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package handler
import (
pro "github.com/goharbor/harbor/src/common/dao/project"
operation "github.com/goharbor/harbor/src/server/v2.0/restapi/operations/project"
// for the proxy cache type project, we will create a 7 days retention policy for it by default
const defaultDaysToRetentionForProxyCacheProject = 7
func newProjectAPI() *projectAPI {
return &projectAPI{
auditMgr: audit.Mgr,
metadataMgr: metadata.Mgr,
userMgr: user.Mgr,
repositoryCtl: repository.Ctl,
projectCtl: project.Ctl,
quotaCtl: quota.Ctl,
robotMgr: robot.Mgr,
preheatCtl: preheat.Ctl,
type projectAPI struct {
auditMgr audit.Manager
metadataMgr metadata.Manager
userMgr user.Manager
repositoryCtl repository.Controller
projectCtl project.Controller
quotaCtl quota.Controller
robotMgr robot.Manager
preheatCtl preheat.Controller
func (a *projectAPI) CreateProject(ctx context.Context, params operation.CreateProjectParams) middleware.Responder {
if err := a.RequireAuthenticated(ctx); err != nil {
return a.SendError(ctx, err)
onlyAdmin, err := config.OnlyAdminCreateProject()
if err != nil {
return a.SendError(ctx, fmt.Errorf("failed to determine whether only admin can create projects: %v", err))
secCtx, _ := security.FromContext(ctx)
if onlyAdmin && !(secCtx.IsSysAdmin() || secCtx.IsSolutionUser()) {
log.Errorf("Only sys admin can create project")
return a.SendError(ctx, errors.ForbiddenError(nil).WithMessage("Only system admin can create project"))
req := params.Project
if req.RegistryID != nil && !secCtx.IsSysAdmin() {
// only system admin can create the proxy cache project
return a.SendError(ctx, errors.ForbiddenError(nil).WithMessage("Only system admin can create proxy cache project"))
// populate storage limit
if config.QuotaPerProjectEnable() {
// the security context is not sys admin, set the StorageLimit the global StoragePerProject
if req.StorageLimit == nil || *req.StorageLimit == 0 || !secCtx.IsSysAdmin() {
setting, err := config.QuotaSetting()
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("failed to get quota setting: %v", err)
return a.SendError(ctx, fmt.Errorf("failed to get quota setting: %v", err))
defaultStorageLimit := setting.StoragePerProject
req.StorageLimit = &defaultStorageLimit
} else {
// ignore storage limit when quota per project disabled
req.StorageLimit = nil
if req.Metadata == nil {
req.Metadata = &models.ProjectMetadata{}
// accept the "public" property to make replication work well with old versions(<=1.2.0)
if req.Public != nil && req.Metadata.Public == "" {
req.Metadata.Public = strconv.FormatBool(*req.Public)
// populate public metadata as false if it isn't set
if req.Metadata.Public == "" {
req.Metadata.Public = strconv.FormatBool(false)
// ignore enable_content_trust metadata for proxy cache project
// see https://github.com/goharbor/harbor/issues/12940 to get more info
if req.RegistryID != nil {
req.Metadata.EnableContentTrust = nil
// validate the RegistryID and StorageLimit in the body of the request
if err := a.validateProjectReq(ctx, req); err != nil {
return a.SendError(ctx, err)
var ownerID int
// set the owner as the system admin when the API being called by replication
// it's a solution to workaround the restriction of project creation API:
// only normal users can create projects
if secCtx.IsSolutionUser() {
ownerID = 1
} else {
ownerName := secCtx.GetUsername()
user, err := a.userMgr.GetByName(ctx, ownerName)
if err != nil {
return a.SendError(ctx, err)
ownerID = user.UserID
p := &project.Project{
Name: req.ProjectName,
OwnerID: ownerID,
RegistryID: lib.Int64Value(req.RegistryID),
lib.JSONCopy(&p.Metadata, req.Metadata)
projectID, err := a.projectCtl.Create(ctx, p)
if err != nil {
return a.SendError(ctx, err)
// StorageLimit is provided in the request body and it's valid,
