
1324 lines
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"VMW_HARBOR": "Harbor",
"HARBOR": "Harbor",
"VIC": "Contenedores Integrados vSphere",
"MGMT": "Administración",
"REG": "Registro",
"HARBOR_SWAGGER": "Harbor Swagger"
"SIGN_IN": {
"REMEMBER": "Recordarme",
"INVALID_MSG": "Nombre o contraseña no válidos.",
"FORGOT_PWD": "Olvidé mi contraseña",
"HEADER_LINK": "Identificarse"
"SIGN_UP": {
"TITLE": "Registrarse"
"OK": "OK",
"LOG_IN_OIDC": "Login Via OIDC proveedor",
"SIGN_UP_LINK": "Registrar una cuenta",
"MORE_INFO": "Más información...",
"YES": "SI",
"NO": "NO",
"ACTIONS": "Actions",
"BROWSE": "Browse",
"UPLOAD": "Upload",
"NO_FILE": "No file selected",
"ADD": "ADD",
"RUN": "RUN",
"BATCH": {
"DELETED_SUCCESS": "Deleted successfully",
"DELETED_FAILURE": "Deleted failed",
"SWITCH_SUCCESS": "Switch successfully",
"SWITCH_FAILURE": "Switch failed",
"REPLICATE_SUCCESS": "Started successfully",
"REPLICATE_FAILURE": "Started failed",
"STOP_SUCCESS": "Stop successfully",
"STOP_FAILURE": "Stop execution failed",
"TIME_OUT": "Gateway time-out"
"NAME_FILTER": "Filter the name of the resource. Leave empty or use '**' to match all. 'library/**' only matches resources under 'library'. For more patterns, please refer to the user guide.",
"TAG_FILTER": "Filter the tag/version part of the resources. Leave empty or use '**' to match all. '1.0*' only matches the tags that starts with '1.0'. For more patterns, please refer to the user guide.",
"LABEL_FILTER": "Filter the resources according to labels.",
"RESOURCE_FILTER": "Filter the type of resources.",
"PUSH_BASED": "Push the resources from the local Harbor to the remote registry.",
"PULL_BASED": "Pull the resources from the remote registry to the local Harbor.",
"DESTINATION_NAMESPACE": "Specify the destination namespace. If empty, the resources will be put under the same namespace as the source.",
"OVERRIDE": "Specify whether to override the resources at the destination if a resource with the same name exists.",
"EMAIL": "El email debe ser una dirección válida como nombre@ejemplo.com.",
"USER_NAME": "Debe tener una longitud máxima de 255 caracteres y no puede contener caracteres especiales.",
"FULL_NAME": "La longitud máxima debería ser de 20 caracteres.",
"COMMENT": "La longitud del comentario debería ser menor de 30 caracteres.",
"CURRENT_PWD": "Es obligatorio introducir la contraseña actual.",
"PASSWORD": "La contraseña debería tener de 8 a 20 caracteres, con al menos 1 letra mayúscula, 1 letra minúscula y 1 número.",
"CONFIRM_PWD": "Las contraseñas no coinciden.",
"SIGN_IN_USERNAME": "El nombre de usuario es obligatorio.",
"SIGN_IN_PWD": "La contraseña es obligatoria.",
"SIGN_UP_MAIL": "La dirección de email solamente se utilizar para restablecer la contraseña.",
"SIGN_UP_REAL_NAME": "Nombre y apellidos",
"ITEM_REQUIRED": "Campo obligatorio.",
"SCOPE_REQUIRED": "Field is required and should be in scope format.",
"NUMBER_REQUIRED": "El campo es obligatorio y debería ser un número.",
"PORT_REQUIRED": "El campo es obligatorio y debería ser un número de puerto válido.",
"CRON_REQUIRED": "El campo es obligatorio y debe estar en formato cron.",
"EMAIL_EXISTING": "Esa dirección de email ya existe.",
"USER_EXISTING": "Ese nombre de usuario ya existe.",
"RULE_USER_EXISTING": "Name is already in use.",
"EMPTY": "Name is required",
"NONEMPTY": "Can't be empty",
"REPO_TOOLTIP": "Users can not do any operations to the images in this mode.",
"ENDPOINT_FORMAT": "Endpoint must start with HTTP:// or HTTPS://.",
"OIDC_ENDPOIT_FORMAT": "Endpoint must start with HTTPS://.",
"OIDC_NAME": "El nombre de la OIDC proveedor.",
"OIDC_ENDPOINT": "La dirección URL de un servidor OIDC denuncia.",
"OIDC_SCOPE": "El ámbito de aplicación enviada a OIDC Server durante la autenticación.Tiene que contener 'Openid', y 'offline_access'.Si usted esta usando Google, por favor quitar 'offline_access' de este campo",
"OIDC_VERIFYCERT": "Desmarque esta casilla si tu OIDC servidor está alojado a través de certificado autofirmado.",
"OIDC_GROUP_CLAIM": "The name of Claim in the ID token whose value is the list of group names.",
"OIDC_GROUP_CLAIM_WARNING": "It can only contain letters, numbers, underscores, and the input length is no more than 256 characters.",
"NEW_SECRET": "The secret must longer than 8 chars with at least 1 uppercase letter, 1 lowercase letter and 1 number."
"CURRENT_PWD": "Introduzca la contraseña actual",
"NEW_PWD": "Introduzca la nueva contraseña",
"CONFIRM_PWD": "Confirme la nueva contraseña",
"USER_NAME": "Introduzca nombre de usuario",
"MAIL": "Introduzca dirección de email",
"FULL_NAME": "Introduzca nombre completo",
"SIGN_IN_NAME": "Nombre de usuario",
"SIGN_IN_PWD": "Contraseña"
"TITLE": "Perfil de usuario",
"USER_NAME": "Nombre de usuario",
"EMAIL": "Email",
"FULL_NAME": "Nombre y apellidos",
"COMMENT": "Comentarios",
"PASSWORD": "Contraseña",
"SAVE_SUCCESS": "Perfil de usuario guardado satisfactoriamente.",
"ADMIN_RENAME_BUTTON": "Change username",
"ADMIN_RENAME_TIP": "Select the button in order to change the username to \"admin@harbor.local\". This operation can not be undone.",
"RENAME_SUCCESS": "Rename success!",
"RENAME_CONFIRM_INFO": "Warning, changing the name to admin@harbor.local can not be undone.",
"CLI_PASSWORD": "CLI secreto",
"CLI_PASSWORD_TIP": "Puede utilizar este generador CLI secreto como utilizando Docker / Helm CLI para acceder a puerto.",
"COPY_SUCCESS": "Copiar el éxito",
"COPY_ERROR": "Copia no",
"ADMIN_CIL_SECRET_RESET_BUTTON": "Upload Your Own Secret",
"NEW_SECRET": "Secret",
"CONFIRM_SECRET": "Re-enter Secret",
"GENERATE_SUCCESS": "Cli secret setting is successful",
"GENERATE_ERROR": "Cli secret setting is failed",
"CONFIRM_TITLE_CLI_GENERATE": "Are you sure you can regenerate secret?",
"CONFIRM_BODY_CLI_GENERATE": "If you regenerate cli secret, the old cli secret will be discarded"
"TITLE": "Cambiar contraseña",
"CURRENT_PWD": "Contraseña actual",
"NEW_PWD": "Nueva contraseña",
"CONFIRM_PWD": "Confirmar contraseña",
"SAVE_SUCCESS": "Contraseña de usuario guardada satisfactoriamente.",
"PASS_TIPS": "8-20 caracteres con 1 letra mayúscula, 1 minúscula y 1 número"
"PROFILE": "Perfil de usuario",
"CHANGE_PWD": "Cambiar contraseña",
"ABOUT": "Acerca de",
"LOGOUT": "Cerrar sesión"
"PLACEHOLDER": "Buscar en {{param}}...",
"PLACEHOLDER_VIC": "Buscar en el registro..."
