* Open the file **swagger.yaml** under the _docs_ directory in Harbor project;
* Paste all its content into the online Swagger Editor at http://editor.swagger.io. The descriptions of Harbor API will be shown on the right pane of the page.
From time to time, you may need to mannually test Harbor REST API. You can deploy the Swagger file into Harbor's service node. Suppose you install Harbor through online or offline installer, you should have a Harbor directory after you un-tar the installer, such as **~/harbor**.
**Caution:** When using Swagger to send REST requests to Harbor, you may alter the data of Harbor accidentally. For this reason, it is NOT recommended using Swagger against a production Harbor instance.
* Download _prepare-swagger.sh_ and _swagger.yaml_ under the _docs_ directory to your local Harbor directory, e.g. **~/harbor**.
* Because a session ID is usually required by Harbor API, **you should log in first from a browser.**
* Open another tab in the same browser so that the session is shared between tabs.
* Enter the URL of the Swagger page in Harbor as below. The ```<HARBOR_SERVER>``` should be replaced by the IP address or the hostname of the Harbor server.
* You should see a Swagger UI page with Harbor API _swagger.yaml_ file loaded in the same domain, **be aware that your REST request submitted by Swagger may change the data of Harbor**.