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synced 2025-03-02 10:41:59 +01:00
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Test 10-01 Clair can not scan some images
# Purpose:
To verify that clair can not scan some image.
# References:
User guide
# Environment:
* This test requires that a Harbor instance is running and available.
* Harbor is installed with clair enable.
* A linux host with Docker CLI installed.
* Clair has been updated to the latest.
# Test Steps:
1. Login Harbor as admin.
2. Create a project and push an image clair does not recognize(for example: photon).
3. Scan the pushed image.
4. View the scan result.
5. Rescan it.
# Expected Outcome:
* Step3 should show view log link.
* Step4 the scan log should be can not scan.
* Step5 should be the same as step3.
# Possible Problems:
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Test 10-02 Clair scan a image with vulnerability
# Purpose:
To verify that clair can scan a image with vulnerability.
# References:
User guide
# Environment:
* This test requires that a Harbor instance is running and available.
* Harbor is installed with clair enable.
* A linux host with Docker CLI installed.
* Clair has been updated to the latest.
# Test Step
1. Login Harbor as admin.
2. Push an image with vulnerability.
3. Scan the image.
4. Click tag link enter detail page.
5. Rescan the image.
# Expected Outcome:
* Step3 should exist result summary chart.
* Step4 should see cve link and detail is match with summary in step3.
* Step4 cve link should clickable.
* Step5 rescan should successful.
# Possible Problems:
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Test 10-03 Clair scan 0 package image
# Purpose:
To verify clair scan result of a 0 package image.
# References:
User guide
# Environment:
* This test requires that a Harbor instance is running and available.
* Harbor is installed with clair enable.
* A linux host with Docker CLI installed.
* Clair has been updated to the latest.
# Test Step
1. Login Harbor as admin.
2. Create a project.
3. Push a helloworld or busybox image to the created project.
4. Scan the image.
# Expected Outcome:
* Step 4 result should be Severity:Unknown.
# Possible Problems:
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Test 10-04 Clair data not ready hint
# Purpose:
To verify there will be a hint if vulnerability data is not ready.
# References:
User guide
# Environment:
* This test requires that a Harbor instance is running and available.
* Harbor is installed with clair enable.
* A linux host with Docker CLI installed.
* Limit the Harbor's bandwith to less than 1Mbps after Harbor is installed.
# Test Step:
**NOTE:This test need to be done as soon as possible after Harbor is installed**
1. Login Harbor as admin.
2. Go into project page.
3. Go to configuration.
4. Click vulnerability.
# Expected Outcome:
* Step2 should see Vulnerability database might not be fully ready hint.
* Step4 should see a warning symbol with Vulnerability database might not be fully ready hint.
# Possible Problems:
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Test 10-05 Schedule daily scan
# Purpose:
To verify daily scan work correctly
# References:
User guide
# Environment:
* This test requires that a Harbor instance is running and available.
* Harbor is installed with clair enable.
* A linux host with Docker CLI installed.
* Clair has been updated to the latest.
# Test Step
1. Login Harbor as admin.
2. Create at least 3 projects.
3. Push at least 2 images to each project.
4. Schedule a daily scan that time is before current time.
5. Wait one day.
6. Check the timestamp of scan.
7. Schedule a daily scan that time is after current time.
8. Wait until time is after the scheduled time.
9. Check the timestamp of scan.
# Expected Outcome:
* Step6 the timestamp should be the same as scheduled.
* Step9 the timestamp should be the same as scheduled.
# Posssible Problems:
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Test 10-06 Change scan configuration
# Purpose:
To verify scan configuration can be changed correctly.
# References:
User guide
# Environment:
* This test requires that a Harbor instance is running and available.
* Harbor is installed with clair enable.
* A linux host with Docker CLI installed.
# Test Step
1. Login harbor as admin.
2. Push a image to a project.
3. Click configuration.
4. Click vunlerablity.
5. Set scan all to none.
6. Click scan now.
7. Check scan now button.
8. Check the image scan time.
# Expected Outcome:
* Step 4 if a new installed Harbor,vulnerability not ready hit should exist.
* Step 5 schedule time input should disappear.
* Step 7 after click scan now, scan now button should be disabled.
* Step 8 scan timestamp should be the time when click scan now.
# Possible Problems:
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Test 10-07 non-admin can not scan
# Purpose:
To verify a non-admin user can not execute scan action.
# References:
User guide
# Environment:
* This test requires that a Harbor instance is running and available.
* Harbor is installed with clair enable.
* A linux host with Docker CLI installed.
# Test Step
1. Login harbor as non admin user.
2. Create a project.
3. Push an image.
4. Go to project and expand repo.
5. Click tag menu.
# Expected Outcome:
* Step 5 user can not see scan button.
# Possible Problems:
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10-08 user can not pull image exceed vulnerability severity
# Purpose:
To verify user can not pull image exceed vulnerability severity setting.
# Reference:
User guide.
# Environment:
* This test requires that one Harbor instance is running and availiable.
* Harbor is installed with clair enable.
* A Linux host with Docker client installed.
* Clair has been updated to the latest.
# Test Step:
1. Login harbor as admin.
2. Go to configuration.
3. Set vulnerability severity limit to medium and save configuration.
4. Push some images with vulnerability and scan them.
5. On a docker client, user pull an image with high vulneability severity.
# Expect outcome:
* Step5 pull request should be refused.
# Possible problem:
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# Purpose:
To test normal user can pull scaned images.
# Reference:
User guide.
# Environment:
* This test requires that one Harbor instance is running and availiable.
* Harbor is installed with clair enable.
* A Linux host with Docker client installed.
* Clair has been updated to the latest.
* Vulnerability severity limit is disabled.
# Test Step:
In below test, user A is a non-admin user. User A should be replaced by meaningful names.
1. Login as user A.
2. Create a project and push an image.
3. Login as admin and scan the image.
4. On a Docker client, user A pull the scaned image.
# Expect Outcome:
* Step 4 user can pull the image.
# Possible Problems:
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10-10 Manual scan all
# Purpose:
To verify scan all button works correctly.
# Reference:
User guide.
# Environment:
* This test requires that one Harbor instance is running and availiable.
* Harbor is installed with clair enable.
* A Linux host with Docker client installed.
* Clair has been updated to the latest.
# Test Step:
1. Login Harbor as admin.
2. Create several projects.
3. Push some images to each project.
4. Goto configuration and click vulnerability.
5. Click scan all.
6. View scan result.
# Expect Outcome:
* Step6 timestamp should be time when click scan all.
# Possible Problems:
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10-07 user fix vulnerability
# Purpose:
To test clair scan image vulnerablity correct after user fix it.
# Reference:
User guide.
# Environment:
* This test requires that one Harbor instance is running and availiable.
* Harbor is installed with clair enable.
* A Linux host with Docker client installed.
* Clair has been updated to the latest.
# Test Steps:
1. Login Harbor as admin.
2. Push some images with vulnerability.
3. Scan an image with vulnerability and record the result.
4. Upgrade the image to fix vulnearbility.
5. Rescan the same image and check the result.
# Expect Outcome:
* Step5 number of vulnerability should less than step3.
# Possible Problem:
Reference in New Issue
Block a user