"DASHBOARD": "Panel",
"PROJECTS": "Proyectos",
"NAME": "Administración",
"USER": "Usuarios",
"REGISTRY": "Registries",
"GROUP": "Groups",
"REPLICATION": "Replicacións",
"CONFIG": "Configuración",
"VULNERABILITY": "Vulnerability",
"GARBAGE_COLLECTION": "Garbage Collection"
"LOGS": "Logs",
"TASKS": "Tasks",
"USER": {
"ADD_ACTION": "New User",
"ENABLE_ADMIN_ACTION": "Marcar como Administrador",
"DISABLE_ADMIN_ACTION": "Desmarcar como Administrador",
"DEL_ACTION": "Eliminar",
"FILTER_PLACEHOLDER": "Filtrar usuarios",
"COLUMN_NAME": "Nombre",
"COLUMN_ADMIN": "Administrador",
"COLUMN_EMAIL": "Email",
"COLUMN_REG_NAME": "Fecha de registro",
"IS_ADMIN": "Si",
"ADD_USER_TITLE": "Nuevo usuario",
"SAVE_SUCCESS": "Nuevo usuario guardado satisfactoriamente.",
"DELETION_TITLE": "Confirmar eliminación de usuario",
"DELETION_SUMMARY": "¿Quiere eliminar el usuario {{param}}?",
"DELETE_SUCCESS": "Usuario eliminado satisfactoriamente.",
"ITEMS": "elementos",
"OF": "of",
"RESET_Ok": "Users password reset successfully",
"EXISTING_PASSWORD": "The new password can not be same with the old one"
"PROJECTS": "Proyectos",
"NAME": "Nombre del Proyecto",
"ROLE": "Rol",
"ACCESS_LEVEL": "Nivel de acceso",
"REPO_COUNT": "Contador de repositorios",
"CHART_COUNT": "Chart Count",
"CREATION_TIME": "Fecha de creación",
"PUBLIC": "Público",
"PRIVATE": "Privado",
"MAKE": "Hacer",
"NEW_POLICY": "Nueva regla de replicación",
"DELETE": "Eliminar",
"ALL_PROJECTS": "All Projects",
"PRIVATE_PROJECTS": "Private Projects",
"PUBLIC_PROJECTS": "Public Projects",
"PROJECT": "Proyecto",
"NEW_PROJECT": "Nuevo proyecto",
"NAME_TOOLTIP": "Project name should be at least 2 characters long with lower case characters, numbers and ._- and must be start with characters or numbers.",
"DESTINATION_NAME_TOOLTIP": "Destination name should be at least 2 characters long with lower case characters, numbers and ._- and must be start with characters or numbers.",
"NAME_IS_REQUIRED": "El nombre del proyecto es obligatorio.",
"NAME_MINIMUM_LENGTH": "El nombre del proyecto es demasiado corto, debe ser mayor de 2 caracteres.",
"NAME_ALREADY_EXISTS": "Ya existe un proyecto con ese nombre.",
"NAME_IS_ILLEGAL": "El nombre del proyecto no es valido.",
"UNKNOWN_ERROR": "Ha ocurrido un error al crear el proyecto.",
"ITEMS": "elementos",
"DELETION_TITLE": "Confirmar eliminación del proyecto",
"DELETION_SUMMARY": "¿Quiere eliminar el proyecto {{param}}?",
"FILTER_PLACEHOLDER": "Filtrar proyectos",
"REPLICATION_RULE": "Reglas de replicación",
"CREATED_SUCCESS": "Proyecto creado satisfactoriamente.",
"DELETED_SUCCESS": "Proyecto eliminado satisfactoriamente.",
"TOGGLED_SUCCESS": "Proyecto alternado satisfactoriamente.",
"FAILED_TO_DELETE_PROJECT": "Project contains repositories or replication rules or helm-charts cannot be deleted.",
"INLINE_HELP_PUBLIC": "Cuando un proyecto se marca como público, todo el mundo tiene permisos de lectura sobre los repositorio de dicho proyecto, y no hace falta hacer \"docker login\" antes de subir imágenes a ellos.",
"OF": "of",
"COUNT_QUOTA": "Count quota",
"STORAGE_QUOTA": "Storage quota",
"COUNT_QUOTA_TIP": "Please enter an integer between '1' & '100,000,000', '-1' for unlimited",
"STORAGE_QUOTA_TIP": "The upper limit of Storage Quota only takes integer values, capped at '1024TB'. Enter '-1' for unlimited quota",
"QUOTA_UNLIMIT_TIP": "For unlimited quota, please enter '-1'."
"SUMMARY": "Summary",
"REPOSITORIES": "Repositorios",
"REPLICATION": "Replicación",
"USERS": "Miembros",
"LOGS": "Logs",
"LABELS": "Labels",
"PROJECTS": "Proyectos",
"CONFIG": "Configuración",
"HELMCHART": "Helm Charts",
"ROBOT_ACCOUNTS": "Robot Accounts",
"WEBHOOKS": "Webhooks",
"IMMUTABLE_TAG": "Immutable Tag"
"REGISTRY": "Registro de proyectos",
"PUBLIC_TOGGLE": "Público",
"PUBLIC_POLICY": "Hacer público un registro de proyecto hará que todos los repositorios sean accesibles para todos.",
"SECURITY": "Seguridad de despliegue",
"CONTENT_TRUST_TOGGLE": "Habilitar la confianza de contenido",
"CONTENT_TRUST_POLCIY": "Solo permita la implementación de imágenes verificadas.",
"PREVENT_VULNERABLE_TOGGLE": "Evitar que se ejecuten imágenes vulnerables.",
"PREVENT_VULNERABLE_1": "Impedir imágenes con la gravedad de la vulnerabilidad de",
"PREVENT_VULNERABLE_2": "y más arriba de ser desplegado.",
"SCAN": "Escaneo de vulnerabilidad",
"AUTOSCAN_TOGGLE": "Escanee automáticamente las imágenes al instante",
"AUTOSCAN_POLICY": "Escanee automáticamente las imágenes cuando son enviadas al registro del proyecto."
"NEW_USER": "Add User Member",
"NEW_MEMBER": "Nuevo miembro",
"MEMBER": "Miembro",
"NAME": "Nombre",
"ROLE": "Rol",
"SYS_ADMIN": "Administrador del sistema",
"PROJECT_ADMIN": "Administrador del proyecto",
"PROJECT_MASTER": "Mantenedor",
"DEVELOPER": "Desarrollador",
"GUEST": "Invitado",
"LIMITED_GUEST": "Limited Guest",
"DELETE": "Eliminar",
"ITEMS": "elementos",
"ACTIONS": "Acciones",
"USER": " User",
"USERS": "Users",
"EMAIL": "Email",
"ADD_USER": "Add User",
"NEW_USER_INFO": "Add a user to be a member of this project with specified role",
"NEW_GROUP": "New Group",
"IMPORT_GROUP": "Add Group Member",
"NEW_GROUP_INFO": "Add an existing user group or select a user group from LDAP to project member",
"ADD_GROUP_SELECT": "Add an existing user group to project member",
"CREATE_GROUP_SELECT": "Add a group from LDAP to project member",
"LDAP_GROUP": "Group",
"LDAP_GROUPS": "Groups",
"LDAP_PROPERTY": "Property",
"MEMBER_TYPE": "Member Type",
"GROUP_TYPE": "Group",
"USER_TYPE": "User",
"USERNAME_IS_REQUIRED": "El nombre de usuario es obligatorio",
"USERNAME_DOES_NOT_EXISTS": "Ese nombre de usuario no existe.",
"USERNAME_ALREADY_EXISTS": "Ese nombre de usuario ya existe.",
