Bump up go-ldap to v3.2.4

Signed-off-by: Daniel Jiang <jiangd@vmware.com>
This commit is contained in:
Daniel Jiang 2020-12-02 15:28:54 +08:00
parent 732e9a21cd
commit 34d776b062
71 changed files with 3528 additions and 1649 deletions

View File

@ -15,9 +15,10 @@
package ldap
import (
ber "gopkg.in/asn1-ber.v1"
goldap "gopkg.in/ldap.v2"
ber "github.com/go-asn1-ber/asn1-ber"
goldap "github.com/go-ldap/ldap/v3"
// FilterBuilder build filter for ldap search

View File

@ -23,11 +23,10 @@ import (
goldap "github.com/go-ldap/ldap/v3"
goldap "gopkg.in/ldap.v2"
// ErrNotFound ...

View File

@ -5,12 +5,12 @@ import (
goldap "github.com/go-ldap/ldap/v3"
uiConfig "github.com/goharbor/harbor/src/core/config"
goldap "gopkg.in/ldap.v2"
var ldapTestConfig = map[string]interface{}{

View File

@ -25,8 +25,8 @@ import (
goldap "github.com/go-ldap/ldap/v3"
goldap "gopkg.in/ldap.v2"
// LdapAPI handles requesst to /api/ldap/ping /api/ldap/user/search /api/ldap/user/import

View File

@ -19,11 +19,11 @@ import (
goldap "github.com/go-ldap/ldap/v3"
goldap "gopkg.in/ldap.v2"
ldapUtils "github.com/goharbor/harbor/src/common/utils/ldap"

View File

@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ require (
github.com/bugsnag/bugsnag-go v1.5.2 // indirect
github.com/bugsnag/panicwrap v1.2.0 // indirect
github.com/casbin/casbin v1.7.0
github.com/cenkalti/backoff v2.2.1+incompatible // indirect
github.com/cloudflare/cfssl v0.0.0-20190510060611-9c027c93ba9e // indirect
github.com/coreos/go-oidc v2.1.0+incompatible
github.com/denverdino/aliyungo v0.0.0-20191227032621-df38c6fa730c // indirect
@ -28,6 +29,8 @@ require (
github.com/docker/go-metrics v0.0.0-20181218153428-b84716841b82 // indirect
github.com/docker/libtrust v0.0.0-20160708172513-aabc10ec26b7
github.com/ghodss/yaml v1.0.0
github.com/go-asn1-ber/asn1-ber v1.5.1
github.com/go-ldap/ldap/v3 v3.2.4
github.com/go-openapi/errors v0.19.2
github.com/go-openapi/loads v0.19.4
github.com/go-openapi/runtime v0.19.5
@ -67,11 +70,9 @@ require (
golang.org/x/crypto v0.0.0-20200622213623-75b288015ac9
golang.org/x/net v0.0.0-20200625001655-4c5254603344
golang.org/x/oauth2 v0.0.0-20200107190931-bf48bf16ab8d
gopkg.in/asn1-ber.v1 v1.0.0-20150924051756-4e86f4367175
gopkg.in/dancannon/gorethink.v3 v3.0.5 // indirect
gopkg.in/fatih/pool.v2 v2.0.0 // indirect
gopkg.in/gorethink/gorethink.v3 v3.0.5 // indirect
gopkg.in/ldap.v2 v2.5.0
gopkg.in/square/go-jose.v2 v2.3.0 // indirect
gopkg.in/yaml.v2 v2.3.0
helm.sh/helm/v3 v3.1.1

View File

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github.com/Knetic/govaluate v3.0.0+incompatible h1:7o6+MAPhYTCF0+fdvoz1xDedhRb4f6s9Tn1Tt7/WTEg=
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@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
sudo: false
language: go
- go get -u golang.org/x/lint/golint
- 1.10.x
- master
- test -z "$(gofmt -s -l . | tee /dev/stderr)"
- test -z "$(golint ./... | tee /dev/stderr)"
- go vet ./...
- go build -v ./...
- go test -v ./...

src/vendor/github.com/Azure/go-ntlmssp/LICENSE generated vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
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Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.

src/vendor/github.com/Azure/go-ntlmssp/README.md generated vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
# go-ntlmssp
Golang package that provides NTLM/Negotiate authentication over HTTP
[![GoDoc](https://godoc.org/github.com/Azure/go-ntlmssp?status.svg)](https://godoc.org/github.com/Azure/go-ntlmssp) [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/Azure/go-ntlmssp.svg?branch=dev)](https://travis-ci.org/Azure/go-ntlmssp)
Protocol details from https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc236621.aspx
Implementation hints from http://davenport.sourceforge.net/ntlm.html
This package only implements authentication, no key exchange or encryption. It
only supports Unicode (UTF16LE) encoding of protocol strings, no OEM encoding.
This package implements NTLMv2.
# Usage
url, user, password := "http://www.example.com/secrets", "robpike", "pw123"
client := &http.Client{
Transport: ntlmssp.Negotiator{
req, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", url, nil)
req.SetBasicAuth(user, password)
res, _ := client.Do(req)
This project has adopted the [Microsoft Open Source Code of Conduct](https://opensource.microsoft.com/codeofconduct/). For more information see the [Code of Conduct FAQ](https://opensource.microsoft.com/codeofconduct/faq/) or contact [opencode@microsoft.com](mailto:opencode@microsoft.com) with any additional questions or comments.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
package ntlmssp
import (
type authenicateMessage struct {
LmChallengeResponse []byte
NtChallengeResponse []byte
TargetName string
UserName string
// only set if negotiateFlag_NTLMSSP_NEGOTIATE_KEY_EXCH
EncryptedRandomSessionKey []byte
NegotiateFlags negotiateFlags
MIC []byte
type authenticateMessageFields struct {
LmChallengeResponse varField
NtChallengeResponse varField
TargetName varField
UserName varField
Workstation varField
_ [8]byte
NegotiateFlags negotiateFlags
func (m authenicateMessage) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error) {
if !m.NegotiateFlags.Has(negotiateFlagNTLMSSPNEGOTIATEUNICODE) {
return nil, errors.New("Only unicode is supported")
target, user := toUnicode(m.TargetName), toUnicode(m.UserName)
workstation := toUnicode("go-ntlmssp")
ptr := binary.Size(&authenticateMessageFields{})
f := authenticateMessageFields{
messageHeader: newMessageHeader(3),
NegotiateFlags: m.NegotiateFlags,
LmChallengeResponse: newVarField(&ptr, len(m.LmChallengeResponse)),
NtChallengeResponse: newVarField(&ptr, len(m.NtChallengeResponse)),
TargetName: newVarField(&ptr, len(target)),
UserName: newVarField(&ptr, len(user)),
Workstation: newVarField(&ptr, len(workstation)),
b := bytes.Buffer{}
if err := binary.Write(&b, binary.LittleEndian, &f); err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := binary.Write(&b, binary.LittleEndian, &m.LmChallengeResponse); err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := binary.Write(&b, binary.LittleEndian, &m.NtChallengeResponse); err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := binary.Write(&b, binary.LittleEndian, &target); err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := binary.Write(&b, binary.LittleEndian, &user); err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := binary.Write(&b, binary.LittleEndian, &workstation); err != nil {
return nil, err
return b.Bytes(), nil
//ProcessChallenge crafts an AUTHENTICATE message in response to the CHALLENGE message
//that was received from the server
func ProcessChallenge(challengeMessageData []byte, user, password string) ([]byte, error) {
if user == "" && password == "" {
return nil, errors.New("Anonymous authentication not supported")
var cm challengeMessage
if err := cm.UnmarshalBinary(challengeMessageData); err != nil {
return nil, err
if cm.NegotiateFlags.Has(negotiateFlagNTLMSSPNEGOTIATELMKEY) {
return nil, errors.New("Only NTLM v2 is supported, but server requested v1 (NTLMSSP_NEGOTIATE_LM_KEY)")
if cm.NegotiateFlags.Has(negotiateFlagNTLMSSPNEGOTIATEKEYEXCH) {
return nil, errors.New("Key exchange requested but not supported (NTLMSSP_NEGOTIATE_KEY_EXCH)")
am := authenicateMessage{
UserName: user,
TargetName: cm.TargetName,
NegotiateFlags: cm.NegotiateFlags,
timestamp := cm.TargetInfo[avIDMsvAvTimestamp]
if timestamp == nil { // no time sent, take current time
ft := uint64(time.Now().UnixNano()) / 100
ft += 116444736000000000 // add time between unix & windows offset
timestamp = make([]byte, 8)
binary.LittleEndian.PutUint64(timestamp, ft)
clientChallenge := make([]byte, 8)
ntlmV2Hash := getNtlmV2Hash(password, user, cm.TargetName)
am.NtChallengeResponse = computeNtlmV2Response(ntlmV2Hash,
cm.ServerChallenge[:], clientChallenge, timestamp, cm.TargetInfoRaw)
if cm.TargetInfoRaw == nil {
am.LmChallengeResponse = computeLmV2Response(ntlmV2Hash,
cm.ServerChallenge[:], clientChallenge)
return am.MarshalBinary()
func ProcessChallengeWithHash(challengeMessageData []byte, user, hash string) ([]byte, error) {
if user == "" && hash == "" {
return nil, errors.New("Anonymous authentication not supported")
var cm challengeMessage
if err := cm.UnmarshalBinary(challengeMessageData); err != nil {
return nil, err
if cm.NegotiateFlags.Has(negotiateFlagNTLMSSPNEGOTIATELMKEY) {
return nil, errors.New("Only NTLM v2 is supported, but server requested v1 (NTLMSSP_NEGOTIATE_LM_KEY)")
if cm.NegotiateFlags.Has(negotiateFlagNTLMSSPNEGOTIATEKEYEXCH) {
return nil, errors.New("Key exchange requested but not supported (NTLMSSP_NEGOTIATE_KEY_EXCH)")
am := authenicateMessage{
UserName: user,
TargetName: cm.TargetName,
NegotiateFlags: cm.NegotiateFlags,
timestamp := cm.TargetInfo[avIDMsvAvTimestamp]
if timestamp == nil { // no time sent, take current time
ft := uint64(time.Now().UnixNano()) / 100
ft += 116444736000000000 // add time between unix & windows offset
timestamp = make([]byte, 8)
binary.LittleEndian.PutUint64(timestamp, ft)
clientChallenge := make([]byte, 8)
hashParts := strings.Split(hash, ":")
if len(hashParts) > 1 {
hash = hashParts[1]
hashBytes, err := hex.DecodeString(hash)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
ntlmV2Hash := hmacMd5(hashBytes, toUnicode(strings.ToUpper(user)+cm.TargetName))
am.NtChallengeResponse = computeNtlmV2Response(ntlmV2Hash,
cm.ServerChallenge[:], clientChallenge, timestamp, cm.TargetInfoRaw)
if cm.TargetInfoRaw == nil {
am.LmChallengeResponse = computeLmV2Response(ntlmV2Hash,
cm.ServerChallenge[:], clientChallenge)
return am.MarshalBinary()

src/vendor/github.com/Azure/go-ntlmssp/authheader.go generated vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
package ntlmssp
import (
type authheader string
func (h authheader) IsBasic() bool {
return strings.HasPrefix(string(h), "Basic ")
func (h authheader) IsNegotiate() bool {
return strings.HasPrefix(string(h), "Negotiate")
func (h authheader) IsNTLM() bool {
return strings.HasPrefix(string(h), "NTLM")
func (h authheader) GetData() ([]byte, error) {
p := strings.Split(string(h), " ")
if len(p) < 2 {
return nil, nil
return base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(string(p[1]))
func (h authheader) GetBasicCreds() (username, password string, err error) {
d, err := h.GetData()
if err != nil {
return "", "", err
parts := strings.SplitN(string(d), ":", 2)
return parts[0], parts[1], nil

src/vendor/github.com/Azure/go-ntlmssp/avids.go generated vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
package ntlmssp
type avID uint16
const (
avIDMsvAvEOL avID = iota

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@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
package ntlmssp
import (
type challengeMessageFields struct {
TargetName varField
NegotiateFlags negotiateFlags
ServerChallenge [8]byte
_ [8]byte
TargetInfo varField
func (m challengeMessageFields) IsValid() bool {
return m.messageHeader.IsValid() && m.MessageType == 2
type challengeMessage struct {
TargetName string
TargetInfo map[avID][]byte
TargetInfoRaw []byte
func (m *challengeMessage) UnmarshalBinary(data []byte) error {
r := bytes.NewReader(data)
err := binary.Read(r, binary.LittleEndian, &m.challengeMessageFields)
if err != nil {
return err
if !m.challengeMessageFields.IsValid() {
return fmt.Errorf("Message is not a valid challenge message: %+v", m.challengeMessageFields.messageHeader)
if m.challengeMessageFields.TargetName.Len > 0 {
m.TargetName, err = m.challengeMessageFields.TargetName.ReadStringFrom(data, m.NegotiateFlags.Has(negotiateFlagNTLMSSPNEGOTIATEUNICODE))
if err != nil {
return err
if m.challengeMessageFields.TargetInfo.Len > 0 {
d, err := m.challengeMessageFields.TargetInfo.ReadFrom(data)
m.TargetInfoRaw = d
if err != nil {
return err
m.TargetInfo = make(map[avID][]byte)
r := bytes.NewReader(d)
for {
var id avID
var l uint16
err = binary.Read(r, binary.LittleEndian, &id)
if err != nil {
return err
if id == avIDMsvAvEOL {
err = binary.Read(r, binary.LittleEndian, &l)
if err != nil {
return err
value := make([]byte, l)
n, err := r.Read(value)
if err != nil {
return err
if n != int(l) {
return fmt.Errorf("Expected to read %d bytes, got only %d", l, n)
m.TargetInfo[id] = value
return nil

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@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
package ntlmssp
import (
var signature = [8]byte{'N', 'T', 'L', 'M', 'S', 'S', 'P', 0}
type messageHeader struct {
Signature [8]byte
MessageType uint32
func (h messageHeader) IsValid() bool {
return bytes.Equal(h.Signature[:], signature[:]) &&
h.MessageType > 0 && h.MessageType < 4
func newMessageHeader(messageType uint32) messageHeader {
return messageHeader{signature, messageType}

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@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
package ntlmssp
type negotiateFlags uint32
const (
/*A*/ negotiateFlagNTLMSSPNEGOTIATEUNICODE negotiateFlags = 1 << 0
/*B*/ negotiateFlagNTLMNEGOTIATEOEM = 1 << 1
/*C*/ negotiateFlagNTLMSSPREQUESTTARGET = 1 << 2
negotiateFlagNTLMSSPNEGOTIATESIGN = 1 << 4
/*E*/ negotiateFlagNTLMSSPNEGOTIATESEAL = 1 << 5
/*F*/ negotiateFlagNTLMSSPNEGOTIATEDATAGRAM = 1 << 6
/*G*/ negotiateFlagNTLMSSPNEGOTIATELMKEY = 1 << 7
negotiateFlagNTLMSSPNEGOTIATENTLM = 1 << 9
negotiateFlagANONYMOUS = 1 << 11
/*N*/ negotiateFlagNTLMSSPTARGETTYPEDOMAIN = 1 << 16
/*O*/ negotiateFlagNTLMSSPTARGETTYPESERVER = 1 << 17
/*Q*/ negotiateFlagNTLMSSPNEGOTIATEIDENTIFY = 1 << 20
negotiateFlagNTLMSSPNEGOTIATE128 = 1 << 29
/*V*/ negotiateFlagNTLMSSPNEGOTIATEKEYEXCH = 1 << 30
/*W*/ negotiateFlagNTLMSSPNEGOTIATE56 = 1 << 31
func (field negotiateFlags) Has(flags negotiateFlags) bool {
return field&flags == flags
func (field *negotiateFlags) Unset(flags negotiateFlags) {
*field = *field ^ (*field & flags)

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@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
package ntlmssp
import (
const expMsgBodyLen = 40
type negotiateMessageFields struct {
NegotiateFlags negotiateFlags
Domain varField
Workstation varField
var defaultFlags = negotiateFlagNTLMSSPNEGOTIATETARGETINFO |
negotiateFlagNTLMSSPNEGOTIATE128 |
//NewNegotiateMessage creates a new NEGOTIATE message with the
//flags that this package supports.
func NewNegotiateMessage(domainName, workstationName string) ([]byte, error) {
payloadOffset := expMsgBodyLen
flags := defaultFlags
if domainName != "" {
if workstationName != "" {
msg := negotiateMessageFields{
messageHeader: newMessageHeader(1),
NegotiateFlags: flags,
Domain: newVarField(&payloadOffset, len(domainName)),
Workstation: newVarField(&payloadOffset, len(workstationName)),
Version: DefaultVersion(),
b := bytes.Buffer{}
if err := binary.Write(&b, binary.LittleEndian, &msg); err != nil {
return nil, err
if b.Len() != expMsgBodyLen {
return nil, errors.New("incorrect body length")
payload := strings.ToUpper(domainName + workstationName)
if _, err := b.WriteString(payload); err != nil {
return nil, err
return b.Bytes(), nil

src/vendor/github.com/Azure/go-ntlmssp/negotiator.go generated vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
package ntlmssp
import (
// GetDomain : parse domain name from based on slashes in the input
func GetDomain(user string) (string, string) {
domain := ""
if strings.Contains(user, "\\") {
ucomponents := strings.SplitN(user, "\\", 2)
domain = ucomponents[0]
user = ucomponents[1]
return user, domain
//Negotiator is a http.Roundtripper decorator that automatically
//converts basic authentication to NTLM/Negotiate authentication when appropriate.
type Negotiator struct{ http.RoundTripper }
//RoundTrip sends the request to the server, handling any authentication
//re-sends as needed.
func (l Negotiator) RoundTrip(req *http.Request) (res *http.Response, err error) {
// Use default round tripper if not provided
rt := l.RoundTripper
if rt == nil {
rt = http.DefaultTransport
// If it is not basic auth, just round trip the request as usual
reqauth := authheader(req.Header.Get("Authorization"))
if !reqauth.IsBasic() {
return rt.RoundTrip(req)
// Save request body
body := bytes.Buffer{}
if req.Body != nil {
_, err = body.ReadFrom(req.Body)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
req.Body = ioutil.NopCloser(bytes.NewReader(body.Bytes()))
// first try anonymous, in case the server still finds us
// authenticated from previous traffic
res, err = rt.RoundTrip(req)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if res.StatusCode != http.StatusUnauthorized {
return res, err
resauth := authheader(res.Header.Get("Www-Authenticate"))
if !resauth.IsNegotiate() && !resauth.IsNTLM() {
// Unauthorized, Negotiate not requested, let's try with basic auth
req.Header.Set("Authorization", string(reqauth))
io.Copy(ioutil.Discard, res.Body)
req.Body = ioutil.NopCloser(bytes.NewReader(body.Bytes()))
res, err = rt.RoundTrip(req)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if res.StatusCode != http.StatusUnauthorized {
return res, err
resauth = authheader(res.Header.Get("Www-Authenticate"))
if resauth.IsNegotiate() || resauth.IsNTLM() {
// 401 with request:Basic and response:Negotiate
io.Copy(ioutil.Discard, res.Body)
// recycle credentials
u, p, err := reqauth.GetBasicCreds()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// get domain from username
domain := ""
u, domain = GetDomain(u)
// send negotiate
negotiateMessage, err := NewNegotiateMessage(domain, "")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if resauth.IsNTLM() {
req.Header.Set("Authorization", "NTLM "+base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(negotiateMessage))
} else {
req.Header.Set("Authorization", "Negotiate "+base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(negotiateMessage))
req.Body = ioutil.NopCloser(bytes.NewReader(body.Bytes()))
res, err = rt.RoundTrip(req)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// receive challenge?
resauth = authheader(res.Header.Get("Www-Authenticate"))
challengeMessage, err := resauth.GetData()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if !(resauth.IsNegotiate() || resauth.IsNTLM()) || len(challengeMessage) == 0 {
// Negotiation failed, let client deal with response
return res, nil
io.Copy(ioutil.Discard, res.Body)
// send authenticate
authenticateMessage, err := ProcessChallenge(challengeMessage, u, p)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if resauth.IsNTLM() {
req.Header.Set("Authorization", "NTLM "+base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(authenticateMessage))
} else {
req.Header.Set("Authorization", "Negotiate "+base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(authenticateMessage))
req.Body = ioutil.NopCloser(bytes.NewReader(body.Bytes()))
return rt.RoundTrip(req)
return res, err

src/vendor/github.com/Azure/go-ntlmssp/nlmp.go generated vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
// Package ntlmssp provides NTLM/Negotiate authentication over HTTP
// Protocol details from https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc236621.aspx,
// implementation hints from http://davenport.sourceforge.net/ntlm.html .
// This package only implements authentication, no key exchange or encryption. It
// only supports Unicode (UTF16LE) encoding of protocol strings, no OEM encoding.
// This package implements NTLMv2.
package ntlmssp
import (
func getNtlmV2Hash(password, username, target string) []byte {
return hmacMd5(getNtlmHash(password), toUnicode(strings.ToUpper(username)+target))
func getNtlmHash(password string) []byte {
hash := md4.New()
return hash.Sum(nil)
func computeNtlmV2Response(ntlmV2Hash, serverChallenge, clientChallenge,
timestamp, targetInfo []byte) []byte {
temp := []byte{1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
temp = append(temp, timestamp...)
temp = append(temp, clientChallenge...)
temp = append(temp, 0, 0, 0, 0)
temp = append(temp, targetInfo...)
temp = append(temp, 0, 0, 0, 0)
NTProofStr := hmacMd5(ntlmV2Hash, serverChallenge, temp)
return append(NTProofStr, temp...)
func computeLmV2Response(ntlmV2Hash, serverChallenge, clientChallenge []byte) []byte {
return append(hmacMd5(ntlmV2Hash, serverChallenge, clientChallenge), clientChallenge...)
func hmacMd5(key []byte, data ...[]byte) []byte {
mac := hmac.New(md5.New, key)
for _, d := range data {
return mac.Sum(nil)

src/vendor/github.com/Azure/go-ntlmssp/unicode.go generated vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
package ntlmssp
import (
// helper func's for dealing with Windows Unicode (UTF16LE)
func fromUnicode(d []byte) (string, error) {
if len(d)%2 > 0 {
return "", errors.New("Unicode (UTF 16 LE) specified, but uneven data length")
s := make([]uint16, len(d)/2)
err := binary.Read(bytes.NewReader(d), binary.LittleEndian, &s)
if err != nil {
return "", err
return string(utf16.Decode(s)), nil
func toUnicode(s string) []byte {
uints := utf16.Encode([]rune(s))
b := bytes.Buffer{}
binary.Write(&b, binary.LittleEndian, &uints)
return b.Bytes()

src/vendor/github.com/Azure/go-ntlmssp/varfield.go generated vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
package ntlmssp
import (
type varField struct {
Len uint16
MaxLen uint16
BufferOffset uint32
func (f varField) ReadFrom(buffer []byte) ([]byte, error) {
if len(buffer) < int(f.BufferOffset+uint32(f.Len)) {
return nil, errors.New("Error reading data, varField extends beyond buffer")
return buffer[f.BufferOffset : f.BufferOffset+uint32(f.Len)], nil
func (f varField) ReadStringFrom(buffer []byte, unicode bool) (string, error) {
d, err := f.ReadFrom(buffer)
if err != nil {
return "", err
if unicode { // UTF-16LE encoding scheme
return fromUnicode(d)
// OEM encoding, close enough to ASCII, since no code page is specified
return string(d), err
func newVarField(ptr *int, fieldsize int) varField {
f := varField{
Len: uint16(fieldsize),
MaxLen: uint16(fieldsize),
BufferOffset: uint32(*ptr),
*ptr += fieldsize
return f

src/vendor/github.com/Azure/go-ntlmssp/version.go generated vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
package ntlmssp
// Version is a struct representing https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc236654.aspx
type Version struct {
ProductMajorVersion uint8
ProductMinorVersion uint8
ProductBuild uint16
_ [3]byte
NTLMRevisionCurrent uint8
// DefaultVersion returns a Version with "sensible" defaults (Windows 7)
func DefaultVersion() Version {
return Version{
ProductMajorVersion: 6,
ProductMinorVersion: 1,
ProductBuild: 7601,
NTLMRevisionCurrent: 15,

src/vendor/github.com/go-asn1-ber/asn1-ber/.travis.yml generated vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
language: go
- 1.2.x
- 1.6.x
- 1.9.x
- 1.10.x
- 1.11.x
- 1.12.x
- 1.14.x
- tip
- linux
- amd64
dist: xenial
- GOARCH=amd64
- os: windows
go: 1.14.x
- os: osx
go: 1.14.x
- os: linux
go: 1.14.x
arch: arm64
- os: linux
go: 1.14.x
- GOARCH=386
- go test -v -cover ./... || go test -v ./...

src/vendor/github.com/go-asn1-ber/asn1-ber/LICENSE generated vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
The MIT License (MIT)
Copyright (c) 2011-2015 Michael Mitton (mmitton@gmail.com)
Portions copyright (c) 2015-2016 go-asn1-ber Authors
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.

