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synced 2025-02-22 14:52:17 +01:00
[OCI] Change nightly case and change delete artifact words
1.nightly: fix tag retention and immutable tag case xpath 2.nightly: fix the part of delete repo button xpath 3.nightly: fix the api version when GC 4.nightly: fix add label of artifact xpath 5.text: change delete artifact show words Signed-off-by: Yogi_Wang <yawang@vmware.com>
This commit is contained in:
@ -703,8 +703,8 @@ export class ArtifactListTabComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy {
let titleKey: string, summaryKey: string, content: string, buttons: ConfirmationButtons;
buttons = ConfirmationButtons.DELETE_CANCEL;
content = artifactNames.join(" , ");
let message = new ConfirmationMessage(
@ -655,8 +655,10 @@
"DELETION_TITLE_REPO_SIGNED": "Repository cannot be deleted",
"DELETION_SUMMARY_REPO_SIGNED": "Repository '{{repoName}}' cannot be deleted because the following signed images existing.\n{{signedImages}} \nYou should unsign all the signed images before deleting the repository!",
"DELETION_SUMMARY_REPO": "Do you want to delete repository {{repoName}}?",
"DELETION_TITLE_ARTIFACT": "Confirm Artifact Deletion",
"DELETION_SUMMARY_ARTIFACT": "Do you want to delete artifact {{param}}? If you delete this artifact, all tags referenced by the digest will also be deleted.",
"DELETION_TITLE_TAG": "Confirm Tag Deletion",
"DELETION_SUMMARY_TAG": "Do you want to delete tag {{param}}? If you delete this tag, all other tags referenced by the same digest will also be deleted.",
"DELETION_SUMMARY_TAG": "Do you want to delete tag {{param}}? ",
"DELETION_TITLE_TAG_DENIED": "Signed tag cannot be deleted",
"DELETION_SUMMARY_TAG_DENIED": "The tag must be removed from the Notary before it can be deleted.\nDelete from Notary via this command:\n",
"TAGS_NO_DELETE": "Delete is prohibited in read only mode.",
@ -656,8 +656,10 @@
"DELETION_TITLE_REPO_SIGNED": "Repository cannot be deleted",
"DELETION_SUMMARY_REPO_SIGNED": "Repository '{{repoName}}' cannot be deleted because the following signed images existing.\n{{signedImages}} \nYou should unsign all the signed images before deleting the repository!",
"DELETION_SUMMARY_REPO": "¿Quiere eliminar el repositorio {{repoName}}?",
"DELETION_TITLE_ARTIFACT": "Confirm Artifact Deletion",
"DELETION_SUMMARY_ARTIFACT": "Do you want to delete artifact {{param}}? If you delete this artifact, all tags referenced by the digest will also be deleted.",
"DELETION_TITLE_TAG": "Confirmación de Eliminación de Etiqueta",
"DELETION_SUMMARY_TAG": "¿Quiere eliminar la etiqueta {{param}}? If you delete this tag, all other tags referenced by the same digest will also be deleted.",
"DELETION_SUMMARY_TAG": "¿Quiere eliminar la etiqueta {{param}}? ",
"DELETION_TITLE_TAG_DENIED": "La etiqueta firmada no puede ser eliminada",
"DELETION_SUMMARY_TAG_DENIED": "La etiqueta debe ser eliminada de la Notaría antes de eliminarla.\nEliminarla de la Notaría con este comando:\n",
"TAGS_NO_DELETE": "Delete is prohibited in read only mode.",
@ -644,8 +644,10 @@
"DELETION_TITLE_REPO_SIGNED": "Le Dépôt ne peut être supprimé",