"UNKNOWN_ERROR": "Ha ocurrido un error al añadir el miembro.",
"FILTER_PLACEHOLDER": "Filtrar Miembros",
"DELETION_TITLE": "Confirmar eliminación de miembro de un proyecto",
"DELETION_SUMMARY": "¿Quiere eliminar el miembro {{param}} del proyecto?",
"ADDED_SUCCESS": "Miembro añadido satisfactoriamente.",
"DELETED_SUCCESS": "Miembro eliminado satisfactoriamente",
"SWITCHED_SUCCESS": "Rol del miembro cambiado satisfactoriamente.",
"OF": "of",
"SWITCH_TITLE": "Confirm project members switch",
"SWITCH_SUMMARY": "Do you want to switch project members {{param}}?",
"REMOVE": "Remove"
"NAME": "Name",
"PERMISSIONS": "Permissions",
"TOKEN": "Token",
"ENABLED_STATE": "Enabled state",
"EXPIRATION": "Expiration",
"NUMBER_REQUIRED": "Field is required and should be an integer other than 0.",
"TOKEN_EXPIRATION": "Robot Token Expiration (Days)",
"DESCRIPTION": "Description",
"ACTION": "Action",
"EDIT": "Edit",
"ITEMS": "items",
"OF": "of",
"DISABLE_ACCOUNT": "Disable Account",
"ENABLE_ACCOUNT": "Enable Account",
"DELETE": "Delete",
"CREAT_ROBOT_ACCOUNT": "Creat Robot Account",
"PUSH": "Push",
"PULL": "Pull",
"FILTER_PLACEHOLDER": "Filter Robot Accounts",
"ROBOT_NAME": "Cannot contain special characters(~#$%) and maximum length should be 255 characters.",
"ACCOUNT_EXISTING": "Robot Account is already exists.",
"ALERT_TEXT": "This is the only time to copy your personal access token.You wont't have another opportunity",
"CREATED_SUCCESS": "Created '{{param}}' successfully.",
"COPY_SUCCESS": "Copy token successfully of '{{param}}'",
"DELETION_TITLE": "Confirm removal of robot accounts",
"DELETION_SUMMARY": "Do you want to delete robot accounts {{param}}?",
"PULL_IS_MUST": "Pull permission is checked by default and can not be modified.",
"EXPORT_TO_FILE": "export to file"
"TYPE": "Webhook",
"STATUS": "Status",
"CREATED": "Created",
"ENABLED": "Enabled",
"DISABLED": "Disabled",
"OF": "of",
"ITEMS": "items",
"LAST_TRIGGERED": "Last Triggered",
"EDIT_WEBHOOK": "Webhook Endpoint",
"CREATE_WEBHOOK": "Getting started with webhooks",
"EDIT_WEBHOOK_DESC": "Specify the endpoint for receiving webhook notifications",
"CREATE_WEBHOOK_DESC": "To get started with webhooks, provide an endpoint and credentials to access the webhook server.",
"ENDPOINT_URL": "Endpoint URL",
"URL_IS_REQUIRED": "Endpoint URL is required.",
"AUTH_HEADER": "Auth Header",
"VERIFY_REMOTE_CERT": "Verify Remote Certificate",
"TEST_ENDPOINT_SUCCESS": "Connection tested successfully.",
"TEST_ENDPOINT_FAILURE": "Failed to ping endpoint.",
"ENABLED_WEBHOOK_TITLE": "Enable Project Webhooks",
"ENABLED_WEBHOOK_SUMMARY": "Do you want to enable webhooks for project ",
"DISABLED_WEBHOOK_TITLE": "Disable Project Webhooks",
"DISABLED_WEBHOOK_SUMMARY": "Do you want to disable webhooks for project "
"GROUP": {
"GROUP": "Group",
"GROUPS": "Groups",
"ADD": "Add",
"EDIT": "Edit",
"DELETE": "Delete",
"TYPE": "Type",
"DN": "DN",
"GROUP_DN": "Ldap Group DN",
"PROPERTY": "Property",
"REG_TIME": "Registration Time",
"ADD_GROUP_SUCCESS": "Add group success",
"EDIT_GROUP_SUCCESS": "Edit group success",
"OF": "of",
"ITEMS": "items",
"NEW_MEMBER": "New Group Member",
"NEW_USER_INFO": "Add a group to be a member of this project with specified role",
"ROLE": "Role",
"SYS_ADMIN": "System Admin",
"PROJECT_ADMIN": "Project Admin",
"DEVELOPER": "Developer",
"GUEST": "Guest"
"USERNAME": "Nombre de usuario",
"REPOSITORY_NAME": "Nombre del Repositorio",
"TAGS": "Etiquetas",
"OPERATION": "Operación",
"OPERATIONS": "Operaciones",
"TIMESTAMP": "Fecha",
"ALL_OPERATIONS": "Todas las operaciones",
"PULL": "Pull",
"PUSH": "Push",
"CREATE": "Crear",
"DELETE": "Eliminar",
"OTHERS": "Otros",
"ADVANCED": "Avanzado",
"SIMPLE": "Simple",
"ITEMS": "elementos",
"FILTER_PLACEHOLDER": "Filtrar logs",
"INVALID_DATE": "Fecha invalida.",
"OF": "of",
"NOT_FOUND": "No pudimos encontrar ningún registro!"
"YES": "Yes",
"SECONDS": "Seconds",
"MINUTES": "Minutes",
"HOURS": "Hours",
"MONTH": "Month",
"DAY_MONTH": "Day of month",
"DAY_WEEK": "Day of week",
"CRON-TITLE": "Pattern description for cron '* * * * * *'",
"FIELD_NAME": "Field name",
"MANDATORY": "Mandatory?",
"ALLOWED_VALUES": "Allowed values",
"ALLOWED_CHARACTERS": "Allowed special characters",
"TOTAL": "Total",
"OVERRIDE": "Override",
"ENABLED_RULE": "Enable rule",
"OVERRIDE_INFO": "Override",
"CURRENT": "current",
"STOP_TITLE": "Confirme Stop Executions",
"BOTH": "both",
"PLEASE_SELECT": "select an option",
"STOP_SUCCESS": "Stop Execution {{param}} Successful",
"STOP_SUMMARY": "De que desea detener las ejecuciones {{param}}?",
"TASK_ID": "Task ID",
"RESOURCE_TYPE": "Resource Type",
"SOURCE": "Source",
"DESTINATION": "Destination",
"POLICY": "Policy",
"DURATION": "Duration",
"SUCCESS_RATE": "Success Rate",
"STOP_EXECUTIONS": "Stop Execution",
"ID": "ID",
"REPLICATION_RULE": "Reglas de Replicación",
"NEW_REPLICATION_RULE": "Nueva Regla de Replicación",
"ENDPOINTS": "Endpoints",
"DELETION_TITLE": "Confirmar Eliminación de Regla",
"DELETION_SUMMARY": "¿Quiere eliminar la regla {{param}}?",
"DELETION_TITLE_FAILURE": "failed to delete Rule Deletion",
"DELETION_SUMMARY_FAILURE": "have pending/running/retrying status",
"REPLICATE_SUMMARY_FAILURE": "have pending/running status",
"REPLICATION_TITLE": "Confirm Rules replication",
"REPLICATION_SUMMARY": "Do you want to replicate the Rules {{param}}?",
"DELETION_TITLE_TARGET": "Confirmar Eliminación de Endpoint",
"DELETION_SUMMARY_TARGET": "¿Quiere eliminar el endpoint {{param}}?",
"ADD_POLICY": "Nueva Regla de Replicación",
"EDIT_POLICY": "Editar",
"EDIT_POLICY_TITLE": "Editar Regla de Replicación",
"DELETE_POLICY": "Eliminar",
"TEST_CONNECTION": "Comprobar conexión",
"TESTING_CONNECTION": "Comprobando conexión...",
