
1565 lines
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"VMW_HARBOR": "Harbor",
"HARBOR": "Harbor",
"VIC": "vSphere Integrated Containers",
"MGMT": "Management",
"REG": "Registre",
"HARBOR_SWAGGER": "Harbor Swagger",
"SIGN_IN": {
"REMEMBER": "Se souvenir de moi",
"INVALID_MSG": "Nom d'utilisateur ou mot de passe invalide.",
"FORGOT_PWD": "Mot de passe oublié",
"HEADER_LINK": "S'identifier",
"CORE_SERVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE": "Core service is not available."
"SIGN_UP": {
"TITLE": "S'inscrire"
"OK": "OK",
"LOG_IN_OIDC": "Connexion via OIDC fournisseur",
"SIGN_UP_LINK": "Ouvrir un compte",
"MORE_INFO": "Plus d'informations...",
"YES": "OUI",
"NO": "NON",
"ACTIONS": "Actions",
"BROWSE": "Browse",
"UPLOAD": "Upload",
"NO_FILE": "No file selected",
"ADD": "ADD",
"RUN": "RUN",
"BATCH": {
"DELETED_SUCCESS": "Deleted successfully",
"DELETED_FAILURE": "Deleted failed or partly failed",
"SWITCH_SUCCESS": "Switch successfully",
"SWITCH_FAILURE": "Switch failed",
"REPLICATE_SUCCESS": "Started successfully",
"REPLICATE_FAILURE": "Started failed",
"STOP_SUCCESS": "Stop successfully",
"STOP_FAILURE": "Stop execution failed",
"TIME_OUT": "Gateway time-out"
"NAME_FILTER": "Filter the name of the resource. Leave empty or use '**' to match all. 'library/**' only matches resources under 'library'. For more patterns, please refer to the user guide.",
"TAG_FILTER": "Filter the tag/version part of the resources. Leave empty or use '**' to match all. '1.0*' only matches the tags that starts with '1.0'. For more patterns, please refer to the user guide.",
"LABEL_FILTER": "Filter the resources according to labels.",
"RESOURCE_FILTER": "Filter the type of resources.",
"PUSH_BASED": "Push the resources from the local Harbor to the remote registry.",
"PULL_BASED": "Pull the resources from the remote registry to the local Harbor.",
"DESTINATION_NAMESPACE": "Specify the destination namespace. If empty, the resources will be put under the same namespace as the source.",
"OVERRIDE": "Specify whether to override the resources at the destination if a resource with the same name exists.",
"EMAIL": "L'email doit être une adresse email valide comme name@example.com.",
"USER_NAME": "Ne peut pas contenir de caractères spéciaux et la longueur maximale doit être de 255 caractères.",
"FULL_NAME": "La longueur maximale doit être de 20 caractères.",
"COMMENT": "La longueur des commentaires doit être inférieure à 30 caractères.",
"CURRENT_PWD": "Le mot de passe actuel est requis.",
"PASSWORD": "Le mot de passe doit être composé de 8 à 20 caractères avec au moins 1 majuscule, 1 minuscule et 1 chiffre.",
"CONFIRM_PWD": "Les mots de passe ne correspondent pas.",
"SIGN_IN_USERNAME": "Le nom d'utilisateur est obligatoire.",
"SIGN_IN_PWD": "Le mot de passe obligatoire.",
"SIGN_UP_MAIL": "L'email n'est utilisé que pour réinitialiser votre mot de passe.",
"SIGN_UP_REAL_NAME": "Prénom et nom",
"ITEM_REQUIRED": "Le champ est obligatoire.",
"SCOPE_REQUIRED": "Field is required and should be in scope format.",
"NUMBER_REQUIRED": "Le champ est obligatoire et doit être numérique.",
"PORT_REQUIRED": "Le champ est obligatoire et doit être un numéro de port valide.",
"CRON_REQUIRED": "Le champ est obligatoire et doit être au format cron.",
"EMAIL_EXISTING": "L'adresse e-mail existe déjà.",
"USER_EXISTING": "Le nom d'utilisateur est déjà utilisé.",
"NONEMPTY": "Can't be empty",
"REPO_TOOLTIP": "Users can not do any operations to the images in this mode.",
"ENDPOINT_FORMAT": "Endpoint must start with HTTP:// or HTTPS://.",
"OIDC_ENDPOIT_FORMAT": "Endpoint must start with HTTPS://.",
"OIDC_NAME": "le nom du fournisseur de oidc.",
"OIDC_ENDPOINT": "l'url d'un serveur oidc plainte.",
"OIDC_SCOPE": "le champ envoyés au serveur au cours oidc l'authentification.il doit contenir 'openid', et 'offline_access'.si vous utilisez google, veuillez supprimer 'offline_access' dans ce domaine",
"OIDC_VERIFYCERT": "décocher cette case si votre oidc serveur est accueilli par auto - certificat signé.",
"OIDC_GROUP_CLAIM": "The name of Claim in the ID token whose value is the list of group names.",
"OIDC_GROUP_CLAIM_WARNING": "It can only contain letters, numbers, underscores, and the input length is no more than 256 characters.",
"OIDC_AUTOONBOARD": "Skip the onboarding screen, so user cannot change its username. Username is provided from ID Token",
"OIDC_USER_CLAIM": "The name of the claim in the ID Token where the username is retrieved from. If not specified, it will default to 'name'",
"NEW_SECRET": "The secret must longer than 8 chars with at least 1 uppercase letter, 1 lowercase letter and 1 number."
"CURRENT_PWD": "Entrez le mot de passe actuel",
"NEW_PWD": "Entrer un nouveau mot de passe",
"CONFIRM_PWD": "Confirmer le nouveau mot de passe",
"USER_NAME": "Entrez votre nom d'utilisateur",
"MAIL": "Entrez l'adresse e-mail",
"FULL_NAME": "Entrer le nom complet",
"SIGN_IN_NAME": "Nom d'utilisateur",
"SIGN_IN_PWD": "Mot de passe"
"TITLE": "Profil Utilisateur",
"USER_NAME": "Nom d'utilisateur",
"EMAIL": "Email",
"FULL_NAME": "Prénom et nom",
"COMMENT": "Commentaires",
"PASSWORD": "Mot de passe",
"SAVE_SUCCESS": "Profil utilisateur sauvegardé avec succès.",
"ADMIN_RENAME_BUTTON": "Change username",
"ADMIN_RENAME_TIP": "Select the button in order to change the username to \"admin@harbor.local\". This operation can not be undone.",
"RENAME_SUCCESS": "Rename success!",
"RENAME_CONFIRM_INFO": "Warning, changing the name to admin@harbor.local can not be undone.",
"CLI_PASSWORD": "CLI secret",
"CLI_PASSWORD_TIP": "vous pouvez utiliser ce cli secret comme mot de passe quand utiliser docker / barre l'accès à harbor.",
"COPY_SUCCESS": "copie de succès",
"COPY_ERROR": "copie a échoué",
"ADMIN_CIL_SECRET_RESET_BUTTON": "Upload Your Own Secret",
"NEW_SECRET": "Secret",
"CONFIRM_SECRET": "Re-enter Secret",
"GENERATE_SUCCESS": "Cli secret setting is successful",
"GENERATE_ERROR": "Cli secret setting is failed",
"CONFIRM_TITLE_CLI_GENERATE": "Are you sure you can regenerate secret?",
"CONFIRM_BODY_CLI_GENERATE": "If you regenerate cli secret, the old cli secret will be discarded"
"TITLE": "Modifier le mot de passe",
"CURRENT_PWD": "Mot de Passe Actuel",
"NEW_PWD": "Nouveau Mot de Passe",
"CONFIRM_PWD": "Confirmer le Mot de Passe",
"SAVE_SUCCESS": "Mot de passe utilisateur modifié avec succès.",
"PASS_TIPS": "8-128 caractères long avec 1 majuscule, 1 minuscule et 1 chiffre"
"PROFILE": "Profil Utilisateur",
"CHANGE_PWD": "Modifier le mot de passe",
"ABOUT": "A propos",
"LOGOUT": "Se déconnecter"
"PLACEHOLDER": "Recherche {{param}}...",
"PLACEHOLDER_VIC": "Recherche dans le registre..."
