The former way to verify project creation is by API calling, but it's not a GUI operation, which is not a goal for operator, so I replace it with GUI verification (#6816)

Signed-off-by: danfengliu <>
This commit is contained in:
danfengliu 2019-01-28 16:32:45 +08:00 committed by GitHub
parent 6888c3247c
commit 9aeb626fe3
No known key found for this signature in database
8 changed files with 62 additions and 45 deletions

View File

@ -22,28 +22,21 @@ ${HARBOR_VERSION} v1.1.1
*** Keywords ***
Create An New Project
[Arguments] ${projectname} ${public}=false
${element}= Set Variable css=${create_project_button_css}
Wait Until Element Is Visible And Enabled ${element}
Click Button ${element}
Navigate To Projects
${element_create_project_button}= Set Variable xpath=${create_project_button_xpath}
Wait Until Element Is Visible And Enabled ${element_create_project_button}
Click Button ${element_create_project_button}
Log To Console Project Name: ${projectname}
${element}= Set Variable xpath=${project_name_xpath}
Wait Until Element Is Visible And Enabled ${element}
Input Text ${element} ${projectname}
${element}= Set Variable xpath=${project_public_xpath}
Run Keyword If '${public}' == 'true' Run Keywords Wait Until Element Is Visible And Enabled ${element} AND Click Element ${element}
${element}= Set Variable xpath=//button[contains(.,'OK')]
Wait Until Element Is Visible And Enabled ${element}
Click Element ${element}
#Try to get Project Infomation 5 times at most and sleep 1 second each time if we fail to get it.
${found_project}= Set Variable ${false}
:For ${n} IN RANGE 1 5
\ ${rc} ${output}= Run And Return Rc And Output curl -u ${HARBOR_ADMIN}:${HARBOR_PASSWORD} -k -X GET --header 'Accept: application/json' ${HARBOR_URL}/api/projects?name=${projectname}
\ Log To Console ${output}
\ ${match} ${regexp_project_name} Should Match Regexp ${output} \"name\"\\s*:\\s*\"(\\w+)\"\\s*,
\ ${found_project} Set Variable If '${rc}' == '0' and '${regexp_project_name}' == '${projectname}' ${true}
\ Run Keyword If ${found_project} == ${true} Exit For Loop
\ Sleep 1
Should Be Equal ${found_project} ${true}
${elemen_project_name}= Set Variable xpath=${project_name_xpath}
Wait Until Element Is Visible And Enabled ${elemen_project_name}
Input Text ${elemen_project_name} ${projectname}
${element_project_public}= Set Variable xpath=${project_public_xpath}
Run Keyword If '${public}' == 'true' Run Keywords Wait Until Element Is Visible And Enabled ${element_project_public} AND Click Element ${element_project_public}
${element_create_project_OK_button_xpath}= Set Variable ${create_project_OK_button_xpath}
Wait Until Element Is Visible And Enabled ${element_create_project_OK_button_xpath}
Click Element ${element_create_project_OK_button_xpath}
Wait Until Page Does Not Contain Element ${create_project_CANCEL_button_xpath}
Go Into Project ${projectname} has_image=${false}
Create An New Project With New User
[Arguments] ${url} ${username} ${email} ${realname} ${newPassword} ${comment} ${projectname} ${public}
@ -72,7 +65,7 @@ Switch To Replication
Click Element xpath=${project_replication_xpath}
Sleep 1
Back To Projects
Navigate To Projects
${element}= Set Variable xpath=${projects_xpath}
Wait Until Element Is Visible And Enabled ${element}
Click Element ${element}
@ -118,11 +111,15 @@ Make Project Public
Delete Repo
[Arguments] ${projectname}
Click Element xpath=//clr-dg-row[contains(.,"${projectname}")]//clr-checkbox-wrapper//label
Wait Until Element Is Enabled //button[contains(.,"Delete")]
Click Element xpath=//button[contains(.,"Delete")]
Wait Until Element Is Visible //clr-modal//button[2]
Click Element xpath=//clr-modal//button[2]
${element_repo_checkbox}= Set Variable xpath=//clr-dg-row[contains(.,"${projectname}")]//clr-checkbox-wrapper//label
Retry Keyword With Element When Error Wait Until Element Is Visible And Enabled ${element_repo_checkbox}
Retry Keyword With Element When Error Click Element ${element_repo_checkbox}
${element_delete_btn}= Set Variable xpath=//button[contains(.,"Delete")]
Retry Keyword With Element When Error Wait Until Element Is Visible And Enabled ${element_delete_btn}
Retry Keyword With Element When Error Click Element ${element_delete_btn}
${element_delete_confirm_btn}= Set Variable xpath=//clr-modal//button[2]
Retry Keyword With Element When Error Wait Until Element Is Visible And Enabled ${element_delete_confirm_btn}
Retry Keyword With Element When Error Click Element ${element_delete_confirm_btn}
Delete Repo on CardView
[Arguments] ${reponame}
@ -134,6 +131,7 @@ Delete Repo on CardView
Delete Project
[Arguments] ${projectname}
Navigate To Projects
Sleep 1
Click Element xpath=//clr-dg-row[contains(.,"${projectname}")]//clr-checkbox-wrapper//label
Sleep 1