View File

@ -5,10 +5,17 @@ import (
// MaxPacketLengthBytes specifies the maximum allowed packet size when calling ReadPacket or DecodePacket. Set to 0 for
// no limit.
var MaxPacketLengthBytes int64 = math.MaxInt32
type Packet struct {
Value interface{}
@ -138,42 +145,46 @@ var TypeMap = map[Type]string{
TypeConstructed: "Constructed",
var Debug bool = false
var Debug = false
func PrintBytes(out io.Writer, buf []byte, indent string) {
data_lines := make([]string, (len(buf)/30)+1)
num_lines := make([]string, (len(buf)/30)+1)
dataLines := make([]string, (len(buf)/30)+1)
numLines := make([]string, (len(buf)/30)+1)
for i, b := range buf {
data_lines[i/30] += fmt.Sprintf("%02x ", b)
num_lines[i/30] += fmt.Sprintf("%02d ", (i+1)%100)
dataLines[i/30] += fmt.Sprintf("%02x ", b)
numLines[i/30] += fmt.Sprintf("%02d ", (i+1)%100)
for i := 0; i < len(data_lines); i++ {
out.Write([]byte(indent + data_lines[i] + "\n"))
out.Write([]byte(indent + num_lines[i] + "\n\n"))
for i := 0; i < len(dataLines); i++ {
_, _ = out.Write([]byte(indent + dataLines[i] + "\n"))
_, _ = out.Write([]byte(indent + numLines[i] + "\n\n"))
func WritePacket(out io.Writer, p *Packet) {
printPacket(out, p, 0, false)
func PrintPacket(p *Packet) {
printPacket(os.Stdout, p, 0, false)
func printPacket(out io.Writer, p *Packet, indent int, printBytes bool) {
indent_str := ""
indentStr := ""
for len(indent_str) != indent {
indent_str += " "
for len(indentStr) != indent {
indentStr += " "
class_str := ClassMap[p.ClassType]
classStr := ClassMap[p.ClassType]
tagtype_str := TypeMap[p.TagType]
tagTypeStr := TypeMap[p.TagType]
tag_str := fmt.Sprintf("0x%02X", p.Tag)
tagStr := fmt.Sprintf("0x%02X", p.Tag)
if p.ClassType == ClassUniversal {
tag_str = tagMap[p.Tag]
tagStr = tagMap[p.Tag]
value := fmt.Sprint(p.Value)
@ -183,10 +194,10 @@ func printPacket(out io.Writer, p *Packet, indent int, printBytes bool) {
description = p.Description + ": "
fmt.Fprintf(out, "%s%s(%s, %s, %s) Len=%d %q\n", indent_str, description, class_str, tagtype_str, tag_str, p.Data.Len(), value)
_, _ = fmt.Fprintf(out, "%s%s(%s, %s, %s) Len=%d %q\n", indentStr, description, classStr, tagTypeStr, tagStr, p.Data.Len(), value)
if printBytes {
PrintBytes(out, p.Bytes(), indent_str)
PrintBytes(out, p.Bytes(), indentStr)
for _, child := range p.Children {
@ -194,7 +205,7 @@ func printPacket(out io.Writer, p *Packet, indent int, printBytes bool) {
// ReadPacket reads a single Packet from the reader
// ReadPacket reads a single Packet from the reader.
func ReadPacket(reader io.Reader) (*Packet, error) {
p, _, err := readPacket(reader)
if err != nil {
@ -207,7 +218,7 @@ func DecodeString(data []byte) string {
return string(data)
func parseInt64(bytes []byte) (ret int64, err error) {
func ParseInt64(bytes []byte) (ret int64, err error) {
if len(bytes) > 8 {
// We'll overflow an int64 in this case.
err = fmt.Errorf("integer too large")
@ -230,7 +241,7 @@ func encodeInteger(i int64) []byte {
var j int
for ; n > 0; n-- {
out[j] = (byte(i >> uint((n-1)*8)))
out[j] = byte(i >> uint((n-1)*8))
@ -262,7 +273,7 @@ func DecodePacket(data []byte) *Packet {
// DecodePacketErr decodes the given bytes into a single Packet
// If a decode error is encountered, nil is returned
// If a decode error is encountered, nil is returned.
func DecodePacketErr(data []byte) (*Packet, error) {
p, _, err := readPacket(bytes.NewBuffer(data))
if err != nil {
@ -271,7 +282,7 @@ func DecodePacketErr(data []byte) (*Packet, error) {
return p, nil
// readPacket reads a single Packet from the reader, returning the number of bytes read
// readPacket reads a single Packet from the reader, returning the number of bytes read.
func readPacket(reader io.Reader) (*Packet, int, error) {
identifier, length, read, err := readHeader(reader)
if err != nil {
@ -330,7 +341,10 @@ func readPacket(reader io.Reader) (*Packet, int, error) {
// Read definite-length content
content := make([]byte, length, length)
if MaxPacketLengthBytes > 0 && int64(length) > MaxPacketLengthBytes {
return nil, read, fmt.Errorf("length %d greater than maximum %d", length, MaxPacketLengthBytes)
content := make([]byte, length)
if length > 0 {
_, err := io.ReadFull(reader, content)
if err != nil {
@ -349,11 +363,11 @@ func readPacket(reader io.Reader) (*Packet, int, error) {
switch p.Tag {
case TagEOC:
case TagBoolean:
val, _ := parseInt64(content)
val, _ := ParseInt64(content)
p.Value = val != 0
case TagInteger:
p.Value, _ = parseInt64(content)
p.Value, _ = ParseInt64(content)
case TagBitString:
case TagOctetString:
// the actual string encoding is not known here
@ -365,22 +379,42 @@ func readPacket(reader io.Reader) (*Packet, int, error) {
case TagObjectDescriptor:
case TagExternal:
case TagRealFloat:
p.Value, err = ParseReal(content)
case TagEnumerated:
p.Value, _ = parseInt64(content)
p.Value, _ = ParseInt64(content)
case TagEmbeddedPDV:
case TagUTF8String:
p.Value = DecodeString(content)
val := DecodeString(content)
if !utf8.Valid([]byte(val)) {
err = errors.New("invalid UTF-8 string")
} else {
p.Value = val
case TagRelativeOID:
case TagSequence:
case TagSet:
case TagNumericString:
case TagPrintableString:
p.Value = DecodeString(content)
val := DecodeString(content)
if err = isPrintableString(val); err == nil {
p.Value = val
case TagT61String:
case TagVideotexString:
case TagIA5String:
val := DecodeString(content)
for i, c := range val {
if c >= 0x7F {
err = fmt.Errorf("invalid character for IA5String at pos %d: %c", i, c)
if err == nil {
p.Value = val
case TagUTCTime:
case TagGeneralizedTime:
p.Value, err = ParseGeneralizedTime(content)
case TagGraphicString:
case TagVisibleString:
case TagGeneralString:
@ -392,7 +426,24 @@ func readPacket(reader io.Reader) (*Packet, int, error) {
return p, read, nil
return p, read, err
func isPrintableString(val string) error {
for i, c := range val {
switch {
case c >= 'a' && c <= 'z':
case c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z':
case c >= '0' && c <= '9':
switch c {
case '\'', '(', ')', '+', ',', '-', '.', '=', '/', ':', '?', ' ':
return fmt.Errorf("invalid character in position %d", i)
return nil
func (p *Packet) Bytes() []byte {
@ -410,61 +461,99 @@ func (p *Packet) AppendChild(child *Packet) {
p.Children = append(p.Children, child)
func Encode(ClassType Class, TagType Type, Tag Tag, Value interface{}, Description string) *Packet {
func Encode(classType Class, tagType Type, tag Tag, value interface{}, description string) *Packet {
p := new(Packet)
p.ClassType = ClassType
p.TagType = TagType
p.Tag = Tag
p.ClassType = classType
p.TagType = tagType
p.Tag = tag
p.Data = new(bytes.Buffer)
p.Children = make([]*Packet, 0, 2)
p.Value = Value
p.Description = Description
p.Value = value
p.Description = description
if Value != nil {
v := reflect.ValueOf(Value)
if value != nil {
v := reflect.ValueOf(value)
if ClassType == ClassUniversal {
switch Tag {
if classType == ClassUniversal {
switch tag {
case TagOctetString:
sv, ok := v.Interface().(string)
if ok {
case TagEnumerated:
bv, ok := v.Interface().([]byte)
if ok {
case TagEmbeddedPDV:
bv, ok := v.Interface().([]byte)
if ok {
} else if classType == ClassContext {
switch tag {
case TagEnumerated:
bv, ok := v.Interface().([]byte)
if ok {
case TagEmbeddedPDV:
bv, ok := v.Interface().([]byte)
if ok {
return p
func NewSequence(Description string) *Packet {
return Encode(ClassUniversal, TypeConstructed, TagSequence, nil, Description)
func NewSequence(description string) *Packet {
return Encode(ClassUniversal, TypeConstructed, TagSequence, nil, description)
func NewBoolean(ClassType Class, TagType Type, Tag Tag, Value bool, Description string) *Packet {
func NewBoolean(classType Class, tagType Type, tag Tag, value bool, description string) *Packet {
intValue := int64(0)
if Value {
if value {
intValue = 1
p := Encode(ClassType, TagType, Tag, nil, Description)
p := Encode(classType, tagType, tag, nil, description)
p.Value = Value
p.Value = value
return p
func NewInteger(ClassType Class, TagType Type, Tag Tag, Value interface{}, Description string) *Packet {
p := Encode(ClassType, TagType, Tag, nil, Description)
// NewLDAPBoolean returns a RFC 4511-compliant Boolean packet.
func NewLDAPBoolean(classType Class, tagType Type, tag Tag, value bool, description string) *Packet {
intValue := int64(0)
p.Value = Value
switch v := Value.(type) {
if value {
intValue = 255
p := Encode(classType, tagType, tag, nil, description)
p.Value = value
return p
func NewInteger(classType Class, tagType Type, tag Tag, value interface{}, description string) *Packet {
p := Encode(classType, tagType, tag, nil, description)
p.Value = value
switch v := value.(type) {
case int:
case uint:
@ -494,11 +583,38 @@ func NewInteger(ClassType Class, TagType Type, Tag Tag, Value interface{}, Descr
return p
func NewString(ClassType Class, TagType Type, Tag Tag, Value, Description string) *Packet {
p := Encode(ClassType, TagType, Tag, nil, Description)
func NewString(classType Class, tagType Type, tag Tag, value, description string) *Packet {
p := Encode(classType, tagType, tag, nil, description)
p.Value = Value
p.Value = value
return p
func NewGeneralizedTime(classType Class, tagType Type, tag Tag, value time.Time, description string) *Packet {
p := Encode(classType, tagType, tag, nil, description)
var s string
if value.Nanosecond() != 0 {
s = value.Format(`20060102150405.000000000Z`)
} else {
s = value.Format(`20060102150405Z`)
p.Value = s
return p
func NewReal(classType Class, tagType Type, tag Tag, value interface{}, description string) *Packet {
p := Encode(classType, tagType, tag, nil, description)
switch v := value.(type) {
case float64:
case float32:
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Invalid type %T, expected float{64|32}", v))
return p

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ func encodeUnsignedInteger(i uint64) []byte {
var j int
for ; n > 0; n-- {
out[j] = (byte(i >> uint((n-1)*8)))
out[j] = byte(i >> uint((n-1)*8))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
package ber
import (
// ErrInvalidTimeFormat is returned when the generalizedTime string was not correct.
var ErrInvalidTimeFormat = errors.New("invalid time format")
var zeroTime = time.Time{}
// ParseGeneralizedTime parses a string value and if it conforms to
// GeneralizedTime[^0] format, will return a time.Time for that value.
// [^0]: https://www.itu.int/rec/T-REC-X.690-201508-I/en Section 11.7
func ParseGeneralizedTime(v []byte) (time.Time, error) {
var format string
var fract time.Duration
str := []byte(DecodeString(v))
tzIndex := bytes.IndexAny(str, "Z+-")
if tzIndex < 0 {
return zeroTime, ErrInvalidTimeFormat
dot := bytes.IndexAny(str, ".,")
switch dot {
case -1:
switch tzIndex {
case 10:
format = `2006010215Z`
case 12:
format = `200601021504Z`
case 14:
format = `20060102150405Z`
return zeroTime, ErrInvalidTimeFormat
case 10, 12:
if tzIndex < dot {
return zeroTime, ErrInvalidTimeFormat
// a "," is also allowed, but would not be parsed by time.Parse():
str[dot] = '.'
// If <minute> is omitted, then <fraction> represents a fraction of an
// hour; otherwise, if <second> and <leap-second> are omitted, then
// <fraction> represents a fraction of a minute; otherwise, <fraction>
// represents a fraction of a second.
// parse as float from dot to timezone
f, err := strconv.ParseFloat(string(str[dot:tzIndex]), 64)
if err != nil {
return zeroTime, fmt.Errorf("failed to parse float: %s", err)
// ...and strip that part
str = append(str[:dot], str[tzIndex:]...)
tzIndex = dot
if dot == 10 {
fract = time.Duration(int64(f * float64(time.Hour)))
format = `2006010215Z`
} else {
fract = time.Duration(int64(f * float64(time.Minute)))
format = `200601021504Z`
case 14:
if tzIndex < dot {
return zeroTime, ErrInvalidTimeFormat
str[dot] = '.'
// no need for fractional seconds, time.Parse() handles that
format = `20060102150405Z`
return zeroTime, ErrInvalidTimeFormat
l := len(str)
switch l - tzIndex {
case 1:
if str[l-1] != 'Z' {
return zeroTime, ErrInvalidTimeFormat
case 3:
format += `0700`
str = append(str, []byte("00")...)
case 5:
format += `0700`
return zeroTime, ErrInvalidTimeFormat
t, err := time.Parse(format, string(str))
if err != nil {
return zeroTime, fmt.Errorf("%s: %s", ErrInvalidTimeFormat, err)
return t.Add(fract), nil

src/vendor/github.com/go-asn1-ber/asn1-ber/go.mod generated vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
module github.com/go-asn1-ber/asn1-ber
go 1.13

View File

@ -2,28 +2,37 @@ package ber
import (
func readHeader(reader io.Reader) (identifier Identifier, length int, read int, err error) {
if i, c, err := readIdentifier(reader); err != nil {
var (
c, l int
i Identifier
if i, c, err = readIdentifier(reader); err != nil {
return Identifier{}, 0, read, err
} else {
identifier = i
read += c
if l, c, err := readLength(reader); err != nil {
if l, c, err = readLength(reader); err != nil {
return Identifier{}, 0, read, err
} else {
length = l
read += c
// Validate length type with identifier (x.600,
if length == LengthIndefinite && identifier.TagType == TypePrimitive {
return Identifier{}, 0, read, errors.New("indefinite length used with primitive type")
if length < LengthIndefinite {
err = fmt.Errorf("length cannot be less than %d", LengthIndefinite)
return identifier, length, read, nil

View File

@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ import (
func readIdentifier(reader io.Reader) (Identifier, int, error) {
@ -80,24 +79,34 @@ func encodeIdentifier(identifier Identifier) []byte {
tag := identifier.Tag
highBit := uint(63)
for {
if tag&(1<<highBit) != 0 {
tagBytes := int(math.Ceil(float64(highBit) / 7.0))
for i := tagBytes - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
offset := uint(i) * 7
mask := Tag(0x7f) << offset
tagByte := (tag & mask) >> offset
if i != 0 {
tagByte |= 0x80
b = append(b, byte(tagByte))
b = append(b, encodeHighTag(tag)...)
return b
func encodeHighTag(tag Tag) []byte {
// set cap=4 to hopefully avoid additional allocations
b := make([]byte, 0, 4)
for tag != 0 {
// t := last 7 bits of tag (HighTagValueBitmask = 0x7F)
t := tag & HighTagValueBitmask
// right shift tag 7 to remove what was just pulled off
tag >>= 7
// if b already has entries this entry needs a continuation bit (0x80)
if len(b) != 0 {
t |= HighTagContinueBitmask
b = append(b, byte(t))
// reverse
// since bits were pulled off 'tag' small to high the byte slice is in reverse order.
// example: tag = 0xFF results in {0x7F, 0x01 + 0x80 (continuation bit)}
// this needs to be reversed into 0x81 0x7F
for i, j := 0, len(b)-1; i < len(b)/2; i++ {
b[i], b[j-i] = b[j-i], b[i]
return b

View File

@ -38,6 +38,9 @@ func readLength(reader io.Reader) (length int, read int, err error) {
if lengthBytes > 8 {
return 0, read, errors.New("long-form length overflow")
// Accumulate into a 64-bit variable
var length64 int64
for i := 0; i < lengthBytes; i++ {
b, err = readByte(reader)
if err != nil {
@ -49,8 +52,15 @@ func readLength(reader io.Reader) (length int, read int, err error) {
// x.600,
length <<= 8
length |= int(b)
length64 <<= 8
length64 |= int64(b)
// Cast to a platform-specific integer
length = int(length64)
// Ensure we didn't overflow
if int64(length) != length64 {
return 0, read, errors.New("long-form length overflow")
@ -61,11 +71,11 @@ func readLength(reader io.Reader) (length int, read int, err error) {
func encodeLength(length int) []byte {
length_bytes := encodeUnsignedInteger(uint64(length))
if length > 127 || len(length_bytes) > 1 {
longFormBytes := []byte{(LengthLongFormBitmask | byte(len(length_bytes)))}
longFormBytes = append(longFormBytes, length_bytes...)
length_bytes = longFormBytes
lengthBytes := encodeUnsignedInteger(uint64(length))
if length > 127 || len(lengthBytes) > 1 {
longFormBytes := []byte{LengthLongFormBitmask | byte(len(lengthBytes))}
longFormBytes = append(longFormBytes, lengthBytes...)
lengthBytes = longFormBytes
return length_bytes
return lengthBytes

src/vendor/github.com/go-asn1-ber/asn1-ber/real.go generated vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
package ber
import (
func encodeFloat(v float64) []byte {
switch {
case math.IsInf(v, 1):
return []byte{0x40}
case math.IsInf(v, -1):
return []byte{0x41}
case math.IsNaN(v):
return []byte{0x42}
case v == 0.0:
if math.Signbit(v) {
return []byte{0x43}
return []byte{}
// we take the easy part ;-)
value := []byte(strconv.FormatFloat(v, 'G', -1, 64))
var ret []byte
if bytes.Contains(value, []byte{'E'}) {
ret = []byte{0x03}
} else {
ret = []byte{0x02}
ret = append(ret, value...)
return ret
func ParseReal(v []byte) (val float64, err error) {
if len(v) == 0 {
return 0.0, nil
switch {
case v[0]&0x80 == 0x80:
val, err = parseBinaryFloat(v)
case v[0]&0xC0 == 0x40:
val, err = parseSpecialFloat(v)
case v[0]&0xC0 == 0x0:
val, err = parseDecimalFloat(v)
return 0.0, fmt.Errorf("invalid info block")
if err != nil {
return 0.0, err
if val == 0.0 && !math.Signbit(val) {
return 0.0, errors.New("REAL value +0 must be encoded with zero-length value block")
return val, nil
func parseBinaryFloat(v []byte) (float64, error) {
var info byte
var buf []byte
info, v = v[0], v[1:]
var base int
switch info & 0x30 {
case 0x00:
base = 2
case 0x10:
base = 8
case 0x20:
base = 16
case 0x30:
return 0.0, errors.New("bits 6 and 5 of information octet for REAL are equal to 11")
scale := uint((info & 0x0c) >> 2)
var expLen int
switch info & 0x03 {
case 0x00:
expLen = 1
case 0x01:
expLen = 2
case 0x02:
expLen = 3
case 0x03:
expLen = int(v[0])
if expLen > 8 {
return 0.0, errors.New("too big value of exponent")
v = v[1:]
buf, v = v[:expLen], v[expLen:]
exponent, err := ParseInt64(buf)
if err != nil {
return 0.0, err
if len(v) > 8 {
return 0.0, errors.New("too big value of mantissa")
mant, err := ParseInt64(v)
if err != nil {
return 0.0, err
mantissa := mant << scale
if info&0x40 == 0x40 {
mantissa = -mantissa
return float64(mantissa) * math.Pow(float64(base), float64(exponent)), nil
func parseDecimalFloat(v []byte) (val float64, err error) {
switch v[0] & 0x3F {
case 0x01: // NR form 1
var iVal int64
iVal, err = strconv.ParseInt(strings.TrimLeft(string(v[1:]), " "), 10, 64)
val = float64(iVal)
case 0x02, 0x03: // NR form 2, 3
val, err = strconv.ParseFloat(strings.Replace(strings.TrimLeft(string(v[1:]), " "), ",", ".", -1), 64)
err = errors.New("incorrect NR form")
if err != nil {
return 0.0, err
if val == 0.0 && math.Signbit(val) {
return 0.0, errors.New("REAL value -0 must be encoded as a special value")
return val, nil
func parseSpecialFloat(v []byte) (float64, error) {
if len(v) != 1 {
return 0.0, errors.New(`encoding of "special value" must not contain exponent and mantissa`)
switch v[0] {
case 0x40:
return math.Inf(1), nil
case 0x41:
return math.Inf(-1), nil
case 0x42:
return math.NaN(), nil
case 0x43:
return math.Copysign(0, -1), nil
return 0.0, errors.New(`encoding of "special value" not from ASN.1 standard`)