"DASHBOARD": "Tableau de bord",
"PROJECTS": "Projets",
"NAME": "Administration",
"USER": "Utilisateurs",
"GROUP": "Groups",
"REPLICATION": "Réplication",
"CONFIG": "Configuration",
"VULNERABILITY": "Vulnerability",
"GARBAGE_COLLECTION": "Garbage Collection",
"INTERROGATION_SERVICES": "Interrogation Services"
"LOGS": "Logs",
"TASKS": "Tasks",
"API_EXPLORER": "Api Explorer",
"NAME": "Distributions",
"INSTANCES": "Instances"
"USER": {
"ENABLE_ADMIN_ACTION": "Définir comme administrateur",
"DISABLE_ADMIN_ACTION": "Révoquer en tant qu'administrateur",
"DEL_ACTION": "Supprimer",
"FILTER_PLACEHOLDER": "Filtrer les utilisateurs",
"COLUMN_ADMIN": "Administrateur",
"COLUMN_EMAIL": "Email",
"COLUMN_REG_NAME": "Temps d'enregistrement",
"IS_ADMIN": "Oui",
"IS_NOT_ADMIN": "Non",
"ADD_USER_TITLE": "Nouvel Utilisateur",
"SAVE_SUCCESS": "Nouvel utilisateur créé avec succès.",
"DELETION_TITLE": "Confirmer la suppression utilisateur",
"DELETION_SUMMARY": "Voules-vous supprimer l'utilisateur {{param}}?",
"DELETE_SUCCESS": "Utilisateur supprimé avec succès.",
"ITEMS": "items",
"OF": "de",
"RESET_Ok": "Users password reset successfully",
"EXISTING_PASSWORD": "The new password can not be same with the old one"
"PROJECTS": "Projets",
"NAME": "Nom du Projet",
"ROLE": "Rôle",
"PUBLIC_OR_PRIVATE": "Niveau d'Accès",
"REPO_COUNT": "Nombre de dépôts",
"CHART_COUNT": "Chart Count",
"CREATION_TIME": "Heure de création",
"ACCESS_LEVEL": "Niveau d'Accès",
"PUBLIC": "Public",
"PRIVATE": "Privé",
"MAKE": "Faire",
"NEW_POLICY": "Nouvelle règle de réplication",
"DELETE": "Supprimer",
"ALL_PROJECTS": "Tous les Projets",
"PRIVATE_PROJECTS": "Projets Privés",
"PUBLIC_PROJECTS": "Projets Publics",
"PROJECT": "Projet",
"NEW_PROJECT": "Nouveau Projet",
"NAME_TOOLTIP": "Le nom du projet doit comporter 1~255 caractères avec des minuscules, des chiffres et. _- et doit commencer par des caractères ou des chiffres.",
"NAME_IS_REQUIRED": "Le nom du projet est obligatoire.",
"NAME_ALREADY_EXISTS": "Le nom du projet existe déjà.",
"NAME_IS_ILLEGAL": "Le nom du projet est invalide.",
"UNKNOWN_ERROR": "Une erreur inconnue s'est produite lors de la création du projet.",
"ITEMS": "items",
"DELETION_TITLE": "Confirmer la suppression de projet",
"DELETION_SUMMARY": "Voulez-vous supprimer le projet {{param}} ?",
"FILTER_PLACEHOLDER": "Filtrer les Projets",
"REPLICATION_RULE": "Règle de Réplication",
"CREATED_SUCCESS": "Projet créé avec succès.",
"DELETED_SUCCESS": "Projet supprimé avec succès.",
"TOGGLED_SUCCESS": "Projet basculé avec succès.",
"FAILED_TO_DELETE_PROJECT": "Project contains repositories or replication rules or helm-charts cannot be deleted.",
"INLINE_HELP_PUBLIC": "Lorsqu'un projet est mis en public, n'importe qui a l'autorisation de lire les dépôts sous ce projet, et l'utilisateur n' a pas besoin d'exécuter \"docker login\" avant de prendre des images de ce projet.",
"OF": "de",
"COUNT_QUOTA": "Count quota",
"STORAGE_QUOTA": "Storage quota",
"COUNT_QUOTA_TIP": "Please enter an integer between '1' & '100,000,000', '-1' for unlimited",
"STORAGE_QUOTA_TIP": "The upper limit of Storage Quota only takes integer values, capped at '1024TB'. Enter '-1' for unlimited quota",
"QUOTA_UNLIMIT_TIP": "For unlimited quota enter '-1'.",
"TYPE": "Type",
"PROXY_CACHE": "Proxy Cache",
"PROXY_CACHE_TOOLTIP": "Enable this to allow this project to act as a pull-through cache for a particular target registry instance. Harbor can only act a proxy for DockerHub, Harbor, Aws ECR, Azure ACR and Google GCR registries.",
"ENDPOINT": "Endpoint",
"PROXY_CACHE_ENDPOINT": "Proxy Cache Endpoint"
"SUMMARY": "Summary",
"REPLICATION": "Réplication",
"USERS": "Membres",
"LOGS": "Logs",
"LABELS": "Labels",
"PROJECTS": "Projets",
"CONFIG": "Configuration",
"HELMCHART": "Helm Charts",
"ROBOT_ACCOUNTS": "Robot Accounts",
"WEBHOOKS": "Webhooks",
"IMMUTABLE_TAG": "Tag Immutability",
"POLICY": "Policy"
"REGISTRY": "Dépôt du Projet",
"PUBLIC_TOGGLE": "Public",
"PUBLIC_POLICY": "Rendre public un registre de projets rendra tous les dépôts accessibles à tous.",
"SECURITY": "Sécurité de déploiement",
"CONTENT_TRUST_TOGGLE": "Activer la confiance du contenu",
"CONTENT_TRUST_POLCIY": "Autoriser uniquement le déploiement d'images vérifiées.",
"PREVENT_VULNERABLE_TOGGLE": "Empêche les images vulnérables de fonctionner.",
"PREVENT_VULNERABLE_1": "Prévenir les images présentant une vulnérabilité grave de",
"PREVENT_VULNERABLE_2": "et au-dessus d'être déployé.",
"SCAN": "Analyse de vulnérabilité",
"AUTOSCAN_TOGGLE": "Analyse automatique des images lors de l'envoi",
"AUTOSCAN_POLICY": "Analyser automatiquement les images lorsqu'elles sont envoyées au registre du projet."
"NEW_USER": "Add User Member",
"NEW_MEMBER": "Nouveau Membre",
"MEMBER": "Membre",
"NAME": "Nom",
"EMAIL": "Email",
"ROLE": "Rôle",
"ADD_USER": "Add User",
"NEW_USER_INFO": "Add a user to be a member of this project with specified role",
"NEW_GROUP": "New Group",
"IMPORT_GROUP": "Add Group Member",
"NEW_GROUP_INFO": "Add an existing user group or select a user group from LDAP/AD to project member",
"ADD_GROUP_SELECT": "Add an existing user group to project member",
"CREATE_GROUP_SELECT": "Add a group from LDAP to project member",
"LDAP_GROUP": "Group",
"LDAP_GROUPS": "Groups",
"LDAP_PROPERTY": "Property",
"USER": " User",
"USERS": "Users",
"MEMBER_TYPE": "Member Type",
"GROUP_TYPE": "Group",
"USER_TYPE": "User",
"SYS_ADMIN": "System Admin",
"PROJECT_ADMIN": "Project Admin",
"PROJECT_MAINTAINER": "préposé à la maintenance",
"DEVELOPER": "Développeur",
"GUEST": "Invité",
"LIMITED_GUEST": "Limited Guest",
"DELETE": "Supprimer",
"ITEMS": "items",
"ACTIONS": "Actions",
"USERNAME_IS_REQUIRED": "Nom d'utilisateur requis",
"USERNAME_DOES_NOT_EXISTS": "Ce nom d'utilisateur n'existe pas.",
"USERNAME_ALREADY_EXISTS": "Cenom d'utilisateur existe déjà.",
"UNKNOWN_ERROR": "Une erreur inconnue s'est produite lors de l'ajout d'un membre.",
"FILTER_PLACEHOLDER": "Membres du filtre",
"DELETION_TITLE": "Confirmer la suppression d'un membre du projet",
"DELETION_SUMMARY": "Voulez-vous supprimer un membre du projet {{param}} ?",
"ADDED_SUCCESS": "Membre ajouté avec succès.",
"DELETED_SUCCESS": "Membre supprimé avec succès.",
"SWITCHED_SUCCESS": "Rôle du membre changé avec succés.",
"OF": "de",
"SET_ROLE": "Set Role",
"REMOVE": "Remove"
"NAME": "Nom",
"PERMISSIONS": "Permissions",
"TOKEN": "gage ",
"NEW_ROBOT_ACCOUNT": "nouveau robot compte ",
"ENABLED_STATE": "état d 'activation",
"CREATETION": "Created time",
"EXPIRATION": "Expiration",
"NUMBER_REQUIRED": "Field is required and should be an integer other than 0.",
"TOKEN_EXPIRATION": "Robot Token Expiration (Days)",
"DESCRIPTION": "Description",
"ACTION": "Action",
"EDIT": "Edit",
"ITEMS": "items",
"OF": "of",
"DISABLE_ACCOUNT": "désactiver le compte ",
"ENABLE_ACCOUNT": "permettre à compte ",
"DELETE": "Supprimer",
"CREAT_ROBOT_ACCOUNT": "créat robot compte ",
"PERMISSIONS_HELMCHART": "Helm Chart (Chart Museum)",
"PUSH": "Push",
"PULL": "Pull",
"FILTER_PLACEHOLDER": "Filter Robot Accounts",
"ROBOT_NAME": "ne peut pas contenir de caractères spéciaux(~#$%) et la longueur maximale devrait être de 255 caractères.",
"ACCOUNT_EXISTING": "le robot est existe déjà.",
"ALERT_TEXT": "This is the only time to copy your personal access token.You wont't have another opportunity",
"CREATED_SUCCESS": "Created '{{param}}' successfully.",
"COPY_SUCCESS": "Copy token successfully of '{{param}}'",
"DELETION_TITLE": "confirmer l'enlèvement des comptes du robot ",
"DELETION_SUMMARY": "Voulez-vous supprimer la règle {{param}}?",
"PULL_IS_MUST": "Pull permission is checked by default and can not be modified.",
"EXPORT_TO_FILE": "export to file",
"EXPIRES_AT": "Expires At",
"EXPIRATION_TOOLTIP": "If not set, the expiration time of system configuration will be used",
"INVALID_VALUE": "The value of the expiration time is invalid",
"NEVER_EXPIRED": "Never Expired",
"NAME_PREFIX": "Robot Name Prefix",
"NAME_PREFIX_REQUIRED": "Robot name prefix is required"
"TYPE": "Webhook",
"STATUS": "Status",
"CREATED": "Created",
"ENABLED": "Enabled",
"DISABLED": "Disabled",
"OF": "of",
"ITEMS": "items",
"LAST_TRIGGERED": "Last Triggered",
"EDIT_WEBHOOK": "Edit Webhook",
"ADD_WEBHOOK": "Add Webhook",
"CREATE_WEBHOOK": "Getting started with webhooks",
"EDIT_WEBHOOK_DESC": "Specify the endpoint for receiving webhook notifications",
"CREATE_WEBHOOK_DESC": "To get started with webhooks, provide an endpoint and credentials to access the webhook server.",
"VERIFY_REMOTE_CERT_TOOLTIP": "Determine whether the webhook should verify the certificate of a remote url Uncheck this box when the remote url uses a self-signed or untrusted certificate.",
"ENDPOINT_URL": "Endpoint URL",
"URL_IS_REQUIRED": "Endpoint URL is required.",
"AUTH_HEADER": "Auth Header",
"VERIFY_REMOTE_CERT": "Verify Remote Certificate",
"TEST_ENDPOINT_SUCCESS": "Connection tested successfully.",
"TEST_ENDPOINT_FAILURE": "Failed to ping endpoint.",
"ENABLED_WEBHOOK_TITLE": "Enable Webhook",
"ENABLED_WEBHOOK_SUMMARY": "Do you want to enable webhook {{name}}?",
"DISABLED_WEBHOOK_TITLE": "Disable Webhook",
"DISABLED_WEBHOOK_SUMMARY": "Do you want to disable webhook {{name}}?",
"DELETE_WEBHOOK_TITLE": "Delete Webhook(s)",
"DELETE_WEBHOOK_SUMMARY": "Do you want to delete webhook(s) {{names}}?",
"WEBHOOKS": "Webhooks",
"NEW_WEBHOOK": "New Webhook",
"ENABLE": "Enable",
"DISABLE": "Disable",
"NAME": "Name",
"TARGET": "Endpoint URL",
"EVENT_TYPES": "Event types",
"DESCRIPTION": "Description",
"NO_WEBHOOK": "No Webhook",
"LAST_TRIGGER": "Last Trigger",
"WEBHOOK_NAME": "Webhook Name",
"NO_TRIGGER": "No Trigger",
"NAME_REQUIRED": "Name is required",
"NOTIFY_TYPE": "Notify Type",
"EVENT_TYPE": "Event Type",
"EVENT_TYPE_REQUIRED": "Require at least one event type"
"GROUP": {
"Group": "Group",
"GROUPS": "Groups",
"ADD": "Add",
"EDIT": "Edit",
"DELETE": "Delete",
"NAME": "Name",
"TYPE": "Type",
"DN": "DN",
"GROUP_DN": "Ldap Group DN",
"PROPERTY": "Property",
"REG_TIME": "Registration Time",
"ADD_GROUP_SUCCESS": "Add group success",
"EDIT_GROUP_SUCCESS": "Edit group success",
"OF": "of",
"ITEMS": "items",
"NEW_MEMBER": "New Group Member",
"NEW_USER_INFO": "Add a group to be a member of this project with specified role",
"ROLE": "Role",
"SYS_ADMIN": "System Admin",
"PROJECT_ADMIN": "Project Admin",
"DEVELOPER": "Developer",
"GUEST": "Guest",
"LIMITED_GUEST": "Limited Guest",
"DELETION_TITLE": "Confirm group members deletion",
"DELETION_SUMMARY": "Do you want to delete group member(s) {{param}}?"
