When upgrading your existing Habor instance to a newer version, you may need to migrate the data in your database. Refer to [change log](../migration/changelog.md) to find out whether there is any change in the database. If there is, you should go through the database migration process. Since the migration may alter the database schema, you should **always** back up your data before any migration.
*If your install Harbor for the first time, or the database version is the same as that of the lastest version, you do not need any database migration.*
The directory **migration/** contains the tool for migration. The first step is to update values of `db_username`, `db_password`, `db_port`, `db_name` in **migration.cfg** so that they match your system's configuration.
5. The migration tool is delivered as a container, so you should build the image from its Dockerfile:
8. Change to `Deploy/` directory, configure Harbor by modifying the file `harbor.cfg`, you may need to refer to the configuration files you've backed up during step 2. Refer to [Installation & Configuration Guide ](../docs/installation_guide.md) for more info.
9. If HTTPS has been enabled for Harbor before, restore the `nginx.conf` and key/certificate files from the backup files in Step 2. Refer to [Configuring Harbor with HTTPS Access](../docs/configure_https.md) for more info.