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ package ber
import "io"
func readByte(reader io.Reader) (byte, error) {
bytes := make([]byte, 1, 1)
bytes := make([]byte, 1)
_, err := io.ReadFull(reader, bytes)
if err != nil {
if err == io.EOF {

src/vendor/github.com/go-ldap/ldap/v3/add.go generated vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
package ldap
import (
ber "github.com/go-asn1-ber/asn1-ber"
// Attribute represents an LDAP attribute
type Attribute struct {
// Type is the name of the LDAP attribute
Type string
// Vals are the LDAP attribute values
Vals []string
func (a *Attribute) encode() *ber.Packet {
seq := ber.Encode(ber.ClassUniversal, ber.TypeConstructed, ber.TagSequence, nil, "Attribute")
seq.AppendChild(ber.NewString(ber.ClassUniversal, ber.TypePrimitive, ber.TagOctetString, a.Type, "Type"))
set := ber.Encode(ber.ClassUniversal, ber.TypeConstructed, ber.TagSet, nil, "AttributeValue")
for _, value := range a.Vals {
set.AppendChild(ber.NewString(ber.ClassUniversal, ber.TypePrimitive, ber.TagOctetString, value, "Vals"))
return seq
// AddRequest represents an LDAP AddRequest operation
type AddRequest struct {
// DN identifies the entry being added
DN string
// Attributes list the attributes of the new entry
Attributes []Attribute
// Controls hold optional controls to send with the request
Controls []Control
func (req *AddRequest) appendTo(envelope *ber.Packet) error {
pkt := ber.Encode(ber.ClassApplication, ber.TypeConstructed, ApplicationAddRequest, nil, "Add Request")
pkt.AppendChild(ber.NewString(ber.ClassUniversal, ber.TypePrimitive, ber.TagOctetString, req.DN, "DN"))
attributes := ber.Encode(ber.ClassUniversal, ber.TypeConstructed, ber.TagSequence, nil, "Attributes")
for _, attribute := range req.Attributes {
if len(req.Controls) > 0 {
return nil
// Attribute adds an attribute with the given type and values
func (req *AddRequest) Attribute(attrType string, attrVals []string) {
req.Attributes = append(req.Attributes, Attribute{Type: attrType, Vals: attrVals})
// NewAddRequest returns an AddRequest for the given DN, with no attributes
func NewAddRequest(dn string, controls []Control) *AddRequest {
return &AddRequest{
DN: dn,
Controls: controls,
// Add performs the given AddRequest
func (l *Conn) Add(addRequest *AddRequest) error {
msgCtx, err := l.doRequest(addRequest)
if err != nil {
return err
defer l.finishMessage(msgCtx)
packet, err := l.readPacket(msgCtx)
if err != nil {
return err
if packet.Children[1].Tag == ApplicationAddResponse {
err := GetLDAPError(packet)
if err != nil {
return err
} else {
log.Printf("Unexpected Response: %d", packet.Children[1].Tag)
return nil

src/vendor/github.com/go-ldap/ldap/v3/bind.go generated vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,540 @@
package ldap
import (
enchex "encoding/hex"
ber "github.com/go-asn1-ber/asn1-ber"
// SimpleBindRequest represents a username/password bind operation
type SimpleBindRequest struct {
// Username is the name of the Directory object that the client wishes to bind as
Username string
// Password is the credentials to bind with
Password string
// Controls are optional controls to send with the bind request
Controls []Control
// AllowEmptyPassword sets whether the client allows binding with an empty password
// (normally used for unauthenticated bind).
AllowEmptyPassword bool
// SimpleBindResult contains the response from the server
type SimpleBindResult struct {
Controls []Control
// NewSimpleBindRequest returns a bind request
func NewSimpleBindRequest(username string, password string, controls []Control) *SimpleBindRequest {
return &SimpleBindRequest{
Username: username,
Password: password,
Controls: controls,
AllowEmptyPassword: false,
func (req *SimpleBindRequest) appendTo(envelope *ber.Packet) error {
pkt := ber.Encode(ber.ClassApplication, ber.TypeConstructed, ApplicationBindRequest, nil, "Bind Request")
pkt.AppendChild(ber.NewInteger(ber.ClassUniversal, ber.TypePrimitive, ber.TagInteger, 3, "Version"))
pkt.AppendChild(ber.NewString(ber.ClassUniversal, ber.TypePrimitive, ber.TagOctetString, req.Username, "User Name"))
pkt.AppendChild(ber.NewString(ber.ClassContext, ber.TypePrimitive, 0, req.Password, "Password"))
if len(req.Controls) > 0 {
return nil
// SimpleBind performs the simple bind operation defined in the given request
func (l *Conn) SimpleBind(simpleBindRequest *SimpleBindRequest) (*SimpleBindResult, error) {
if simpleBindRequest.Password == "" && !simpleBindRequest.AllowEmptyPassword {
return nil, NewError(ErrorEmptyPassword, errors.New("ldap: empty password not allowed by the client"))
msgCtx, err := l.doRequest(simpleBindRequest)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer l.finishMessage(msgCtx)
packet, err := l.readPacket(msgCtx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
result := &SimpleBindResult{
Controls: make([]Control, 0),
if len(packet.Children) == 3 {
for _, child := range packet.Children[2].Children {
decodedChild, decodeErr := DecodeControl(child)
if decodeErr != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to decode child control: %s", decodeErr)
result.Controls = append(result.Controls, decodedChild)
err = GetLDAPError(packet)
return result, err
// Bind performs a bind with the given username and password.
// It does not allow unauthenticated bind (i.e. empty password). Use the UnauthenticatedBind method
// for that.
func (l *Conn) Bind(username, password string) error {
req := &SimpleBindRequest{
Username: username,
Password: password,
AllowEmptyPassword: false,
_, err := l.SimpleBind(req)
return err
// UnauthenticatedBind performs an unauthenticated bind.
// A username may be provided for trace (e.g. logging) purpose only, but it is normally not
// authenticated or otherwise validated by the LDAP server.
// See https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4513#section-5.1.2 .
// See https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4513#section-6.3.1 .
func (l *Conn) UnauthenticatedBind(username string) error {
req := &SimpleBindRequest{
Username: username,
Password: "",
AllowEmptyPassword: true,
_, err := l.SimpleBind(req)
return err
// DigestMD5BindRequest represents a digest-md5 bind operation
type DigestMD5BindRequest struct {
Host string
// Username is the name of the Directory object that the client wishes to bind as
Username string
// Password is the credentials to bind with
Password string
// Controls are optional controls to send with the bind request
Controls []Control
func (req *DigestMD5BindRequest) appendTo(envelope *ber.Packet) error {
request := ber.Encode(ber.ClassApplication, ber.TypeConstructed, ApplicationBindRequest, nil, "Bind Request")
request.AppendChild(ber.NewInteger(ber.ClassUniversal, ber.TypePrimitive, ber.TagInteger, 3, "Version"))
request.AppendChild(ber.NewString(ber.ClassUniversal, ber.TypePrimitive, ber.TagOctetString, "", "User Name"))
auth := ber.Encode(ber.ClassContext, ber.TypeConstructed, 3, "", "authentication")
auth.AppendChild(ber.NewString(ber.ClassUniversal, ber.TypePrimitive, ber.TagOctetString, "DIGEST-MD5", "SASL Mech"))
if len(req.Controls) > 0 {
return nil
// DigestMD5BindResult contains the response from the server
type DigestMD5BindResult struct {
Controls []Control
// MD5Bind performs a digest-md5 bind with the given host, username and password.
func (l *Conn) MD5Bind(host, username, password string) error {
req := &DigestMD5BindRequest{
Host: host,
Username: username,
Password: password,
_, err := l.DigestMD5Bind(req)
return err
// DigestMD5Bind performs the digest-md5 bind operation defined in the given request
func (l *Conn) DigestMD5Bind(digestMD5BindRequest *DigestMD5BindRequest) (*DigestMD5BindResult, error) {
if digestMD5BindRequest.Password == "" {
return nil, NewError(ErrorEmptyPassword, errors.New("ldap: empty password not allowed by the client"))
msgCtx, err := l.doRequest(digestMD5BindRequest)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer l.finishMessage(msgCtx)
packet, err := l.readPacket(msgCtx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
l.Debug.Printf("%d: got response %p", msgCtx.id, packet)
if l.Debug {
if err = addLDAPDescriptions(packet); err != nil {
return nil, err
result := &DigestMD5BindResult{
Controls: make([]Control, 0),
var params map[string]string
if len(packet.Children) == 2 {
if len(packet.Children[1].Children) == 4 {
child := packet.Children[1].Children[0]
if child.Tag != ber.TagEnumerated {
return result, GetLDAPError(packet)
if child.Value.(int64) != 14 {
return result, GetLDAPError(packet)
child = packet.Children[1].Children[3]
if child.Tag != ber.TagObjectDescriptor {
return result, GetLDAPError(packet)
if child.Data == nil {
return result, GetLDAPError(packet)
data, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(child.Data)
params, err = parseParams(string(data))
if err != nil {
return result, fmt.Errorf("parsing digest-challenge: %s", err)
if params != nil {
resp := computeResponse(
packet = ber.Encode(ber.ClassUniversal, ber.TypeConstructed, ber.TagSequence, nil, "LDAP Request")
packet.AppendChild(ber.NewInteger(ber.ClassUniversal, ber.TypePrimitive, ber.TagInteger, l.nextMessageID(), "MessageID"))
request := ber.Encode(ber.ClassApplication, ber.TypeConstructed, ApplicationBindRequest, nil, "Bind Request")
request.AppendChild(ber.NewInteger(ber.ClassUniversal, ber.TypePrimitive, ber.TagInteger, 3, "Version"))
request.AppendChild(ber.NewString(ber.ClassUniversal, ber.TypePrimitive, ber.TagOctetString, "", "User Name"))
auth := ber.Encode(ber.ClassContext, ber.TypeConstructed, 3, "", "authentication")
auth.AppendChild(ber.NewString(ber.ClassUniversal, ber.TypePrimitive, ber.TagOctetString, "DIGEST-MD5", "SASL Mech"))
auth.AppendChild(ber.NewString(ber.ClassUniversal, ber.TypePrimitive, ber.TagOctetString, resp, "Credentials"))
msgCtx, err = l.sendMessage(packet)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("send message: %s", err)
defer l.finishMessage(msgCtx)
packetResponse, ok := <-msgCtx.responses
if !ok {
return nil, NewError(ErrorNetwork, errors.New("ldap: response channel closed"))
packet, err = packetResponse.ReadPacket()
l.Debug.Printf("%d: got response %p", msgCtx.id, packet)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("read packet: %s", err)
err = GetLDAPError(packet)
return result, err
func parseParams(str string) (map[string]string, error) {
m := make(map[string]string)
var key, value string
var state int
for i := 0; i <= len(str); i++ {
switch state {
case 0: //reading key
if i == len(str) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("syntax error on %d", i)
if str[i] != '=' {
key += string(str[i])
state = 1
case 1: //reading value
if i == len(str) {
m[key] = value
switch str[i] {
case ',':
m[key] = value
state = 0
key = ""
value = ""
case '"':
if value != "" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("syntax error on %d", i)
state = 2
value += string(str[i])
case 2: //inside quotes
if i == len(str) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("syntax error on %d", i)
if str[i] != '"' {
value += string(str[i])
} else {
state = 1
return m, nil
func computeResponse(params map[string]string, uri, username, password string) string {
nc := "00000001"
qop := "auth"
cnonce := enchex.EncodeToString(randomBytes(16))
x := username + ":" + params["realm"] + ":" + password
y := md5Hash([]byte(x))
a1 := bytes.NewBuffer(y)
a1.WriteString(":" + params["nonce"] + ":" + cnonce)
if len(params["authzid"]) > 0 {
a1.WriteString(":" + params["authzid"])
a2 := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte("AUTHENTICATE"))
a2.WriteString(":" + uri)
ha1 := enchex.EncodeToString(md5Hash(a1.Bytes()))
ha2 := enchex.EncodeToString(md5Hash(a2.Bytes()))
kd := ha1
kd += ":" + params["nonce"]
kd += ":" + nc
kd += ":" + cnonce
kd += ":" + qop
kd += ":" + ha2
resp := enchex.EncodeToString(md5Hash([]byte(kd)))
return fmt.Sprintf(
func md5Hash(b []byte) []byte {
hasher := md5.New()
return hasher.Sum(nil)
func randomBytes(len int) []byte {
b := make([]byte, len)
for i := 0; i < len; i++ {
b[i] = byte(rand.Intn(256))
return b
var externalBindRequest = requestFunc(func(envelope *ber.Packet) error {
pkt := ber.Encode(ber.ClassApplication, ber.TypeConstructed, ApplicationBindRequest, nil, "Bind Request")
pkt.AppendChild(ber.NewInteger(ber.ClassUniversal, ber.TypePrimitive, ber.TagInteger, 3, "Version"))
pkt.AppendChild(ber.NewString(ber.ClassUniversal, ber.TypePrimitive, ber.TagOctetString, "", "User Name"))
saslAuth := ber.Encode(ber.ClassContext, ber.TypeConstructed, 3, "", "authentication")
saslAuth.AppendChild(ber.NewString(ber.ClassUniversal, ber.TypePrimitive, ber.TagOctetString, "EXTERNAL", "SASL Mech"))
saslAuth.AppendChild(ber.NewString(ber.ClassUniversal, ber.TypePrimitive, ber.TagOctetString, "", "SASL Cred"))
return nil
// ExternalBind performs SASL/EXTERNAL authentication.
// Use ldap.DialURL("ldapi://") to connect to the Unix socket before ExternalBind.
// See https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4422#appendix-A
func (l *Conn) ExternalBind() error {
msgCtx, err := l.doRequest(externalBindRequest)
if err != nil {
return err
defer l.finishMessage(msgCtx)
packet, err := l.readPacket(msgCtx)
if err != nil {
return err
return GetLDAPError(packet)
// NTLMBind performs an NTLMSSP bind leveraging https://github.com/Azure/go-ntlmssp
// NTLMBindRequest represents an NTLMSSP bind operation
type NTLMBindRequest struct {
// Domain is the AD Domain to authenticate too. If not specified, it will be grabbed from the NTLMSSP Challenge
Domain string
// Username is the name of the Directory object that the client wishes to bind as
Username string
// Password is the credentials to bind with
Password string
// Hash is the hex NTLM hash to bind with. Password or hash must be provided
Hash string
// Controls are optional controls to send with the bind request
Controls []Control
func (req *NTLMBindRequest) appendTo(envelope *ber.Packet) error {
request := ber.Encode(ber.ClassApplication, ber.TypeConstructed, ApplicationBindRequest, nil, "Bind Request")
request.AppendChild(ber.NewInteger(ber.ClassUniversal, ber.TypePrimitive, ber.TagInteger, 3, "Version"))
request.AppendChild(ber.NewString(ber.ClassUniversal, ber.TypePrimitive, ber.TagOctetString, "", "User Name"))
// generate an NTLMSSP Negotiation message for the specified domain (it can be blank)
negMessage, err := ntlmssp.NewNegotiateMessage(req.Domain, "")
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("err creating negmessage: %s", err)
// append the generated NTLMSSP message as a TagEnumerated BER value
auth := ber.Encode(ber.ClassContext, ber.TypePrimitive, ber.TagEnumerated, negMessage, "authentication")
if len(req.Controls) > 0 {
return nil
// NTLMBindResult contains the response from the server
type NTLMBindResult struct {
Controls []Control
// NTLMBind performs an NTLMSSP Bind with the given domain, username and password
func (l *Conn) NTLMBind(domain, username, password string) error {
req := &NTLMBindRequest{
Domain: domain,
Username: username,
Password: password,
_, err := l.NTLMChallengeBind(req)
return err
// NTLMBindWithHash performs an NTLM Bind with an NTLM hash instead of plaintext password (pass-the-hash)
func (l *Conn) NTLMBindWithHash(domain, username, hash string) error {
req := &NTLMBindRequest{
Domain: domain,
Username: username,
Hash: hash,
_, err := l.NTLMChallengeBind(req)
return err
// NTLMChallengeBind performs the NTLMSSP bind operation defined in the given request
func (l *Conn) NTLMChallengeBind(ntlmBindRequest *NTLMBindRequest) (*NTLMBindResult, error) {
if ntlmBindRequest.Password == "" && ntlmBindRequest.Hash == "" {
return nil, NewError(ErrorEmptyPassword, errors.New("ldap: empty password not allowed by the client"))
msgCtx, err := l.doRequest(ntlmBindRequest)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer l.finishMessage(msgCtx)
packet, err := l.readPacket(msgCtx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
l.Debug.Printf("%d: got response %p", msgCtx.id, packet)
if l.Debug {
if err = addLDAPDescriptions(packet); err != nil {
return nil, err
result := &NTLMBindResult{
Controls: make([]Control, 0),
var ntlmsspChallenge []byte
// now find the NTLM Response Message
if len(packet.Children) == 2 {
if len(packet.Children[1].Children) == 3 {
child := packet.Children[1].Children[1]
ntlmsspChallenge = child.ByteValue
// Check to make sure we got the right message. It will always start with NTLMSSP
if !bytes.Equal(ntlmsspChallenge[:7], []byte("NTLMSSP")) {
return result, GetLDAPError(packet)
l.Debug.Printf("%d: found ntlmssp challenge", msgCtx.id)
if ntlmsspChallenge != nil {
var err error
var responseMessage []byte
// generate a response message to the challenge with the given Username/Password if password is provided
if ntlmBindRequest.Password != "" {
responseMessage, err = ntlmssp.ProcessChallenge(ntlmsspChallenge, ntlmBindRequest.Username, ntlmBindRequest.Password)
} else if ntlmBindRequest.Hash != "" {
responseMessage, err = ntlmssp.ProcessChallengeWithHash(ntlmsspChallenge, ntlmBindRequest.Username, ntlmBindRequest.Hash)
} else {
err = fmt.Errorf("need a password or hash to generate reply")
if err != nil {
return result, fmt.Errorf("parsing ntlm-challenge: %s", err)
packet = ber.Encode(ber.ClassUniversal, ber.TypeConstructed, ber.TagSequence, nil, "LDAP Request")
packet.AppendChild(ber.NewInteger(ber.ClassUniversal, ber.TypePrimitive, ber.TagInteger, l.nextMessageID(), "MessageID"))
request := ber.Encode(ber.ClassApplication, ber.TypeConstructed, ApplicationBindRequest, nil, "Bind Request")
request.AppendChild(ber.NewInteger(ber.ClassUniversal, ber.TypePrimitive, ber.TagInteger, 3, "Version"))
request.AppendChild(ber.NewString(ber.ClassUniversal, ber.TypePrimitive, ber.TagOctetString, "", "User Name"))
// append the challenge response message as a TagEmbeddedPDV BER value
auth := ber.Encode(ber.ClassContext, ber.TypePrimitive, ber.TagEmbeddedPDV, responseMessage, "authentication")
msgCtx, err = l.sendMessage(packet)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("send message: %s", err)
defer l.finishMessage(msgCtx)
packetResponse, ok := <-msgCtx.responses
if !ok {
return nil, NewError(ErrorNetwork, errors.New("ldap: response channel closed"))
packet, err = packetResponse.ReadPacket()
l.Debug.Printf("%d: got response %p", msgCtx.id, packet)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("read packet: %s", err)
err = GetLDAPError(packet)
return result, err

src/vendor/github.com/go-ldap/ldap/v3/client.go generated vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
package ldap
import (
// Client knows how to interact with an LDAP server
type Client interface {
StartTLS(*tls.Config) error
Bind(username, password string) error
UnauthenticatedBind(username string) error
SimpleBind(*SimpleBindRequest) (*SimpleBindResult, error)
ExternalBind() error
Add(*AddRequest) error
Del(*DelRequest) error
Modify(*ModifyRequest) error
ModifyDN(*ModifyDNRequest) error
Compare(dn, attribute, value string) (bool, error)
PasswordModify(*PasswordModifyRequest) (*PasswordModifyResult, error)
Search(*SearchRequest) (*SearchResult, error)
SearchWithPaging(searchRequest *SearchRequest, pagingSize uint32) (*SearchResult, error)

src/vendor/github.com/go-ldap/ldap/v3/compare.go generated vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
package ldap
import (
ber "github.com/go-asn1-ber/asn1-ber"
// CompareRequest represents an LDAP CompareRequest operation.
type CompareRequest struct {
DN string
Attribute string
Value string
func (req *CompareRequest) appendTo(envelope *ber.Packet) error {
pkt := ber.Encode(ber.ClassApplication, ber.TypeConstructed, ApplicationCompareRequest, nil, "Compare Request")
pkt.AppendChild(ber.NewString(ber.ClassUniversal, ber.TypePrimitive, ber.TagOctetString, req.DN, "DN"))
ava := ber.Encode(ber.ClassUniversal, ber.TypeConstructed, ber.TagSequence, nil, "AttributeValueAssertion")
ava.AppendChild(ber.NewString(ber.ClassUniversal, ber.TypePrimitive, ber.TagOctetString, req.Attribute, "AttributeDesc"))
ava.AppendChild(ber.Encode(ber.ClassUniversal, ber.TypePrimitive, ber.TagOctetString, req.Value, "AssertionValue"))
return nil
// Compare checks to see if the attribute of the dn matches value. Returns true if it does otherwise
// false with any error that occurs if any.
func (l *Conn) Compare(dn, attribute, value string) (bool, error) {
msgCtx, err := l.doRequest(&CompareRequest{
DN: dn,
Attribute: attribute,
Value: value})
if err != nil {
return false, err
defer l.finishMessage(msgCtx)
packet, err := l.readPacket(msgCtx)
if err != nil {
return false, err
if packet.Children[1].Tag == ApplicationCompareResponse {
err := GetLDAPError(packet)
switch {
case IsErrorWithCode(err, LDAPResultCompareTrue):
return true, nil
case IsErrorWithCode(err, LDAPResultCompareFalse):
return false, nil
return false, err
return false, fmt.Errorf("unexpected Response: %d", packet.Children[1].Tag)