"USERNAME": "Nom d'utilisateur",
"REPOSITORY_NAME": "Nom du dépôt",
"TAGS": "Etiquettes",
"OPERATION": "Opération",
"OPERATIONS": "Opérations",
"TIMESTAMP": "Horodatage",
"ALL_OPERATIONS": "Toutes les Opérations",
"PULL": "Pull",
"PUSH": "Push",
"CREATE": "Créer",
"DELETE": "Supprimer",
"OTHERS": "Autres",
"ADVANCED": "Avancé",
"SIMPLE": "Simple",
"ITEMS": "items",
"FILTER_PLACEHOLDER": "Filtrer les Logs",
"INVALID_DATE": "Date invalide.",
"OF": "de",
"NOT_FOUND": "Nous n'avons trouvé aucun journal!",
"RESOURCE": "Resource",
"RESOURCE_TYPE": "Resource Type"
"YES": "Yes",
"SECONDS": "Seconds",
"MINUTES": "Minutes",
"HOURS": "Hours",
"MONTH": "Month",
"DAY_MONTH": "Day of month",
"DAY_WEEK": "Day of week",
"CRON_TITLE": "Pattern description for cron '* * * * * *'.The cron string is based on UTC time",
"FIELD_NAME": "Field name",
"MANDATORY": "Mandatory?",
"ALLOWED_VALUES": "Allowed values",
"ALLOWED_CHARACTERS": "Allowed special characters",
"TOTAL": "Total",
"OVERRIDE": "Override",
"ENABLED_RULE": "Enable rule",
"OVERRIDE_INFO": "Override",
"CURRENT": "current",
"STOP_TITLE": "Confirmer arrêter les exécutions",
"BOTH": "both",
"PLEASE_SELECT": "select an option",
"STOP_SUCCESS": "Stop Execution {{param}} Successful",
"STOP_SUMMARY": "Voulez-vous arrêter les exécutions {{param}}?",
"TASK_ID": "Task ID",
"RESOURCE_TYPE": "Resource Type",
"SOURCE": "Source",
"DESTINATION": "Destination",
"POLICY": "Policy",
"DURATION": "Duration",
"SUCCESS_RATE": "Success Rate",
"STOP_EXECUTIONS": "Stop Execution",
"ID": "ID",
"REPLICATION_RULE": "Règle de Réplication",
"NEW_REPLICATION_RULE": "Nouvelle Règle de Réplication",
"ENDPOINTS": "Points finaux",
"DELETION_TITLE": "Confirmer la suppression de la Règle",
"DELETION_SUMMARY": "Voulez-vous supprimer la règle {{param}} ?",
"DELETION_TITLE_FAILURE": "n'a pas supprimé la règle",
"DELETION_SUMMARY_FAILURE": "{{param}} ont le statut en attente/en fonctionnement/en train de réessayer",
"FILTER_TARGETS_PLACEHOLDER": "Filtrer les Points Finaux",
"DELETION_TITLE_TARGET": "Confirmer la suppression du Point Final",
"DELETION_SUMMARY_TARGET": "Voulez-vous supprimer le point final {{param}}?",
"ADD_POLICY": "Nouvelle Règle de Réplication",
"EDIT_POLICY": "Editer",
"EDIT_POLICY_TITLE": "Editer la Règle de Réplication",
"DELETE_POLICY": "Supprimer",
"TEST_CONNECTION": "Test de Connexion",
"TESTING_CONNECTION": "En train de tester la Connexion...",
"TEST_CONNECTION_SUCCESS": "Connexion testée avec succès.",
"TEST_CONNECTION_FAILURE": "Echec du ping du point final.",
"NAME": "Nom",
"PROJECT": "Projet",
"NAME_IS_REQUIRED": "Le nom est obligatoire.",
"DESCRIPTION": "Description",
"ENABLE": "Activer",
"DISABLE": "Désactiver",
"REPLICATION_MODE": "Replication Mode",
"SRC_REGISTRY": "Source registry",
"DESTINATION_NAMESPACE": "Destination registry:Namespace",
"DESTINATION_NAME_IS_REQUIRED": "Le nom du Point Final est obligatoire.",
"NEW_DESTINATION": "Nouveau Point Final",
"DESTINATION_URL": "URL du Point Final",
"DESTINATION_URL_IS_REQUIRED": "L'URL du Point Final est obligatoire.",
"DESTINATION_USERNAME": "Nom d'utilisateur",
"ALL_STATUS": "Tous les Statuts",
"ENABLED": "Activé",
"DISABLED": "Désactivé",
"LAST_START_TIME": "Dernière heure de démarrage",
"ACTIVATION": "Activation",
"REPLICATION_EXECUTION": "Travaux de Réplication",
"REPLICATION_EXECUTIONS": "Travaux de Réplication",
"ALL": "Tous",
"END_TIME": "End Time",
"PENDING": "En attente",
"RUNNING": "En fonctionnement",
"ERROR": "Erreur",
"RETRYING": "En train de réessayer",
"FINISHED": "Terminé",
"CANCELED": "Annulé",
"SIMPLE": "Simple",
"ADVANCED": "Avancé",
"STATUS": "Statut",
"OPERATION": "Operation",
"CREATION_TIME": "Heure de départ",
"UPDATE_TIME": "Heure de mise à jour",
"LOGS": "Logs",
"OF": "de",
"ITEMS": "items",
"NO_LOGS": "Pas de log",
"TOGGLE_ENABLE_TITLE": "Activer la Règle",
"TOGGLE_DISABLE_TITLE": "Désactiver la Règle",
"CREATED_SUCCESS": "Règle de réplication créée avec succès.",
"UPDATED_SUCCESS": "Règle de réplication mise à jour avec succès.",
"DELETED_SUCCESS": "Règle de réplication supprimée avec succès.",
"DELETED_FAILED": "La suppression de la règle de réplication a échoué.",
"TOGGLED_SUCCESS": "Modification du statut de la règle de réplication avec succés.",
"CANNOT_EDIT": "La règle de réplication ne peut pas être modifiée lorsqu'elle est activée.",
"INVALID_DATE": "Date non valide.",
"PLACEHOLDER": "Nous n'avons trouvé aucune règle de réplication !",
"JOB_PLACEHOLDER": "Nous n'avons trouvé aucun travail de réplication !",
"NO_ENDPOINT_INFO": "Please add an endpoint first",
"NO_PROJECT_INFO": "This project is not exist",
"SOURCE_RESOURCE_FILTER": "Source resource filter",
"SCHEDULED": "Scheduled",
"MANUAL": "Manual",
"EVENT_BASED": "Event Based",
"DAILY": "Daily",
"WEEKLY": "Weekly",
"SETTING": "Options",
"TRIGGER": "Triggering Condition",
"TARGETS": "Target",
"MODE": "Mode",
"TRIGGER_MODE": "Trigger Mode",
"SOURCE_PROJECT": "Source project",
"REPLICATE": "Replicate",
"DELETE_REMOTE_IMAGES": "Delete remote resources when locally deleted",
"DELETE_ENABLED": "Enabled this policy",
"NEW": "New",
"NAME_TOOLTIP": "replication rule name should be at least 2 characters long with lower case characters, numbers and ._- and must be start with characters or numbers.",
"DESTINATION_NAME_TOOLTIP": "Destination name should be at least 2 characters long with lower case characters, numbers and ._-/ and must be start with characters or numbers.",
"ACKNOWLEDGE": "Acknowledge",
"RULE_DISABLED": "This rule has been disabled because a label used in its filter has been deleted. \n Edit the rule and update its filter to enable it.",
"REPLI_MODE": "Replication mode",
"SOURCE_REGISTRY": "Source registry",
"SOURCE_NAMESPACES": "Source namespaces",
"DEST_REGISTRY": "Destination registry",
"DEST_NAMESPACE": "Destination namespace",
"NAMESPACE_TOOLTIP": "Namespace name should be at least 2 characters long with lower case characters, numbers and ._- and must be start with characters or numbers.",
"TAG": "Tag",
"LABEL": "Label",
"RESOURCE": "Resource",
"ENABLE_TITLE": "Enable rule",
"ENABLE_SUMMARY": "Do you want to enable rule {{param}}?",
"DISABLE_TITLE": "Disable rule",
"DISABLE_SUMMARY": "Do you want to disable rule {{param}}?",
"ENABLE_SUCCESS": "Enabled rule successfully",