// create the quota for the project
if req.StorageLimit != nil {
referenceID := quota.ReferenceID(projectID)
hardLimits := types.ResourceList{types.ResourceStorage: *req.StorageLimit}
if _, err := a.quotaCtl.Create(ctx, quota.ProjectReference, referenceID, hardLimits); err != nil {
return a.SendError(ctx, fmt.Errorf("failed to create quota for project: %v", err))
// RegistryID is provided in the request body and it's valid,
// create a default retention policy for proxy project
if req.RegistryID != nil {
plc := policy.WithNDaysSinceLastPull(projectID, defaultDaysToRetentionForProxyCacheProject)
// TODO: move the retention controller to `src/controller/retention` and
// change to use the default retention controller in `src/controller/retention`
retentionID, err := api.GetRetentionController().CreateRetention(plc)
if err != nil {
return a.SendError(ctx, err)
md := map[string]string{"retention_id": strconv.FormatInt(retentionID, 10)}
if err := a.metadataMgr.Add(ctx, projectID, md); err != nil {
return a.SendError(ctx, err)
var location string
if lib.BoolValue(params.XResourceNameInLocation) {
location = fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", strings.TrimSuffix(params.HTTPRequest.URL.Path, "/"), req.ProjectName)
} else {
location = fmt.Sprintf("%s/%d", strings.TrimSuffix(params.HTTPRequest.URL.Path, "/"), projectID)
return operation.NewCreateProjectCreated().WithLocation(location)
func (a *projectAPI) DeleteProject(ctx context.Context, params operation.DeleteProjectParams) middleware.Responder {
projectNameOrID := parseProjectNameOrID(params.ProjectNameOrID, params.XIsResourceName)
if err := a.RequireProjectAccess(ctx, projectNameOrID, rbac.ActionDelete); err != nil {
return a.SendError(ctx, err)
p, result, err := a.deletable(ctx, projectNameOrID)
if err != nil {
return a.SendError(ctx, err)
if !result.Deletable {
return a.SendError(ctx, errors.PreconditionFailedError(errors.New(result.Message)))
if err := a.projectCtl.Delete(ctx, p.ProjectID); err != nil {
return a.SendError(ctx, err)
// remove the robot associated with the project
if err := a.robotMgr.DeleteByProjectID(ctx, p.ProjectID); err != nil {
return a.SendError(ctx, err)
referenceID := quota.ReferenceID(p.ProjectID)
q, err := a.quotaCtl.GetByRef(ctx, quota.ProjectReference, referenceID)
if err != nil {
log.Warningf("failed to get quota for project %s, error: %v", projectNameOrID, err)
} else {
if err := a.quotaCtl.Delete(ctx, q.ID); err != nil {
return a.SendError(ctx, fmt.Errorf("failed to delete quota for project: %v", err))
// preheat policies under the project should be deleted after deleting the project
if err = a.preheatCtl.DeletePoliciesOfProject(ctx, p.ProjectID); err != nil {
return a.SendError(ctx, err)
return operation.NewDeleteProjectOK()
func (a *projectAPI) GetLogs(ctx context.Context, params operation.GetLogsParams) middleware.Responder {
if err := a.RequireProjectAccess(ctx, params.ProjectName, rbac.ActionList, rbac.ResourceLog); err != nil {
return a.SendError(ctx, err)
pro, err := a.projectCtl.GetByName(ctx, params.ProjectName)
if err != nil {
return a.SendError(ctx, err)
query, err := a.BuildQuery(ctx, params.Q, params.Page, params.PageSize)
if err != nil {
return a.SendError(ctx, err)
query.Keywords["ProjectID"] = pro.ProjectID
total, err := a.auditMgr.Count(ctx, query)
if err != nil {
return a.SendError(ctx, err)
logs, err := a.auditMgr.List(ctx, query)
if err != nil {
return a.SendError(ctx, err)
var auditLogs []*models.AuditLog
for _, log := range logs {
auditLogs = append(auditLogs, &models.AuditLog{
ID: log.ID,
Resource: log.Resource,
ResourceType: log.ResourceType,
Username: log.Username,
Operation: log.Operation,
OpTime: strfmt.DateTime(log.OpTime),
return operation.NewGetLogsOK().