View File

@ -1,7 +1,3 @@
// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package ldap
import (
@ -10,10 +6,12 @@ import (
ber "github.com/go-asn1-ber/asn1-ber"
const (
@ -29,6 +27,13 @@ const (
MessageTimeout = 4
const (
// DefaultLdapPort default ldap port for pure TCP connection
DefaultLdapPort = "389"
// DefaultLdapsPort default ldap port for SSL connection
DefaultLdapsPort = "636"
// PacketResponse contains the packet or error encountered reading a response
type PacketResponse struct {
// Packet is the packet read from the server
@ -80,22 +85,22 @@ const (
// Conn represents an LDAP Connection
type Conn struct {
// requestTimeout is loaded atomically
// so we need to ensure 64-bit alignment on 32-bit platforms.
requestTimeout int64
conn net.Conn
isTLS bool
isClosing bool
closeErr error
closing uint32
closeErr atomic.Value
isStartingTLS bool
Debug debugging
chanConfirm chan bool
chanConfirm chan struct{}
messageContexts map[int64]*messageContext
chanMessage chan *messagePacket
chanMessageID chan int64
wgSender sync.WaitGroup
wgClose sync.WaitGroup
once sync.Once
outstandingRequests uint
messageMutex sync.Mutex
requestTimeout time.Duration
var _ Client = &Conn{}
@ -107,8 +112,63 @@ var _ Client = &Conn{}
// multiple places will probably result in undesired behaviour.
var DefaultTimeout = 60 * time.Second
// DialOpt configures DialContext.
type DialOpt func(*DialContext)
// DialWithDialer updates net.Dialer in DialContext.
func DialWithDialer(d *net.Dialer) DialOpt {
return func(dc *DialContext) {
dc.d = d
// DialWithTLSConfig updates tls.Config in DialContext.
func DialWithTLSConfig(tc *tls.Config) DialOpt {
return func(dc *DialContext) {
dc.tc = tc
// DialContext contains necessary parameters to dial the given ldap URL.
type DialContext struct {
d *net.Dialer
tc *tls.Config
func (dc *DialContext) dial(u *url.URL) (net.Conn, error) {
if u.Scheme == "ldapi" {
if u.Path == "" || u.Path == "/" {
u.Path = "/var/run/slapd/ldapi"
return dc.d.Dial("unix", u.Path)
host, port, err := net.SplitHostPort(u.Host)
if err != nil {
// we assume that error is due to missing port
host = u.Host
port = ""
switch u.Scheme {
case "ldap":
if port == "" {
port = DefaultLdapPort
return dc.d.Dial("tcp", net.JoinHostPort(host, port))
case "ldaps":
if port == "" {
port = DefaultLdapsPort
return tls.DialWithDialer(dc.d, "tcp", net.JoinHostPort(host, port), dc.tc)
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unknown scheme '%s'", u.Scheme)
// Dial connects to the given address on the given network using net.Dial
// and then returns a new Conn for the connection.
// @deprecated Use DialURL instead.
func Dial(network, addr string) (*Conn, error) {
c, err := net.DialTimeout(network, addr, DefaultTimeout)
if err != nil {
@ -121,28 +181,49 @@ func Dial(network, addr string) (*Conn, error) {
// DialTLS connects to the given address on the given network using tls.Dial
// and then returns a new Conn for the connection.
// @deprecated Use DialURL instead.
func DialTLS(network, addr string, config *tls.Config) (*Conn, error) {
dc, err := net.DialTimeout(network, addr, DefaultTimeout)
c, err := tls.DialWithDialer(&net.Dialer{Timeout: DefaultTimeout}, network, addr, config)
if err != nil {
return nil, NewError(ErrorNetwork, err)
c := tls.Client(dc, config)
err = c.Handshake()
if err != nil {
// Handshake error, close the established connection before we return an error
return nil, NewError(ErrorNetwork, err)
conn := NewConn(c, true)
return conn, nil
// DialURL connects to the given ldap URL.
// The following schemas are supported: ldap://, ldaps://, ldapi://.
// On success a new Conn for the connection is returned.
func DialURL(addr string, opts ...DialOpt) (*Conn, error) {
u, err := url.Parse(addr)
if err != nil {
return nil, NewError(ErrorNetwork, err)
var dc DialContext
for _, opt := range opts {
if dc.d == nil {
dc.d = &net.Dialer{Timeout: DefaultTimeout}
c, err := dc.dial(u)
if err != nil {
return nil, NewError(ErrorNetwork, err)
conn := NewConn(c, u.Scheme == "ldaps")
return conn, nil
// NewConn returns a new Conn using conn for network I/O.
func NewConn(conn net.Conn, isTLS bool) *Conn {
return &Conn{
conn: conn,
chanConfirm: make(chan bool),
chanConfirm: make(chan struct{}),
chanMessageID: make(chan int64),
chanMessage: make(chan *messagePacket, 10),
messageContexts: map[int64]*messageContext{},
@ -153,17 +234,27 @@ func NewConn(conn net.Conn, isTLS bool) *Conn {
// Start initializes goroutines to read responses and process messages
func (l *Conn) Start() {
go l.reader()
go l.processMessages()
// IsClosing returns whether or not we're currently closing.
func (l *Conn) IsClosing() bool {
return atomic.LoadUint32(&l.closing) == 1
// setClosing sets the closing value to true
func (l *Conn) setClosing() bool {
return atomic.CompareAndSwapUint32(&l.closing, 0, 1)
// Close closes the connection.
func (l *Conn) Close() {
l.once.Do(func() {
l.isClosing = true
defer l.messageMutex.Unlock()
if l.setClosing() {
l.Debug.Printf("Sending quit message and waiting for confirmation")
l.chanMessage <- &messagePacket{Op: MessageQuit}
@ -171,28 +262,26 @@ func (l *Conn) Close() {
l.Debug.Printf("Closing network connection")
if err := l.conn.Close(); err != nil {
// SetTimeout sets the time after a request is sent that a MessageTimeout triggers
func (l *Conn) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration) {
if timeout > 0 {
l.requestTimeout = timeout
atomic.StoreInt64(&l.requestTimeout, int64(timeout))
// Returns the next available messageID
func (l *Conn) nextMessageID() int64 {
if l.chanMessageID != nil {
if messageID, ok := <-l.chanMessageID; ok {
return messageID
return 0
@ -232,33 +321,44 @@ func (l *Conn) StartTLS(config *tls.Config) error {
return err
if resultCode, message := getLDAPResultCode(packet); resultCode == LDAPResultSuccess {
if err := GetLDAPError(packet); err == nil {
conn := tls.Client(l.conn, config)
if err := conn.Handshake(); err != nil {
if connErr := conn.Handshake(); connErr != nil {
return NewError(ErrorNetwork, fmt.Errorf("TLS handshake failed (%v)", err))
return NewError(ErrorNetwork, fmt.Errorf("TLS handshake failed (%v)", connErr))
l.isTLS = true
l.conn = conn
} else {
return NewError(resultCode, fmt.Errorf("ldap: cannot StartTLS (%s)", message))
return err
go l.reader()
return nil
// TLSConnectionState returns the client's TLS connection state.
// The return values are their zero values if StartTLS did
// not succeed.
func (l *Conn) TLSConnectionState() (state tls.ConnectionState, ok bool) {
tc, ok := l.conn.(*tls.Conn)
if !ok {
return tc.ConnectionState(), true
func (l *Conn) sendMessage(packet *ber.Packet) (*messageContext, error) {
return l.sendMessageWithFlags(packet, 0)
func (l *Conn) sendMessageWithFlags(packet *ber.Packet, flags sendMessageFlags) (*messageContext, error) {
if l.isClosing {
if l.IsClosing() {
return nil, NewError(ErrorNetwork, errors.New("ldap: connection closed"))
@ -290,14 +390,19 @@ func (l *Conn) sendMessageWithFlags(packet *ber.Packet, flags sendMessageFlags)
responses: responses,
if !l.sendProcessMessage(message) {
if l.IsClosing() {
return nil, NewError(ErrorNetwork, errors.New("ldap: connection closed"))
return nil, NewError(ErrorNetwork, errors.New("ldap: could not send message for unknown reason"))
return message.Context, nil
func (l *Conn) finishMessage(msgCtx *messageContext) {
if l.isClosing {
if l.IsClosing() {
@ -316,12 +421,12 @@ func (l *Conn) finishMessage(msgCtx *messageContext) {
func (l *Conn) sendProcessMessage(message *messagePacket) bool {
if l.isClosing {
defer l.messageMutex.Unlock()
if l.IsClosing() {
return false
l.chanMessage <- message
return true
@ -333,15 +438,14 @@ func (l *Conn) processMessages() {
for messageID, msgCtx := range l.messageContexts {
// If we are closing due to an error, inform anyone who
// is waiting about the error.
if l.isClosing && l.closeErr != nil {
msgCtx.sendResponse(&PacketResponse{Error: l.closeErr})
if l.IsClosing() && l.closeErr.Load() != nil {
msgCtx.sendResponse(&PacketResponse{Error: l.closeErr.Load().(error)})
l.Debug.Printf("Closing channel for MessageID %d", messageID)
delete(l.messageContexts, messageID)
l.chanConfirm <- true
@ -350,11 +454,7 @@ func (l *Conn) processMessages() {
select {
case l.chanMessageID <- messageID:
case message, ok := <-l.chanMessage:
if !ok {
l.Debug.Printf("Shutting down - message channel is closed")
case message := <-l.chanMessage:
switch message.Op {
case MessageQuit:
l.Debug.Printf("Shutting down - quit message received")
@ -377,14 +477,15 @@ func (l *Conn) processMessages() {
l.messageContexts[message.MessageID] = message.Context
// Add timeout if defined
if l.requestTimeout > 0 {
requestTimeout := time.Duration(atomic.LoadInt64(&l.requestTimeout))
if requestTimeout > 0 {
go func() {
defer func() {
if err := recover(); err != nil {
log.Printf("ldap: recovered panic in RequestTimeout: %v", err)
timeoutMessage := &messagePacket{
Op: MessageTimeout,
MessageID: message.MessageID,
@ -397,8 +498,8 @@ func (l *Conn) processMessages() {
if msgCtx, ok := l.messageContexts[message.MessageID]; ok {
msgCtx.sendResponse(&PacketResponse{message.Packet, nil})
} else {
log.Printf("Received unexpected message %d, %v", message.MessageID, l.isClosing)
log.Printf("Received unexpected message %d, %v", message.MessageID, l.IsClosing())
case MessageTimeout:
// Handle the timeout by closing the channel
@ -439,13 +540,15 @@ func (l *Conn) reader() {
packet, err := ber.ReadPacket(l.conn)
if err != nil {
// A read error is expected here if we are closing the connection...
if !l.isClosing {
l.closeErr = fmt.Errorf("unable to read LDAP response packet: %s", err)
l.Debug.Printf("reader error: %s", err.Error())
if !l.IsClosing() {
l.closeErr.Store(fmt.Errorf("unable to read LDAP response packet: %s", err))
l.Debug.Printf("reader error: %s", err)
if err := addLDAPDescriptions(packet); err != nil {
l.Debug.Printf("descriptions error: %s", err)
if len(packet.Children) == 0 {
l.Debug.Printf("Received bad ldap packet")

View File

@ -1,14 +1,10 @@
// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package ldap
import (
ber "github.com/go-asn1-ber/asn1-ber"
const (
@ -22,6 +18,11 @@ const (
ControlTypeVChuPasswordWarning = "2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.5"
// ControlTypeManageDsaIT - https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3296
ControlTypeManageDsaIT = "2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.2"
// ControlTypeMicrosoftNotification - https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa366983(v=vs.85).aspx
ControlTypeMicrosoftNotification = "1.2.840.113556.1.4.528"
// ControlTypeMicrosoftShowDeleted - https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa366989(v=vs.85).aspx
ControlTypeMicrosoftShowDeleted = "1.2.840.113556.1.4.417"
// ControlTypeMap maps controls to text descriptions
@ -29,6 +30,8 @@ var ControlTypeMap = map[string]string{
ControlTypePaging: "Paging",
ControlTypeBeheraPasswordPolicy: "Password Policy - Behera Draft",
ControlTypeManageDsaIT: "Manage DSA IT",
ControlTypeMicrosoftNotification: "Change Notification - Microsoft",
ControlTypeMicrosoftShowDeleted: "Show Deleted Objects - Microsoft",
// Control defines an interface controls provide to encode and describe themselves
@ -60,7 +63,9 @@ func (c *ControlString) Encode() *ber.Packet {
if c.Criticality {
packet.AppendChild(ber.NewBoolean(ber.ClassUniversal, ber.TypePrimitive, ber.TagBoolean, c.Criticality, "Criticality"))
if c.ControlValue != "" {
packet.AppendChild(ber.NewString(ber.ClassUniversal, ber.TypePrimitive, ber.TagOctetString, string(c.ControlValue), "Control Value"))
return packet
@ -242,6 +247,64 @@ func NewControlManageDsaIT(Criticality bool) *ControlManageDsaIT {
return &ControlManageDsaIT{Criticality: Criticality}
// ControlMicrosoftNotification implements the control described in https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa366983(v=vs.85).aspx
type ControlMicrosoftNotification struct{}
// GetControlType returns the OID
func (c *ControlMicrosoftNotification) GetControlType() string {
return ControlTypeMicrosoftNotification
// Encode returns the ber packet representation
func (c *ControlMicrosoftNotification) Encode() *ber.Packet {
packet := ber.Encode(ber.ClassUniversal, ber.TypeConstructed, ber.TagSequence, nil, "Control")
packet.AppendChild(ber.NewString(ber.ClassUniversal, ber.TypePrimitive, ber.TagOctetString, ControlTypeMicrosoftNotification, "Control Type ("+ControlTypeMap[ControlTypeMicrosoftNotification]+")"))
return packet
// String returns a human-readable description
func (c *ControlMicrosoftNotification) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf(
"Control Type: %s (%q)",
// NewControlMicrosoftNotification returns a ControlMicrosoftNotification control
func NewControlMicrosoftNotification() *ControlMicrosoftNotification {
return &ControlMicrosoftNotification{}
// ControlMicrosoftShowDeleted implements the control described in https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa366989(v=vs.85).aspx
type ControlMicrosoftShowDeleted struct{}
// GetControlType returns the OID
func (c *ControlMicrosoftShowDeleted) GetControlType() string {
return ControlTypeMicrosoftShowDeleted
// Encode returns the ber packet representation
func (c *ControlMicrosoftShowDeleted) Encode() *ber.Packet {
packet := ber.Encode(ber.ClassUniversal, ber.TypeConstructed, ber.TagSequence, nil, "Control")
packet.AppendChild(ber.NewString(ber.ClassUniversal, ber.TypePrimitive, ber.TagOctetString, ControlTypeMicrosoftShowDeleted, "Control Type ("+ControlTypeMap[ControlTypeMicrosoftShowDeleted]+")"))
return packet
// String returns a human-readable description
func (c *ControlMicrosoftShowDeleted) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf(
"Control Type: %s (%q)",
// NewControlMicrosoftShowDeleted returns a ControlMicrosoftShowDeleted control
func NewControlMicrosoftShowDeleted() *ControlMicrosoftShowDeleted {
return &ControlMicrosoftShowDeleted{}
// FindControl returns the first control of the given type in the list, or nil
func FindControl(controls []Control, controlType string) Control {
for _, c := range controls {
@ -253,7 +316,7 @@ func FindControl(controls []Control, controlType string) Control {
// DecodeControl returns a control read from the given packet, or nil if no recognized control can be made
func DecodeControl(packet *ber.Packet) Control {
func DecodeControl(packet *ber.Packet) (Control, error) {
var (
ControlType = ""
Criticality = false
@ -263,7 +326,7 @@ func DecodeControl(packet *ber.Packet) Control {
switch len(packet.Children) {
case 0:
// at least one child is required for control type
return nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("at least one child is required for control type")
case 1:
// just type, no criticality or value
@ -296,17 +359,20 @@ func DecodeControl(packet *ber.Packet) Control {
// more than 3 children is invalid
return nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("more than 3 children is invalid for controls")
switch ControlType {
case ControlTypeManageDsaIT:
return NewControlManageDsaIT(Criticality)
return NewControlManageDsaIT(Criticality), nil
case ControlTypePaging:
value.Description += " (Paging)"
c := new(ControlPaging)
if value.Value != nil {
valueChildren := ber.DecodePacket(value.Data.Bytes())
valueChildren, err := ber.DecodePacketErr(value.Data.Bytes())
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to decode data bytes: %s", err)
value.Value = nil
@ -318,12 +384,15 @@ func DecodeControl(packet *ber.Packet) Control {
c.PagingSize = uint32(value.Children[0].Value.(int64))
c.Cookie = value.Children[1].Data.Bytes()
value.Children[1].Value = c.Cookie
return c
return c, nil
case ControlTypeBeheraPasswordPolicy:
value.Description += " (Password Policy - Behera)"
c := NewControlBeheraPasswordPolicy()
if value.Value != nil {
valueChildren := ber.DecodePacket(value.Data.Bytes())
valueChildren, err := ber.DecodePacketErr(value.Data.Bytes())
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to decode data bytes: %s", err)
value.Value = nil
@ -335,9 +404,10 @@ func DecodeControl(packet *ber.Packet) Control {
if child.Tag == 0 {
warningPacket := child.Children[0]
packet := ber.DecodePacket(warningPacket.Data.Bytes())
val, ok := packet.Value.(int64)
if ok {
val, err := ber.ParseInt64(warningPacket.Data.Bytes())
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to decode data bytes: %s", err)
if warningPacket.Tag == 0 {
c.Expire = val
@ -347,36 +417,38 @@ func DecodeControl(packet *ber.Packet) Control {
c.Grace = val
warningPacket.Value = c.Grace
} else if child.Tag == 1 {
// Error
packet := ber.DecodePacket(child.Data.Bytes())
val, ok := packet.Value.(int8)
if !ok {
// what to do?
val = -1
bs := child.Data.Bytes()
if len(bs) != 1 || bs[0] > 8 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to decode data bytes: %s", "invalid PasswordPolicyResponse enum value")
val := int8(bs[0])
c.Error = val
child.Value = c.Error
c.ErrorString = BeheraPasswordPolicyErrorMap[c.Error]
return c
return c, nil
case ControlTypeVChuPasswordMustChange:
c := &ControlVChuPasswordMustChange{MustChange: true}
return c
return c, nil
case ControlTypeVChuPasswordWarning:
c := &ControlVChuPasswordWarning{Expire: -1}
expireStr := ber.DecodeString(value.Data.Bytes())
expire, err := strconv.ParseInt(expireStr, 10, 64)
if err != nil {
return nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to parse value as int: %s", err)
c.Expire = expire
value.Value = c.Expire
return c
return c, nil
case ControlTypeMicrosoftNotification:
return NewControlMicrosoftNotification(), nil
case ControlTypeMicrosoftShowDeleted:
return NewControlMicrosoftShowDeleted(), nil
c := new(ControlString)
c.ControlType = ControlType
@ -384,7 +456,7 @@ func DecodeControl(packet *ber.Packet) Control {
if value != nil {
c.ControlValue = value.Value.(string)
return c
return c, nil

View File

@ -3,20 +3,26 @@ package ldap
import (
ber "github.com/go-asn1-ber/asn1-ber"
// debbuging type
// debugging type
// - has a Printf method to write the debug output
type debugging bool
// write debug output
// Enable controls debugging mode.
func (debug *debugging) Enable(b bool) {
*debug = debugging(b)
// Printf writes debug output.
func (debug debugging) Printf(format string, args ...interface{}) {
if debug {
log.Printf(format, args...)
// PrintPacket dumps a packet.
func (debug debugging) PrintPacket(packet *ber.Packet) {
if debug {

src/vendor/github.com/go-ldap/ldap/v3/del.go generated vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
package ldap
import (
ber "github.com/go-asn1-ber/asn1-ber"
// DelRequest implements an LDAP deletion request
type DelRequest struct {
// DN is the name of the directory entry to delete
DN string
// Controls hold optional controls to send with the request
Controls []Control
func (req *DelRequest) appendTo(envelope *ber.Packet) error {
pkt := ber.Encode(ber.ClassApplication, ber.TypePrimitive, ApplicationDelRequest, req.DN, "Del Request")
if len(req.Controls) > 0 {
return nil
// NewDelRequest creates a delete request for the given DN and controls
func NewDelRequest(DN string, Controls []Control) *DelRequest {
return &DelRequest{
Controls: Controls,
// Del executes the given delete request
func (l *Conn) Del(delRequest *DelRequest) error {
msgCtx, err := l.doRequest(delRequest)
if err != nil {
return err
defer l.finishMessage(msgCtx)
packet, err := l.readPacket(msgCtx)
if err != nil {
return err
if packet.Children[1].Tag == ApplicationDelResponse {
err := GetLDAPError(packet)
if err != nil {
return err
} else {
log.Printf("Unexpected Response: %d", packet.Children[1].Tag)
return nil