"ENABLE_FAILED": "Enabling rule failed",
"DISABLE_SUCCESS": "Disabled rule successfully",
"DISABLE_FAILED": "Disabling rule failed"
"NEW_ENDPOINT": "Nouveau Point Final",
"PROVIDER": "Provider",
"ENDPOINT": "Point Final",
"NAME": "Alors",
"NAME_IS_REQUIRED": "Le nom du Point final est obligatoire.",
"URL": "URL du Point Final",
"URL_IS_REQUIRED": "L'URL du Point Final est obligatoire.",
"AUTHENTICATION": "Authentification",
"ACCESS_ID": "ID d'accès",
"ACCESS_SECRET": "Secret d'accès",
"STATUS": "Statut",
"TEST_CONNECTION": "Test de Connexion",
"TITLE_EDIT": "Editer le Point Final",
"TITLE_ADD": "Nouveau point de terminaison de registre",
"DELETE": "Supprimer le Point Final",
"TESTING_CONNECTION": "En train de tester la Connexion...",
"TEST_CONNECTION_SUCCESS": "Connexion testée avec succès.",
"TEST_CONNECTION_FAILURE": "Echec du ping du Point Final.",
"CONFLICT_NAME": "Le nom du noeud final existe déjà.",
"INVALID_NAME": "Nom du point final invalide.",
"FAILED_TO_GET_TARGET": "Echec de l'obtention du point final.",
"CREATION_TIME": "Temps de Création",
"OF": "de",
"ITEMS": "items",
"CREATED_SUCCESS": "Point final créé avec succès.",
"UPDATED_SUCCESS": "Point final mis à jour avec succès.",
"DELETED_SUCCESS": "Point final supprimé avec succès.",
"DELETED_FAILED": "Echec de la suppression du point final",
"CANNOT_EDIT": "Le point final ne peut pas être modifié tant que la règle de réplication est activée.",
"FAILED_TO_DELETE_TARGET_IN_USED": "Echec de la suppression du point final en cours d'utilisation",
"PLACEHOLDER": "Nous n'avons trouvé aucun point final !",
"DEPRECATED": "Helm Hub is moving to Artifact Hub"
"COPY_DIGEST_ID": "Copier le Résumé",
"DELETE": "Supprimer",
"NAME": "Nom",
"TAGS": "Tags",
"ARTIFACT_TOOTIP": "Click to view this OCI index's artifact list",
"ARTIFACTS_COUNT": "Artifacts",
"PULL_COUNT": "Pulls",
"PULL_COMMAND": "Commande de Pull",
"PULL_TIME": "Pull Time",
"PUSH_TIME": "Push Time",
"IMMUTABLE": "Immutable",
"MY_REPOSITORY": "Mon Dépôt",
"PUBLIC_REPOSITORY": "Dépôt Public",
"DELETION_TITLE_REPO": "Confirmer la Suppresion du Dépôt",
"DELETION_TITLE_REPO_SIGNED": "Le Dépôt ne peut être supprimé",
"DELETION_SUMMARY_REPO_SIGNED": "Le Dépôt '{{repoName}}' ne peut pas être supprimé parce que les images suivantes signées existent. \n{{signedImages}} \nVous devez retirer la signature de toutes les images signées avant de supprimer le dépôt !",
"DELETION_SUMMARY_REPO": "Voulez-vous supprimer le dépôt {{repoName}} ?",
"DELETION_TITLE_ARTIFACT": "Confirm Artifact Deletion",
"DELETION_SUMMARY_ARTIFACT": "Do you want to delete artifact {{param}}? If you delete this artifact, all tags referenced by the digest will also be deleted.",
"DELETION_TITLE_TAG": "Confirmer la suppression du Tag",
"DELETION_SUMMARY_TAG": "Voulez-vous supprimer le tag {{param}}? ",
"DELETION_TITLE_TAG_DENIED": "Un tag signé ne peut être supprimé",
"DELETION_SUMMARY_TAG_DENIED": "La balise doit être supprimée du Résumé avant qu'elle ne puisse être supprimée. \nSupprimer du Résumé via cette commande: \n",
"TAGS_NO_DELETE": "Upload/Delete is prohibited in read only mode.",
"FILTER_FOR_REPOSITORIES": "Filtrer les Dépôts",
"TAG": "Tag",
"ARTIFACT": "Aarifact",
"ARTIFACTS": "Artifacts",
"SIZE": "Taille",
"VULNERABILITY": "Vulnérabilitée",
"BUILD_HISTORY": "Construire l'histoire",
"SIGNED": "Signé",
"AUTHOR": "Auteur",
"CREATED": "Heure de Création",
"DOCKER_VERSION": "Version de Docker",
"ARCHITECTURE": "Architecture",
"OS": "OS",
"SHOW_DETAILS": "Montrer les Détails",
"OF": "de",
"ITEMS": "items",
"POP_REPOS": "Dépôts Populaires",
"DELETED_REPO_SUCCESS": "Dépôt supprimé avec succès.",
"DELETED_TAG_SUCCESS": "Tag supprimé avec succés.",
"COPY": "Copier",
"NOTARY_IS_UNDETERMINED": "Ne peut pas déterminer la signature de ce tag.",
"PLACEHOLDER": "Nous ne trouvons aucun dépôt !",
"NO_INFO": "No description for this repo. You can add it to this repository.",
"IMAGE": "Images",
"LABELS": "Labels",
"ADD_LABEL_TO_IMAGE": "Add labels to this image",
"FILTER_BY_LABEL": "Filter images by label",
"FILTER_ARTIFACT_BY_LABEL": "Filter actifact by label",
"ADD_LABELS": "Add Labels",
"RETAG": "Copy",
"ADDITIONAL_INFO": "Add Additional Info",
"REPO_NAME": "Repository",
"MARKDOWN": "Styling with Markdown is supported",
"LAST_MODIFIED": "Last Modified Time"
"HELMCHARTS": "Charts",
"CHARTVERSIONS": "Versions",
"UPLOAD_TITLE": "Upload chart files",
"CHART_FILE": "Chart File",
"CHART_PROV": "Prov File",
"DOWNLOAD": "Download",
"SUMMARY": "Summary",
"DEPENDENCIES": "Dependencies",
"VALUES": "Values",
"OVERVIEW": "Overview",
"HOME": "Home",
"SRC_REPO": "Source Repository",
"CREATED": "Created Time",
"MAINTAINERS": "Maintainers",
"OTHER_MAINTAINERS": "{{ name }} and {{ number }} others",
"PULLS": "Pull Count",
"VERSION": "Version",
"APP_VERSION": "Application Version",
"INSTALL": "Install",
"INSTALL_CHART": "Install Chart",
"NAME": "Name",
"REPO": "Repository",
"FILTER_FOR_CHARTS": "Filter for charts",
"DELETE": "Delete",
"OF": "of",
"VERSIONS": "versions",
"IMAGES": "Images",
"ENGINE": "Engine",
"ACTION": "Action",
"UPLOAD": "Upload",
"DELETE_CHART_VERSION_TITLE": "Delete Chart Versions",
"DELETE_CHART_VERSION": "Do you want to delete version {{param}}?",
"IMPORT": "Import",
"EXPORT": "Export",
"ADD_REPO": "Add Repo",
"SHOW_KV": "Key Value Pairs",
"PLACEHOLDER": "We couldn't find any charts!",
"NO_VERSION_PLACEHOLDER": "We couldn't find any versions!",
"FILE_UPLOADED": "File upload successfully",
"SIGN": "Sign",
"SIGNED": "Signed",
"UNSIGNED": "Unsigned",
"ITEMS": "items",
"SECURITY": "Security",
"ACTIVE": "Active",
"DEPRECATED": "Deprecated",
"VERIFY_CHART": "Verify Chart",
"COMMAND": "Commands",
"PROV_FILE": "Prov File",
"READY": "Ready",
"NOT_READY": "Not Ready",
"LABELS": "Labels",
"ADD_LABEL_TO_CHART_VERSION": "Add labels to this chart version",
"STATUS": "Status"
"QUOTAS": "quotas",
"PROJECT_REPOSITORY": "Repositories",
"PROJECT_MEMBER": "Members",
"ARTIFACT_COUNT": "Artifact count",
"STORAGE_CONSUMPTION": "Storage consumption",
"ADMIN": "Admin(s)",
"MAINTAINER": "Maintainer(s)",
"DEVELOPER": "Developer(s)",
"GUEST": "Guest(s)",
"LIMITED_GUEST": "Limited guest(s)"
"ALERT": {
"FORM_CHANGE_CONFIRMATION": "Certaines modifications ne sont pas encore enregistrées. Voulez-vous annuler ?"