"TEST_CONNECTION_SUCCESS": "Conexión comprobada satisfactoriamente.",
"TEST_CONNECTION_FAILURE": "Fallo al conectar con el endpoint.",
"NAME": "Nombre",
"PROJECT": "Proyecto",
"NAME_IS_REQUIRED": "El nombre es obligatorio.",
"DESCRIPTION": "Descripción",
"ENABLE": "Activar",
"DISABLE": "Desactivar",
"REPLICATION_MODE": "Replication Mode",
"SRC_REGISTRY": "Source registry",
"DESTINATION_NAMESPACE": "Destination registry:Namespace",
"LAST_REPLICATION": "Last Replication",
"DESTINATION_NAME_IS_REQUIRED": "El nombre del endpoint es obligatorio.",
"NEW_DESTINATION": "Nuevo Endpoint",
"DESTINATION_URL": "URL del Endpoint",
"DESTINATION_URL_IS_REQUIRED": "La URL del endpoint es obligatoria.",
"DESTINATION_USERNAME": "Nombre de usuario",
"ALL_STATUS": "Todos los estados",
"ENABLED": "Activado",
"DISABLED": "Desactivado",
"LAST_START_TIME": "Última Fecha de Inicio",
"ACTIVATION": "Activación",
"REPLICATION_EXECUTION": "Trabajo de Replicación",
"REPLICATION_EXECUTIONS": "Trabajos de Replicación",
"END_TIME": "End Time",
"STOPJOB": "Stop",
"ALL": "Todos",
"PENDING": "Pendiente",
"RUNNING": "Ejecutando",
"ERROR": "Error",
"RETRYING": "Reintentando",
"STOPPED": "Parado",
"FINISHED": "Terminado",
"CANCELED": "Cancelado",
"SIMPLE": "Simple",
"ADVANCED": "Avanzado",
"STATUS": "Estado",
"OPERATION": "Operación",
"CREATION_TIME": "Fecha de Inicio",
"UPDATE_TIME": "Update time",
"LOGS": "Logs",
"OF": "of",
"NO_LOGS": "No log",
"ITEMS": "elementos",
"TOGGLE_ENABLE_TITLE": "Activar Regla",
"CONFIRM_TOGGLE_ENABLE_POLICY": "Después de la activación de esta regla, todos los repositorios de este proyecto serán replicados al registro de destino.\nPor favor, confirme para continuar.",
"TOGGLE_DISABLE_TITLE": "Desactivar Regla",
"CONFIRM_TOGGLE_DISABLE_POLICY": "Después de la desactivación de la regla, todos los trabajos de replicación no finalizados serán interrumpidos y cancelados.\nPor favor, confirme para continuar.",
"CREATED_SUCCESS": "Regla de replicación creada satisfactoriamente.",
"UPDATED_SUCCESS": "Regla de replicación actualizada satisfactoriamente.",
"DELETED_SUCCESS": "Regla de replicación eliminada satisfactoriamente.",
"DELETED_FAILED": "Fallo al eliminar la regla de replicación.",
"TOGGLED_SUCCESS": "Regla de replicación cambiada satisfactoriamente.",
"CANNOT_EDIT": "La regla de replicación no se puede cambiar mientras esté activa.",
"POLICY_ALREADY_EXISTS": "La regla de replicación ya existe.",
"FAILED_TO_DELETE_POLICY_ENABLED": "No se puede eliminar la regla: tiene trabajo(s) sin finalizar o está activa.",
"FOUND_ERROR_IN_JOBS": "Se han encontrado errores en el trabajo de replicación. Por favor, compruébelos.",
"INVALID_DATE": "Fecha invalida.",
"PLACEHOLDER": "We couldn't find any replication rules!",
"JOB_PLACEHOLDER": "We couldn't find any replication jobs!",
"JOB_LOG_VIEWER": "View Replication Job Log",
"NO_ENDPOINT_INFO": "Please add an endpoint first",
"NO_PROJECT_INFO": "This project is not exist",
"SOURCE_RESOURCE_FILTER": "Source resource filter",
"SCHEDULED": "Scheduled",
"MANUAL": "Manual",
"EVENT_BASED": "Event Based",
"DAILY": "Daily",
"WEEKLY": "Weekly",
"SETTING": "Options",
"TRIGGER": "Triggering Condition",
"TARGETS": "Target",
"MODE": "Mode",
"TRIGGER_MODE": "Trigger Mode",
"SOURCE_PROJECT": "Source project",
"REPLICATE": "Replicate",
"DELETE_REMOTE_IMAGES": "Delete remote resources when locally deleted",
"DELETE_ENABLED": "Enabled this policy",
"REPLICATE_IMMEDIATE": "Replicate existing images immediately",
"NEW": "New",
"NAME_TOOLTIP": "replication rule name should be at least 2 characters long with lower case characters, numbers and ._- and must be start with characters or numbers.",
"ACKNOWLEDGE": "Acknowledge",
"RULE_DISABLED": "This rule has been disabled because a label used in its filter has been deleted. \n Edit the rule and update its filter to enable it.",
"REPLI_MODE": "Replication mode",
"SOURCE_REGISTRY": "Source registry",
"SOURCE_NAMESPACES": "Source namespaces",
"DEST_REGISTRY": "Destination registry",
"DEST_NAMESPACE": "Destination namespace",
"NAMESPACE_TOOLTIP": "Namespace name should be at least 2 characters long with lower case characters, numbers and ._- and must be start with characters or numbers.",
"TAG": "Tag",
"LABEL": "Label",
"RESOURCE": "Resource"
"NEW_ENDPOINT": "Nuevo Endpoint",
"PROVIDER": "Provider",
"ENDPOINT": "Endpoint",
"NAME": "Nombre",
"NAME_IS_REQUIRED": "El nombre del endpoint es obligatorio.",
"URL": "URL del Endpoint",
"URL_IS_REQUIRED": "La URL del endpoint es obligatoria.",
"AUTHENTICATION": "Autenticación",
"ACCESS_ID": "ID de acceso",
"ACCESS_SECRET": "Secreto de acceso",
"STATUS": "Estado",
"TEST_CONNECTION": "Comprobar conexión",
"TITLE_EDIT": "Editar Endpoint",
"TITLE_ADD": "Nuevo punto final de registro",
"EDIT": "Editar",
"DELETE": "Eliminar",
"TESTING_CONNECTION": "Comprobar conexión...",
"TEST_CONNECTION_SUCCESS": "Conexión comprobada satisfactoriamente.",
"TEST_CONNECTION_FAILURE": "Fallo al comprobar el endpoint.",
"CONFLICT_NAME": "El nombre ya existe.",
"INVALID_NAME": "El nombre del endpoint no es válido.",
"FAILED_TO_GET_TARGET": "Fallo al obtener el endpoint.",
"CREATION_TIME": "Fecha de creación",
"OF": "of",
"ITEMS": "elementos",
"CREATED_SUCCESS": "Endpoint creado satisfactoriamente.",
"UPDATED_SUCCESS": "Endpoint actualizado satisfactoriamente.",
"DELETED_SUCCESS": "Endpoint eliminado satisfactoriamente.",
"DELETED_FAILED": "Ha fallado la eliminación del endpoint.",
"CANNOT_EDIT": "El endpoint no puede ser cambiado mientras la regla de replicación está activa.",
"FAILED_TO_DELETE_TARGET_IN_USED": "Fallo al eliminar el endpoint en uso.",
"PLACEHOLDER": "We couldn't find any endpoints!"
