As for manipulating and documenting Harbor project APIs, we created it by using Swagger.
## Two forms of demonstration
There are two forms of demonstration of Swagger UI for Harbor API.
### Listed descriptions only
It means you only need to locate the YAML file of Harbor APIs in Swagger UI,
then a listed descriptions will be shown. It doesn't affect the deployed Harbor project node actually.
### Full functions provided by Swagger
This form of use is a bit of difficult, because it must bind to an available Harbor project node in order to solve the problem of CORS. Well, it will provide full functions accompany with Harbor project node, you must be careful of your operations to avoid damaging backend data.
## Detail instructions for each
First, you should checkout the Harbor project from github.
* Then you should see a Swagger UI deployed by Harbor project, loaded a _swagger.yaml_ file in the same domain, it works actually, **be careful of your operations to avoid damaging backend data**.