https://www.pingidentity.com ) | ![ping identity ](img/OIDC/ping.png ) | | ![Y ](img/replication_adapters/right.png )| V1.9 |
| [Keycloak ](https://www.keycloak.org/ ) | ![Keycloak ](img/OIDC/keycloak.png ) | ![Y ](img/replication_adapters/right.png ) | | V1.10 |
| [Auth0 ](https://auth0.com/ ) | ![Auth0 ](img/OIDC/auth0.png ) | ![Y ](img/replication_adapters/right.png ) | | V1.10 |
## Scanner Adapters
2019-12-16 08:01:59 +01:00
| | Scanners | Providers | As Default | Onboard in Release |
| [Clair ](https://github.com/goharbor/harbor-scanner-clair ) |![Clair](img/scanners/clair.png)| CentOS |![Y](img/replication_adapters/right.png)| v1.10 |
| [Anchore ](https://github.com/anchore/harbor-scanner-adapter ) |![Anchore](img/scanners/anchore.png) | Anchore | N | v1.10 |
| [Trivy ](https://github.com/aquasecurity/harbor-scanner-trivy )|![Trivy](img/scanners/trivy.png)| Aqua | N | v1.10 |
2019-12-25 04:19:46 +01:00
| [Dosec ](https://github.com/dosec-cn/harbor-scanner ) |![Dosec](img/scanners/dosec.png)| Dosec | N | v1.10 |
2019-09-10 11:54:50 +02:00
* `As Default` means that the scanner is provided as a default option and can be deployed together with the main Harbor components by providing extra options during installation. You must install other scanners manually.