Add E2E test for retag

Signed-off-by: FangyuanCheng <>
This commit is contained in:
FangyuanCheng 2018-11-15 18:57:30 +08:00
parent 38c4f12f2e
commit 34dee765ec
4 changed files with 58 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
Documentation This resource provides any keywords related to the Harbor private registry appliance
Resource ../../resources/Util.robot
*** Keywords ***
Retag Image
[Arguments] ${tag} ${projectname} ${reponame} ${tagname}
Click Element xpath=//clr-dg-row[contains(.,"${tag}")]//label
Sleep 1
Click Element xpath=${retag_btn}
Sleep 1
#input necessary info
Input Text xpath=${project-name_xpath} ${projectname}
Input Text xpath=${repo-name_xpath} ${reponame}
Input Text xpath=${tag-name_xpath} ${tagname}
Click Element xpath=${confirm_btn}

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@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
*** Settings ***
Documentation This resource provides any keywords related to the Harbor private registry appliance
*** Variables ***
${retag_btn} //clr-dg-action-bar//button[contains(.,'Retag')]
${project-name_xpath} //*[@id='project-name']
${repo-name_xpath} //*[@id='repo-name']
${tag-name_xpath} //*[@id='tag-name']
${confirm_btn} //button[contains(.,'CONFIRM')]
${target_image_name} target-alpine
${target_tag_value} 3.2.10-target
${tag_value_xpath} //clr-dg-row[contains(.,'${target_tag_value}')]
${image_tag} 3.2.10-alpine

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@ -39,6 +39,8 @@ Resource Harbor-Pages/Project-Repository_Elements.robot
Resource Harbor-Pages/Project-Config.robot
Resource Harbor-Pages/Project-Helmcharts.robot
Resource Harbor-Pages/Project-Helmcharts_Elements.robot
Resource Harbor-Pages/Project-Retag.robot
Resource Harbor-Pages/Project-Retag_Elements.robot
Resource Harbor-Pages/Replication.robot
Resource Harbor-Pages/Replication_Elements.robot
Resource Harbor-Pages/UserProfile.robot

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@ -696,3 +696,28 @@ Test Case - Scan Image On Push
Go Into Repo memcached
Summary Chart Should Display latest
Close Browser
Test Case - Retag A Image Tag
Init Chrome Driver
${random_num1}= Get Current Date result_format=%m%s
${random_num2}= Evaluate str(random.randint(1000,9999)) modules=random
Sign In Harbor ${HARBOR_URL} user028 Test1@34
Create An New Project project${random_num1}
Create An New Project project${random_num2}
Go Into Project project${random_num1}
Sleep 1
Push Image With Tag ${ip} user028 Test1@34 project${random_num1} redis ${image_tag}
Sleep 1
Go Into Repo project${random_num1}/redis
Retag Image ${image_tag} project${random_num2} ${target_image_name} ${target_tag_value}
Back To projects
Go Into Project project${random_num2}
Sleep 1
Page Should Contain ${target_image_name}
Go Into Repo project${random_num2}/${target_image_name}
Sleep 1
Page Should Contain Element xpath=${tag_value_xpath}
Close Browser