View File

@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
Documentation This resource provides any keywords related to the Harbor private registry appliance
*** Variables ***
${create_project_button_css} .btn
${create_project_button_xpath} //clr-main-container//button[contains(., 'New Project')]
${project_name_xpath} //*[@id="create_project_name"]
${project_public_xpath} //input[@name='public']/..//label
${project_save_css} html harbor-app harbor-shell clr-main-container.main-container div.content-container div.content-area.content-area-override project div.row div.col-lg-12.col-md-12.col-sm-12.col-xs-12 div.row.flex-items-xs-between div.option-left create-project clr-modal div.modal div.modal-dialog div.modal-content div.modal-footer button.btn.btn-primary
@ -25,3 +25,8 @@ ${projects_xpath} //clr-main-container//clr-vertical-nav//a[contains(.,'Project
${project_replication_xpath} //project-detail//a[contains(.,'Replication')]
${project_log_xpath} //project-detail//li[contains(.,'Logs')]
${project_member_xpath} //project-detail//li[contains(.,'Members')]
${create_project_OK_button_xpath} xpath=//button[contains(.,'OK')]
${create_project_CANCEL_button_xpath} xpath=//button[contains(.,'CANCEL')]
${project_statistics_private_repository_icon} xpath=//project/div/div/div[1]/div/statistics-panel/div/div[2]/div[1]/div[2]/div[2]/statistics/div/span[1]

View File

@ -59,7 +59,6 @@ Multi-delete Object
\ ${element}= Set Variable xpath=//clr-dg-row[contains(.,'${obj}')]//label
\ Wait Until Element Is Visible And Enabled ${element}
\ Click Element ${element}
Capture Page Screenshot
${element}= Set Variable xpath=//button[contains(.,'Delete')]
Wait Until Element Is Visible And Enabled ${element}

View File

@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ Verify Image Tag
\ Go Into Project ${project} has_image=${has_image}
\ @{repo}= Get Value From Json ${json} $.projects[?(@name=${project})]
\ Loop Image Repo @{repo}
\ Back To Projects
\ Navigate To Projects
Close Browser
Loop Image Repo
@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ Verify Member Exist
\ Switch To Member
\ @{members}= Get Value From Json ${json} $.projects[?(@name=${project})]
\ Loop Member @{members}
\ Back To Projects
\ Navigate To Projects
Close Browser
Loop Member
@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ Verify Project Label
\ @{projectlabel}= Get Value From Json ${json} $.projects[?(${project})]
\ :For ${label} In @{label}
\ \ Page Should Contain ${projectlabel}
\ Back To Projects
\ Navigate To Projects
Close Browser
Verify Endpoint

View File

@ -87,4 +87,16 @@ Retry Keyword When Error
\ Log To Console Return value is ${out}
\ Exit For Loop If '${out[0]}'=='PASS'
\ Sleep 3
Should Be Equal As Strings '${out[0]}' 'PASS'
Retry Keyword With Element When Error
[Arguments] ${keyword} ${element} ${times}=6
#To prevent waiting for a fixed-period of time for page loading and failure caused by exception, we add loop to re-run <Wait Until Element Is Visible And Enabled> when
# exception was caught.
:For ${n} IN RANGE 1 ${times}
\ Log To Console Attampt to wait for ${n} times ...
\ ${out} Run Keyword And Ignore Error ${keyword} ${element}
\ Log To Console Return value is ${out}
\ Exit For Loop If '${out[0]}'=='PASS'
\ Sleep 2
Should Be Equal As Strings '${out[0]}' 'PASS'