"TITLE": "Réinitialiser le Mot de Passe",
"CAPTION": "Entrer votre email pour Réinitialiser le Mot de Passe",
"EMAIL": "Email",
"SUCCESS": "Un email avec le lien de réinitialisation du mot de passe a été envoyé avec succès. Vous pouvez fermer cette boîte de dialogue et vérifier votre boîte mail.",
"CAPTION2": "Entrer votre nouveau mot de passe",
"RESET_OK": "Le mot de passe a été réinitialisé avec succès. Cliquez sur OK pour vous connecter avec un nouveau mot de passe."
"SUB_TITLE": "Montrer",
"HISTORY": "History",
"TITLE": "Configuration",
"AUTH": "Identification",
"REPLICATION": "Réplication",
"EMAIL": "Email",
"LABEL": "Labels",
"SYSTEM": "Réglages Système",
"PROJECT_QUOTAS": "Project Quotas",
"CONFIRM_TITLE": "Confirmer pour annuler",
"CONFIRM_SUMMARY": "Certaines modifications n'ont pas été sauvegardées. Voulez-vous les défaire ?",
"SAVE_SUCCESS": "La configuration a été sauvegardée avec succès.",
"MAIL_SERVER": "Serveur mail",
"MAIL_SERVER_PORT": "Port du Serveur mail",
"MAIL_USERNAME": "Nom d'Utilisateur du compte mail",
"MAIL_PASSWORD": "Mot de passe du compte mail",
"MAIL_FROM": "Email de",
"MAIL_SSL": "Email SSL",
"MAIL_INSECURE": "Verifier le Certificat",
"INSECURE_TOOLTIP": "Déterminez s'il faut vérifier le certificat du serveur mail. Décochez cette case lorsque le serveur mail utilise un certificat auto-signé ou non approuvé.",
"SSL_TOOLTIP": "Activer SSL la connexion au serveur mail",
"VERIFY_REMOTE_CERT": "Vérifier le Certificat Distant",
"TOKEN_EXPIRATION": "Expiration du Jeton (Minutes)",
"AUTH_MODE": "Mode d'Identification",
"PRO_CREATION_RESTRICTION": "Création du Projet",
"SELF_REGISTRATION": "Autoriser l'Auto-Inscription",
"AUTH_MODE_DB": "Base de données",
"AUTH_MODE_HTTP": "http_auth",
"SCOPE_BASE": "Base",
"SCOPE_ONE_LEVEL": "Premier Niveau",
"SCOPE_SUBTREE": "Sous-arbre",
"PRO_CREATION_EVERYONE": "Tout le monde",
"PRO_CREATION_ADMIN": "Les Administrateurs Seulement",
"ROOT_CERT": "Enregistrer le Certificat Racine",
"ROOT_CERT_LINK": "Télécharger",
"GC": "Garbage Collection",
"REGISTRY_CERTIFICATE": "certificat d'enregistrement",
"NO_CHANGE": "Save abort because nothing changed",
"SELF_REGISTRATION_ENABLE": "Activer l'inscription.",
"SELF_REGISTRATION_DISABLE": "Désactiver l'inscription.",
"VERIFY_REMOTE_CERT": "Déterminez si la réplication de l'image doit vérifier le certificat d'un dépôt Harbor distant. Décochez cette case lorsque le registre distant utilise un certificat auto-signé ou non approuvé.",
"AUTH_MODE": "Par défaut, le mode d'authentification est la base de données, c-a-d que les informations d'identification sont stockées dans une base de données locale. Définissez-le sur LDAP si vous voulez vérifier l'identité d'un utilisateur par rapport à un serveur LDAP.",
"LDAP_SEARCH_DN": "Le DN d'un utilisateur qui a la permission de rechercher sur le serveur LDAP/AD. Si votre serveur LDAP/AD ne prend pas en charge la recherche anonyme, vous devez configurer ce DN et ldap_search_pwd.",
"LDAP_BASE_DN": "La base DN à partir de laquelle rechercher un utilisateur dans LDAP/AD.",
"LDAP_UID": "Attribut utilisé dans une recherche pour trouver un utilisateur. Cela peut être uid, cn, email, sAMAccountName ou d'autres attributs selon votre LDAP/AD.",
"LDAP_SCOPE": "Le scope de recherche des utilisateurs.",
"TOKEN_EXPIRATION": "Le temps d'expiration (en minutes) d'un jeton créé par le service de jeton. La valeur par défaut est 30 minutes.",
"ROBOT_NAME_PREFIX": "Prefixed string for each robot name,and default value is 'robot$'",
"ROBOT_TOKEN_EXPIRATION": "Le délai d'expiration (en jours) du jeton du compte robot est défini par défaut sur 30 jours. Afficher le nombre de jours convertis à partir des minutes et des arrondis",
"PRO_CREATION_RESTRICTION": "L'indicateur pour définir quels utilisateurs ont le droit de créer des projets. Par défaut, tout le monde peut créer un projet. Définissez sur 'Administrateur Seulement' pour que seul un administrateur puisse créer un projet.",
"ROOT_CERT_DOWNLOAD": "Téléchargez le certificat racine du dépôt.",
"SCANNING_POLICY": "Définissez la politique d'analyse des images en fonction des différentes exigences. 'Aucune' : pas de politique active; 'Tousles jours à' : déclenchement du balayage à l'heure spécifiée tous les jours.",
"GC_POLICY": "",
"WEBHOOK_TOOLTIP": "Enable webhooks to receive callbacks at your designated endpoints when certain actions such as image or chart being pushed, pulled, deleted, scanned are performed",
"HOURLY_CRON": "Run once an hour, beginning of hour. Équivalent à 0 0 * * * *.",
"WEEKLY_CRON": "Run once a week, midnight between Sat/Sun. Équivalent à 0 0 0 * * 0.",
"DAILY_CRON": "Run once a day, midnight. Équivalent à 0 0 0 * * *."
"LDAP": {
"SEARCH_DN": "DN de recherche LDAP",
"SEARCH_PWD": "Mot de passe de recherche LDAP",
"BASE_DN": "Base DN LDAP",
"FILTER": "Filtre LDAP",
"SCOPE": "Scope LDAP",
"VERIFY_CERT": "LDAP Verify Cert",
"LDAP_GROUP_BASE_DN_INFO": "The base DN from which to look up a group in LDAP/AD.",
"LDAP_GROUP_FILTER_INFO": "The filter to look up an LDAP/AD group, use objectclass=groupOfNames by default.",
"LDAP_GROUP_GID_INFO": "The attribute used in a search to match a user, it could be uid, cn or other attributes depending on your LDAP/AD. the group in Harbor is named with this attribute by default.",
"LDAP_GROUP_ADMIN_DN_INFO": "Specify an LDAP group DN. all LDAP user in this group will have harbor admin privilege. Keep it blank if you do not want to.",
"LDAP_GROUP_MEMBERSHIP_INFO": "The attribute indicates the membership of LDAP group, default value is memberof, in some LDAP server it could be \"ismemberof\"",
"GROUP_SCOPE": "LDAP Group Scope",
"GROUP_SCOPE_INFO": "The scope to search for groups, select Subtree by default."
"ENDPOINT": "serveur paramètre",
"TOKEN_REVIEW": "examen symbolique paramètre",
"SKIP_SEARCH": "Skip Search",
"VERIFY_CERT": "authentification vérifier cert"
"OIDC": {
"OIDC_PROVIDER": "OIDC Fournisseur",
"OIDC_REDIREC_URL": "Please make sure the Redirect URI on the OIDC provider is set to",
"ENDPOINT": "OIDC Faramètre",
"CLIENT_ID": "no d'identification du client OIDC",
"CLIENTSECRET": "OIDC Client Secret",
"SCOPE": "OIDC Scope",
"OIDC_VERIFYCERT": "Certificat vérifier",
"OIDC_AUTOONBOARD": "Automatic onboarding",
"USER_CLAIM": "Username Claim",
"OIDC_SETNAME": "Ensemble OIDC nom d'utilisateur",
"OIDC_SETNAMECONTENT": "vous devez créer un Harbor identifiant la première fois lors de la vérification par une tierce partie (oidc). il sera utilisé au sein de port à être associés aux projets, des rôles, etc.",
"OIDC_USERNAME": "d'utilisateur",
"GROUP_CLAIM_NAME": "Group Claim Name",
"OIDC_ADMIN_GROUP_INFO": "Specify an OIDC admin group name. All OIDC users in this group will have harbor admin privilege. Keep it blank if you do not want to."
"TRIGGER_SCAN_ALL_SUCCESS": "Déclenchement d'analyse globale avec succès !",
"TRIGGER_SCAN_ALL_FAIL": "Echec du déclenchement d'analyse globale avec des erreurs : {{error}}",
"TITLE": "Analyse de vulnérabilité",
"SCAN_ALL": "Analyser tout",
"SCHEDULE_TO_SCAN_ALL": "Schedule to scan all",
"NONE_POLICY": "Aucune",
"DAILY_POLICY": "Tous les jours à",
"REFRESH_POLICY": "Lors de la mise à jour",
"DB_REFRESH_TIME": "Base de données mise à jour le",
"DB_NOT_READY": "La base de données sur les vulnérabilités pourrait ne pas être entièrement prête !",
"NEXT_SCAN": "Disponible à partir de",
"PENDING": "Pending",
"RUNNING": "Running",
"STOPPED": "Stopped",
"ERROR": "Error",
"SUCCESS": "Success",
"SCHEDULED": "Scheduled"
"MANUAL": "Manual",
"SCHEDULED": "Scheduled"
"TEST_MAIL_SUCCESS": "La connexion au serveur de mail est vérifiée.",
"TEST_LDAP_SUCCESS": "La connexion au serveur LDAP est vérifiée.",
"TEST_MAIL_FAILED": "Echec de la vérification du serveur de mail avec erreurs : {{param}}.",
"TEST_LDAP_FAILED": "Echec de la vérification du serveur LDAP avec erreurs : {{param}}.",
"LEAVING_CONFIRMATION_TITLE": "Confirmer pour quitter",
"LEAVING_CONFIRMATION_SUMMARY": "Les modifications n'ont pas encore été enregistrées. Voulez-vous quitter la page actuelle ?",
"TEST_OIDC_SUCCESS": "Connection to OIDC server is verified."
