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# Copyright Project Harbor Authors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License
*** Settings ***
Documentation This resource provides any keywords related to the Harbor private registry appliance
Resource Util.robot
*** Variables ***
${SSH_USER} root
*** Keywords ***
Prepare Test Tools
Wait Unitl Command Success tar zxvf /usr/local/bin/tools.tar.gz -C /usr/local/bin/
Get And Setup Harbor CA
[Arguments] ${ip} ${HARBOR_PASSWORD} ${ca_setup_keyword} ${ip1}==${EMPTY}
Run Keyword If '${ip1}' != '${EMPTY}' Run Keywords
... Get Harbor CA ${ip1} /drone/harbor_ca1.crt
... AND Run Keyword ${ca_setup_keyword} ${ip1} ${HARBOR_PASSWORD} /drone/harbor_ca1.crt
Get Harbor CA ${ip} /drone/harbor_ca.crt
Log To Console ${ca_setup_keyword} ...
Run Keyword ${ca_setup_keyword} ${ip} ${HARBOR_PASSWORD} /drone/harbor_ca.crt
Nightly Test Setup In Photon
[Arguments] ${ip} ${HARBOR_PASSWORD} ${ip1}==${EMPTY}
Get And Setup Harbor CA ${ip} ${HARBOR_PASSWORD} CA Setup In Photon ip1=${ip1}
Prepare Test Tools
Log To Console Start Docker Daemon Locally ...
Start Docker Daemon Locally
Log To Console Start Containerd Daemon Locally ...
Start Containerd Daemon Locally
Log To Console wget mariadb ...
Run wget ${prometheus_chart_file_url}
Prepare Helm Plugin
#Prepare docker image for push special image keyword in replication test
Run Keyword If '${DOCKER_USER}' != '${EMPTY}' Docker Login "" ${DOCKER_USER} ${DOCKER_PWD}
Nightly Test Setup In Ubuntu
[Arguments] ${ip} ${HARBOR_PASSWORD} ${ip1}==${EMPTY}
Get And Setup Harbor CA ${ip} ${HARBOR_PASSWORD} CA Setup In ubuntu ip1=${ip1}
Prepare Test Tools
Log To Console Start Docker Daemon Locally ...
Run Keyword Start Docker Daemon Locally
Log To Console Start Containerd Daemon Locally ...
Run Keyword Start Containerd Daemon Locally
Prepare Helm Plugin
Run Keyword If '${DOCKER_USER}' != '${EMPTY}' Docker Login "" ${DOCKER_USER} ${DOCKER_PWD}
CA Setup In ubuntu
[Arguments] ${ip} ${HARBOR_PASSWORD} ${cert}
Prepare Docker Cert In Ubuntu ${ip} ${cert}
#Generate Certificate Authority For Chrome ${HARBOR_PASSWORD}
CA Setup In Photon
[Arguments] ${ip} ${HARBOR_PASSWORD} ${cert}
Prepare Docker Cert In Photon ${ip} ${cert}
Collect Nightly Logs
[Arguments] ${ip} ${SSH_PWD} ${ip1}==${EMPTY}
Run Keyword Collect Logs ${ip} ${SSH_PWD}
Run Keyword If '${ip1}' != '${EMPTY}' Collect Logs ${ip1} ${SSH_PWD}
Collect Logs
[Arguments] ${ip} ${SSH_PWD}
Open Connection ${ip}
Login ${SSH_USER} ${SSH_PWD}
SSHLibrary.Get File /var/log/harbor/ui.log
SSHLibrary.Get File /var/log/harbor/registry.log
SSHLibrary.Get File /var/log/harbor/proxy.log
SSHLibrary.Get File /var/log/harbor/adminserver.log
SSHLibrary.Get File /var/log/harbor/jobservice.log
SSHLibrary.Get File /var/log/harbor/postgresql.log
SSHLibrary.Get File /var/log/harbor/notary-server.log
SSHLibrary.Get File /var/log/harbor/notary-signer.log
SSHLibrary.Get File /var/log/harbor/chartmuseum.log
SSHLibrary.Get File /var/log/harbor/registryctl.log
Run rename 's/^/${ip}/' *.log
Close All Connections