"COPY_DIGEST_ID": "Copy Digest",
"DELETE": "Eliminar",
"NAME": "Nombre",
"TAGS_COUNT": "Etiquetas",
"PULL_COUNT": "Pulls",
"PULL_COMMAND": "Comando Pull",
"PULL_TIME": "Pull Time",
"PUSH_TIME": "Push Time",
"IMMUTABLE": "Immutable",
"MY_REPOSITORY": "Mi Repositorio",
"PUBLIC_REPOSITORY": "Repositorio Público",
"DELETION_TITLE_REPO": "Confirmar Eliminación de Repositorio",
"DELETION_TITLE_REPO_SIGNED": "Repository cannot be deleted",
"DELETION_SUMMARY_REPO_SIGNED": "Repository '{{repoName}}' cannot be deleted because the following signed images existing.\n{{signedImages}} \nYou should unsign all the signed images before deleting the repository!",
"DELETION_SUMMARY_REPO": "¿Quiere eliminar el repositorio {{repoName}}?",
"DELETION_TITLE_TAG": "Confirmación de Eliminación de Etiqueta",
"DELETION_SUMMARY_TAG": "¿Quiere eliminar la etiqueta {{param}}?",
"DELETION_TITLE_TAG_DENIED": "La etiqueta firmada no puede ser eliminada",
"DELETION_SUMMARY_TAG_DENIED": "La etiqueta debe ser eliminada de la Notaría antes de eliminarla.\nEliminarla de la Notaría con este comando:\n",
"TAGS_NO_DELETE": "Delete is prohibited in read only mode.",
"FILTER_FOR_REPOSITORIES": "Filtrar Repositorios",
"TAG": "Etiqueta",
"SIZE": "Size",
"VULNERABILITY": "Vulnerabilities",
"BUILD_HISTORY": "Construir Historia",
"SIGNED": "Firmada",
"AUTHOR": "Autor",
"CREATED": "Fecha de creación",
"DOCKER_VERSION": "Version de Docker",
"ARCHITECTURE": "Arquitectura",
"OS": "SO",
"SHOW_DETAILS": "Mostrar Detalles",
"REPOSITORIES": "Repositorios",
"OF": "of",
"ITEMS": "elementos",
"POP_REPOS": "Repositorios Populares",
"DELETED_REPO_SUCCESS": "Repositorio eliminado satisfactoriamente.",
"DELETED_TAG_SUCCESS": "Etiqueta eliminada satisfactoriamente.",
"COPY": "Copiar",
"NOTARY_IS_UNDETERMINED": "Cannot determine the signature of this tag.",
"PLACEHOLDER": "We couldn't find any repositories!",
"INFO": "Información",
"NO_INFO": "Sin información de descripción para este repositorio",
"IMAGE": "Imágenes",
"LABELS": "Labels",
"ADD_LABEL_TO_IMAGE": "Add labels to this image",
"FILTER_BY_LABEL": "Filter images by label",
"ADD_LABELS": "Add labels",
"RETAG": "Retag",
"ADDITIONAL_INFO": "Add Additional Info",
"REPO_NAME": "Repository",
"MARKDOWN": "Styling with Markdown is supported"
"HELMCHARTS": "Charts",
"CHARTVERSIONS": "Versions",
"UPLOAD_TITLE": "Upload chart files",
"CHART_FILE": "Chart File",
"CHART_PROV": "Prov File",
"DOWNLOAD": "Download",
"SUMMARY": "Summary",
"DEPENDENCIES": "Dependencies",
"VALUES": "Values",
"OVERVIEW": "Overview",
"HOME": "Home",
"SRC_REPO": "Source Repository",
"CREATED": "Created Time",
"MAINTAINERS": "Maintainers",
"OTHER_MAINTAINERS": "{{ name }} and {{ number }} others",
"PULLS": "Pull Count",
"VERSION": "Version",
"APP_VERSION": "Application Version",
"INSTALL": "Install",
"INSTALL_CHART": "Install Chart",
"NAME": "Name",
"REPO": "Repository",
"FILTER_FOR_CHARTS": "Filter for charts",
"DELETE": "Delete",
"OF": "of",
"VERSIONS": "versions",
"IMAGES": "Images",
"ENGINE": "Engine",
"ACTION": "Action",
"UPLOAD": "Upload",
"DELETE_CHART_VERSION_TITLE": "Delete Chart Versions",
"DELETE_CHART_VERSION": "Do you want to delete version {{param}}?",
"IMPORT": "Import",
"EXPORT": "Export",
"ADD_REPO": "Add Repo",
"SHOW_KV": "Key Value Pairs",
"PLACEHOLDER": "We couldn't find any charts!",
"NO_VERSION_PLACEHOLDER": "We couldn't find any versions!",
"FILE_UPLOADED": "File upload successfully",
"SIGN": "Sign",
"SIGNED": "Signed",
"UNSIGNED": "Unsigned",
"ITEMS": "items",
"NO_README": "No readme file provided by this chart.",
"SECURITY": "Security",
"ACTIVE": "Active",
"DEPRECATED": "Deprecated",
"VERIFY_CHART": "Verify Chart",
"COMMAND": "Commands",
"PROV_FILE": "Prov File",
"READY": "Ready",
"NOT_READY": "Not Ready",
"LABELS": "Labels",
"ADD_LABEL_TO_CHART_VERSION": "Add labels to this chart version",
"STATUS": "Status"
"QUOTAS": "quotas",
"PROJECT_REPOSITORY": "Project repositories",
"PROJECT_HELM_CHART": "Project Helm Chart",
"PROJECT_MEMBER": "Project members",
"PROJECT_QUOTAS": "Project quotas",
"ARTIFACT_COUNT": "Artifact count",
"STORAGE_CONSUMPTION": "Storage consumption",
"ADMIN": "Admin(s)",
"MASTER": "Master(s)",
"DEVELOPER": "Developer(s)",
"GUEST": "Guest(s)",
"LIMITED_GUEST": "Limited guest(s)"
"ALERT": {
"FORM_CHANGE_CONFIRMATION": "Algunos cambios no se han guardado aún. ¿Quiere cancelar?"
"TITLE": "Reiniciar Contraseña",
"CAPTION": "Introduzca el email para reiniciar la contraseña",
"EMAIL": "Email",
"SUCCESS": "El email con el enlace para restablecer la contraseña ha sido enviado satisfactoriamente. Puedes cerrar éste diálogo y comprobar tu bandeja de entrada de emails.",
"CAPTION2": "Introduce tu nueva contraseña",
"RESET_OK": "La contraseña ha sido reiniciada satisfactoriamente. Haz click en OK para identificarte con la nueva contraseña."
"SUB_TITLE": "Mostrar",
"TITLE": "Configuración",
"AUTH": "Autentificación",
"REPLICATION": "Replicación",
"EMAIL": "Email",
"LABEL": "Labels",
"REPOSITORY": "Repository",
"REPO_READ_ONLY": "Repository Read Only",
"SYSTEM": "Opciones del Sistema",
"PROJECT_QUOTAS": "Project Quotas",
"VULNERABILITY": "Vulnerability",
"GC": "Garbage Collection",
"CONFIRM_TITLE": "Confirma cancelación",
"CONFIRM_SUMMARY": "Algunos cambios no han sido guardados aún. ¿Quiere descartarlos?",
"SAVE_SUCCESS": "La configuración ha sido guardada satisfactoriamente.",
"MAIL_SERVER": "Servidor de email",
"MAIL_SERVER_PORT": "Puerto del servidor de email",
"MAIL_USERNAME": "Usuario del servidor de email",
"MAIL_PASSWORD": "Contraseña del servidor de email",
"MAIL_FROM": "Email De",
"MAIL_SSL": "Email SSL",
"MAIL_INSECURE": "Verify Certificate",
"INSECURE_TOOLTIP": "Determine whether to verify the certificate of the Email server. Uncheck this box when the Email server uses a self-signed or untrusted certificate.",
"SSL_TOOLTIP": "Activar SSL en conexiones al servidor de correo",
"VERIFY_REMOTE_CERT": "Verificar Certificado Remoto",
"TOKEN_EXPIRATION": "Expiración del Token (Minutos)",
"AUTH_MODE": "Modo de autentificación",
"PRO_CREATION_RESTRICTION": "Creación de Proyecto",
"SELF_REGISTRATION": "Permitir auto-registro",
"AUTH_MODE_DB": "Base de datos",
"AUTH_MODE_HTTP": "http_auth",
"SCOPE_BASE": "Base",
"SCOPE_SUBTREE": "Subárbol",
"PRO_CREATION_ADMIN": "Solo Administradores",
"ROOT_CERT": "Registro Certificado Raíz",
"ROOT_CERT_LINK": "Descargar",
"REGISTRY_CERTIFICATE": "Certificado de registro",
"NO_CHANGE": "Save abort because nothing changed",
"SELF_REGISTRATION_ENABLE": "Activar registro.",
"SELF_REGISTRATION_DISABLE": "Disable sign up.",
"VERIFY_REMOTE_CERT": "Determina si la replicación de la imagen debería verificar el certificado de un registro Harbor remoto. Desmarque esta opción cuando el registro remoto use un certificado de confianza o autofirmado.",
"AUTH_MODE": "Por defecto el modo de autentificación es base de datos, es decir, las credenciales se almacenan en una base de datos local. Seleccione LDAP si quiere verificar las credenciales de usuarios a través del servidor LDAP.",
"LDAP_SEARCH_DN": "Un DN de usuario que tenga permisos para buscar el servidor LDAP/AD. Si el servidor LDAP/AD no soporta búsquedas anónimas, debería configurar este DN y ldap_search_pwd.",
"LDAP_BASE_DN": "La base DN para buscar un usuario en el LDAP/AD.",
"LDAP_UID": "El atributo usado en una búsqueda para encontrar un usuario. Debe ser el uid, cn, email, sAMAccountName u otro atributo dependiendo del LDAP/AD.",
"LDAP_SCOPE": "El ámbito de búsqueda para usuarios",
"TOKEN_EXPIRATION": "El tiempo de expiración (en minutos) del token creado por el servicio de tokens. Por defecto son 30 minutos.",
"ROBOT_TOKEN_EXPIRATION": "El tiempo de caducidad (días) del token de la cuenta del robot, el valor predeterminado es 30 días. Muestra el número de días convertidos de minutos y redondeos.",
"PRO_CREATION_RESTRICTION": "Marca para definir qué usuarios tienen permisos para crear proyectos. Por defecto, todos pueden crear proyectos. Seleccione 'Solo Administradores' para que solamente los administradores puedan crear proyectos.",
"ROOT_CERT_DOWNLOAD": "Download the root certificate of registry.",
"SCANNING_POLICY": "Set image scanning policy based on different requirements. 'None': No active policy; 'Daily At': Triggering scanning at the specified time everyday.",
"VERIFY_CERT": "Verify Cert from LDAP Server",
"READONLY_TOOLTIP": "In read-only mode, you can not delete repositories or tags or push images. ",
"GC_POLICY": "",
"WEBHOOK_TOOLTIP": "Enable webhooks to receive callbacks at your designated endpoints when certain actions such as image or chart being pushed, pulled, deleted, scanned are performed",
"HOURLY_CRON": "Run once an hour, beginning of hour. Equivalente a 0 0 * * * *.",
"WEEKLY_CRON": "Run once a week, midnight between Sat/Sun. Equivalente a 0 0 0 * * 0.",
"DAILY_CRON": "Run once a day, midnight. Equivalente a 0 0 0 * * *."