"DELETION_SUMMARY_REPO_SIGNED": "Le Dépôt '{{repoName}}' ne peut pas être supprimé parce que les images suivantes signées existent. \n{{signedImages}} \nVous devez retirer la signature de toutes les images signées avant de supprimer le dépôt !",
"DELETION_SUMMARY_REPO": "Voulez-vous supprimer le dépôt {{repoName}} ?",
"DELETION_TITLE_ARTIFACT": "Confirm Artifact Deletion",
"DELETION_SUMMARY_ARTIFACT": "Do you want to delete artifact {{param}}? If you delete this artifact, all tags referenced by the digest will also be deleted.",
"DELETION_TITLE_TAG": "Confirmer la suppression du Tag",
"DELETION_SUMMARY_TAG": "Voulez-vous supprimer le tag {{param}}? If you delete this tag, all other tags referenced by the same digest will also be deleted.",
"DELETION_SUMMARY_TAG": "Voulez-vous supprimer le tag {{param}}? ",
"DELETION_TITLE_TAG_DENIED": "Un tag signé ne peut être supprimé",
"DELETION_SUMMARY_TAG_DENIED": "La balise doit être supprimée du Résumé avant qu'elle ne puisse être supprimée. \nSupprimer du Résumé via cette commande: \n",
"TAGS_NO_DELETE": "Upload/Delete is prohibited in read only mode.",
@ -655,8 +655,10 @@
"DELETION_TITLE_REPO_SIGNED": "Repositório não pode ser removido",
"DELETION_SUMMARY_REPO_SIGNED": "Repositório '{{repoName}}' não pode ser removido pois existem as seguintes imagens assinadas.\n{{signedImages}} \nVocê deve remover a assinatura de todas as imagens assinadas antes de remover o repositório!",
"DELETION_SUMMARY_REPO": "Você deseja remover o repositório {{repoName}}?",
"DELETION_TITLE_ARTIFACT": "Confirm Artifact Deletion",
"DELETION_SUMMARY_ARTIFACT": "Do you want to delete artifact {{param}}? If you delete this artifact, all tags referenced by the digest will also be deleted.",
"DELETION_TITLE_TAG": "Confirmar remoção de Tag",
"DELETION_SUMMARY_TAG": "Você quer remover a Tag {{param}}? If you delete this tag, all other tags referenced by the same digest will also be deleted.",
"DELETION_SUMMARY_TAG": "Você quer remover a Tag {{param}}? ",
"DELETION_TITLE_TAG_DENIED": "Tags assinadas não podem ser removidas",
"DELETION_SUMMARY_TAG_DENIED": "A tag deve ser removida do Notary antes de ser apagada.\nRemova do Notary com o seguinte comando:\n",
"TAGS_NO_DELETE": "Remover é proibido em modo somente leitura.",
@ -655,8 +655,10 @@
"DELETION_SUMMARY_REPO_SIGNED": "Depo '{{repoName}}' aşağıdaki imzalanmış görüntüler mevcut olduğu için silinemez. \n {{signedImages}} \nBir depoyu silmeden önce imzalı tüm imajları imzalamanız gerekir!",
"DELETION_SUMMARY_REPO": "Depoyu silmek istiyor musunuz?{{repoName}}?",
"DELETION_TITLE_ARTIFACT": "Confirm Artifact Deletion",
"DELETION_SUMMARY_ARTIFACT": "Do you want to delete artifact {{param}}? If you delete this artifact, all tags referenced by the digest will also be deleted.",
"DELETION_TITLE_TAG": "Etiket Silme İşlemini Onayla",
"DELETION_SUMMARY_TAG": "Etiketi silmek ister misiniz {{param}}? If you delete this tag, all other tags referenced by the same digest will also be deleted.",
"DELETION_SUMMARY_TAG": "Etiketi silmek ister misiniz {{param}}?",
"DELETION_TITLE_TAG_DENIED": "İmzalı etiket silinemez",
"DELETION_SUMMARY_TAG_DENIED": "Etiket silinmeden önce Harbordan kaldırılmalıdır. \nBu komutla Harbor'den silin: \n",
"TAGS_NO_DELETE": "Salt okunur modda silmek yasaktır.",
@ -656,6 +656,8 @@