"MAIN_TITLE": "Page introuvable",
"SUB_TITLE": "Rediriger vers la page principale dans",
"UNIT": "secondes..."
"ABOUT": {
"VERSION": "Version",
"BUILD": "Build",
"COPYRIGHT": "Project Harbor is an an open source trusted cloud native registry project that stores, signs, and scans content. Harbor extends the open source Docker Distribution by adding the functionalities usually required by users such as security, identity and management. Harbor supports advanced features such as user management, access control, activity monitoring, and replication between instances. Having a registry closer to the build and run environment can also improve image transfer efficiency.",
"TRADEMARK": "VMware est une marque déposée ou une marque déposée de VMware, Inc. aux États-Unis et dans d'autres juridictions. Toutes les autres marques et noms mentionnés dans le présent document peuvent être des marques de commerce de leurs sociétés respectives.",
"END_USER_LICENSE": "Contrat de licence utilisateur final",
"OPEN_SOURCE_LICENSE": "Licence Open Source / Tierce Partie"
"GETTING_START_TITLE": "Pour Commencer"
"TOP_REPO": "Dépôts Populaires",
"LIMIT": "Limite"
"IN_PROGRESS": "Rechercher...",
"BACK": "Retour"
"STATE": {
"OTHER_STATUS": "Non Analysé",
"QUEUED": "En fil d'attente",
"ERROR": "Voir le Log",
"SCANNING": "En cours d'analyse"
"GRID": {
"PLACEHOLDER": "Nous n'avons pas trouvé de résultats d'analyse !",
"COLUMN_ID": "Vulnérabilitée",
"COLUMN_SEVERITY": "Severitée",
"COLUMN_VERSION": "Version Actuelle",
"COLUMN_FIXED": "Fixé dans le version",
"COLUMN_DESCRIPTION": "Description",
"FOOT_ITEMS": "Items",
"FOOT_OF": "de",
"IN_ALLOW_LIST": "Listed In CVE Allowlist"
"CHART": {
"SCANNING_TIME": "Temps d'analyse complète :",
"SCANNING_PERCENT": "Scan completed percent:",
"SCANNING_PERCENT_EXPLAIN": "Scan completed percentage is calculated as # of successfully scanned images / total number of images referenced within the image index.",
"TOOLTIPS_TITLE": "{{totalVulnerability}} de {{totalPackages}} {{package}} ont des {{vulnerability}} connues.",
"TOOLTIPS_TITLE_SINGULAR": "{{totalVulnerability}} de {{totalPackages}} {{package}} a des {{vulnerability}} connues.",
"TOOLTIPS_TITLE_ZERO": "No recognizable vulnerability detected"
"CRITICAL": "Critique",
"HIGH": "Haut",
"MEDIUM": "Moyen",
"LOW": "Bas",
"NEGLIGIBLE": "Négligeable",
"UNKNOWN": "Inconnu",
"NONE": "Aucune"
"SINGULAR": "vulnérabilitée",
"OVERALL_SEVERITY": "Sévérité de la Vulnérabilitée :",
"NO_VULNERABILITY": "Pas de vulnérabilitée",
"PLURAL": "vulnérabilitiées",
"PLACEHOLDER": "Filtrer les Vulnérabilitiés",
"PACKAGE": "paquet",
"PACKAGES": "paquets",
"SCAN_NOW": "Analyser"
"TITLE": "Push Command",
"DOCKER": "Docker",
"HELM": "Helm",
"TAG_COMMAND_CHART": "Tag a chart for this project:",
"PUSH_COMMAND_CHART": "Push a chart to this project:",
"PUSH_COMMAND_CNAB": "Push a CNAB to this project:",
"TOOLTIP": "Command references for pushing an artifact to this project.",
"TAG_COMMAND": "Tagger une image pour ce projet :",
"PUSH_COMMAND": "Pousser une image dans ce projet :",
"COPY_ERROR": "Copie échouée, veuillez essayer de copier manuellement les commandes de référence."
"FILTER_FOR_ARTIFACTS": "Filter Artifacts",
"ADDITIONS": "Additions",
"ANNOTATION": "Annotations",
"OVERVIEW": "Overview",
"TAGGED": "Tagged",
"UNTAGGED": "Untagged",
"ALL": "All",
"PLACEHOLDER": "We couldn't find any artifacts!",
"SCAN_UNSUPPORTED": "Unsupported"
"TAG": {
"ANONYMITY": "anonymat",
"IMAGE_DETAILS": "Détails de l'Image",
"DOCKER_VERSION": "Version de Docker",
"ARCHITECTURE": "Architecture",
"OS": "OS",
"OS_VERSION": "Version de OS",
"HAVE": "have",
"HAS": "has",
"SCAN_COMPLETION_TIME": "Analyse Terminée",
"IMAGE_VULNERABILITIES": "Vulnérabilitées de l'Image",
"PLACEHOLDER": "Nous ne trouvons aucun tag !",
"COPY_ERROR": "Copie échouée, veuillez essayer de copier manuellement.",
"FILTER_FOR_TAGS": "Filter Tags",
"AUTHOR": "Author",
"LABELS": "Labels",
"CREATION": "Créer sur",
"COMMAND": "Les commandes",
"UPLOADTIME": "Upload Time",
"NAME": "Name",
"PULL_TIME": "Pull Time",
"PUSH_TIME": "Push Time",
"OF": "of",
"ITEMS": "items",
"NAME_ALREADY_EXISTS": "Tag already exists under the repository"
"LABEL": {
"LABEL": "Label",
"DESCRIPTION": "Description",
"CREATION_TIME": "Creation Time",
"NEW_LABEL": "New Label",
"EDIT": "Edit",
"DELETE": "Delete",
"LABEL_NAME": "Label Name",
"COLOR": "Color",
"NO_LABELS": "No labels",
"DELETION_TITLE_TARGET": "Confirm Label Deletion",
"DELETION_SUMMARY_TARGET": "Do you want to delete {{param}}?",
"PLACEHOLDER": "We couldn't find any labels!",
"NAME_ALREADY_EXISTS": "Label name already exists."
"QUOTA": {
"PROJECT": "Project",
"OWNER": "Owner",
"COUNT": "Count",
"STORAGE": "Storage",
"EDIT": "Edit",
"DELETE": "Delete",
"OF": "of",
"PROJECT_QUOTA_DEFAULT_ARTIFACT": "Default artifact count per project",
"PROJECT_QUOTA_DEFAULT_DISK": "Default disk space per project",
"EDIT_PROJECT_QUOTAS": "Edit Project Quotas",
"EDIT_DEFAULT_PROJECT_QUOTAS": "Edit Default Project Quotas",
"SET_QUOTAS": "Set the project quotas for project '{{params}}'",
"SET_DEFAULT_QUOTAS": "Set the default project quotas when creating new projects",
"COUNT_QUOTA": "Count quota",
"COUNT_DEFAULT_QUOTA": "Default count quota",
"STORAGE_QUOTA": "Storage quota",
"STORAGE_DEFAULT_QUOTA": "Default storage quota",
"SAVE_SUCCESS": "Quota edit success",
"UNLIMITED": "unlimited",
"INVALID_INPUT": "invalid input",
"PLACEHOLDER": "We couldn't find any project quotas"
"MONDAY": "Monday",
"TUESDAY": "Tuesday",
"WEDNESDAY": "Wednesday",
"THURSDAY": "Thursday",
"FRIDAY": "Friday",
"SATURDAY": "Saturday",
"SUNDAY": "Sunday"
"LOCAL_EVENT": "Local Events",
"ALL": "All",
"RUNNING": "Running",
"FAILED": "Failed",
"DELETE_PROJECT": "Delete project",
"DELETE_REPO": "Delete repository",
"DELETE_TAG": "Delete tag",
"DELETE_USER": "Delete user",
"DELETE_ROBOT": "Delete robot",
"DELETE_REGISTRY": "Delete registry",
"DELETE_REPLICATION": "Delete replication",
"DELETE_MEMBER": "Delete member",
"DELETE_GROUP": "Delete member group",
"SWITCH_ROLE": "Switch role",
"ADD_GROUP": "Add group member",
"ADD_USER": "Add user member",
"DELETE_LABEL": "Delete label",
"REPLICATION": "Replication",
"DAY_AGO": " day(s) ago",
"HOUR_AGO": " hour(s) ago",
"MINUTE_AGO": " minute(s) ago",
"SECOND_AGO": "less than 1 minute",
"UNKNOWN_ERROR": "Des erreurs inconnues sont survenues. Veuillez réessayer plus tard.",
"UNAUTHORIZED_ERROR": "Votre session est invalide ou a expiré. Vous devez vous connecter pour continuer votre action.",
"REPO_READ_ONLY": "Harbor is set to read-only mode, Deleting repository, artifact, tag and pushing image will be disabled under read-only mode.",
"FORBIDDEN_ERROR": "Vous n'avez pas les privilèges appropriés pour effectuer l'action.",
"GENERAL_ERROR": "Des erreurs sont survenues lors de l'appel à un service : {{param}}.",
"BAD_REQUEST_ERROR": "Nous ne pouvons pas exécuter votre action à cause d'une mauvaise requête.",
"NOT_FOUND_ERROR": "Votre requête ne peut pas aboutir parce que l'objet n'existe pas.",
"CONFLICT_ERROR": "Nous ne sommes pas en mesure d'exécuter votre action parce que votre soumission a des conflits.",
"PRECONDITION_FAILED": "Nous ne pouvons pas exécuter votre action en raison d'un échec de conditions préalables.",
"SERVER_ERROR": "Nous ne sommes pas en mesure d'exécuter votre action parce que des erreurs internes de serveur se sont produites.",
"INCONRRECT_OLD_PWD": "L'ancien mot de passe est incorrect.",
"UNKNOWN": "n. d.",
"STATUS": "Status",
"START_TIME": "Start Time",
"CREATION_TIME": "Creation Time",
"UPDATE_TIME": "Update Time",
"LOGS": "Logs",
"PENDING": "Pending",
"FINISHED": "Finished",
"STOPPED": "Stopped",
"RUNNING": "Running",
"ERROR": "Error",
"NONE": "None",
"DAILY": "Daily",
"WEEKLY": "Weekly",