"LDAP": {
"SEARCH_DN": "LDAP Buscar DN",
"SEARCH_PWD": "LDAP Buscar Contraseña",
"BASE_DN": "LDAP Base DN",
"FILTER": "LDAP Filtro",
"SCOPE": "LDAP Ámbito",
"VERIFY_CERT": "LDAP Verify Cert",
"LDAP_GROUP_BASE_DN_INFO": "The base DN from which to look up a group in LDAP/AD.",
"LDAP_GROUP_FILTER_INFO": "The filter to look up an LDAP/AD group, use objectclass=groupOfNames by default.",
"LDAP_GROUP_GID_INFO": "The attribute used in a search to match a user, it could be uid, cn or other attributes depending on your LDAP/AD. the group in Harbor is named with this attribute by default.",
"LDAP_GROUP_ADMIN_DN_INFO": "Specify an LDAP group DN. all LDAP user in this group will have harbor admin privilege. Keep it blank if you do not want to.",
"LDAP_GROUP_MEMBERSHIP_INFO": "The attribute indicates the membership of LDAP group, default value is memberof, in some LDAP server it could be \"ismemberof\"",
"GROUP_SCOPE": "LDAP Group Scope",
"GROUP_SCOPE_INFO": "The scope to search for groups, select Subtree by default."
"UAA": {
"ENDPOINT": "UAA Endpoint",
"CLIENT_ID": "UAA Client ID",
"CLIENT_SECRET": "UAA Client Secret",
"VERIFY_CERT": "UAA Verify Cert"
"ENDPOINT": "Server Endpoint",
"TOKEN_REVIEW": "Review Endpoint De Token",
"SKIP_SEARCH": "Skip Search",
"VERIFY_CERT": "Authentication Verify Cert"
"OIDC": {
"OIDC_PROVIDER": "OIDC Proveedor",
"OIDC_REDIREC_URL": "Please make sure the Redirect URI on the OIDC provider is set to",
"ENDPOINT": "OIDC Endpoint",
"CLIENT_ID": "ID de cliente OIDC",
"CLIENTSECRET": "OIDC Client Secret",
"SCOPE": "OIDC Ámbito",
"OIDC_VERIFYCERT": "Verificar certificado",
"OIDC_SETNAME": "Set OIDC nombre de usuario",
"OIDC_SETNAMECONTENT": "Usted debe crear un Harbor nombre de usuario la primera vez cuando la autenticación a través de un tercero (OIDC). Esta será usada en Harbor para ser asociados con proyectos, funciones, etc.",
"OIDC_USERNAME": "Usuario",
"GROUP_CLAIM_NAME": "Group Claim Name"
"TRIGGER_SCAN_ALL_SUCCESS": "Trigger scan all successfully!",
"TRIGGER_SCAN_ALL_FAIL": "Failed to trigger scan all with error: {{error}",
"TITLE": "Vulnerability Scanning",
"SCAN_ALL": "Scan All",
"NONE_POLICY": "None",
"DAILY_POLICY": "Daily At",
"REFRESH_POLICY": "Upon Refresh",
"DB_REFRESH_TIME": "Database updated on",
"DB_NOT_READY": "Vulnerability database might not be fully ready!",
"NEXT_SCAN": "Available after"
"TEST_MAIL_SUCCESS": "La conexión al servidor de correo ha sido verificada.",
"TEST_LDAP_SUCCESS": "La conexión al servidor LDAP ha sido verificada.",
"TEST_MAIL_FAILED": "Fallo al verificar el servidor de correo con el error: {{param}}.",
"TEST_LDAP_FAILED": "Fallo al verificar el servidor LDAP con el error: {{param}}.",
"LEAVING_CONFIRMATION_TITLE": "Confirme la salida",
"LEAVING_CONFIRMATION_SUMMARY": "Los cambios no han sido guardados aún. ¿Quiere abandonar la página actual?",
"TEST_OIDC_SUCCESS": "Connection to OIDC server is verified."
"MAIN_TITLE": "Página no encontrada",
"SUB_TITLE": "Redirigiendo a la página principal en",
"UNIT": "segundos..."
"ABOUT": {
"VERSION": "Versión",
"BUILD": "Construir",
"COPYRIGHT": "Project Harbor is an an open source trusted cloud native registry project that stores, signs, and scans content. Harbor extends the open source Docker Distribution by adding the functionalities usually required by users such as security, identity and management. Harbor supports advanced features such as user management, access control, activity monitoring, and replication between instances. Having a registry closer to the build and run environment can also improve image transfer efficiency.",
"TRADEMARK": "VMware es una marca registrada o marca de VMware, Inc. en los Estados Unidos y otras jurisdicciones. Todas las demás marcas y nombres mencionados son marcas de sus respectivas compañías.",
"END_USER_LICENSE": "Contrato de Usuario Final (EULA)",
"OPEN_SOURCE_LICENSE": "Código Abierto/Licencias de Terceros"
"TOP_REPO": "Repositorios Populares",
"LIMIT": "Límite"
"IN_PROGRESS": "Buscar...",
"BACK": "Volver"
"STATE": {
"OTHER_STATUS": "Not Scanned",
"QUEUED": "Queued",
"ERROR": "View Log",
"SCANNING": "Scanning"
"GRID": {
"PLACEHOLDER": "We couldn't find any scanning results!",
"COLUMN_ID": "Vulnerability",
"COLUMN_SEVERITY": "Severity",
"COLUMN_PACKAGE": "Package",
"COLUMN_PACKAGES": "Packages",
"COLUMN_VERSION": "Current version",
"COLUMN_FIXED": "Fixed in version",
"COLUMN_DESCRIPTION": "Description",
"FOOT_ITEMS": "Items",
"FOOT_OF": "of"
"CHART": {
"SCANNING_TIME": "Scan completed time:",
"TOOLTIPS_TITLE": "{{totalVulnerability}} of {{totalPackages}} {{package}} have known {{vulnerability}}.",
"TOOLTIPS_TITLE_SINGULAR": "{{totalVulnerability}} of {{totalPackages}} {{package}} has known {{vulnerability}}.",
"TOOLTIPS_TITLE_ZERO": "No se encontró ningún paquete de vulnerabilidad reconocible"
"CRITICAL": "Critical",
"HIGH": "High",
"MEDIUM": "Medium",
"LOW": "Low",
"NEGLIGIBLE": "Negligible",
"UNKNOWN": "Unknown",
"NONE": "None"
"SINGULAR": "vulnerability",
"OVERALL_SEVERITY": "Vulnerability Severity:",
"NO_VULNERABILITY": "No vulnerability",
"PLURAL": "vulnerabilities",
"PLACEHOLDER": "Filter Vulnerabilities",
"PACKAGE": "package",
"PACKAGES": "packages",
"SCAN_NOW": "Scan",
"JOB_LOG_VIEWER": "View Scanning Job Log"
"TITLE": "Push Image",
"TOOLTIP": "Command references for pushing an image to this project.",
"TAG_COMMAND": "Tag an image for this project:",
"PUSH_COMMAND": "Push an image to this project:",
"COPY_ERROR": "Copy failed, please try to manually copy the command references."