View File

@ -1,48 +1,3 @@
// Copyright 2015 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// File contains DN parsing functionallity
// https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4514
// distinguishedName = [ relativeDistinguishedName
// *( COMMA relativeDistinguishedName ) ]
// relativeDistinguishedName = attributeTypeAndValue
// *( PLUS attributeTypeAndValue )
// attributeTypeAndValue = attributeType EQUALS attributeValue
// attributeType = descr / numericoid
// attributeValue = string / hexstring
// ; The following characters are to be escaped when they appear
// ; in the value to be encoded: ESC, one of <escaped>, leading
// ; SHARP or SPACE, trailing SPACE, and NULL.
// string = [ ( leadchar / pair ) [ *( stringchar / pair )
// ( trailchar / pair ) ] ]
// leadchar = LUTF1 / UTFMB
// LUTF1 = %x01-1F / %x21 / %x24-2A / %x2D-3A /
// %x3D / %x3F-5B / %x5D-7F
// trailchar = TUTF1 / UTFMB
// TUTF1 = %x01-1F / %x21 / %x23-2A / %x2D-3A /
// %x3D / %x3F-5B / %x5D-7F
// stringchar = SUTF1 / UTFMB
// SUTF1 = %x01-21 / %x23-2A / %x2D-3A /
// %x3D / %x3F-5B / %x5D-7F
// pair = ESC ( ESC / special / hexpair )
// special = escaped / SPACE / SHARP / EQUALS
// hexstring = SHARP 1*hexpair
// hexpair = HEX HEX
// where the productions <descr>, <numericoid>, <COMMA>, <DQUOTE>,
// <SPACE>, <SHARP>, and <UTFMB> are defined in [RFC4512].
package ldap
import (
@ -52,7 +7,7 @@ import (
ber "gopkg.in/asn1-ber.v1"
ber "github.com/go-asn1-ber/asn1-ber"
// AttributeTypeAndValue represents an attributeTypeAndValue from https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4514
@ -73,7 +28,8 @@ type DN struct {
RDNs []*RelativeDN
// ParseDN returns a distinguishedName or an error
// ParseDN returns a distinguishedName or an error.
// The function respects https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4514
func ParseDN(str string) (*DN, error) {
dn := new(DN)
dn.RDNs = make([]*RelativeDN, 0)
@ -94,7 +50,8 @@ func ParseDN(str string) (*DN, error) {
for i := 0; i < len(str); i++ {
char := str[i]
if escaping {
switch {
case escaping:
unescapedTrailingSpaces = 0
escaping = false
switch char {
@ -104,22 +61,22 @@ func ParseDN(str string) (*DN, error) {
// Not a special character, assume hex encoded octet
if len(str) == i+1 {
return nil, errors.New("Got corrupted escaped character")
return nil, errors.New("got corrupted escaped character")
dst := []byte{0}
n, err := enchex.Decode([]byte(dst), []byte(str[i:i+2]))
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed to decode escaped character: %s", err)
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to decode escaped character: %s", err)
} else if n != 1 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Expected 1 byte when un-escaping, got %d", n)
return nil, fmt.Errorf("expected 1 byte when un-escaping, got %d", n)
} else if char == '\\' {
case char == '\\':
unescapedTrailingSpaces = 0
escaping = true
} else if char == '=' {
case char == '=':
attribute.Type = stringFromBuffer()
// Special case: If the first character in the value is # the
// following data is BER encoded so we can just fast forward
@ -135,14 +92,20 @@ func ParseDN(str string) (*DN, error) {
rawBER, err := enchex.DecodeString(data)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed to decode BER encoding: %s", err)
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to decode BER encoding: %s", err)
packet, err := ber.DecodePacketErr(rawBER)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to decode BER packet: %s", err)
packet := ber.DecodePacket(rawBER)
i += len(data) - 1
} else if char == ',' || char == '+' {
case char == ',' || char == '+':
// We're done with this RDN or value, push it
if len(attribute.Type) == 0 {
return nil, errors.New("incomplete type, value pair")
attribute.Value = stringFromBuffer()
rdn.Attributes = append(rdn.Attributes, attribute)
attribute = new(AttributeTypeAndValue)
@ -151,10 +114,10 @@ func ParseDN(str string) (*DN, error) {
rdn = new(RelativeDN)
rdn.Attributes = make([]*AttributeTypeAndValue, 0)
} else if char == ' ' && buffer.Len() == 0 {
case char == ' ' && buffer.Len() == 0:
// ignore unescaped leading spaces
} else {
if char == ' ' {
// Track unescaped spaces in case they are trailing and we need to remove them

src/vendor/github.com/go-ldap/ldap/v3/error.go generated vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,253 @@
package ldap
import (
ber "github.com/go-asn1-ber/asn1-ber"
// LDAP Result Codes
const (
LDAPResultSuccess = 0
LDAPResultOperationsError = 1
LDAPResultProtocolError = 2
LDAPResultTimeLimitExceeded = 3
LDAPResultSizeLimitExceeded = 4
LDAPResultCompareFalse = 5
LDAPResultCompareTrue = 6
LDAPResultAuthMethodNotSupported = 7
LDAPResultStrongAuthRequired = 8
LDAPResultReferral = 10
LDAPResultAdminLimitExceeded = 11
LDAPResultUnavailableCriticalExtension = 12
LDAPResultConfidentialityRequired = 13
LDAPResultSaslBindInProgress = 14
LDAPResultNoSuchAttribute = 16
LDAPResultUndefinedAttributeType = 17
LDAPResultInappropriateMatching = 18
LDAPResultConstraintViolation = 19
LDAPResultAttributeOrValueExists = 20
LDAPResultInvalidAttributeSyntax = 21
LDAPResultNoSuchObject = 32
LDAPResultAliasProblem = 33
LDAPResultInvalidDNSyntax = 34
LDAPResultIsLeaf = 35
LDAPResultAliasDereferencingProblem = 36
LDAPResultInappropriateAuthentication = 48
LDAPResultInvalidCredentials = 49
LDAPResultInsufficientAccessRights = 50
LDAPResultBusy = 51
LDAPResultUnavailable = 52
LDAPResultUnwillingToPerform = 53
LDAPResultLoopDetect = 54
LDAPResultSortControlMissing = 60
LDAPResultOffsetRangeError = 61
LDAPResultNamingViolation = 64
LDAPResultObjectClassViolation = 65
LDAPResultNotAllowedOnNonLeaf = 66
LDAPResultNotAllowedOnRDN = 67
LDAPResultEntryAlreadyExists = 68
LDAPResultObjectClassModsProhibited = 69
LDAPResultResultsTooLarge = 70
LDAPResultAffectsMultipleDSAs = 71
LDAPResultVirtualListViewErrorOrControlError = 76
LDAPResultOther = 80
LDAPResultServerDown = 81
LDAPResultLocalError = 82
LDAPResultEncodingError = 83
LDAPResultDecodingError = 84
LDAPResultTimeout = 85
LDAPResultAuthUnknown = 86
LDAPResultFilterError = 87
LDAPResultUserCanceled = 88
LDAPResultParamError = 89
LDAPResultNoMemory = 90
LDAPResultConnectError = 91
LDAPResultNotSupported = 92
LDAPResultControlNotFound = 93
LDAPResultNoResultsReturned = 94
LDAPResultMoreResultsToReturn = 95
LDAPResultClientLoop = 96
LDAPResultReferralLimitExceeded = 97
LDAPResultInvalidResponse = 100
LDAPResultAmbiguousResponse = 101
LDAPResultTLSNotSupported = 112
LDAPResultIntermediateResponse = 113
LDAPResultUnknownType = 114
LDAPResultCanceled = 118
LDAPResultNoSuchOperation = 119
LDAPResultTooLate = 120
LDAPResultCannotCancel = 121
LDAPResultAssertionFailed = 122
LDAPResultAuthorizationDenied = 123
LDAPResultSyncRefreshRequired = 4096
ErrorNetwork = 200
ErrorFilterCompile = 201
ErrorFilterDecompile = 202
ErrorDebugging = 203
ErrorUnexpectedMessage = 204
ErrorUnexpectedResponse = 205
ErrorEmptyPassword = 206
// LDAPResultCodeMap contains string descriptions for LDAP error codes
var LDAPResultCodeMap = map[uint16]string{
LDAPResultSuccess: "Success",
LDAPResultOperationsError: "Operations Error",
LDAPResultProtocolError: "Protocol Error",
LDAPResultTimeLimitExceeded: "Time Limit Exceeded",
LDAPResultSizeLimitExceeded: "Size Limit Exceeded",
LDAPResultCompareFalse: "Compare False",
LDAPResultCompareTrue: "Compare True",
LDAPResultAuthMethodNotSupported: "Auth Method Not Supported",
LDAPResultStrongAuthRequired: "Strong Auth Required",
LDAPResultReferral: "Referral",
LDAPResultAdminLimitExceeded: "Admin Limit Exceeded",
LDAPResultUnavailableCriticalExtension: "Unavailable Critical Extension",
LDAPResultConfidentialityRequired: "Confidentiality Required",
LDAPResultSaslBindInProgress: "Sasl Bind In Progress",
LDAPResultNoSuchAttribute: "No Such Attribute",
LDAPResultUndefinedAttributeType: "Undefined Attribute Type",
LDAPResultInappropriateMatching: "Inappropriate Matching",
LDAPResultConstraintViolation: "Constraint Violation",
LDAPResultAttributeOrValueExists: "Attribute Or Value Exists",
LDAPResultInvalidAttributeSyntax: "Invalid Attribute Syntax",
LDAPResultNoSuchObject: "No Such Object",
LDAPResultAliasProblem: "Alias Problem",
LDAPResultInvalidDNSyntax: "Invalid DN Syntax",
LDAPResultIsLeaf: "Is Leaf",
LDAPResultAliasDereferencingProblem: "Alias Dereferencing Problem",
LDAPResultInappropriateAuthentication: "Inappropriate Authentication",
LDAPResultInvalidCredentials: "Invalid Credentials",
LDAPResultInsufficientAccessRights: "Insufficient Access Rights",
LDAPResultBusy: "Busy",
LDAPResultUnavailable: "Unavailable",
LDAPResultUnwillingToPerform: "Unwilling To Perform",
LDAPResultLoopDetect: "Loop Detect",
LDAPResultSortControlMissing: "Sort Control Missing",
LDAPResultOffsetRangeError: "Result Offset Range Error",
LDAPResultNamingViolation: "Naming Violation",
LDAPResultObjectClassViolation: "Object Class Violation",
LDAPResultResultsTooLarge: "Results Too Large",
LDAPResultNotAllowedOnNonLeaf: "Not Allowed On Non Leaf",
LDAPResultNotAllowedOnRDN: "Not Allowed On RDN",
LDAPResultEntryAlreadyExists: "Entry Already Exists",
LDAPResultObjectClassModsProhibited: "Object Class Mods Prohibited",
LDAPResultAffectsMultipleDSAs: "Affects Multiple DSAs",
LDAPResultVirtualListViewErrorOrControlError: "Failed because of a problem related to the virtual list view",
LDAPResultOther: "Other",
LDAPResultServerDown: "Cannot establish a connection",
LDAPResultLocalError: "An error occurred",
LDAPResultEncodingError: "LDAP encountered an error while encoding",
LDAPResultDecodingError: "LDAP encountered an error while decoding",
LDAPResultTimeout: "LDAP timeout while waiting for a response from the server",
LDAPResultAuthUnknown: "The auth method requested in a bind request is unknown",
LDAPResultFilterError: "An error occurred while encoding the given search filter",
LDAPResultUserCanceled: "The user canceled the operation",
LDAPResultParamError: "An invalid parameter was specified",
LDAPResultNoMemory: "Out of memory error",
LDAPResultConnectError: "A connection to the server could not be established",
LDAPResultNotSupported: "An attempt has been made to use a feature not supported LDAP",
LDAPResultControlNotFound: "The controls required to perform the requested operation were not found",
LDAPResultNoResultsReturned: "No results were returned from the server",
LDAPResultMoreResultsToReturn: "There are more results in the chain of results",
LDAPResultClientLoop: "A loop has been detected. For example when following referrals",
LDAPResultReferralLimitExceeded: "The referral hop limit has been exceeded",
LDAPResultCanceled: "Operation was canceled",
LDAPResultNoSuchOperation: "Server has no knowledge of the operation requested for cancellation",
LDAPResultTooLate: "Too late to cancel the outstanding operation",
LDAPResultCannotCancel: "The identified operation does not support cancellation or the cancel operation cannot be performed",
LDAPResultAssertionFailed: "An assertion control given in the LDAP operation evaluated to false causing the operation to not be performed",
LDAPResultSyncRefreshRequired: "Refresh Required",
LDAPResultInvalidResponse: "Invalid Response",
LDAPResultAmbiguousResponse: "Ambiguous Response",
LDAPResultTLSNotSupported: "Tls Not Supported",
LDAPResultIntermediateResponse: "Intermediate Response",
LDAPResultUnknownType: "Unknown Type",
LDAPResultAuthorizationDenied: "Authorization Denied",
ErrorNetwork: "Network Error",
ErrorFilterCompile: "Filter Compile Error",
ErrorFilterDecompile: "Filter Decompile Error",
ErrorDebugging: "Debugging Error",
ErrorUnexpectedMessage: "Unexpected Message",
ErrorUnexpectedResponse: "Unexpected Response",
ErrorEmptyPassword: "Empty password not allowed by the client",
// Error holds LDAP error information
type Error struct {
// Err is the underlying error
Err error
// ResultCode is the LDAP error code
ResultCode uint16
// MatchedDN is the matchedDN returned if any
MatchedDN string
// Packet is the returned packet if any
Packet *ber.Packet
func (e *Error) Error() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("LDAP Result Code %d %q: %s", e.ResultCode, LDAPResultCodeMap[e.ResultCode], e.Err.Error())
// GetLDAPError creates an Error out of a BER packet representing a LDAPResult
// The return is an error object. It can be casted to a Error structure.
// This function returns nil if resultCode in the LDAPResult sequence is success(0).
func GetLDAPError(packet *ber.Packet) error {
if packet == nil {
return &Error{ResultCode: ErrorUnexpectedResponse, Err: fmt.Errorf("Empty packet")}
if len(packet.Children) >= 2 {
response := packet.Children[1]
if response == nil {
return &Error{ResultCode: ErrorUnexpectedResponse, Err: fmt.Errorf("Empty response in packet"), Packet: packet}
if response.ClassType == ber.ClassApplication && response.TagType == ber.TypeConstructed && len(response.Children) >= 3 {
resultCode := uint16(response.Children[0].Value.(int64))
if resultCode == 0 { // No error
return nil
return &Error{
ResultCode: resultCode,
MatchedDN: response.Children[1].Value.(string),
Err: fmt.Errorf("%s", response.Children[2].Value.(string)),
Packet: packet,
return &Error{ResultCode: ErrorNetwork, Err: fmt.Errorf("Invalid packet format"), Packet: packet}
// NewError creates an LDAP error with the given code and underlying error
func NewError(resultCode uint16, err error) error {
return &Error{ResultCode: resultCode, Err: err}
// IsErrorAnyOf returns true if the given error is an LDAP error with any one of the given result codes
func IsErrorAnyOf(err error, codes ...uint16) bool {
if err == nil {
return false
serverError, ok := err.(*Error)
if !ok {
return false
for _, code := range codes {
if serverError.ResultCode == code {
return true
return false
// IsErrorWithCode returns true if the given error is an LDAP error with the given result code
func IsErrorWithCode(err error, desiredResultCode uint16) bool {
return IsErrorAnyOf(err, desiredResultCode)

View File

@ -1,7 +1,3 @@
// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package ldap
import (
@ -9,10 +5,12 @@ import (
hexpac "encoding/hex"
ber "github.com/go-asn1-ber/asn1-ber"
// Filter choices
@ -73,6 +71,8 @@ var MatchingRuleAssertionMap = map[uint64]string{
MatchingRuleAssertionDNAttributes: "Matching Rule Assertion DN Attributes",
var _SymbolAny = []byte{'*'}
// CompileFilter converts a string representation of a filter into a BER-encoded packet
func CompileFilter(filter string) (*ber.Packet, error) {
if len(filter) == 0 || filter[0] != '(' {
@ -82,81 +82,85 @@ func CompileFilter(filter string) (*ber.Packet, error) {
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if pos != len(filter) {
switch {
case pos > len(filter):
return nil, NewError(ErrorFilterCompile, errors.New("ldap: unexpected end of filter"))
case pos < len(filter):
return nil, NewError(ErrorFilterCompile, errors.New("ldap: finished compiling filter with extra at end: "+fmt.Sprint(filter[pos:])))
return packet, nil
// DecompileFilter converts a packet representation of a filter into a string representation
func DecompileFilter(packet *ber.Packet) (ret string, err error) {
func DecompileFilter(packet *ber.Packet) (_ string, err error) {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
err = NewError(ErrorFilterDecompile, errors.New("ldap: error decompiling filter"))
ret = "("
err = nil
buf := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
childStr := ""
switch packet.Tag {
case FilterAnd:
ret += "&"
for _, child := range packet.Children {
childStr, err = DecompileFilter(child)
if err != nil {
ret += childStr
case FilterOr:
ret += "|"
for _, child := range packet.Children {
childStr, err = DecompileFilter(child)
if err != nil {
ret += childStr
case FilterNot:
ret += "!"
childStr, err = DecompileFilter(packet.Children[0])
if err != nil {
ret += childStr
case FilterSubstrings:
ret += ber.DecodeString(packet.Children[0].Data.Bytes())
ret += "="
for i, child := range packet.Children[1].Children {
if i == 0 && child.Tag != FilterSubstringsInitial {
ret += "*"
ret += EscapeFilter(ber.DecodeString(child.Data.Bytes()))
if child.Tag != FilterSubstringsFinal {
ret += "*"
case FilterEqualityMatch:
ret += ber.DecodeString(packet.Children[0].Data.Bytes())
ret += "="
ret += EscapeFilter(ber.DecodeString(packet.Children[1].Data.Bytes()))
case FilterGreaterOrEqual:
ret += ber.DecodeString(packet.Children[0].Data.Bytes())
ret += ">="
ret += EscapeFilter(ber.DecodeString(packet.Children[1].Data.Bytes()))
case FilterLessOrEqual:
ret += ber.DecodeString(packet.Children[0].Data.Bytes())
ret += "<="
ret += EscapeFilter(ber.DecodeString(packet.Children[1].Data.Bytes()))
case FilterPresent:
ret += ber.DecodeString(packet.Data.Bytes())
ret += "=*"
case FilterApproxMatch:
ret += ber.DecodeString(packet.Children[0].Data.Bytes())
ret += "~="
ret += EscapeFilter(ber.DecodeString(packet.Children[1].Data.Bytes()))
case FilterExtensibleMatch:
attr := ""
dnAttributes := false
@ -177,21 +181,22 @@ func DecompileFilter(packet *ber.Packet) (ret string, err error) {
if len(attr) > 0 {
ret += attr
if dnAttributes {
ret += ":dn"
if len(matchingRule) > 0 {
ret += ":"
ret += matchingRule
ret += ":="
ret += EscapeFilter(value)
ret += ")"
return buf.String(), nil
func compileFilterSet(filter string, pos int, parent *ber.Packet) (int, error) {
@ -254,11 +259,10 @@ func compileFilter(filter string, pos int) (*ber.Packet, int, error) {
state := stateReadingAttr
attribute := ""
attribute := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
extensibleDNAttributes := false
extensibleMatchingRule := ""
condition := ""
extensibleMatchingRule := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
condition := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
for newPos < len(filter) {
remainingFilter := filter[newPos:]
@ -325,7 +329,7 @@ func compileFilter(filter string, pos int) (*ber.Packet, int, error) {
// Still reading the attribute name
attribute += fmt.Sprintf("%c", currentRune)
newPos += currentWidth
@ -339,13 +343,13 @@ func compileFilter(filter string, pos int) (*ber.Packet, int, error) {
// Still reading the matching rule oid
extensibleMatchingRule += fmt.Sprintf("%c", currentRune)
newPos += currentWidth
case stateReadingCondition:
// append to the condition
condition += fmt.Sprintf("%c", currentRune)
newPos += currentWidth
@ -369,17 +373,17 @@ func compileFilter(filter string, pos int) (*ber.Packet, int, error) {
// }
// Include the matching rule oid, if specified
if len(extensibleMatchingRule) > 0 {
packet.AppendChild(ber.NewString(ber.ClassContext, ber.TypePrimitive, MatchingRuleAssertionMatchingRule, extensibleMatchingRule, MatchingRuleAssertionMap[MatchingRuleAssertionMatchingRule]))
if extensibleMatchingRule.Len() > 0 {
packet.AppendChild(ber.NewString(ber.ClassContext, ber.TypePrimitive, MatchingRuleAssertionMatchingRule, extensibleMatchingRule.String(), MatchingRuleAssertionMap[MatchingRuleAssertionMatchingRule]))
// Include the attribute, if specified
if len(attribute) > 0 {
packet.AppendChild(ber.NewString(ber.ClassContext, ber.TypePrimitive, MatchingRuleAssertionType, attribute, MatchingRuleAssertionMap[MatchingRuleAssertionType]))
if attribute.Len() > 0 {
packet.AppendChild(ber.NewString(ber.ClassContext, ber.TypePrimitive, MatchingRuleAssertionType, attribute.String(), MatchingRuleAssertionMap[MatchingRuleAssertionType]))
// Add the value (only required child)
encodedString, encodeErr := escapedStringToEncodedBytes(condition)
encodedString, encodeErr := decodeEscapedSymbols(condition.Bytes())
if encodeErr != nil {
return packet, newPos, encodeErr
@ -390,16 +394,16 @@ func compileFilter(filter string, pos int) (*ber.Packet, int, error) {
packet.AppendChild(ber.NewBoolean(ber.ClassContext, ber.TypePrimitive, MatchingRuleAssertionDNAttributes, extensibleDNAttributes, MatchingRuleAssertionMap[MatchingRuleAssertionDNAttributes]))
case packet.Tag == FilterEqualityMatch && condition == "*":
packet = ber.NewString(ber.ClassContext, ber.TypePrimitive, FilterPresent, attribute, FilterMap[FilterPresent])
case packet.Tag == FilterEqualityMatch && strings.Contains(condition, "*"):
packet.AppendChild(ber.NewString(ber.ClassUniversal, ber.TypePrimitive, ber.TagOctetString, attribute, "Attribute"))
case packet.Tag == FilterEqualityMatch && bytes.Equal(condition.Bytes(), _SymbolAny):
packet = ber.NewString(ber.ClassContext, ber.TypePrimitive, FilterPresent, attribute.String(), FilterMap[FilterPresent])
case packet.Tag == FilterEqualityMatch && bytes.Index(condition.Bytes(), _SymbolAny) > -1:
packet.AppendChild(ber.NewString(ber.ClassUniversal, ber.TypePrimitive, ber.TagOctetString, attribute.String(), "Attribute"))
packet.Tag = FilterSubstrings
packet.Description = FilterMap[uint64(packet.Tag)]
seq := ber.Encode(ber.ClassUniversal, ber.TypeConstructed, ber.TagSequence, nil, "Substrings")
parts := strings.Split(condition, "*")
parts := bytes.Split(condition.Bytes(), _SymbolAny)
for i, part := range parts {
if part == "" {
if len(part) == 0 {
var tag ber.Tag
@ -411,7 +415,7 @@ func compileFilter(filter string, pos int) (*ber.Packet, int, error) {
tag = FilterSubstringsAny
encodedString, encodeErr := escapedStringToEncodedBytes(part)
encodedString, encodeErr := decodeEscapedSymbols(part)
if encodeErr != nil {
return packet, newPos, encodeErr
@ -419,11 +423,11 @@ func compileFilter(filter string, pos int) (*ber.Packet, int, error) {
encodedString, encodeErr := escapedStringToEncodedBytes(condition)
encodedString, encodeErr := decodeEscapedSymbols(condition.Bytes())
if encodeErr != nil {
return packet, newPos, encodeErr
packet.AppendChild(ber.NewString(ber.ClassUniversal, ber.TypePrimitive, ber.TagOctetString, attribute, "Attribute"))
packet.AppendChild(ber.NewString(ber.ClassUniversal, ber.TypePrimitive, ber.TagOctetString, attribute.String(), "Attribute"))
packet.AppendChild(ber.NewString(ber.ClassUniversal, ber.TypePrimitive, ber.TagOctetString, encodedString, "Condition"))
@ -433,34 +437,51 @@ func compileFilter(filter string, pos int) (*ber.Packet, int, error) {
// Convert from "ABC\xx\xx\xx" form to literal bytes for transport
func escapedStringToEncodedBytes(escapedString string) (string, error) {
var buffer bytes.Buffer
i := 0
for i < len(escapedString) {
currentRune, currentWidth := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(escapedString[i:])
if currentRune == utf8.RuneError {
return "", NewError(ErrorFilterCompile, fmt.Errorf("ldap: error reading rune at position %d", i))
func decodeEscapedSymbols(src []byte) (string, error) {
var (
buffer bytes.Buffer
offset int
reader = bytes.NewReader(src)
byteHex []byte
byteVal []byte
for {
runeVal, runeSize, err := reader.ReadRune()
if err == io.EOF {
return buffer.String(), nil
} else if err != nil {
return "", NewError(ErrorFilterCompile, fmt.Errorf("ldap: failed to read filter: %v", err))
} else if runeVal == unicode.ReplacementChar {
return "", NewError(ErrorFilterCompile, fmt.Errorf("ldap: error reading rune at position %d", offset))
// Check for escaped hex characters and convert them to their literal value for transport.
if currentRune == '\\' {
if runeVal == '\\' {
// http://tools.ietf.org/search/rfc4515
// \ (%x5C) is not a valid character unless it is followed by two HEX characters due to not
// being a member of UTF1SUBSET.
if i+2 > len(escapedString) {
return "", NewError(ErrorFilterCompile, errors.New("ldap: missing characters for escape in filter"))
escByte, decodeErr := hexpac.DecodeString(escapedString[i+1 : i+3])
if decodeErr != nil {
return "", NewError(ErrorFilterCompile, errors.New("ldap: invalid characters for escape in filter"))
i += 2 // +1 from end of loop, so 3 total for \xx.
} else {
if byteHex == nil {
byteHex = make([]byte, 2)
byteVal = make([]byte, 1)
i += currentWidth
if _, err := io.ReadFull(reader, byteHex); err != nil {
if err == io.ErrUnexpectedEOF {
return "", NewError(ErrorFilterCompile, errors.New("ldap: missing characters for escape in filter"))
return "", NewError(ErrorFilterCompile, fmt.Errorf("ldap: invalid characters for escape in filter: %v", err))
if _, err := hexpac.Decode(byteVal, byteHex); err != nil {
return "", NewError(ErrorFilterCompile, fmt.Errorf("ldap: invalid characters for escape in filter: %v", err))
} else {
offset += runeSize
return buffer.String(), nil

src/vendor/github.com/go-ldap/ldap/v3/go.mod generated vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
module github.com/go-ldap/ldap/v3
go 1.13
require (
github.com/Azure/go-ntlmssp v0.0.0-20200615164410-66371956d46c
github.com/go-asn1-ber/asn1-ber v1.5.1
golang.org/x/crypto v0.0.0-20200604202706-70a84ac30bf9 // indirect

src/vendor/github.com/go-ldap/ldap/v3/go.sum generated vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
github.com/Azure/go-ntlmssp v0.0.0-20200615164410-66371956d46c h1:/IBSNwUN8+eKzUzbJPqhK839ygXJ82sde8x3ogr6R28=
github.com/Azure/go-ntlmssp v0.0.0-20200615164410-66371956d46c/go.mod h1:chxPXzSsl7ZWRAuOIE23GDNzjWuZquvFlgA8xmpunjU=
github.com/go-asn1-ber/asn1-ber v1.5.1 h1:pDbRAunXzIUXfx4CB2QJFv5IuPiuoW+sWvr/Us009o8=
github.com/go-asn1-ber/asn1-ber v1.5.1/go.mod h1:hEBeB/ic+5LoWskz+yKT7vGhhPYkProFKoKdwZRWMe0=
golang.org/x/crypto v0.0.0-20190308221718-c2843e01d9a2/go.mod h1:djNgcEr1/C05ACkg1iLfiJU5Ep61QUkGW8qpdssI0+w=
golang.org/x/crypto v0.0.0-20200604202706-70a84ac30bf9 h1:vEg9joUBmeBcK9iSJftGNf3coIG4HqZElCPehJsfAYM=
golang.org/x/crypto v0.0.0-20200604202706-70a84ac30bf9/go.mod h1:LzIPMQfyMNhhGPhUkYOs5KpL4U8rLKemX1yGLhDgUto=
golang.org/x/net v0.0.0-20190404232315-eb5bcb51f2a3/go.mod h1:t9HGtf8HONx5eT2rtn7q6eTqICYqUVnKs3thJo3Qplg=
golang.org/x/sys v0.0.0-20190215142949-d0b11bdaac8a/go.mod h1:STP8DvDyc/dI5b8T5hshtkjS+E42TnysNCUPdjciGhY=
golang.org/x/sys v0.0.0-20190412213103-97732733099d/go.mod h1:h1NjWce9XRLGQEsW7wpKNCjG9DtNlClVuFLEZdDNbEs=
golang.org/x/text v0.3.0/go.mod h1:NqM8EUOU14njkJ3fqMW+pc6Ldnwhi/IjpwHt7yyuwOQ=