"HOURLY": "Hourly",
"CUSTOM": "Custom",
"MANUAL": "Manual",
"CRON": "cron",
"ON": "on",
"AT": "at",
"NOSCHEDULE": "An error occurred in Get schedule"
"GC": {
"CURRENT_SCHEDULE": "Schedule to GC",
"JOB_HISTORY": "GC History",
"JOB_ID": "Job ID",
"TRIGGER_TYPE": "Trigger Type",
"LATEST_JOBS": "Latest {{param}} Jobs",
"MSG_SUCCESS": "Garbage Collection Successful",
"MSG_SCHEDULE_SET": "Garbage Collection schedule has been set",
"MSG_SCHEDULE_RESET": "Garbage Collection schedule has been reset",
"PARAMETERS": "Parameters",
"DELETE_UNTAGGED": "Allow garbage collection on untagged artifacts",
"EXPLAIN": "GC is a compute intensive operation that may impact registry performance",
"DRY_RUN_SUCCESS": "Triggered dry run successfully"
"RETAG": {
"MSG_SUCCESS": "Copy artifact successfully",
"TIP_REPO": "A repository name is broken up into path components. A component of a repository name must be at least one lowercase, alpha-numeric characters, optionally separated by periods, dashes or underscores. More strictly, it must match the regular expression [a-z0-9]+(?:[._-][a-z0-9]+)*.If a repository name has two or more path components, they must be separated by a forward slash ('/').The total length of a repository name, including slashes, must be less the 256 characters.",
"TIP_TAG": "A tag is a label applied to a Docker image in a repository. Tags are how various images in a repository are distinguished from each other.It need to match Regex: (`[\\w][\\w.-]{0,127}`)"
"DEPLOYMENT_SECURITY": "Deployment security",
"CVE_ALLOWLIST": "CVE allowlist",
"SYS_ALLOWLIST_EXPLAIN": "System allowlist allows vulnerabilities in this list to be ignored when calculating the vulnerability of an image.",
"ADD_SYS": "Add CVE IDs to the system allowlist",
"WARNING_SYS": "The system CVE allowlist has expired. You can enable the allowlist by extending the expiration date.",
"WARNING_PRO": "The project CVE allowlist has expired. You can enable the allowlist by extending the expiration date.",
"ADD": "ADD",
"ENTER": "Enter CVE ID(s)",
"HELP": "Separator: commas or newline characters",
"NONE": "None",
"EXPIRES_AT": "Expires at",
"NEVER_EXPIRES": "Never expires",
"PRO_ALLOWLIST_EXPLAIN": "Project allowlist allows vulnerabilities in this list to be ignored in this project when pushing and pulling images.",
"PRO_OR_SYS": "You can either use the default allowlist configured at the system level or click on 'Project allowlist' to create a new allowlist",
"MERGE_INTO": "Add individual CVE IDs before clicking 'COPY FROM SYSTEM' to add system allowlist as well.",
"SYS_ALLOWLIST": "System allowlist",
"PRO_ALLOWLIST": "Project allowlist",
"TAG_RETENTION": "Tag Retention",
"RETENTION_RULES": "Retention rules",
"RULE_NAME_1": " the artifacts from the last {{number}} days",
"RULE_NAME_2": " the most recent active {{number}} artifacts",
"RULE_NAME_3": " the most recently pushed {{number}} artifacts",
"RULE_NAME_4": " the most recently pulled {{number}} artifacts",
"RULE_NAME_5": " always",
"ADD_RULE_HELP_1": "Click the ADD RULE button to add a rule.",
"ADD_RULE_HELP_2": "Tag retention polices run once a day.",
"RETENTION_RUNS": "Retention runs",
"STATUS": "Status",
"DRY_RUN": "Dry Run",
"START_TIME": "Start Time",
"DURATION": "Duration",
"DETAILS": "Details",
"REPOSITORY": "Repository",
"EDIT": "Edit",
"DISABLE": "Disable",
"ENABLE": "Enable",
"DELETE": "Delete",
"ADD_TITLE": "Add Tag Retention Rule",
"ADD_SUBTITLE": "Specify a tag retention rule for this project. All tag retention rules are independently calculated and each rule can be applied to a selected list of repositories.",
"BY_WHAT": "By artifact count or number of days",
"RULE_TEMPLATE_1": "the artifacts from the last # days",
"RULE_TEMPLATE_2": "the most recent active # artifacts",
"RULE_TEMPLATE_3": "the most recently pushed # artifacts",
"RULE_TEMPLATE_4": "the most recently pulled # artifacts",
"RULE_TEMPLATE_5": "always",
"ACTION_RETAIN": " retain",
"IN_REPOSITORIES": "For the repositories",
"REP_SEPARATOR": "Enter multiple comma separated repos,repo*,or **",
"TAGS": "Tags",
"INCLUDE_UNTAGGED": " untagged artifacts",
"UNTAGGED": " untagged",
"MATCHES_TAGS": "Matches tags",
"MATCHES_EXCEPT_TAGS": "Matches except tags",
"TAG_SEPARATOR": "Enter multiple comma separated tags, tag*, or **. Optionally include all untagged artifacts when applying the including or excluding selector by checking the box above.",
"LABELS": "Labels",
"MATCHES_LABELS": "Matches Labels",
"MATCHES_EXCEPT_LABELS": "Matches except Labels",
"REP_LABELS": "Enter multiple comma separated labels",
"RETENTION_RUN": "Retention Run",
"RETENTION_RUN_EXPLAIN": "Executing the retention policy can have adverse effects to the artifacts in this project and affected artifact tags will be deleted. Press CANCEL and use a DRY RUN to simulate the effect of this policy. Otherwise press RUN to proceed.",
"RETENTION_RUN_ABORTED": "Retention Run Aborted",
"RETENTION_RUN_ABORTED_EXPLAIN": "This retention run has been aborted. Artifacts already deleted are irreversible. You can initiate another run to continue to delete artifacts. In order to simulate a run, you can use the “DRY RUN”.",
"LOADING": "Loading...",
"NO_EXECUTION": "We couldn't find any executions!",
"NO_HISTORY": "We couldn't find any histories!",
"DELETION": "Deletions",
"EDIT_TITLE": "Edit Tag Retention Rule",
"LOG": "Log",
"EXCLUDES": "Excludes",
"MATCHES": "Matches",
"REPO": " repositories",
"EXC": " excluding ",
"MAT": " matching ",
"AND": " and",
"WITH": " with ",
"WITHOUT": " without ",
"LOWER_LABELS": " labels",
"WITH_CONDITION": " with",
"LOWER_TAGS": " tags",
"TRIGGER": "Schedule",
"RETAINED": "Retained",
"TOTAL": "Total",
"NONE": "none",
"RULE_NAME_6": " the artifacts pulled within the last {{number}} days",
"RULE_NAME_7": " the artifacts pushed within the last {{number}} days",
"RULE_TEMPLATE_6": " the artifacts pulled within the last # days",
"RULE_TEMPLATE_7": " the artifacts pushed within the last # days",
"SCHEDULE": "Schedule",
"SCHEDULE_WARNING": "Executing retention policy results in the irreversible effect of deleting artifacts from the Harbor project. Please double check all policies before scheduling.",
"EXISTING_RULE": "Existing rule",
"ILLEGAL_RULE": "Illegal rule",
"INVALID_RULE": "Invalid rule",
"COUNT_LARGE": "Parameter \"COUNT\" is too large",
"DAYS_LARGE": "Parameter \"DAYS\" is too large",
"EXECUTION_TYPE": "Execution Type",
"YES": "Yes",
"NO": "No"
"IMMUTABLE_RULES": "Immutability rules",
"ADD_RULE_HELP_1": "Click the ADD RULE button to add a rule.",
"EDIT": "Edit",
"DISABLE": "Disable",
"ENABLE": "Enable",
"DELETE": "Delete",
"ADD_TITLE": "Add Tag Immutability Rule",
"ADD_SUBTITLE": "Specify a tag immutability rule for this project. Note: all tag immutability rules are first independently calculated and then unioned to capture the final set of immutable tags.",
"IN_REPOSITORIES": "For the repositories",
"REP_SEPARATOR": "Enter multiple comma separated repos,repo*,or **",
"TAGS": "Tags",
"TAG_SEPARATOR": "Enter multiple comma separated tags,tag*,or **",
"EDIT_TITLE": "Edit Tag Immutability Rule",
"EXC": " excluding ",
"MAT": " matching ",
"AND": " and",
"WITH": " with ",
"WITHOUT": " without ",
"LOWER_LABELS": " labels",
"LOWER_TAGS": " tags",
"NONE": " none",
"EXISTING_RULE": "Existing rule",
"DELETION_SUMMARY": "Do you want to delete scanner {{param}}?",
"SKIP_CERT_VERIFY": "Check this box to skip certificate verification when the remote registry uses a self-signed or untrusted certificate.",
"NAME": "Name",
"NAME_EXISTS": "Name already exists",
"NAME_REQUIRED": "Name is required",
"NAME_REX": "Name should be at least 2 characters long with lower case characters, numbers and ._- and must be start with characters or numbers.",