View File

@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ Test Case - Delete A Project
Project Should Not Be Deleted project${d}
Go Into Project project${d}
Delete Repo project${d}
Back To Projects
Navigate To Projects
Project Should Be Deleted project${d}
Close Browser
@ -115,7 +115,8 @@ Test Case - Staticsinfo
Init Chrome Driver
${d}= Get Current Date result_format=%m%s
Wait Until Element Is Visible //project/div/div/div[1]/div/statistics-panel/div/div[2]/div[1]/div[2]/div[2]/statistics/div/span[1]
${element}= Set Variable ${project_statistics_private_repository_icon}
Wait Until Element Is Visible ${element}
${privaterepocount1}= Get Statics Private Repo
${privateprojcount1}= Get Statics Private Project
${publicrepocount1}= Get Statics Public Repo
@ -133,9 +134,10 @@ Test Case - Staticsinfo
${publicrepocount}= evaluate ${publicrepocount1}+1
${totalrepocount}= evaluate ${totalrepocount1}+2
${totalprojcount}= evaluate ${totalprojcount1}+2
Wait Until Element Is Visible //project/div/div/div[1]/div/statistics-panel/div/div[2]/div[1]/div[2]/div[2]/statistics/div/span[1]
Navigate To Projects
Wait Until Element Is Visible ${element}
${privaterepocountStr}= Convert To String ${privaterepocount}
Wait Until Element Contains //project/div/div/div[1]/div/statistics-panel/div/div[2]/div[1]/div[2]/div[2]/statistics/div/span[1] ${privaterepocountStr}
Wait Until Element Contains ${element} ${privaterepocountStr}
${privaterepocount2}= Get Statics Private Repo
${privateprojcount2}= get statics private project
${publicrepocount2}= get statics public repo
@ -418,6 +420,7 @@ Test Case - Delete Multi Project
Create An New Project projecta${d}
Create An New Project projectb${d}
Push Image ${ip} user012 Test1@34 projecta${d} hello-world
Navigate To Projects
Filter Object project
Wait Until Element Is Not Visible //clr-datagrid/div/div[2]
Multi-delete Object projecta projectb
@ -587,7 +590,7 @@ Test Case - Manual Scan All
Switch To Configure
Go To Vulnerability Config
Trigger Scan Now
Back To Projects
Navigate To Projects
Go Into Project library
Go Into Repo redis
Summary Chart Should Display latest
@ -671,7 +674,7 @@ Test Case - Retag A Image Tag
Retag Image ${image_tag} project${random_num2} ${target_image_name} ${target_tag_value}
Wait Until Element Is Not Visible css=${modal-dialog}
Back To Projects
Navigate To Projects
Go Into Project project${random_num2}
Sleep 1
Page Should Contain ${target_image_name}
@ -688,7 +691,7 @@ Test Case - Scan Image On Push
Goto Project Config
Enable Scan On Push
Push Image ${ip} ${HARBOR_ADMIN} ${HARBOR_PASSWORD} library memcached
Back To Projects
Navigate To Projects
Go Into Project library
Go Into Repo memcached
Summary Chart Should Display latest
@ -717,7 +720,7 @@ Test Case - Project Level Image Serverity Policy
Go Into Project project${d}
Go Into Repo haproxy
Scan Repo latest Succeed
Back To Projects
Navigate To Projects
Go Into Project project${d}
Set Vulnerabilty Serverity 0
Cannot pull image ${ip} ${HARBOR_ADMIN} ${HARBOR_PASSWORD} project${d} haproxy

View File

@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ Test Case - System Admin On-board New Member
Switch To User Tag
Page Should Not Contain mike02
Back To Projects
Navigate To Projects
Create An New Project project${d}
Go Into Project project${d} has_image=${false}
Switch To Member

View File

@ -455,7 +455,7 @@ Test Case - Manual Scan All
Switch To Configure
Go To Vulnerability Config
Trigger Scan Now
Back To Projects
Navigate To Projects
Go Into Project library
Go Into Repo redis
Summary Chart Should Display latest
@ -468,7 +468,7 @@ Test Case - Project Level Image Serverity Policy
Go Into Project library
Go Into Repo haproxy
Scan Repo latest Succeed
Back To Projects
Navigate To Projects
Go Into Project library
Set Vulnerabilty Serverity 0
Cannot pull image ${ip} ${HARBOR_ADMIN} ${HARBOR_PASSWORD} library haproxy
@ -524,7 +524,7 @@ Test Case - Delete A Project
Project Should Not Be Deleted project${d}
Go Into Project project${d}
Delete Repo project${d}
Back To Projects
Navigate To Projects
Project Should Be Deleted project${d}
Close Browser
@ -680,7 +680,7 @@ Test Case - Scan Image On Push
Goto Project Config
Enable Scan On Push
Push Image ${ip} ${HARBOR_ADMIN} ${HARBOR_PASSWORD} library memcached
Back To Projects
Navigate To Projects
Go Into Project library
Go Into Repo memcached
Summary Chart Should Display latest