WithLink(a.Links(ctx, params.HTTPRequest.URL, total, query.PageNumber, query.PageSize).String()).
func (a *projectAPI) GetProject(ctx context.Context, params operation.GetProjectParams) middleware.Responder {
projectNameOrID := parseProjectNameOrID(params.ProjectNameOrID, params.XIsResourceName)
if err := a.RequireProjectAccess(ctx, projectNameOrID, rbac.ActionRead); err != nil {
return a.SendError(ctx, err)
p, err := a.getProject(ctx, projectNameOrID, project.WithCVEAllowlist(), project.WithOwner())
if err != nil {
return a.SendError(ctx, err)
return operation.NewGetProjectOK().WithPayload(model.NewProject(p).ToSwagger())
func (a *projectAPI) GetProjectDeletable(ctx context.Context, params operation.GetProjectDeletableParams) middleware.Responder {
projectNameOrID := parseProjectNameOrID(params.ProjectNameOrID, params.XIsResourceName)
if err := a.RequireProjectAccess(ctx, projectNameOrID, rbac.ActionDelete); err != nil {
return a.SendError(ctx, err)
_, result, err := a.deletable(ctx, projectNameOrID)
if err != nil {
return a.SendError(ctx, err)
return operation.NewGetProjectDeletableOK().WithPayload(result)
func (a *projectAPI) GetProjectSummary(ctx context.Context, params operation.GetProjectSummaryParams) middleware.Responder {
projectNameOrID := parseProjectNameOrID(params.ProjectNameOrID, params.XIsResourceName)
if err := a.RequireProjectAccess(ctx, projectNameOrID, rbac.ActionRead); err != nil {
return a.SendError(ctx, err)
p, err := a.getProject(ctx, projectNameOrID)
if err != nil {
return a.SendError(ctx, err)
summary := &models.ProjectSummary{
ChartCount: int64(p.ChartCount),
RepoCount: p.RepoCount,
var fetchSummaries []func(context.Context, *project.Project, *models.ProjectSummary)
if hasPerm := a.HasProjectPermission(ctx, p.ProjectID, rbac.ActionRead, rbac.ResourceQuota); hasPerm {
fetchSummaries = append(fetchSummaries, getProjectQuotaSummary)
if hasPerm := a.HasProjectPermission(ctx, p.ProjectID, rbac.ActionList, rbac.ResourceMember); hasPerm {
fetchSummaries = append(fetchSummaries, getProjectMemberSummary)
if p.IsProxy() {
fetchSummaries = append(fetchSummaries, getProjectRegistrySummary)
var wg sync.WaitGroup
for _, fn := range fetchSummaries {
fn := fn
go func() {
defer wg.Done()
fn(ctx, p, summary)
return operation.NewGetProjectSummaryOK().WithPayload(summary)
func (a *projectAPI) HeadProject(ctx context.Context, params operation.HeadProjectParams) middleware.Responder {
if err := a.RequireAuthenticated(ctx); err != nil {
return a.SendError(ctx, err)
if _, err := a.projectCtl.GetByName(ctx, params.ProjectName); err != nil {
return a.SendError(ctx, err)
return operation.NewHeadProjectOK()
func (a *projectAPI) ListProjects(ctx context.Context, params operation.ListProjectsParams) middleware.Responder {
query := q.New(q.KeyWords{})
query.Sorting = "name"
query.PageNumber = *params.Page
query.PageSize = *params.PageSize
if name := lib.StringValue(params.Name); name != "" {
query.Keywords["name"] = &q.FuzzyMatchValue{Value: name}
if owner := lib.StringValue(params.Owner); owner != "" {
query.Keywords["owner"] = owner
if params.Public != nil {
query.Keywords["public"] = lib.BoolValue(params.Public)
secCtx, ok := security.FromContext(ctx)
if ok && secCtx.IsAuthenticated() {
if !secCtx.IsSysAdmin() && !secCtx.IsSolutionUser() {
// authenticated but not system admin or solution user,
// return public projects and projects that the user is member of
if l, ok := secCtx.(*local.SecurityContext); ok {
currentUser := l.User()
member := &project.MemberQuery{
UserID: currentUser.UserID,
GroupIDs: currentUser.GroupIDs,
// not filter by public or filter by the public with true,
// so also return public projects for the member
if public, ok := query.Keywords["public"]; !ok || lib.ToBool(public) {
member.WithPublic = true
query.Keywords["member"] = member
} else {
// can't get the user info, force to return public projects