"TAG": {
"ANONYMITY": "anonymity",
"IMAGE_DETAILS": "Image Details",
"DOCKER_VERSION": "Docker Version",
"ARCHITECTURE": "Architecture",
"OS": "OS",
"OS_VERSION": "OS Version",
"HAVE": "have",
"HAS": "has",
"SCAN_COMPLETION_TIME": "Scan Completed",
"IMAGE_VULNERABILITIES": "Image Vulnerabilities",
"LEVEL_VULNERABILITIES": "Level Vulnerabilities",
"PLACEHOLDER": "We couldn't find any tags!",
"COPY_ERROR": "Copy failed, please try to manually copy.",
"FILTER_FOR_TAGS": "Etiquetas de filtro",
"AUTHOR": "Author",
"LABELS": "Labels",
"CREATION": "Tiempo de creación",
"COMMAND": "Mando"
"LABEL": {
"LABEL": "Label",
"DESCRIPTION": "Description",
"CREATION_TIME": "Creation Time",
"NEW_LABEL": "New Label",
"EDIT": "Edit",
"DELETE": "Delete",
"LABEL_NAME": "Label Name",
"COLOR": "Color",
"NO_LABELS": "No labels",
"DELETION_TITLE_TARGET": "Confirm Label Deletion",
"DELETION_SUMMARY_TARGET": "Do you want to delete {{param}}?",
"PLACEHOLDER": "We couldn't find any labels!",
"NAME_ALREADY_EXISTS": "Label name already exists."
"QUOTA": {
"PROJECT": "Project",
"OWNER": "Owner",
"COUNT": "Count",
"STORAGE": "Storage",
"EDIT": "Edit",
"DELETE": "Delete",
"OF": "of",
"PROJECT_QUOTA_DEFAULT_ARTIFACT": "Default artifact count per project",
"PROJECT_QUOTA_DEFAULT_DISK": "Default disk space per project",
"EDIT_PROJECT_QUOTAS": "Edit Project Quotas",
"EDIT_DEFAULT_PROJECT_QUOTAS": "Edit Default Project Quotas",
"SET_QUOTAS": "Set the project quotas for project '{{params}}'",
"SET_DEFAULT_QUOTAS": "Set the default project quotas when creating new projects",
"COUNT_QUOTA": "Count quota",
"COUNT_DEFAULT_QUOTA": "Default count quota",
"STORAGE_QUOTA": "Storage quota",
"STORAGE_DEFAULT_QUOTA": "Default storage quota",
"SAVE_SUCCESS": "Quota edit success",
"UNLIMITED": "unlimited",
"INVALID_INPUT": "invalid input"
"MONDAY": "Monday",
"TUESDAY": "Tuesday",
"WEDNESDAY": "Wednesday",
"THURSDAY": "Thursday",
"FRIDAY": "Friday",
"SATURDAY": "Saturday",
"SUNDAY": "Sunday"
"LOCAL_EVENT": "Local Events",
"ALL": "All",
"RUNNING": "Running",
"FAILED": "Failed",
"DELETE_PROJECT": "Delete project",
"DELETE_REPO": "Delete repository",
"DELETE_TAG": "Delete tag",
"DELETE_USER": "Delete user",
"DELETE_ROBOT": "Delete robot",
"DELETE_REGISTRY": "Delete registry",
"DELETE_REPLICATION": "Delete replication",
"DELETE_MEMBER": "Delete user member",
"DELETE_GROUP": "Delete group member",
"SWITCH_ROLE": "Switch role",
"ADD_GROUP": "Add group member",
"ADD_USER": "Add user member",
"DELETE_LABEL": "Delete label",
"REPLICATION": "Replication",
"DAY_AGO": " day(s) ago",
"HOUR_AGO": " hour(s) ago",
"MINUTE_AGO": " minute(s) ago",
"SECOND_AGO": "less 1 minute",
"UNKNOWN_ERROR": "Ha ocurrido un error desconocido. Por favor, inténtelo de nuevo más tarde.",
"UNAUTHORIZED_ERROR": "La sesión no es válida o ha caducado. Necesita identificarse de nuevo para llevar a cabo esa acción.",
"REPO_READ_ONLY": "Harbor is set to read-only mode, Deleting repository, tag and pushing image will be disabled under read-only mode.",
"FORBIDDEN_ERROR": "No tienes permisos para llevar a cabo esa acción.",
"GENERAL_ERROR": "Han ocurrido errores cuando se llamaba al servicio: {{param}}.",
"BAD_REQUEST_ERROR": "No hemos podido llevar la acción debido a una solicitud incorrecta.",
"NOT_FOUND_ERROR": "La solicitud no puede ser completada porque el objeto no existe.",
"CONFLICT_ERROR": "No hemos podido llevar a cabo la acción debido a un conflicto.",
"PRECONDITION_FAILED": "No hemos podido llevar a cabo la acción debido a un error de precondición.",
"SERVER_ERROR": "No hemos podido llevar a cabo la acción debido a un error interno.",
"INCONRRECT_OLD_PWD": "La contraseña antigua no es correcta.",
"UNKNOWN": "n/a",
"STATUS": "Status",
"START_TIME": "Start Time",
"UPDATE_TIME": "Update Time",
"LOGS": "Logs",
"PENDING": "Pending",
"FINISHED": "Finished",
"STOPPED": "Stopped",
"RUNNING": "Running",
"ERROR": "Error",
"NONE": "None",
"DAILY": "Daily",
"WEEKLY": "Weekly",
"HOURLY": "Hourly",
"CUSTOM": "Custom",
"MANUAL": "Manual",
"CRON": "cron",
"ON": "on",
"AT": "at",
"NOSCHEDULE": "An error occurred in Get schedule"
"GC": {
"CURRENT_SCHEDULE": "Current Schedule",
"JOB_HISTORY": "GC History",
"JOB_ID": "Job ID",
"TRIGGER_TYPE": "Trigger Type",
"LATEST_JOBS": "Latest {{param}} Jobs",
"MSG_SUCCESS": "Garbage Collection Successful",
"MSG_SCHEDULE_SET": "Garbage Collection schedule has been set",
"MSG_SCHEDULE_RESET": "Garbage Collection schedule has been reset"
"RETAG": {
"MSG_SUCCESS": "Retag successfully",
"TIP_REPO": "A repository name is broken up into path components. A component of a repository name must be at least one lowercase, alpha-numeric characters, optionally separated by periods, dashes or underscores. More strictly, it must match the regular expression [a-z0-9]+(?:[._-][a-z0-9]+)*.If a repository name has two or more path components, they must be separated by a forward slash ('/').The total length of a repository name, including slashes, must be less the 256 characters.",
"TIP_TAG": "A tag is a label applied to a Docker image in a repository. Tags are how various images in a repository are distinguished from each other.It need to match Regex: (`[\\w][\\w.-]{0,127}`)"
"DEPLOYMENT_SECURITY": "Deployment security",
"CVE_WHITELIST": "CVE whitelist",
"SYS_WHITELIST_EXPLAIN": "System whitelist allows vulnerabilities in this list to be ignored when calculating the vulnerability of an image.",
"ADD_SYS": "Add CVE IDs to the system whitelist",
"WARNING_SYS": "The system CVE whitelist has expired. You can enable the whitelist by extending the expiration date.",
"WARNING_PRO": "The project CVE whitelist has expired. You can enable the whitelist by extending the expiration date.",
"ADD": "ADD",
"ENTER": "Enter CVE ID(s)",
"HELP": "Separator: commas or newline characters",
"NONE": "None",
"EXPIRES_AT": "Expires at",
"NEVER_EXPIRES": "Never expires",
"PRO_WHITELIST_EXPLAIN": "Project whitelist allows vulnerabilities in this list to be ignored in this project when pushing and pulling images.",
"PRO_OR_SYS": "You can either use the default whitelist configured at the system level or click on 'Project whitelist' to create a new whitelist",
"MERGE_INTO": "Add individual CVE IDs before clicking 'COPY FROM SYSTEM' to add system whitelist as well.",
"SYS_WHITELIST": "System whitelist",
"PRO_WHITELIST": "Project whitelist",