"DELETION_SUMMARY_REPO_SIGNED": "镜像仓库 '{{repoName}}' 不能被删除,因为存在以下签名镜像.\n{{signedImages}} \n在删除镜像仓库前需先删除所有的签名镜像",
"DELETION_SUMMARY_REPO": "确认删除镜像仓库 {{repoName}}?",
"DELETION_TITLE_ARTIFACT": "删除镜像 Artifact 确认",
"DELETION_SUMMARY_ARTIFACT": "确认删除镜像 Artifact {{param}}? 如果您删除此 Artifact,则这个 digest 的所有 Tag 也将被删除。",
"DELETION_TITLE_TAG": "删除镜像 Tag 确认",
"DELETION_SUMMARY_TAG": "确认删除镜像 Tag {{param}}? 如果您删除此 Tag,则这个 Tag 引用的同一个 digest 的所有其他 Tag 也将被删除。",
@ -246,7 +246,8 @@ Add Labels To Tag
[Arguments] ${tagName} ${labelName}
Retry Element Click xpath=//clr-dg-row[contains(.,'${tagName}')]//label
Capture Page Screenshot add_${labelName}.png
Retry Element Click xpath=//clr-dg-action-bar//clr-dropdown//button
Retry Element Click xpath=//clr-dg-action-bar//clr-dropdown//span
Retry Element Click xpath=//clr-dropdown-menu//clr-dropdown//button[contains(.,'labels')]
Retry Element Click xpath=//clr-dropdown//div//label[contains(.,'${labelName}')]
Retry Wait Until Page Contains Element xpath=//clr-dg-row//label[contains(.,'${labelName}')]
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ ${project_replication_xpath} //project-detail//a[contains(.,'Replication')]
${project_log_xpath} //project-detail//a[contains(.,'Logs')]
${project_member_xpath} //project-detail//a[contains(.,'Members')]
${project_config_tabsheet} xpath=//project-detail//a[contains(.,'Configuration')]
${project_tag_strategy_xpath} //clr-tabs//a[contains(.,'Tag')]
${project_tag_strategy_xpath} //clr-tabs//a[contains(.,'Policy')]
${project_tab_overflow_btn} //clr-tabs//li//button[contains(@class,"dropdown-toggle")]
${project_tag_immutability_switch} //project-detail/app-tag-feature-integration//label/a[contains(.,'Tag Immutability')]
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ ${repo_delete_confirm_btn} xpath=//clr-modal//button[2]
${repo_retag_confirm_dlg} css=${modal-dialog}
${repo_delete_on_card_view_btn} //clr-modal//button[contains(.,'DELETE')]
${delete_btn} //button[contains(.,'Delete')]
${repo_delete_btn} xpath=//repository//button[contains(.,'Delete')]
${repo_delete_btn} xpath=//hbr-repository-gridview//button[contains(.,'Delete')]
${project_delete_btn} xpath=//list-project//clr-datagrid//button[contains(.,'Delete')]
${tag_delete_btn} xpath=//tag-repository//clr-datagrid//button[contains(.,'Delete')]
${user_delete_btn} xpath=/clr-dropdown-menu//button[contains(.,'Delete')]
@ -35,11 +35,10 @@ Test Case - Garbage Collection
Go Into Project project${d}
Delete Repo project${d}
${rc} ${output}= Run And Return Rc And Output curl -u ${HARBOR_ADMIN}:${HARBOR_PASSWORD} -i --insecure -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X GET "https://${ip}/api/system/gc/1/log"
${rc} ${output}= Run And Return Rc And Output curl -u ${HARBOR_ADMIN}:${HARBOR_PASSWORD} -i --insecure -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X GET "https://${ip}/api/v2.0/system/gc/1/log"
Log To Console ${output}
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
Should Contain ${output} 3 blobs and 0 manifests eligible for deletion
#Should Contain ${output} Deleting blob:
Should Contain ${output} 3 blobs marked, 0 blobs and 0 manifests eligible for deletion
Should Contain ${output} success to run gc in job.
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