query.Keywords["public"] = true
} else {
if params.Public != nil && !*params.Public {
// anonymous want to query private projects return empty projects directly
return operation.NewListProjectsOK().WithXTotalCount(0).WithPayload([]*models.Project{})
// force to return public projects for anonymous
query.Keywords["public"] = true
total, err := a.projectCtl.Count(ctx, query)
if err != nil {
return a.SendError(ctx, err)
if total == 0 {
// no projects found for the query return directly
return operation.NewListProjectsOK().WithXTotalCount(0).WithPayload([]*models.Project{})
projects, err := a.projectCtl.List(ctx, query, project.Detail(lib.BoolValue(params.WithDetail)), project.WithCVEAllowlist(), project.WithOwner())
if err != nil {
return a.SendError(ctx, err)
var wg sync.WaitGroup
for _, p := range projects {
go func(p *project.Project) {
defer wg.Done()
// due to the issue https://github.com/lib/pq/issues/81 of lib/pg or postgres,
// simultaneous queries in transaction may failed, so clone a ctx with new ormer here
if err := a.populateProperties(orm.Clone(ctx), p); err != nil {
log.G(ctx).Errorf("failed to populate propertites for project %s, error: %v", p.Name, err)
var payload []*models.Project
for _, p := range projects {
payload = append(payload, model.NewProject(p).ToSwagger())
return operation.NewListProjectsOK().
WithLink(a.Links(ctx, params.HTTPRequest.URL, total, query.PageNumber, query.PageSize).String()).
func (a *projectAPI) UpdateProject(ctx context.Context, params operation.UpdateProjectParams) middleware.Responder {
projectNameOrID := parseProjectNameOrID(params.ProjectNameOrID, params.XIsResourceName)
if err := a.RequireProjectAccess(ctx, projectNameOrID, rbac.ActionUpdate); err != nil {
return a.SendError(ctx, err)
p, err := a.projectCtl.Get(ctx, projectNameOrID, project.Metadata(false))
if err != nil {
return a.SendError(ctx, err)
if params.Project.CVEAllowlist != nil {
if params.Project.CVEAllowlist.ProjectID == 0 {
// project_id in cve_allowlist not provided or provided as 0, let it to be the id of the project which will be updating
params.Project.CVEAllowlist.ProjectID = p.ProjectID
} else if params.Project.CVEAllowlist.ProjectID != p.ProjectID {
return a.SendError(ctx, errors.BadRequestError(nil).
WithMessage("project_id in cve_allowlist must be %d but it's %d", p.ProjectID, params.Project.CVEAllowlist.ProjectID))
if err := lib.JSONCopy(&p.CVEAllowlist, params.Project.CVEAllowlist); err != nil {
return a.SendError(ctx, errors.UnknownError(nil).WithMessage("failed to process cve_allowlist, error: %v", err))
// ignore enable_content_trust metadata for proxy cache project
// see https://github.com/goharbor/harbor/issues/12940 to get more info
if params.Project.Metadata != nil && p.IsProxy() {
params.Project.Metadata.EnableContentTrust = nil
lib.JSONCopy(&p.Metadata, params.Project.Metadata)
if err := a.projectCtl.Update(ctx, p); err != nil {
return a.SendError(ctx, err)
return operation.NewUpdateProjectOK()
func (a *projectAPI) deletable(ctx context.Context, projectNameOrID interface{}) (*project.Project, *models.ProjectDeletable, error) {
p, err := a.getProject(ctx, projectNameOrID)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
result := &models.ProjectDeletable{Deletable: true}
if p.RepoCount > 0 {
result.Deletable = false
result.Message = "the project contains repositories, can not be deleted"
} else if p.ChartCount > 0 {
result.Deletable = false
result.Message = "the project contains helm charts, can not be deleted"
return p, result, nil
func (a *projectAPI) getProject(ctx context.Context, projectNameOrID interface{}, options ...project.Option) (*project.Project, error) {
p, err := a.projectCtl.Get(ctx, projectNameOrID, options...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := a.populateProperties(ctx, p); err != nil {
return nil, err
return p, nil
func (a *projectAPI) validateProjectReq(ctx context.Context, req *models.ProjectReq) error {