View File

@ -1,15 +1,11 @@
// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package ldap
import (
ber "gopkg.in/asn1-ber.v1"
ber "github.com/go-asn1-ber/asn1-ber"
// LDAP Application Codes
@ -90,7 +86,7 @@ var BeheraPasswordPolicyErrorMap = map[int8]string{
func addLDAPDescriptions(packet *ber.Packet) (err error) {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
err = NewError(ErrorDebugging, errors.New("ldap: cannot process packet to add descriptions"))
err = NewError(ErrorDebugging, fmt.Errorf("ldap: cannot process packet to add descriptions: %s", r))
packet.Description = "LDAP Response"
@ -101,13 +97,13 @@ func addLDAPDescriptions(packet *ber.Packet) (err error) {
switch application {
case ApplicationBindRequest:
err = addRequestDescriptions(packet)
case ApplicationBindResponse:
err = addDefaultLDAPResponseDescriptions(packet)
case ApplicationUnbindRequest:
err = addRequestDescriptions(packet)
case ApplicationSearchRequest:
err = addRequestDescriptions(packet)
case ApplicationSearchResultEntry:
packet.Children[1].Children[0].Description = "Object Name"
packet.Children[1].Children[1].Description = "Attributes"
@ -120,37 +116,37 @@ func addLDAPDescriptions(packet *ber.Packet) (err error) {
if len(packet.Children) == 3 {
err = addControlDescriptions(packet.Children[2])
case ApplicationSearchResultDone:
err = addDefaultLDAPResponseDescriptions(packet)
case ApplicationModifyRequest:
err = addRequestDescriptions(packet)
case ApplicationModifyResponse:
case ApplicationAddRequest:
err = addRequestDescriptions(packet)
case ApplicationAddResponse:
case ApplicationDelRequest:
err = addRequestDescriptions(packet)
case ApplicationDelResponse:
case ApplicationModifyDNRequest:
err = addRequestDescriptions(packet)
case ApplicationModifyDNResponse:
case ApplicationCompareRequest:
err = addRequestDescriptions(packet)
case ApplicationCompareResponse:
case ApplicationAbandonRequest:
err = addRequestDescriptions(packet)
case ApplicationSearchResultReference:
case ApplicationExtendedRequest:
err = addRequestDescriptions(packet)
case ApplicationExtendedResponse:
return nil
return err
func addControlDescriptions(packet *ber.Packet) {
func addControlDescriptions(packet *ber.Packet) error {
packet.Description = "Controls"
for _, child := range packet.Children {
var value *ber.Packet
@ -159,7 +155,7 @@ func addControlDescriptions(packet *ber.Packet) {
switch len(child.Children) {
case 0:
// at least one child is required for control type
return fmt.Errorf("at least one child is required for control type")
case 1:
// just type, no criticality or value
@ -188,8 +184,9 @@ func addControlDescriptions(packet *ber.Packet) {
// more than 3 children is invalid
return fmt.Errorf("more than 3 children for control packet found")
if value == nil {
@ -197,7 +194,10 @@ func addControlDescriptions(packet *ber.Packet) {
case ControlTypePaging:
value.Description += " (Paging)"
if value.Value != nil {
valueChildren := ber.DecodePacket(value.Data.Bytes())
valueChildren, err := ber.DecodePacketErr(value.Data.Bytes())
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to decode data bytes: %s", err)
value.Value = nil
valueChildren.Children[1].Value = valueChildren.Children[1].Data.Bytes()
@ -210,7 +210,10 @@ func addControlDescriptions(packet *ber.Packet) {
case ControlTypeBeheraPasswordPolicy:
value.Description += " (Password Policy - Behera Draft)"
if value.Value != nil {
valueChildren := ber.DecodePacket(value.Data.Bytes())
valueChildren, err := ber.DecodePacketErr(value.Data.Bytes())
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to decode data bytes: %s", err)
value.Value = nil
@ -220,9 +223,10 @@ func addControlDescriptions(packet *ber.Packet) {
if child.Tag == 0 {
warningPacket := child.Children[0]
packet := ber.DecodePacket(warningPacket.Data.Bytes())
val, ok := packet.Value.(int64)
if ok {
val, err := ber.ParseInt64(warningPacket.Data.Bytes())
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to decode data bytes: %s", err)
if warningPacket.Tag == 0 {
value.Description += " (TimeBeforeExpiration)"
@ -232,42 +236,52 @@ func addControlDescriptions(packet *ber.Packet) {
value.Description += " (GraceAuthNsRemaining)"
warningPacket.Value = val
} else if child.Tag == 1 {
// Error
packet := ber.DecodePacket(child.Data.Bytes())
val, ok := packet.Value.(int8)
if !ok {
val = -1
bs := child.Data.Bytes()
if len(bs) != 1 || bs[0] > 8 {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to decode data bytes: %s", "invalid PasswordPolicyResponse enum value")
val := int8(bs[0])
child.Description = "Error"
child.Value = val
return nil
func addRequestDescriptions(packet *ber.Packet) {
func addRequestDescriptions(packet *ber.Packet) error {
packet.Description = "LDAP Request"
packet.Children[0].Description = "Message ID"
packet.Children[1].Description = ApplicationMap[uint8(packet.Children[1].Tag)]
if len(packet.Children) == 3 {
return addControlDescriptions(packet.Children[2])
return nil
func addDefaultLDAPResponseDescriptions(packet *ber.Packet) error {
resultCode := uint16(LDAPResultSuccess)
matchedDN := ""
description := "Success"
if err := GetLDAPError(packet); err != nil {
resultCode = err.(*Error).ResultCode
matchedDN = err.(*Error).MatchedDN
description = "Error Message"
func addDefaultLDAPResponseDescriptions(packet *ber.Packet) {
resultCode, _ := getLDAPResultCode(packet)
packet.Children[1].Children[0].Description = "Result Code (" + LDAPResultCodeMap[resultCode] + ")"
packet.Children[1].Children[1].Description = "Matched DN"
packet.Children[1].Children[2].Description = "Error Message"
packet.Children[1].Children[1].Description = "Matched DN (" + matchedDN + ")"
packet.Children[1].Children[2].Description = description
if len(packet.Children[1].Children) > 3 {
packet.Children[1].Children[3].Description = "Referral"
if len(packet.Children) == 3 {
return addControlDescriptions(packet.Children[2])
return nil
// DebugBinaryFile reads and prints packets from the given filename
@ -277,8 +291,13 @@ func DebugBinaryFile(fileName string) error {
return NewError(ErrorDebugging, err)
ber.PrintBytes(os.Stdout, file, "")
packet := ber.DecodePacket(file)
packet, err := ber.DecodePacketErr(file)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to decode packet: %s", err)
if err := addLDAPDescriptions(packet); err != nil {
return err
return nil

src/vendor/github.com/go-ldap/ldap/v3/moddn.go generated vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
package ldap
import (
ber "github.com/go-asn1-ber/asn1-ber"
// ModifyDNRequest holds the request to modify a DN
type ModifyDNRequest struct {
DN string
NewRDN string
DeleteOldRDN bool
NewSuperior string
// NewModifyDNRequest creates a new request which can be passed to ModifyDN().
// To move an object in the tree, set the "newSup" to the new parent entry DN. Use an
// empty string for just changing the object's RDN.
// For moving the object without renaming, the "rdn" must be the first
// RDN of the given DN.
// A call like
// mdnReq := NewModifyDNRequest("uid=someone,dc=example,dc=org", "uid=newname", true, "")
// will setup the request to just rename uid=someone,dc=example,dc=org to
// uid=newname,dc=example,dc=org.
func NewModifyDNRequest(dn string, rdn string, delOld bool, newSup string) *ModifyDNRequest {
return &ModifyDNRequest{
DN: dn,
NewRDN: rdn,
DeleteOldRDN: delOld,
NewSuperior: newSup,
func (req *ModifyDNRequest) appendTo(envelope *ber.Packet) error {
pkt := ber.Encode(ber.ClassApplication, ber.TypeConstructed, ApplicationModifyDNRequest, nil, "Modify DN Request")
pkt.AppendChild(ber.NewString(ber.ClassUniversal, ber.TypePrimitive, ber.TagOctetString, req.DN, "DN"))
pkt.AppendChild(ber.NewString(ber.ClassUniversal, ber.TypePrimitive, ber.TagOctetString, req.NewRDN, "New RDN"))
if req.DeleteOldRDN {
buf := []byte{0xff}
pkt.AppendChild(ber.NewString(ber.ClassUniversal,ber.TypePrimitive,ber.TagBoolean, string(buf),"Delete old RDN"))
pkt.AppendChild(ber.NewBoolean(ber.ClassUniversal, ber.TypePrimitive, ber.TagBoolean, req.DeleteOldRDN, "Delete old RDN"))
if req.NewSuperior != "" {
pkt.AppendChild(ber.NewString(ber.ClassContext, ber.TypePrimitive, 0, req.NewSuperior, "New Superior"))
return nil
// ModifyDN renames the given DN and optionally move to another base (when the "newSup" argument
// to NewModifyDNRequest() is not "").
func (l *Conn) ModifyDN(m *ModifyDNRequest) error {
msgCtx, err := l.doRequest(m)
if err != nil {
return err
defer l.finishMessage(msgCtx)
packet, err := l.readPacket(msgCtx)
if err != nil {
return err
if packet.Children[1].Tag == ApplicationModifyDNResponse {
err := GetLDAPError(packet)
if err != nil {
return err
} else {
log.Printf("Unexpected Response: %d", packet.Children[1].Tag)
return nil

src/vendor/github.com/go-ldap/ldap/v3/modify.go generated vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
package ldap
import (
ber "github.com/go-asn1-ber/asn1-ber"
// Change operation choices
const (
AddAttribute = 0
DeleteAttribute = 1
ReplaceAttribute = 2
IncrementAttribute = 3 // (https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4525)
// PartialAttribute for a ModifyRequest as defined in https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4511
type PartialAttribute struct {
// Type is the type of the partial attribute
Type string
// Vals are the values of the partial attribute
Vals []string
func (p *PartialAttribute) encode() *ber.Packet {
seq := ber.Encode(ber.ClassUniversal, ber.TypeConstructed, ber.TagSequence, nil, "PartialAttribute")
seq.AppendChild(ber.NewString(ber.ClassUniversal, ber.TypePrimitive, ber.TagOctetString, p.Type, "Type"))
set := ber.Encode(ber.ClassUniversal, ber.TypeConstructed, ber.TagSet, nil, "AttributeValue")
for _, value := range p.Vals {
set.AppendChild(ber.NewString(ber.ClassUniversal, ber.TypePrimitive, ber.TagOctetString, value, "Vals"))
return seq
// Change for a ModifyRequest as defined in https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4511
type Change struct {
// Operation is the type of change to be made
Operation uint
// Modification is the attribute to be modified
Modification PartialAttribute
func (c *Change) encode() *ber.Packet {
change := ber.Encode(ber.ClassUniversal, ber.TypeConstructed, ber.TagSequence, nil, "Change")
change.AppendChild(ber.NewInteger(ber.ClassUniversal, ber.TypePrimitive, ber.TagEnumerated, uint64(c.Operation), "Operation"))
return change
// ModifyRequest as defined in https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4511
type ModifyRequest struct {
// DN is the distinguishedName of the directory entry to modify
DN string
// Changes contain the attributes to modify
Changes []Change
// Controls hold optional controls to send with the request
Controls []Control
// Add appends the given attribute to the list of changes to be made
func (req *ModifyRequest) Add(attrType string, attrVals []string) {
req.appendChange(AddAttribute, attrType, attrVals)
// Delete appends the given attribute to the list of changes to be made
func (req *ModifyRequest) Delete(attrType string, attrVals []string) {
req.appendChange(DeleteAttribute, attrType, attrVals)
// Replace appends the given attribute to the list of changes to be made
func (req *ModifyRequest) Replace(attrType string, attrVals []string) {
req.appendChange(ReplaceAttribute, attrType, attrVals)
// Increment appends the given attribute to the list of changes to be made
func (req *ModifyRequest) Increment(attrType string, attrVal string) {
req.appendChange(IncrementAttribute, attrType, []string{attrVal})
func (req *ModifyRequest) appendChange(operation uint, attrType string, attrVals []string) {
req.Changes = append(req.Changes, Change{operation, PartialAttribute{Type: attrType, Vals: attrVals}})
func (req *ModifyRequest) appendTo(envelope *ber.Packet) error {
pkt := ber.Encode(ber.ClassApplication, ber.TypeConstructed, ApplicationModifyRequest, nil, "Modify Request")
pkt.AppendChild(ber.NewString(ber.ClassUniversal, ber.TypePrimitive, ber.TagOctetString, req.DN, "DN"))
changes := ber.Encode(ber.ClassUniversal, ber.TypeConstructed, ber.TagSequence, nil, "Changes")
for _, change := range req.Changes {
if len(req.Controls) > 0 {
return nil
// NewModifyRequest creates a modify request for the given DN
func NewModifyRequest(dn string, controls []Control) *ModifyRequest {
return &ModifyRequest{
DN: dn,
Controls: controls,
// Modify performs the ModifyRequest
func (l *Conn) Modify(modifyRequest *ModifyRequest) error {
msgCtx, err := l.doRequest(modifyRequest)
if err != nil {
return err
defer l.finishMessage(msgCtx)
packet, err := l.readPacket(msgCtx)
if err != nil {
return err
if packet.Children[1].Tag == ApplicationModifyResponse {
err := GetLDAPError(packet)
if err != nil {
return err
} else {
log.Printf("Unexpected Response: %d", packet.Children[1].Tag)
return nil

View File

@ -1,15 +1,9 @@
// This file contains the password modify extended operation as specified in rfc 3062
// https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3062
package ldap
import (
ber "github.com/go-asn1-ber/asn1-ber"
const (
@ -32,32 +26,37 @@ type PasswordModifyRequest struct {
type PasswordModifyResult struct {
// GeneratedPassword holds a password generated by the server, if present
GeneratedPassword string
// Referral are the returned referral
Referral string
func (r *PasswordModifyRequest) encode() (*ber.Packet, error) {
request := ber.Encode(ber.ClassApplication, ber.TypeConstructed, ApplicationExtendedRequest, nil, "Password Modify Extended Operation")
request.AppendChild(ber.NewString(ber.ClassContext, ber.TypePrimitive, 0, passwordModifyOID, "Extended Request Name: Password Modify OID"))
func (req *PasswordModifyRequest) appendTo(envelope *ber.Packet) error {
pkt := ber.Encode(ber.ClassApplication, ber.TypeConstructed, ApplicationExtendedRequest, nil, "Password Modify Extended Operation")
pkt.AppendChild(ber.NewString(ber.ClassContext, ber.TypePrimitive, 0, passwordModifyOID, "Extended Request Name: Password Modify OID"))
extendedRequestValue := ber.Encode(ber.ClassContext, ber.TypePrimitive, 1, nil, "Extended Request Value: Password Modify Request")
passwordModifyRequestValue := ber.Encode(ber.ClassUniversal, ber.TypeConstructed, ber.TagSequence, nil, "Password Modify Request")
if r.UserIdentity != "" {
passwordModifyRequestValue.AppendChild(ber.NewString(ber.ClassContext, ber.TypePrimitive, 0, r.UserIdentity, "User Identity"))
if req.UserIdentity != "" {
passwordModifyRequestValue.AppendChild(ber.NewString(ber.ClassContext, ber.TypePrimitive, 0, req.UserIdentity, "User Identity"))
if r.OldPassword != "" {
passwordModifyRequestValue.AppendChild(ber.NewString(ber.ClassContext, ber.TypePrimitive, 1, r.OldPassword, "Old Password"))
if req.OldPassword != "" {
passwordModifyRequestValue.AppendChild(ber.NewString(ber.ClassContext, ber.TypePrimitive, 1, req.OldPassword, "Old Password"))
if r.NewPassword != "" {
passwordModifyRequestValue.AppendChild(ber.NewString(ber.ClassContext, ber.TypePrimitive, 2, r.NewPassword, "New Password"))
if req.NewPassword != "" {
passwordModifyRequestValue.AppendChild(ber.NewString(ber.ClassContext, ber.TypePrimitive, 2, req.NewPassword, "New Password"))
return request, nil
return nil
// NewPasswordModifyRequest creates a new PasswordModifyRequest
// According to the RFC 3602:
// According to the RFC 3602 (https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3062):
// userIdentity is a string representing the user associated with the request.
// This string may or may not be an LDAPDN (RFC 2253).
// If userIdentity is empty then the operation will act on the user associated
@ -82,63 +81,42 @@ func NewPasswordModifyRequest(userIdentity string, oldPassword string, newPasswo
// PasswordModify performs the modification request
func (l *Conn) PasswordModify(passwordModifyRequest *PasswordModifyRequest) (*PasswordModifyResult, error) {
packet := ber.Encode(ber.ClassUniversal, ber.TypeConstructed, ber.TagSequence, nil, "LDAP Request")
packet.AppendChild(ber.NewInteger(ber.ClassUniversal, ber.TypePrimitive, ber.TagInteger, l.nextMessageID(), "MessageID"))
encodedPasswordModifyRequest, err := passwordModifyRequest.encode()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
msgCtx, err := l.sendMessage(packet)
msgCtx, err := l.doRequest(passwordModifyRequest)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer l.finishMessage(msgCtx)
result := &PasswordModifyResult{}
l.Debug.Printf("%d: waiting for response", msgCtx.id)
packetResponse, ok := <-msgCtx.responses
if !ok {
return nil, NewError(ErrorNetwork, errors.New("ldap: response channel closed"))
packet, err = packetResponse.ReadPacket()
l.Debug.Printf("%d: got response %p", msgCtx.id, packet)
packet, err := l.readPacket(msgCtx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if packet == nil {
return nil, NewError(ErrorNetwork, errors.New("ldap: could not retrieve message"))
if l.Debug {
if err := addLDAPDescriptions(packet); err != nil {
return nil, err
result := &PasswordModifyResult{}
if packet.Children[1].Tag == ApplicationExtendedResponse {
resultCode, resultDescription := getLDAPResultCode(packet)
if resultCode != 0 {
return nil, NewError(resultCode, errors.New(resultDescription))
err := GetLDAPError(packet)
if err != nil {
if IsErrorWithCode(err, LDAPResultReferral) {
for _, child := range packet.Children[1].Children {
if child.Tag == 3 {
result.Referral = child.Children[0].Value.(string)
return result, err
} else {
return nil, NewError(ErrorUnexpectedResponse, fmt.Errorf("Unexpected Response: %d", packet.Children[1].Tag))
return nil, NewError(ErrorUnexpectedResponse, fmt.Errorf("unexpected Response: %d", packet.Children[1].Tag))
extendedResponse := packet.Children[1]
for _, child := range extendedResponse.Children {
if child.Tag == 11 {
passwordModifyReponseValue := ber.DecodePacket(child.Data.Bytes())
if len(passwordModifyReponseValue.Children) == 1 {
if passwordModifyReponseValue.Children[0].Tag == 0 {
result.GeneratedPassword = ber.DecodeString(passwordModifyReponseValue.Children[0].Data.Bytes())
passwordModifyResponseValue := ber.DecodePacket(child.Data.Bytes())
if len(passwordModifyResponseValue.Children) == 1 {
if passwordModifyResponseValue.Children[0].Tag == 0 {
result.GeneratedPassword = ber.DecodeString(passwordModifyResponseValue.Children[0].Data.Bytes())

src/vendor/github.com/go-ldap/ldap/v3/request.go generated vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
package ldap
import (
ber "github.com/go-asn1-ber/asn1-ber"
var (
errRespChanClosed = errors.New("ldap: response channel closed")
errCouldNotRetMsg = errors.New("ldap: could not retrieve message")
type request interface {
appendTo(*ber.Packet) error
type requestFunc func(*ber.Packet) error
func (f requestFunc) appendTo(p *ber.Packet) error {
return f(p)
func (l *Conn) doRequest(req request) (*messageContext, error) {
packet := ber.Encode(ber.ClassUniversal, ber.TypeConstructed, ber.TagSequence, nil, "LDAP Request")
packet.AppendChild(ber.NewInteger(ber.ClassUniversal, ber.TypePrimitive, ber.TagInteger, l.nextMessageID(), "MessageID"))
if err := req.appendTo(packet); err != nil {
return nil, err
if l.Debug {
msgCtx, err := l.sendMessage(packet)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
l.Debug.Printf("%d: returning", msgCtx.id)
return msgCtx, nil
func (l *Conn) readPacket(msgCtx *messageContext) (*ber.Packet, error) {
l.Debug.Printf("%d: waiting for response", msgCtx.id)
packetResponse, ok := <-msgCtx.responses
if !ok {
return nil, NewError(ErrorNetwork, errRespChanClosed)
packet, err := packetResponse.ReadPacket()
l.Debug.Printf("%d: got response %p", msgCtx.id, packet)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if packet == nil {
return nil, NewError(ErrorNetwork, errCouldNotRetMsg)
if l.Debug {
if err = addLDAPDescriptions(packet); err != nil {
return nil, err
return packet, nil