"DESCRIPTION": "Description",
"ENDPOINT": "Endpoint",
"ENDPOINT_EXISTS": "EndpointUrl already exists",
"ENDPOINT_REQUIRED": "EndpointUrl is required",
"ILLEGAL_ENDPOINT": "EndpointUrl is illegal",
"AUTH": "Authorization",
"NONE": "None",
"BASIC": "Basic",
"BEARER": "Bearer",
"API_KEY": "APIKey",
"USERNAME": "Username",
"USERNAME_REQUIRED": "Username is required",
"PASSWORD": "Password",
"PASSWORD_REQUIRED": "Password is required",
"TOKEN": "Token",
"TOKEN_REQUIRED": "Token is required",
"API_KEY_REQUIRED": "APIKey is required",
"SKIP": "Skip certificate verification",
"ADD_SCANNER": "Add Scanner",
"EDIT_SCANNER": "Edit Scanner",
"ADD_SUCCESS": "Successfully added ",
"TEST_PASS": "Test passed",
"TEST_FAILED": "Ping: registration {{name}}:{{url}} is unreachable",
"UPDATE_SUCCESS": "Successfully updated",
"SCANNER_COLON": "Scanner:",
"NAME_COLON": "Name:",
"VENDOR_COLON": "Vendor:",
"VERSION_COLON": "Version:",
"CAPABILITIES": "Capabilities",
"CONSUMES_MIME_TYPES_COLON": "Consumes Mime Types:",
"PRODUCTS_MIME_TYPES_COLON": "Produces Mime Types:",
"PROPERTIES": "Properties",
"HEALTH": "Health",
"DISABLED": "Disabled",
"NO_SCANNER": "Can not find any scanner",
"DEFAULT": "Default",
"HEALTHY": "Healthy",
"UNHEALTHY": "Unhealthy",
"SCANNERS": "Scanners",
"SCANNER": "Scanner",
"EDIT": "Edit",
"NOT_AVAILABLE": "Not Available",
"ADAPTER": "Adapter",
"VENDOR": "Vendor",
"VERSION": "Version",
"SELECT_SCANNER": "Select Scanner",
"ENABLED": "Enabled",
"ENABLE": "Enable",
"DISABLE": "Disable",
"DELETE_SUCCESS": "Successfully deleted",
"TOTAL": "Total",
"FIXABLE": "Fixable",
"DURATION": "Duration:",
"OPTIONS": "Options",
"USE_INNER": "Use internal registry address",
"USE_INNER_TIP": "If the option is checked, the scanner will be forced to use the internal registry address to access the related contents.",
"VULNERABILITY_SEVERITY": "Vulnerability severity:",
"CONFIRM_DELETION": "Confirm Scanner deletion",
"SET_UNHEALTHY_SCANNER": "Selected scanner:{{name}} is unhealthy",
"SCANNED_BY": "Scanned by:",
"IMAGE_SCANNERS": "Image Scanners",
"VIEW_DOC": "view documentation",
"ALL_SCANNERS": "All scanners",
"HELP_INFO_1": "The default scanner has been installed. To install other scanners refer to the ",
"HELP_INFO_2": "documentation.",
"NO_DEFAULT_SCANNER": "No default scanner"
"PREHEAT_ACTION": "Preheat",
"EDIT_ACTION": "Edit",
"ENABLE_ACTION": "Enable",
"DISABLE_ACTION": "Disable",
"DELETE_ACTION": "Delete",
"NOT_FOUND": "We couldn't find any instance!",
"NAME": "Name",
"ENDPOINT": "Endpoint",
"STATUS": "Status",
"ENABLED": "Enable",
"SETUP_TIMESTAMP": "Setup Timestamp",
"PROVIDER": "Provider",
"DELETION_TITLE": "Confirm instance deletion",
"DELETION_SUMMARY": "Do you want to delete instance(s) {{param}}?",
"ENABLE_TITLE": "Enable instance(s)",
"ENABLE_SUMMARY": "Do you want to enable instance(s) {{param}}?",
"DISABLE_TITLE": "Disable instance(s)",
"DISABLE_SUMMARY": "Do you want to disable instance(s) {{param}}?",
"IMAGE": "Image",
"START_TIME": "Start time",
"FINISH_TIME": "Finish Time",
"INSTANCE": "Instance",
"HISTORIES": "Histories",
"CREATE_SUCCESS": "Instance created successfully",
"CREATE_FAILED": "Creating instance failed",
"DELETED_SUCCESS": "Instance(s) deleted successfully",
"DELETED_FAILED": "Deleting instance(s) failed",
"ENABLE_SUCCESS": "Instance(s) enabled successfully",
"ENABLE_FAILED": "Enabling instance(s) failed",
"DISABLE_SUCCESS": "Instance(s) disabled successfully",
"DISABLE_FAILED": "Disabling instance(s) failed",
"UPDATE_SUCCESS": "Instance updated successfully",
"UPDATE_FAILED": "Updating instance failed",
"REQUEST_PREHEAT_SUCCESS": "Preheat request successfully",
"REQUEST_PREHEAT_FAILED": "Preheat request failed",
"DESCRIPTION": "Description",
"AUTH_MODE": "Auth Mode",
"USERNAME": "Username",
"PASSWORD": "Password",
"TOKEN": "Token",
"SETUP_NEW_INSTANCE": "Setup new instance",
"EDIT_INSTANCE": "Edit instance",
"SETUP": {
"NAME_PLACEHOLDER": "Input instance's name",
"DESCRIPTION_PLACEHOLDER": "Input instance's description",
"ENDPOINT_PLACEHOLDER": "Input instance's endpoint ",
"USERNAME_PLACEHOLDER": "Input username",
"PASSWORD_PLACEHOLDER": "Input password",
"TOKEN_PLACEHOLDER": "Input token"
"MAINTAINER": "Maintainer(s)",
"SOURCE": "Source",
"VERSION": "Version",
"SET_AS_DEFAULT": "Set as default",
"DELETE_INSTANCE": "Delete instance",
"ENABLE_INSTANCE": "Enable instance",
"DISABLE_INSTANCE": "Disable instance",
"SET_DEFAULT_SUCCESS": "Set as default successfully",
"SET_DEFAULT_FAILED": "Setting as default failed",
"UPDATE_INSTANCE": "Update instance",
"CREATE_INSTANCE": "Create instance"
"P2P_PROVIDER": "P2P Preheat",
"POLICIES": "Policies",
"NAME": "Name",
"ENABLED": "Enabled",
"PROVIDER": "Provider",
"FILTERS": "Filters",
"TRIGGER": "Trigger",
"CREATED": "Creation Time",
"DESCRIPTION": "Description",
"NO_POLICY": "No policy",
"ENABLED_POLICY_SUMMARY": "Do you want to enable policy {{name}}?",
"DISABLED_POLICY_SUMMARY": "Do you want to disable policy {{name}}?",
"ENABLED_POLICY_TITLE": "Enable Policy",
"DISABLED_POLICY_TITLE": "Disable Policy",
"DELETE_POLICY_SUMMARY": "Do you want to delete policy {{names}}?",
"EDIT_POLICY": "Edit P2P Provider Policy",
"ADD_POLICY": "Create P2P Provider policy",
"NAME_REQUIRED": "Name is required",
"PROVIDER_REQUIRED": "Provider is required",
"ADDED_SUCCESS": "Added policy successfully",
"UPDATED_SUCCESS": "Updated policy successfully",
"EXECUTE_SUCCESSFULLY": "Executed successfully",
"EXECUTE_TITLE": "Confirm Policy Execution",
"EXECUTE_SUMMARY": "Do you want to execute the policy {{param}}?",
"STOP_TITLE": "Confirm Execution Stopping",
"STOP_SUMMARY": "Do you want to stop executing the policy {{param}}?",
"STOP_SUCCESSFULLY": "Stopped execution successfully",
"STATUS_MSG": "Status Message",
"JOB_PLACEHOLDER": "We couldn't find any execution",
"PROVIDER_TYPE": "Vendor",
"ID": "Execution ID",
"NO_PROVIDER": "Please add a provider first",
"ARTIFACT": "Artifact",
"DIGEST": "Digest",
"TYPE": "Type",
"TASKS": "Tasks",
"TASKS_PLACEHOLDER": "We couldn't find any task",
"SEVERITY_WARNING": "Vulnerability settings here conflicts with the relevant project configuration that will override the settings here",
"REPOS": "Repositories",
"TAGS": "Tags",
"CRITERIA": "Criteria",
"ONLY_SIGNED": "Only signed images",
"PREHEAT_ON_PUSH": "Preheat on push",
"START_TEXT": "No vulnerability severity of",
"EDN_TEXT": "and above",
"LABELS": "Labels",
"SCHEDULE": "Schedule",
"TEST_FAILED": "Test failed",
"MANUAL": "Manual",
"SCHEDULED": "Scheduled",
"EVENT_BASED": "Event based",
"EVENT_BASED_EXPLAIN_LINE1": "The policy will be evaluated whenever the following events are occurred:",
"EVENT_BASED_EXPLAIN_LINE2": "Artifact is pushed",
"EVENT_BASED_EXPLAIN_LINE3": "Artifact is labeled",
"EVENT_BASED_EXPLAIN_LINE4": "Artifact is scanned",
"REPO_REQUIRED": "Repository is required",
"TAG_REQUIRED": "Tag is required",
"DELETE_SUCCESSFULLY": "Deleted policy successfully",
"UPDATED_SUCCESSFULLY": "Updated policy successfully",
"EXECUTIONS": "Executions",
"TAG_SEPARATOR": "Enter multiple comma separated tags,tag*,or **",
"CONTENT_WARNING": "Content trust settings here conflicts with the relevant project configuration that will override the settings here",
"PREHEAT_EXPLAIN": "Preheat will migrate the image to the p2p network",
"CRITERIA_EXPLAIN": "As specified in 'Deployment security' section under Configuration tab",
"SKIP_CERT_VERIFY": "Check this box to skip certificate verification when the remote provider uses a self-signed or untrusted certificate.",
"NAME_TOOLTIP": "Policy name should be at least 2 characters long with lower case characters, numbers and ._- and must be start with characters or numbers.",
"NEED_HELP": "Please ask your system admin to add a provider first"
"PAGE_SIZE": "Page size"