if req.RegistryID != nil {
if *req.RegistryID <= 0 {
return errors.BadRequestError(fmt.Errorf("%d is invalid value of registry_id, it should be geater than 0", *req.RegistryID))
registry, err := replication.RegistryMgr.Get(*req.RegistryID)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to get the registry %d: %v", *req.RegistryID, err)
if registry == nil {
return errors.NotFoundError(fmt.Errorf("registry %d not found", *req.RegistryID))
permitted := false
for _, t := range config.GetPermittedRegistryTypesForProxyCache() {
if string(registry.Type) == t {
permitted = true
if !permitted {
return errors.BadRequestError(fmt.Errorf("unsupported registry type %s", string(registry.Type)))
if req.StorageLimit != nil {
hardLimits := types.ResourceList{types.ResourceStorage: *req.StorageLimit}
if err := quota.Validate(ctx, quota.ProjectReference, hardLimits); err != nil {
return errors.BadRequestError(err)
return nil
func (a *projectAPI) populateProperties(ctx context.Context, p *project.Project) error {
if secCtx, ok := security.FromContext(ctx); ok {
if sc, ok := secCtx.(*local.SecurityContext); ok {
roles, err := pro.ListRoles(sc.User(), p.ProjectID)
if err != nil {
return err
p.RoleList = roles
p.Role = highestRole(roles)
total, err := a.repositoryCtl.Count(ctx, q.New(q.KeyWords{"project_id": p.ProjectID}))
if err != nil {
return err
p.RepoCount = total
// Populate chart count property
if config.WithChartMuseum() {
count, err := api.GetChartController().GetCountOfCharts([]string{p.Name})
if err != nil {
err = errors.Wrap(err, fmt.Sprintf("get chart count of project %d failed", p.ProjectID))
return err
p.ChartCount = count
return nil
func getProjectQuotaSummary(ctx context.Context, p *project.Project, summary *models.ProjectSummary) {
if !config.QuotaPerProjectEnable() {
log.Debug("Quota per project disabled")
q, err := quota.Ctl.GetByRef(ctx, quota.ProjectReference, quota.ReferenceID(p.ProjectID))
if err != nil {
log.Warningf("failed to get quota for project: %d", p.ProjectID)
summary.Quota = &models.ProjectSummaryQuota{}
if hard, err := q.GetHard(); err == nil {
lib.JSONCopy(&summary.Quota.Hard, hard)
if used, err := q.GetUsed(); err == nil {
lib.JSONCopy(&summary.Quota.Used, used)
func getProjectMemberSummary(ctx context.Context, p *project.Project, summary *models.ProjectSummary) {
var wg sync.WaitGroup
for _, e := range []struct {
role int
count *int64
{common.RoleProjectAdmin, &summary.ProjectAdminCount},
{common.RoleMaintainer, &summary.MaintainerCount},
{common.RoleDeveloper, &summary.DeveloperCount},
{common.RoleGuest, &summary.GuestCount},
{common.RoleLimitedGuest, &summary.LimitedGuestCount},
} {
go func(role int, count *int64) {
defer wg.Done()
total, err := pro.GetTotalOfProjectMembers(p.ProjectID, role)
if err != nil {
log.Warningf("failed to get total of project members of role %d", role)
*count = total
}(e.role, e.count)
func getProjectRegistrySummary(ctx context.Context, p *project.Project, summary *models.ProjectSummary) {
if p.RegistryID <= 0 {
registry, err := replication.RegistryMgr.Get(p.RegistryID)
if err != nil {
log.Warningf("failed to get registry %d: %v", p.RegistryID, err)
} else if registry != nil {
registry.Credential = nil
lib.JSONCopy(&summary.Registry, registry)
// Returns the highest role in the role list.
// This func should be removed once we deprecate the "current_user_role_id" in project API
// A user can have multiple roles and they may not have a strict ranking relationship
func highestRole(roles []int) int {
if roles == nil {
return 0
rolePower := map[int]int{
common.RoleProjectAdmin: 50,
common.RoleMaintainer: 40,
common.RoleDeveloper: 30,
common.RoleGuest: 20,
common.RoleLimitedGuest: 10,
var highest, highestPower int
for _, role := range roles {
if p, ok := rolePower[role]; ok && p > highestPower {
highest = role
highestPower = p
return highest