View File

@ -1,62 +1,3 @@
// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// File contains Search functionality
// https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4511
// SearchRequest ::= [APPLICATION 3] SEQUENCE {
// baseObject LDAPDN,
// scope ENUMERATED {
// baseObject (0),
// singleLevel (1),
// wholeSubtree (2),
// ... },
// derefAliases ENUMERATED {
// neverDerefAliases (0),
// derefInSearching (1),
// derefFindingBaseObj (2),
// derefAlways (3) },
// sizeLimit INTEGER (0 .. maxInt),
// timeLimit INTEGER (0 .. maxInt),
// typesOnly BOOLEAN,
// filter Filter,
// attributes AttributeSelection }
// AttributeSelection ::= SEQUENCE OF selector LDAPString
// -- The LDAPString is constrained to
// -- <attributeSelector> in Section
// Filter ::= CHOICE {
// and [0] SET SIZE (1..MAX) OF filter Filter,
// or [1] SET SIZE (1..MAX) OF filter Filter,
// not [2] Filter,
// equalityMatch [3] AttributeValueAssertion,
// substrings [4] SubstringFilter,
// greaterOrEqual [5] AttributeValueAssertion,
// lessOrEqual [6] AttributeValueAssertion,
// present [7] AttributeDescription,
// approxMatch [8] AttributeValueAssertion,
// extensibleMatch [9] MatchingRuleAssertion,
// ... }
// SubstringFilter ::= SEQUENCE {
// type AttributeDescription,
// substrings SEQUENCE SIZE (1..MAX) OF substring CHOICE {
// initial [0] AssertionValue, -- can occur at most once
// any [1] AssertionValue,
// final [2] AssertionValue } -- can occur at most once
// }
// MatchingRuleAssertion ::= SEQUENCE {
// matchingRule [1] MatchingRuleId OPTIONAL,
// type [2] AttributeDescription OPTIONAL,
// matchValue [3] AssertionValue,
// dnAttributes [4] BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE }
package ldap
import (
@ -65,7 +6,7 @@ import (
ber "github.com/go-asn1-ber/asn1-ber"
// scope choices
@ -136,6 +77,17 @@ func (e *Entry) GetAttributeValues(attribute string) []string {
return []string{}
// GetEqualFoldAttributeValues returns the values for the named attribute, or an
// empty list. Attribute matching is done with strings.EqualFold.
func (e *Entry) GetEqualFoldAttributeValues(attribute string) []string {
for _, attr := range e.Attributes {
if strings.EqualFold(attribute, attr.Name) {
return attr.Values
return []string{}
// GetRawAttributeValues returns the byte values for the named attribute, or an empty list
func (e *Entry) GetRawAttributeValues(attribute string) [][]byte {
for _, attr := range e.Attributes {
@ -146,6 +98,16 @@ func (e *Entry) GetRawAttributeValues(attribute string) [][]byte {
return [][]byte{}
// GetEqualFoldRawAttributeValues returns the byte values for the named attribute, or an empty list
func (e *Entry) GetEqualFoldRawAttributeValues(attribute string) [][]byte {
for _, attr := range e.Attributes {
if strings.EqualFold(attr.Name, attribute) {
return attr.ByteValues
return [][]byte{}
// GetAttributeValue returns the first value for the named attribute, or ""
func (e *Entry) GetAttributeValue(attribute string) string {
values := e.GetAttributeValues(attribute)
@ -155,6 +117,16 @@ func (e *Entry) GetAttributeValue(attribute string) string {
return values[0]
// GetEqualFoldAttributeValue returns the first value for the named attribute, or "".
// Attribute comparison is done with strings.EqualFold.
func (e *Entry) GetEqualFoldAttributeValue(attribute string) string {
values := e.GetEqualFoldAttributeValues(attribute)
if len(values) == 0 {
return ""
return values[0]
// GetRawAttributeValue returns the first value for the named attribute, or an empty slice
func (e *Entry) GetRawAttributeValue(attribute string) []byte {
values := e.GetRawAttributeValues(attribute)
@ -164,6 +136,15 @@ func (e *Entry) GetRawAttributeValue(attribute string) []byte {
return values[0]
// GetEqualFoldRawAttributeValue returns the first value for the named attribute, or an empty slice
func (e *Entry) GetEqualFoldRawAttributeValue(attribute string) []byte {
values := e.GetEqualFoldRawAttributeValues(attribute)
if len(values) == 0 {
return []byte{}
return values[0]
// Print outputs a human-readable description
func (e *Entry) Print() {
fmt.Printf("DN: %s\n", e.DN)
@ -250,27 +231,33 @@ type SearchRequest struct {
Controls []Control
func (s *SearchRequest) encode() (*ber.Packet, error) {
request := ber.Encode(ber.ClassApplication, ber.TypeConstructed, ApplicationSearchRequest, nil, "Search Request")
request.AppendChild(ber.NewString(ber.ClassUniversal, ber.TypePrimitive, ber.TagOctetString, s.BaseDN, "Base DN"))
request.AppendChild(ber.NewInteger(ber.ClassUniversal, ber.TypePrimitive, ber.TagEnumerated, uint64(s.Scope), "Scope"))
request.AppendChild(ber.NewInteger(ber.ClassUniversal, ber.TypePrimitive, ber.TagEnumerated, uint64(s.DerefAliases), "Deref Aliases"))
request.AppendChild(ber.NewInteger(ber.ClassUniversal, ber.TypePrimitive, ber.TagInteger, uint64(s.SizeLimit), "Size Limit"))
request.AppendChild(ber.NewInteger(ber.ClassUniversal, ber.TypePrimitive, ber.TagInteger, uint64(s.TimeLimit), "Time Limit"))
request.AppendChild(ber.NewBoolean(ber.ClassUniversal, ber.TypePrimitive, ber.TagBoolean, s.TypesOnly, "Types Only"))
func (req *SearchRequest) appendTo(envelope *ber.Packet) error {
pkt := ber.Encode(ber.ClassApplication, ber.TypeConstructed, ApplicationSearchRequest, nil, "Search Request")
pkt.AppendChild(ber.NewString(ber.ClassUniversal, ber.TypePrimitive, ber.TagOctetString, req.BaseDN, "Base DN"))
pkt.AppendChild(ber.NewInteger(ber.ClassUniversal, ber.TypePrimitive, ber.TagEnumerated, uint64(req.Scope), "Scope"))
pkt.AppendChild(ber.NewInteger(ber.ClassUniversal, ber.TypePrimitive, ber.TagEnumerated, uint64(req.DerefAliases), "Deref Aliases"))
pkt.AppendChild(ber.NewInteger(ber.ClassUniversal, ber.TypePrimitive, ber.TagInteger, uint64(req.SizeLimit), "Size Limit"))
pkt.AppendChild(ber.NewInteger(ber.ClassUniversal, ber.TypePrimitive, ber.TagInteger, uint64(req.TimeLimit), "Time Limit"))
pkt.AppendChild(ber.NewBoolean(ber.ClassUniversal, ber.TypePrimitive, ber.TagBoolean, req.TypesOnly, "Types Only"))
// compile and encode filter
filterPacket, err := CompileFilter(s.Filter)
filterPacket, err := CompileFilter(req.Filter)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return err
// encode attributes
attributesPacket := ber.Encode(ber.ClassUniversal, ber.TypeConstructed, ber.TagSequence, nil, "Attributes")
for _, attribute := range s.Attributes {
for _, attribute := range req.Attributes {
attributesPacket.AppendChild(ber.NewString(ber.ClassUniversal, ber.TypePrimitive, ber.TagOctetString, attribute, "Attribute"))
return request, nil
if len(req.Controls) > 0 {
return nil
// NewSearchRequest creates a new search request
@ -313,10 +300,10 @@ func (l *Conn) SearchWithPaging(searchRequest *SearchRequest, pagingSize uint32)
} else {
castControl, ok := control.(*ControlPaging)
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Expected paging control to be of type *ControlPaging, got %v", control)
return nil, fmt.Errorf("expected paging control to be of type *ControlPaging, got %v", control)
if castControl.PagingSize != pagingSize {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Paging size given in search request (%d) conflicts with size given in search call (%d)", castControl.PagingSize, pagingSize)
return nil, fmt.Errorf("paging size given in search request (%d) conflicts with size given in search call (%d)", castControl.PagingSize, pagingSize)
pagingControl = castControl
@ -370,22 +357,7 @@ func (l *Conn) SearchWithPaging(searchRequest *SearchRequest, pagingSize uint32)
// Search performs the given search request
func (l *Conn) Search(searchRequest *SearchRequest) (*SearchResult, error) {
packet := ber.Encode(ber.ClassUniversal, ber.TypeConstructed, ber.TagSequence, nil, "LDAP Request")
packet.AppendChild(ber.NewInteger(ber.ClassUniversal, ber.TypePrimitive, ber.TagInteger, l.nextMessageID(), "MessageID"))
// encode search request
encodedSearchRequest, err := searchRequest.encode()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// encode search controls
if searchRequest.Controls != nil {
msgCtx, err := l.sendMessage(packet)
msgCtx, err := l.doRequest(searchRequest)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
@ -396,24 +368,10 @@ func (l *Conn) Search(searchRequest *SearchRequest) (*SearchResult, error) {
Referrals: make([]string, 0),
Controls: make([]Control, 0)}
foundSearchResultDone := false
for !foundSearchResultDone {
l.Debug.Printf("%d: waiting for response", msgCtx.id)
packetResponse, ok := <-msgCtx.responses
if !ok {
return nil, NewError(ErrorNetwork, errors.New("ldap: response channel closed"))
packet, err = packetResponse.ReadPacket()
l.Debug.Printf("%d: got response %p", msgCtx.id, packet)
for {
packet, err := l.readPacket(msgCtx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if l.Debug {
if err := addLDAPDescriptions(packet); err != nil {
return nil, err
return result, err
switch packet.Children[1].Tag {
@ -431,20 +389,22 @@ func (l *Conn) Search(searchRequest *SearchRequest) (*SearchResult, error) {
result.Entries = append(result.Entries, entry)
case 5:
resultCode, resultDescription := getLDAPResultCode(packet)
if resultCode != 0 {
return result, NewError(resultCode, errors.New(resultDescription))
err := GetLDAPError(packet)
if err != nil {
return result, err
if len(packet.Children) == 3 {
for _, child := range packet.Children[2].Children {
result.Controls = append(result.Controls, DecodeControl(child))
decodedChild, err := DecodeControl(child)
if err != nil {
return result, fmt.Errorf("failed to decode child control: %s", err)
result.Controls = append(result.Controls, decodedChild)
foundSearchResultDone = true
return result, nil
case 19:
result.Referrals = append(result.Referrals, packet.Children[1].Children[0].Value.(string))
l.Debug.Printf("%d: returning", msgCtx.id)
return result, nil

src/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/md4/md4.go generated vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package md4 implements the MD4 hash algorithm as defined in RFC 1320.
// Deprecated: MD4 is cryptographically broken and should should only be used
// where compatibility with legacy systems, not security, is the goal. Instead,
// use a secure hash like SHA-256 (from crypto/sha256).
package md4 // import "golang.org/x/crypto/md4"
import (
func init() {
crypto.RegisterHash(crypto.MD4, New)
// The size of an MD4 checksum in bytes.
const Size = 16
// The blocksize of MD4 in bytes.
const BlockSize = 64
const (
_Chunk = 64
_Init0 = 0x67452301
_Init1 = 0xEFCDAB89
_Init2 = 0x98BADCFE
_Init3 = 0x10325476
// digest represents the partial evaluation of a checksum.
type digest struct {
s [4]uint32
x [_Chunk]byte
nx int
len uint64
func (d *digest) Reset() {
d.s[0] = _Init0
d.s[1] = _Init1
d.s[2] = _Init2
d.s[3] = _Init3
d.nx = 0
d.len = 0
// New returns a new hash.Hash computing the MD4 checksum.
func New() hash.Hash {
d := new(digest)
return d
func (d *digest) Size() int { return Size }
func (d *digest) BlockSize() int { return BlockSize }
func (d *digest) Write(p []byte) (nn int, err error) {
nn = len(p)
d.len += uint64(nn)
if d.nx > 0 {
n := len(p)
if n > _Chunk-d.nx {
n = _Chunk - d.nx
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
d.x[d.nx+i] = p[i]
d.nx += n
if d.nx == _Chunk {
_Block(d, d.x[0:])
d.nx = 0
p = p[n:]
n := _Block(d, p)
p = p[n:]
if len(p) > 0 {
d.nx = copy(d.x[:], p)
func (d0 *digest) Sum(in []byte) []byte {
// Make a copy of d0, so that caller can keep writing and summing.
d := new(digest)
*d = *d0
// Padding. Add a 1 bit and 0 bits until 56 bytes mod 64.
len := d.len
var tmp [64]byte
tmp[0] = 0x80
if len%64 < 56 {
d.Write(tmp[0 : 56-len%64])
} else {
d.Write(tmp[0 : 64+56-len%64])
// Length in bits.
len <<= 3
for i := uint(0); i < 8; i++ {
tmp[i] = byte(len >> (8 * i))
if d.nx != 0 {
panic("d.nx != 0")
for _, s := range d.s {
in = append(in, byte(s>>0))
in = append(in, byte(s>>8))
in = append(in, byte(s>>16))
in = append(in, byte(s>>24))
return in

src/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/md4/md4block.go generated vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// MD4 block step.
// In its own file so that a faster assembly or C version
// can be substituted easily.
package md4
var shift1 = []uint{3, 7, 11, 19}
var shift2 = []uint{3, 5, 9, 13}
var shift3 = []uint{3, 9, 11, 15}
var xIndex2 = []uint{0, 4, 8, 12, 1, 5, 9, 13, 2, 6, 10, 14, 3, 7, 11, 15}
var xIndex3 = []uint{0, 8, 4, 12, 2, 10, 6, 14, 1, 9, 5, 13, 3, 11, 7, 15}
func _Block(dig *digest, p []byte) int {
a := dig.s[0]
b := dig.s[1]
c := dig.s[2]
d := dig.s[3]
n := 0
var X [16]uint32
for len(p) >= _Chunk {
aa, bb, cc, dd := a, b, c, d
j := 0
for i := 0; i < 16; i++ {
X[i] = uint32(p[j]) | uint32(p[j+1])<<8 | uint32(p[j+2])<<16 | uint32(p[j+3])<<24
j += 4
// If this needs to be made faster in the future,
// the usual trick is to unroll each of these
// loops by a factor of 4; that lets you replace
// the shift[] lookups with constants and,
// with suitable variable renaming in each
// unrolled body, delete the a, b, c, d = d, a, b, c
// (or you can let the optimizer do the renaming).
// The index variables are uint so that % by a power
// of two can be optimized easily by a compiler.
// Round 1.
for i := uint(0); i < 16; i++ {
x := i
s := shift1[i%4]
f := ((c ^ d) & b) ^ d
a += f + X[x]
a = a<<s | a>>(32-s)
a, b, c, d = d, a, b, c
// Round 2.
for i := uint(0); i < 16; i++ {
x := xIndex2[i]
s := shift2[i%4]
g := (b & c) | (b & d) | (c & d)
a += g + X[x] + 0x5a827999
a = a<<s | a>>(32-s)
a, b, c, d = d, a, b, c
// Round 3.
for i := uint(0); i < 16; i++ {
x := xIndex3[i]
s := shift3[i%4]
h := b ^ c ^ d
a += h + X[x] + 0x6ed9eba1
a = a<<s | a>>(32-s)
a, b, c, d = d, a, b, c
a += aa
b += bb
c += cc
d += dd
p = p[_Chunk:]
n += _Chunk
dig.s[0] = a
dig.s[1] = b
dig.s[2] = c
dig.s[3] = d
return n

View File

@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
language: go
- 1.2
- 1.3
- 1.4
- 1.5
- tip
go_import_path: gopkg.in/asn-ber.v1
- go list -f '{{range .Imports}}{{.}} {{end}}' ./... | xargs go get -v
- go list -f '{{range .TestImports}}{{.}} {{end}}' ./... | xargs go get -v
- go get code.google.com/p/go.tools/cmd/cover || go get golang.org/x/tools/cmd/cover
- go build -v ./...
- go test -v -cover ./...

View File

@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
Copyright (c) 2012 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
* Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its
contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
this software without specific prior written permission.

View File

View File

@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
language: go
- VET_VERSIONS="1.6 1.7 tip"
- LINT_VERSIONS="1.6 1.7 tip"
- 1.2
- 1.3
- 1.4
- 1.5
- 1.6
- 1.7
- tip
fast_finish: true
- go: tip
go_import_path: gopkg.in/ldap.v2
- go get gopkg.in/asn1-ber.v1
- go get gopkg.in/ldap.v2
- go get code.google.com/p/go.tools/cmd/cover || go get golang.org/x/tools/cmd/cover
- go get github.com/golang/lint/golint || true
- go build -v ./...
- make test
- make fmt
- if [[ "$VET_VERSIONS" == *"$TRAVIS_GO_VERSION"* ]]; then make vet; fi
- if [[ "$LINT_VERSIONS" == *"$TRAVIS_GO_VERSION"* ]]; then make lint; fi

src/vendor/gopkg.in/ldap.v2/Makefile generated vendored
View File

@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
.PHONY: default install build test quicktest fmt vet lint
default: fmt vet lint build quicktest
go get -t -v ./...
go build -v ./...
go test -v -cover ./...
go test ./...
# Capture output and force failure when there is non-empty output
@echo gofmt -l .
@OUTPUT=`gofmt -l . 2>&1`; \
if [ "$$OUTPUT" ]; then \
echo "gofmt must be run on the following files:"; \
echo "$$OUTPUT"; \
exit 1; \
# Only run on go1.5+
go tool vet -atomic -bool -copylocks -nilfunc -printf -shadow -rangeloops -unreachable -unsafeptr -unusedresult .
# https://github.com/golang/lint
# go get github.com/golang/lint/golint
# Capture output and force failure when there is non-empty output
# Only run on go1.5+
@echo golint ./...
@OUTPUT=`golint ./... 2>&1`; \
if [ "$$OUTPUT" ]; then \
echo "golint errors:"; \
echo "$$OUTPUT"; \
exit 1; \

View File

@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/go-ldap/ldap.svg)](https://travis-ci.org/go-ldap/ldap)
# Basic LDAP v3 functionality for the GO programming language.
## Install
For the latest version use:
go get gopkg.in/ldap.v2
Import the latest version with:
import "gopkg.in/ldap.v2"
## Required Libraries:
- gopkg.in/asn1-ber.v1
## Features:
- Connecting to LDAP server (non-TLS, TLS, STARTTLS)
- Binding to LDAP server
- Searching for entries
- Filter Compile / Decompile
- Paging Search Results
- Modify Requests / Responses
- Add Requests / Responses
- Delete Requests / Responses
## Examples:
- search
- modify
## Contributing:
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome!
Before submitting a pull request, please make sure tests and verification scripts pass:
make all
To set up a pre-push hook to run the tests and verify scripts before pushing:
ln -s ../../.githooks/pre-push .git/hooks/pre-push
The Go gopher was designed by Renee French. (http://reneefrench.blogspot.com/)
The design is licensed under the Creative Commons 3.0 Attributions license.
Read this article for more details: http://blog.golang.org/gopher

src/vendor/gopkg.in/ldap.v2/add.go generated vendored
View File

@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
// https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4511
// AddRequest ::= [APPLICATION 8] SEQUENCE {
// entry LDAPDN,
// attributes AttributeList }
// AttributeList ::= SEQUENCE OF attribute Attribute
package ldap
import (
// Attribute represents an LDAP attribute
type Attribute struct {
// Type is the name of the LDAP attribute
Type string
// Vals are the LDAP attribute values
Vals []string
func (a *Attribute) encode() *ber.Packet {
seq := ber.Encode(ber.ClassUniversal, ber.TypeConstructed, ber.TagSequence, nil, "Attribute")
seq.AppendChild(ber.NewString(ber.ClassUniversal, ber.TypePrimitive, ber.TagOctetString, a.Type, "Type"))
set := ber.Encode(ber.ClassUniversal, ber.TypeConstructed, ber.TagSet, nil, "AttributeValue")
for _, value := range a.Vals {
set.AppendChild(ber.NewString(ber.ClassUniversal, ber.TypePrimitive, ber.TagOctetString, value, "Vals"))
return seq
// AddRequest represents an LDAP AddRequest operation
type AddRequest struct {
// DN identifies the entry being added
DN string
// Attributes list the attributes of the new entry
Attributes []Attribute
func (a AddRequest) encode() *ber.Packet {
request := ber.Encode(ber.ClassApplication, ber.TypeConstructed, ApplicationAddRequest, nil, "Add Request")
request.AppendChild(ber.NewString(ber.ClassUniversal, ber.TypePrimitive, ber.TagOctetString, a.DN, "DN"))
attributes := ber.Encode(ber.ClassUniversal, ber.TypeConstructed, ber.TagSequence, nil, "Attributes")
for _, attribute := range a.Attributes {
return request
// Attribute adds an attribute with the given type and values
func (a *AddRequest) Attribute(attrType string, attrVals []string) {
a.Attributes = append(a.Attributes, Attribute{Type: attrType, Vals: attrVals})
// NewAddRequest returns an AddRequest for the given DN, with no attributes
func NewAddRequest(dn string) *AddRequest {
return &AddRequest{
DN: dn,
// Add performs the given AddRequest
func (l *Conn) Add(addRequest *AddRequest) error {
packet := ber.Encode(ber.ClassUniversal, ber.TypeConstructed, ber.TagSequence, nil, "LDAP Request")
packet.AppendChild(ber.NewInteger(ber.ClassUniversal, ber.TypePrimitive, ber.TagInteger, l.nextMessageID(), "MessageID"))
msgCtx, err := l.sendMessage(packet)
if err != nil {
return err
defer l.finishMessage(msgCtx)
l.Debug.Printf("%d: waiting for response", msgCtx.id)
packetResponse, ok := <-msgCtx.responses
if !ok {
return NewError(ErrorNetwork, errors.New("ldap: response channel closed"))
packet, err = packetResponse.ReadPacket()
l.Debug.Printf("%d: got response %p", msgCtx.id, packet)
if err != nil {
return err
if l.Debug {
if err := addLDAPDescriptions(packet); err != nil {
return err
if packet.Children[1].Tag == ApplicationAddResponse {
resultCode, resultDescription := getLDAPResultCode(packet)
if resultCode != 0 {
return NewError(resultCode, errors.New(resultDescription))
} else {
log.Printf("Unexpected Response: %d", packet.Children[1].Tag)
l.Debug.Printf("%d: returning", msgCtx.id)
return nil

