In some case when user install harbor in an environment without internet access. Then Clair will not be able to fetch the latest vulnerability database. In this circumstance user need manfully update the Clair database.
This document is a step by step instruction on update Clair vulnerability database in Harbor v1.2.
### Preparation
A. User need to install Clair 2.0.1 ( if you have a harbor1.2 instance with internet access will also works.)
B. Check the Clair already update the vulnerability to the latest.
Jul 3 20:41:07 clair[3516]: {"Event":"Debian buster is not mapped to any version number (eg. Jessie-\u003e8). Please update me.","Level":"warning","Location":"debian.go:128","Time":"2017-07-04 03:41:07.833720"}
e. The update finished indicate that Clair has finished an vulnerability update round. You need to check that logs above it to make sure all the endpoints are update correctly.
After update the offline data, user need to trigger the "rescan all" functionality to scan all the images and Harbor reflect the new changes automatically after the scan finished.(Otherwise the vulnerability detail will not show up)