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// Code generated by mockery v2.22.1. DO NOT EDIT.
package model
import (
model "github.com/goharbor/harbor/src/pkg/accessory/model"
mock "github.com/stretchr/testify/mock"
// Accessory is an autogenerated mock type for the Accessory type
type Accessory struct {
// Display provides a mock function with given fields:
func (_m *Accessory) Display() bool {
ret := _m.Called()
var r0 bool
if rf, ok := ret.Get(0).(func() bool); ok {
r0 = rf()
} else {
r0 = ret.Get(0).(bool)
return r0
// GetData provides a mock function with given fields:
func (_m *Accessory) GetData() model.AccessoryData {
ret := _m.Called()
var r0 model.AccessoryData
if rf, ok := ret.Get(0).(func() model.AccessoryData); ok {
r0 = rf()
} else {
r0 = ret.Get(0).(model.AccessoryData)
return r0
// IsHard provides a mock function with given fields:
func (_m *Accessory) IsHard() bool {
ret := _m.Called()
var r0 bool
if rf, ok := ret.Get(0).(func() bool); ok {
r0 = rf()
} else {
r0 = ret.Get(0).(bool)
return r0
// IsSoft provides a mock function with given fields:
func (_m *Accessory) IsSoft() bool {
ret := _m.Called()
var r0 bool
if rf, ok := ret.Get(0).(func() bool); ok {
r0 = rf()
} else {
r0 = ret.Get(0).(bool)
return r0
// Kind provides a mock function with given fields:
func (_m *Accessory) Kind() string {
ret := _m.Called()
var r0 string
if rf, ok := ret.Get(0).(func() string); ok {
r0 = rf()
} else {
r0 = ret.Get(0).(string)
return r0
type mockConstructorTestingTNewAccessory interface {
// NewAccessory creates a new instance of Accessory. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations.
func NewAccessory(t mockConstructorTestingTNewAccessory) *Accessory {
mock := &Accessory{}
t.Cleanup(func() { mock.AssertExpectations(t) })
return mock