src/vendor/gopkg.in/ldap.v2/bind.go generated vendored
View File

@ -1,143 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package ldap
import (
// SimpleBindRequest represents a username/password bind operation
type SimpleBindRequest struct {
// Username is the name of the Directory object that the client wishes to bind as
Username string
// Password is the credentials to bind with
Password string
// Controls are optional controls to send with the bind request
Controls []Control
// SimpleBindResult contains the response from the server
type SimpleBindResult struct {
Controls []Control
// NewSimpleBindRequest returns a bind request
func NewSimpleBindRequest(username string, password string, controls []Control) *SimpleBindRequest {
return &SimpleBindRequest{
Username: username,
Password: password,
Controls: controls,
func (bindRequest *SimpleBindRequest) encode() *ber.Packet {
request := ber.Encode(ber.ClassApplication, ber.TypeConstructed, ApplicationBindRequest, nil, "Bind Request")
request.AppendChild(ber.NewInteger(ber.ClassUniversal, ber.TypePrimitive, ber.TagInteger, 3, "Version"))
request.AppendChild(ber.NewString(ber.ClassUniversal, ber.TypePrimitive, ber.TagOctetString, bindRequest.Username, "User Name"))
request.AppendChild(ber.NewString(ber.ClassContext, ber.TypePrimitive, 0, bindRequest.Password, "Password"))
return request
// SimpleBind performs the simple bind operation defined in the given request
func (l *Conn) SimpleBind(simpleBindRequest *SimpleBindRequest) (*SimpleBindResult, error) {
packet := ber.Encode(ber.ClassUniversal, ber.TypeConstructed, ber.TagSequence, nil, "LDAP Request")
packet.AppendChild(ber.NewInteger(ber.ClassUniversal, ber.TypePrimitive, ber.TagInteger, l.nextMessageID(), "MessageID"))
encodedBindRequest := simpleBindRequest.encode()
if l.Debug {
msgCtx, err := l.sendMessage(packet)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer l.finishMessage(msgCtx)
packetResponse, ok := <-msgCtx.responses
if !ok {
return nil, NewError(ErrorNetwork, errors.New("ldap: response channel closed"))
packet, err = packetResponse.ReadPacket()
l.Debug.Printf("%d: got response %p", msgCtx.id, packet)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if l.Debug {
if err := addLDAPDescriptions(packet); err != nil {
return nil, err
result := &SimpleBindResult{
Controls: make([]Control, 0),
if len(packet.Children) == 3 {
for _, child := range packet.Children[2].Children {
result.Controls = append(result.Controls, DecodeControl(child))
resultCode, resultDescription := getLDAPResultCode(packet)
if resultCode != 0 {
return result, NewError(resultCode, errors.New(resultDescription))
return result, nil
// Bind performs a bind with the given username and password
func (l *Conn) Bind(username, password string) error {
packet := ber.Encode(ber.ClassUniversal, ber.TypeConstructed, ber.TagSequence, nil, "LDAP Request")
packet.AppendChild(ber.NewInteger(ber.ClassUniversal, ber.TypePrimitive, ber.TagInteger, l.nextMessageID(), "MessageID"))
bindRequest := ber.Encode(ber.ClassApplication, ber.TypeConstructed, ApplicationBindRequest, nil, "Bind Request")
bindRequest.AppendChild(ber.NewInteger(ber.ClassUniversal, ber.TypePrimitive, ber.TagInteger, 3, "Version"))
bindRequest.AppendChild(ber.NewString(ber.ClassUniversal, ber.TypePrimitive, ber.TagOctetString, username, "User Name"))
bindRequest.AppendChild(ber.NewString(ber.ClassContext, ber.TypePrimitive, 0, password, "Password"))
if l.Debug {
msgCtx, err := l.sendMessage(packet)
if err != nil {
return err
defer l.finishMessage(msgCtx)
packetResponse, ok := <-msgCtx.responses
if !ok {
return NewError(ErrorNetwork, errors.New("ldap: response channel closed"))
packet, err = packetResponse.ReadPacket()
l.Debug.Printf("%d: got response %p", msgCtx.id, packet)
if err != nil {
return err
if l.Debug {
if err := addLDAPDescriptions(packet); err != nil {
return err
resultCode, resultDescription := getLDAPResultCode(packet)
if resultCode != 0 {
return NewError(resultCode, errors.New(resultDescription))
return nil

View File

@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
package ldap
import (
// Client knows how to interact with an LDAP server
type Client interface {
StartTLS(config *tls.Config) error
Bind(username, password string) error
SimpleBind(simpleBindRequest *SimpleBindRequest) (*SimpleBindResult, error)
Add(addRequest *AddRequest) error
Del(delRequest *DelRequest) error
Modify(modifyRequest *ModifyRequest) error
Compare(dn, attribute, value string) (bool, error)
PasswordModify(passwordModifyRequest *PasswordModifyRequest) (*PasswordModifyResult, error)
Search(searchRequest *SearchRequest) (*SearchResult, error)
SearchWithPaging(searchRequest *SearchRequest, pagingSize uint32) (*SearchResult, error)

View File

@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2014 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// File contains Compare functionality
// https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4511
// CompareRequest ::= [APPLICATION 14] SEQUENCE {
// entry LDAPDN,
// ava AttributeValueAssertion }
// AttributeValueAssertion ::= SEQUENCE {
// attributeDesc AttributeDescription,
// assertionValue AssertionValue }
// AttributeDescription ::= LDAPString
// -- Constrained to <attributedescription>
// -- [RFC4512]
// AttributeValue ::= OCTET STRING
package ldap
import (
// Compare checks to see if the attribute of the dn matches value. Returns true if it does otherwise
// false with any error that occurs if any.
func (l *Conn) Compare(dn, attribute, value string) (bool, error) {
packet := ber.Encode(ber.ClassUniversal, ber.TypeConstructed, ber.TagSequence, nil, "LDAP Request")
packet.AppendChild(ber.NewInteger(ber.ClassUniversal, ber.TypePrimitive, ber.TagInteger, l.nextMessageID(), "MessageID"))
request := ber.Encode(ber.ClassApplication, ber.TypeConstructed, ApplicationCompareRequest, nil, "Compare Request")
request.AppendChild(ber.NewString(ber.ClassUniversal, ber.TypePrimitive, ber.TagOctetString, dn, "DN"))
ava := ber.Encode(ber.ClassUniversal, ber.TypeConstructed, ber.TagSequence, nil, "AttributeValueAssertion")
ava.AppendChild(ber.NewString(ber.ClassUniversal, ber.TypePrimitive, ber.TagOctetString, attribute, "AttributeDesc"))
ava.AppendChild(ber.Encode(ber.ClassUniversal, ber.TypeConstructed, ber.TagOctetString, value, "AssertionValue"))
msgCtx, err := l.sendMessage(packet)
if err != nil {
return false, err
defer l.finishMessage(msgCtx)
l.Debug.Printf("%d: waiting for response", msgCtx.id)
packetResponse, ok := <-msgCtx.responses
if !ok {
return false, NewError(ErrorNetwork, errors.New("ldap: response channel closed"))
packet, err = packetResponse.ReadPacket()
l.Debug.Printf("%d: got response %p", msgCtx.id, packet)
if err != nil {
return false, err
if l.Debug {
if err := addLDAPDescriptions(packet); err != nil {
return false, err
if packet.Children[1].Tag == ApplicationCompareResponse {
resultCode, resultDescription := getLDAPResultCode(packet)
if resultCode == LDAPResultCompareTrue {
return true, nil
} else if resultCode == LDAPResultCompareFalse {
return false, nil
} else {
return false, NewError(resultCode, errors.New(resultDescription))
return false, fmt.Errorf("Unexpected Response: %d", packet.Children[1].Tag)

src/vendor/gopkg.in/ldap.v2/del.go generated vendored
View File

@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
// https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4511
// DelRequest ::= [APPLICATION 10] LDAPDN
package ldap
import (
// DelRequest implements an LDAP deletion request
type DelRequest struct {
// DN is the name of the directory entry to delete
DN string
// Controls hold optional controls to send with the request
Controls []Control
func (d DelRequest) encode() *ber.Packet {
request := ber.Encode(ber.ClassApplication, ber.TypePrimitive, ApplicationDelRequest, d.DN, "Del Request")
return request
// NewDelRequest creates a delete request for the given DN and controls
func NewDelRequest(DN string,
Controls []Control) *DelRequest {
return &DelRequest{
Controls: Controls,
// Del executes the given delete request
func (l *Conn) Del(delRequest *DelRequest) error {
packet := ber.Encode(ber.ClassUniversal, ber.TypeConstructed, ber.TagSequence, nil, "LDAP Request")
packet.AppendChild(ber.NewInteger(ber.ClassUniversal, ber.TypePrimitive, ber.TagInteger, l.nextMessageID(), "MessageID"))
if delRequest.Controls != nil {
msgCtx, err := l.sendMessage(packet)
if err != nil {
return err
defer l.finishMessage(msgCtx)
l.Debug.Printf("%d: waiting for response", msgCtx.id)
packetResponse, ok := <-msgCtx.responses
if !ok {
return NewError(ErrorNetwork, errors.New("ldap: response channel closed"))
packet, err = packetResponse.ReadPacket()
l.Debug.Printf("%d: got response %p", msgCtx.id, packet)
if err != nil {
return err
if l.Debug {
if err := addLDAPDescriptions(packet); err != nil {
return err
if packet.Children[1].Tag == ApplicationDelResponse {
resultCode, resultDescription := getLDAPResultCode(packet)
if resultCode != 0 {
return NewError(resultCode, errors.New(resultDescription))
} else {
log.Printf("Unexpected Response: %d", packet.Children[1].Tag)
l.Debug.Printf("%d: returning", msgCtx.id)
return nil

src/vendor/gopkg.in/ldap.v2/error.go generated vendored
View File

@ -1,148 +0,0 @@
package ldap
import (
// LDAP Result Codes
const (
LDAPResultSuccess = 0
LDAPResultOperationsError = 1
LDAPResultProtocolError = 2
LDAPResultTimeLimitExceeded = 3
LDAPResultSizeLimitExceeded = 4
LDAPResultCompareFalse = 5
LDAPResultCompareTrue = 6
LDAPResultAuthMethodNotSupported = 7
LDAPResultStrongAuthRequired = 8
LDAPResultReferral = 10
LDAPResultAdminLimitExceeded = 11
LDAPResultUnavailableCriticalExtension = 12
LDAPResultConfidentialityRequired = 13
LDAPResultSaslBindInProgress = 14
LDAPResultNoSuchAttribute = 16
LDAPResultUndefinedAttributeType = 17
LDAPResultInappropriateMatching = 18
LDAPResultConstraintViolation = 19
LDAPResultAttributeOrValueExists = 20
LDAPResultInvalidAttributeSyntax = 21
LDAPResultNoSuchObject = 32
LDAPResultAliasProblem = 33
LDAPResultInvalidDNSyntax = 34
LDAPResultAliasDereferencingProblem = 36
LDAPResultInappropriateAuthentication = 48
LDAPResultInvalidCredentials = 49
LDAPResultInsufficientAccessRights = 50
LDAPResultBusy = 51
LDAPResultUnavailable = 52
LDAPResultUnwillingToPerform = 53
LDAPResultLoopDetect = 54
LDAPResultNamingViolation = 64
LDAPResultObjectClassViolation = 65
LDAPResultNotAllowedOnNonLeaf = 66
LDAPResultNotAllowedOnRDN = 67
LDAPResultEntryAlreadyExists = 68
LDAPResultObjectClassModsProhibited = 69
LDAPResultAffectsMultipleDSAs = 71
LDAPResultOther = 80
ErrorNetwork = 200
ErrorFilterCompile = 201
ErrorFilterDecompile = 202
ErrorDebugging = 203
ErrorUnexpectedMessage = 204
ErrorUnexpectedResponse = 205
// LDAPResultCodeMap contains string descriptions for LDAP error codes
var LDAPResultCodeMap = map[uint8]string{
LDAPResultSuccess: "Success",
LDAPResultOperationsError: "Operations Error",
LDAPResultProtocolError: "Protocol Error",
LDAPResultTimeLimitExceeded: "Time Limit Exceeded",
LDAPResultSizeLimitExceeded: "Size Limit Exceeded",
LDAPResultCompareFalse: "Compare False",
LDAPResultCompareTrue: "Compare True",
LDAPResultAuthMethodNotSupported: "Auth Method Not Supported",
LDAPResultStrongAuthRequired: "Strong Auth Required",
LDAPResultReferral: "Referral",
LDAPResultAdminLimitExceeded: "Admin Limit Exceeded",
LDAPResultUnavailableCriticalExtension: "Unavailable Critical Extension",
LDAPResultConfidentialityRequired: "Confidentiality Required",
LDAPResultSaslBindInProgress: "Sasl Bind In Progress",
LDAPResultNoSuchAttribute: "No Such Attribute",
LDAPResultUndefinedAttributeType: "Undefined Attribute Type",
LDAPResultInappropriateMatching: "Inappropriate Matching",
LDAPResultConstraintViolation: "Constraint Violation",
LDAPResultAttributeOrValueExists: "Attribute Or Value Exists",
LDAPResultInvalidAttributeSyntax: "Invalid Attribute Syntax",
LDAPResultNoSuchObject: "No Such Object",
LDAPResultAliasProblem: "Alias Problem",
LDAPResultInvalidDNSyntax: "Invalid DN Syntax",
LDAPResultAliasDereferencingProblem: "Alias Dereferencing Problem",
LDAPResultInappropriateAuthentication: "Inappropriate Authentication",
LDAPResultInvalidCredentials: "Invalid Credentials",
LDAPResultInsufficientAccessRights: "Insufficient Access Rights",
LDAPResultBusy: "Busy",
LDAPResultUnavailable: "Unavailable",
LDAPResultUnwillingToPerform: "Unwilling To Perform",
LDAPResultLoopDetect: "Loop Detect",
LDAPResultNamingViolation: "Naming Violation",
LDAPResultObjectClassViolation: "Object Class Violation",
LDAPResultNotAllowedOnNonLeaf: "Not Allowed On Non Leaf",
LDAPResultNotAllowedOnRDN: "Not Allowed On RDN",
LDAPResultEntryAlreadyExists: "Entry Already Exists",
LDAPResultObjectClassModsProhibited: "Object Class Mods Prohibited",
LDAPResultAffectsMultipleDSAs: "Affects Multiple DSAs",
LDAPResultOther: "Other",
func getLDAPResultCode(packet *ber.Packet) (code uint8, description string) {
if packet == nil {
return ErrorUnexpectedResponse, "Empty packet"
} else if len(packet.Children) >= 2 {
response := packet.Children[1]
if response == nil {
return ErrorUnexpectedResponse, "Empty response in packet"
if response.ClassType == ber.ClassApplication && response.TagType == ber.TypeConstructed && len(response.Children) >= 3 {
// Children[1].Children[2] is the diagnosticMessage which is guaranteed to exist as seen here: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4511#section-4.1.9
return uint8(response.Children[0].Value.(int64)), response.Children[2].Value.(string)
return ErrorNetwork, "Invalid packet format"
// Error holds LDAP error information
type Error struct {
// Err is the underlying error
Err error
// ResultCode is the LDAP error code
ResultCode uint8
func (e *Error) Error() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("LDAP Result Code %d %q: %s", e.ResultCode, LDAPResultCodeMap[e.ResultCode], e.Err.Error())
// NewError creates an LDAP error with the given code and underlying error
func NewError(resultCode uint8, err error) error {
return &Error{ResultCode: resultCode, Err: err}
// IsErrorWithCode returns true if the given error is an LDAP error with the given result code
func IsErrorWithCode(err error, desiredResultCode uint8) bool {
if err == nil {
return false
serverError, ok := err.(*Error)
if !ok {
return false
return serverError.ResultCode == desiredResultCode

src/vendor/gopkg.in/ldap.v2/modify.go generated vendored
View File

@ -1,170 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2014 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// File contains Modify functionality
// https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4511
// ModifyRequest ::= [APPLICATION 6] SEQUENCE {
// object LDAPDN,
// changes SEQUENCE OF change SEQUENCE {
// operation ENUMERATED {
// add (0),
// delete (1),
// replace (2),
// ... },
// modification PartialAttribute } }
// PartialAttribute ::= SEQUENCE {
// type AttributeDescription,
// vals SET OF value AttributeValue }
// AttributeDescription ::= LDAPString
// -- Constrained to <attributedescription>
// -- [RFC4512]
// AttributeValue ::= OCTET STRING
package ldap
import (
// Change operation choices
const (
AddAttribute = 0
DeleteAttribute = 1
ReplaceAttribute = 2
// PartialAttribute for a ModifyRequest as defined in https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4511
type PartialAttribute struct {
// Type is the type of the partial attribute
Type string
// Vals are the values of the partial attribute
Vals []string
func (p *PartialAttribute) encode() *ber.Packet {
seq := ber.Encode(ber.ClassUniversal, ber.TypeConstructed, ber.TagSequence, nil, "PartialAttribute")
seq.AppendChild(ber.NewString(ber.ClassUniversal, ber.TypePrimitive, ber.TagOctetString, p.Type, "Type"))
set := ber.Encode(ber.ClassUniversal, ber.TypeConstructed, ber.TagSet, nil, "AttributeValue")
for _, value := range p.Vals {
set.AppendChild(ber.NewString(ber.ClassUniversal, ber.TypePrimitive, ber.TagOctetString, value, "Vals"))
return seq
// ModifyRequest as defined in https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4511
type ModifyRequest struct {
// DN is the distinguishedName of the directory entry to modify
DN string
// AddAttributes contain the attributes to add
AddAttributes []PartialAttribute
// DeleteAttributes contain the attributes to delete
DeleteAttributes []PartialAttribute
// ReplaceAttributes contain the attributes to replace
ReplaceAttributes []PartialAttribute
// Add inserts the given attribute to the list of attributes to add
func (m *ModifyRequest) Add(attrType string, attrVals []string) {
m.AddAttributes = append(m.AddAttributes, PartialAttribute{Type: attrType, Vals: attrVals})
// Delete inserts the given attribute to the list of attributes to delete
func (m *ModifyRequest) Delete(attrType string, attrVals []string) {
m.DeleteAttributes = append(m.DeleteAttributes, PartialAttribute{Type: attrType, Vals: attrVals})
// Replace inserts the given attribute to the list of attributes to replace
func (m *ModifyRequest) Replace(attrType string, attrVals []string) {
m.ReplaceAttributes = append(m.ReplaceAttributes, PartialAttribute{Type: attrType, Vals: attrVals})
func (m ModifyRequest) encode() *ber.Packet {
request := ber.Encode(ber.ClassApplication, ber.TypeConstructed, ApplicationModifyRequest, nil, "Modify Request")
request.AppendChild(ber.NewString(ber.ClassUniversal, ber.TypePrimitive, ber.TagOctetString, m.DN, "DN"))
changes := ber.Encode(ber.ClassUniversal, ber.TypeConstructed, ber.TagSequence, nil, "Changes")
for _, attribute := range m.AddAttributes {
change := ber.Encode(ber.ClassUniversal, ber.TypeConstructed, ber.TagSequence, nil, "Change")
change.AppendChild(ber.NewInteger(ber.ClassUniversal, ber.TypePrimitive, ber.TagEnumerated, uint64(AddAttribute), "Operation"))
for _, attribute := range m.DeleteAttributes {
change := ber.Encode(ber.ClassUniversal, ber.TypeConstructed, ber.TagSequence, nil, "Change")
change.AppendChild(ber.NewInteger(ber.ClassUniversal, ber.TypePrimitive, ber.TagEnumerated, uint64(DeleteAttribute), "Operation"))
for _, attribute := range m.ReplaceAttributes {
change := ber.Encode(ber.ClassUniversal, ber.TypeConstructed, ber.TagSequence, nil, "Change")
change.AppendChild(ber.NewInteger(ber.ClassUniversal, ber.TypePrimitive, ber.TagEnumerated, uint64(ReplaceAttribute), "Operation"))
return request
// NewModifyRequest creates a modify request for the given DN
func NewModifyRequest(
dn string,
) *ModifyRequest {
return &ModifyRequest{
DN: dn,
// Modify performs the ModifyRequest
func (l *Conn) Modify(modifyRequest *ModifyRequest) error {
packet := ber.Encode(ber.ClassUniversal, ber.TypeConstructed, ber.TagSequence, nil, "LDAP Request")
packet.AppendChild(ber.NewInteger(ber.ClassUniversal, ber.TypePrimitive, ber.TagInteger, l.nextMessageID(), "MessageID"))
msgCtx, err := l.sendMessage(packet)
if err != nil {
return err
defer l.finishMessage(msgCtx)
l.Debug.Printf("%d: waiting for response", msgCtx.id)
packetResponse, ok := <-msgCtx.responses
if !ok {
return NewError(ErrorNetwork, errors.New("ldap: response channel closed"))
packet, err = packetResponse.ReadPacket()
l.Debug.Printf("%d: got response %p", msgCtx.id, packet)
if err != nil {
return err
if l.Debug {
if err := addLDAPDescriptions(packet); err != nil {
return err
if packet.Children[1].Tag == ApplicationModifyResponse {
resultCode, resultDescription := getLDAPResultCode(packet)
if resultCode != 0 {
return NewError(resultCode, errors.New(resultDescription))
} else {
log.Printf("Unexpected Response: %d", packet.Children[1].Tag)
l.Debug.Printf("%d: returning", msgCtx.id)
return nil

View File

@ -21,6 +21,8 @@ github.com/Azure/go-autorest/autorest/date
# github.com/Azure/go-autorest/tracing v0.5.0
# github.com/Azure/go-ntlmssp v0.0.0-20200615164410-66371956d46c
# github.com/FZambia/sentinel v1.1.0
## explicit
@ -148,6 +150,8 @@ github.com/casbin/casbin/persist/file-adapter
# github.com/cenkalti/backoff v2.2.1+incompatible
## explicit
# github.com/cespare/xxhash/v2 v2.1.1
# github.com/cloudflare/cfssl v0.0.0-20190510060611-9c027c93ba9e
@ -232,6 +236,12 @@ github.com/exponent-io/jsonpath
# github.com/ghodss/yaml v1.0.0
## explicit
# github.com/go-asn1-ber/asn1-ber v1.5.1
## explicit
# github.com/go-ldap/ldap/v3 v3.2.4
## explicit
# github.com/go-openapi/analysis v0.19.5
@ -502,6 +512,7 @@ golang.org/x/crypto/acme/autocert
@ -638,9 +649,6 @@ google.golang.org/protobuf/runtime/protoimpl
# gopkg.in/asn1-ber.v1 v1.0.0-20150924051756-4e86f4367175
## explicit
# gopkg.in/dancannon/gorethink.v3 v3.0.5
## explicit
# gopkg.in/fatih/pool.v2 v2.0.0
@ -651,9 +659,6 @@ gopkg.in/asn1-ber.v1
# gopkg.in/ini.v1 v1.42.0
# gopkg.in/ldap.v2 v2.5.0
## explicit
# gopkg.in/square/go-jose.v2 v2.3.0
## explicit