"TAG_RETENTION": "Tag Retention",
"RETENTION_RULES": "Retention rules",
"RULE_NAME_1": " the images from the last {{number}} days",
"RULE_NAME_2": " the most recent active {{number}} images",
"RULE_NAME_3": " the most recently pushed {{number}} images",
"RULE_NAME_4": " the most recently pulled {{number}} images",
"RULE_NAME_5": " always",
"ADD_RULE_HELP_1": "Click the ADD RULE button to add a rule.",
"ADD_RULE_HELP_2": "Tag retention polices run once a day.",
"RETENTION_RUNS": "Retention runs",
"STATUS": "Status",
"DRY_RUN": "Dry Run",
"START_TIME": "Start Time",
"DURATION": "Duration",
"DETAILS": "Details",
"REPOSITORY": "Repository",
"EDIT": "Edit",
"DISABLE": "Disable",
"ENABLE": "Enable",
"DELETE": "Delete",
"ADD_TITLE": "Add Tag Retention Rule",
"ADD_SUBTITLE": "Specify a tag retention rule for this project. All tag retention rules are independently calculated and each rule can be applied to a selected list of repositories.",
"BY_WHAT": "By image count or number of days",
"RULE_TEMPLATE_1": "the images from the last # days",
"RULE_TEMPLATE_2": "the most recent active # images",
"RULE_TEMPLATE_3": "the most recently pushed # images",
"RULE_TEMPLATE_4": "the most recently pulled # images",
"RULE_TEMPLATE_5": "always",
"ACTION_RETAIN": " retain",
"IN_REPOSITORIES": "For the repositories",
"REP_SEPARATOR": "Enter multiple comma separated repos,repo*,or **",
"TAGS": "Tags",
"MATCHES_TAGS": "Matches tags",
"MATCHES_EXCEPT_TAGS": "Matches except tags",
"TAG_SEPARATOR": "Enter multiple comma separated tags,tag*,or **",
"LABELS": "Labels",
"MATCHES_LABELS": "Matches Labels",
"MATCHES_EXCEPT_LABELS": "Matches except Labels",
"REP_LABELS": "Enter multiple comma separated labels",
"RETENTION_RUN": "Retention Run",
"RETENTION_RUN_EXPLAIN": "Executing the retention policy can have adverse effects to the images in this project and affected image tags will be deleted. Press CANCEL and use a DRY RUN to simulate the effect of this policy. Otherwise press RUN to proceed.",
"RETENTION_RUN_ABORTED": "Retention Run Aborted",
"RETENTION_RUN_ABORTED_EXPLAIN": "This retention run has been aborted. Images already deleted are irreversible. You can initiate another run to continue to delete images. In order to simulate a run, you can use the “DRY RUN”.",
"LOADING": "Loading...",
"NO_EXECUTION": "We couldn't find any executions!",
"NO_HISTORY": "We couldn't find any histories!",
"DELETION": "Deletions",
"EDIT_TITLE": "Edit Tag Retention Rule",
"LOG": "Log",
"EXCLUDES": "Excludes",
"MATCHES": "Matches",
"REPO": " repositories",
"EXC": " excluding ",
"MAT": " matching ",
"AND": " and",
"WITH": " with ",
"WITHOUT": " without ",
"LOWER_LABELS": " labels",
"WITH_CONDITION": " with",
"LOWER_TAGS": " tags",
"TRIGGER": "Schedule",
"RETAINED": "Retained",
"TOTAL": "Total",
"NONE": "none",
"RULE_NAME_6": " the images pulled within the last {{number}} days",
"RULE_NAME_7": " the images pushed within the last {{number}} days",
"RULE_TEMPLATE_6": " the images pulled within the last # days",
"RULE_TEMPLATE_7": " the images pushed within the last # days",
"SCHEDULE": "Schedule",
"SCHEDULE_WARNING": "Executing retention policy results in the irreversible effect of deleting images from the Harbor project. Please double check all policies before scheduling.",
"EXISTING_RULE": "Existing rule",
"ILLEGAL_RULE": "Illegal rule",
"INVALID_RULE": "Invalid rule",
"COUNT_LARGE": "Parameter \"COUNT\" is too large",
"DAYS_LARGE": "Parameter \"DAYS\" is too large",
"EXECUTION_TYPE": "Execution Type",
"IMMUTABLE_RULES": "Immutable rules",
"ADD_RULE_HELP_1": "Click the ADD RULE button to add a rule.",
"EDIT": "Edit",
"DISABLE": "Disable",
"ENABLE": "Enable",
"DELETE": "Delete",
"ADD_TITLE": "Add Immutable Rule",
"ADD_SUBTITLE": "Specify a immutable rule for this project. All immutable rules are independently calculated and each rule can be applied to a selected list of repositories.",
"IN_REPOSITORIES": "For the repositories",
"REP_SEPARATOR": "Enter multiple comma separated repos,repo*,or **",
"TAGS": "Tags",
"TAG_SEPARATOR": "Enter multiple comma separated tags,tag*,or **",
"EDIT_TITLE": "Edit Immutable Rule",
"EXC": " excluding ",
"MAT": " matching ",
"AND": " and",
"WITH": " with ",
"WITHOUT": " without ",
"LOWER_LABELS": " labels",
"LOWER_TAGS": " tags",
"NONE": " none",
"EXISTING_RULE": "Existing rule",
"DELETION_SUMMARY": "Do you want to delete scanner {{param}}?",
"SKIP_CERT_VERIFY": "Check this box to skip certificate verification when the remote registry uses a self-signed or untrusted certificate.",
"NAME": "Name",
"NAME_EXISTS": "Name already exists",
"NAME_REQUIRED": "Name is required",
"NAME_REX": "Name should be at least 2 characters long with lower case characters, numbers and ._- and must be start with characters or numbers.",
"DESCRIPTION": "Description",
"ENDPOINT": "Endpoint",
"ENDPOINT_EXISTS": "EndpointUrl already exists",
"ENDPOINT_REQUIRED": "EndpointUrl is required",
"ILLEGAL_ENDPOINT": "EndpointUrl is illegal",
"AUTH": "Authorization",
"NONE": "None",
"BASIC": "Basic",
"BEARER": "Bearer",
"API_KEY": "APIKey",
"USERNAME": "Username",
"USERNAME_REQUIRED": "Username is required",
"PASSWORD": "Password",
"PASSWORD_REQUIRED": "Password is required",
"TOKEN": "Token",
"TOKEN_REQUIRED": "Token is required",
"API_KEY_REQUIRED": "APIKey is required",
"SKIP": "Skip Certificate Verification",
"ADD_SCANNER": "Add Scanner",
"EDIT_SCANNER": "Edit Scanner",
"ADD_SUCCESS": "Successfully added ",
"TEST_PASS": "Test passed",
"TEST_FAILED": "Test failed",
"UPDATE_SUCCESS": "Successfully updated",
"SCANNER_COLON": "Scanner:",
"NAME_COLON": "Name:",
"VENDOR_COLON": "Vendor:",
"VERSION_COLON": "Version:",
"CAPABILITIES": "Capabilities",
"CONSUMES_MIME_TYPES_COLON": "Consumes Mime Types:",
"PRODUCTS_MIME_TYPES_COLON": "Produces Mime Types:",
"PROPERTIES": "Properties",
"HEALTH": "Health",
"DISABLED": "Disabled",
"NO_SCANNER": "Can not find any scanner",
"DEFAULT": "Default",
"HEALTHY": "Healthy",
"UNHEALTHY": "Unhealthy",
"SCANNERS": "Scanners",
"SCANNER": "Scanner",
"EDIT": "Edit",
"NOT_AVAILABLE": "Not Available",
"ADAPTER": "Adapter",
"VENDOR": "Vendor",
"VERSION": "Version",
"SELECT_SCANNER": "Select Scanner",
"ENABLED": "Enabled",
"ENABLE": "Enable",
"DISABLE": "Disable",
"DELETE_SUCCESS": "Successfully deleted",
"TOTAL": "Total",
"FIXABLE": "Fixable",
"DURATION": "Duration:"