mirror of
synced 2025-03-11 14:09:55 +01:00
revise gc job to align non blocking gc (#12439)
two phases: 1, mark, select the gc candidates bases on the DB and mark them as status delete. 2, sweep, select the candidate and mark it as status deleting and remove it from backend and database. Signed-off-by: wang yan <wangyan@vmware.com>
This commit is contained in:
@ -15,8 +15,11 @@
package gc
package gc
import (
import (
blob_models "github.com/goharbor/harbor/src/pkg/blob/models"
@ -27,8 +30,6 @@ import (
@ -37,21 +38,6 @@ import (
var (
var (
regCtlInit = registryctl.Init
regCtlInit = registryctl.Init
getReadOnly = func(cfgMgr *config.CfgManager) (bool, error) {
if err := cfgMgr.Load(); err != nil {
return false, err
return cfgMgr.Get(common.ReadOnly).GetBool(), nil
setReadOnly = func(cfgMgr *config.CfgManager, switcher bool) error {
cfg := map[string]interface{}{
common.ReadOnly: switcher,
return cfgMgr.Save()
const (
const (
@ -71,10 +57,16 @@ type GarbageCollector struct {
projectCtl project.Controller
projectCtl project.Controller
registryCtlClient client.Client
registryCtlClient client.Client
logger logger.Interface
logger logger.Interface
cfgMgr *config.CfgManager
CoreURL string
redisURL string
redisURL string
deleteUntagged bool
deleteUntagged bool
dryRun bool
// holds all of trashed artifacts' digest and repositories.
// The source data of trashedArts is the table ArtifactTrash and it's only used as a dictionary by sweep when to delete a manifest.
// As table blob has no repositories data, and the repositories are required when to delete a manifest, so use the table ArtifactTrash to capture them.
trashedArts map[string][]string
// hold all of GC candidates(non-referenced blobs), it's captured by mark and consumed by sweep.
deleteSet []*blob_models.Blob
timeWindowHours int64
// MaxFails implements the interface in job/Interface
// MaxFails implements the interface in job/Interface
@ -97,58 +89,11 @@ func (gc *GarbageCollector) Validate(params job.Parameters) error {
return nil
return nil
// Run implements the interface in job/Interface
// The workflow of GC is:
// 1, set harbor to readonly
// 2, select the candidate artifacts from Harbor DB.
// 3, call registry API(--delete-untagged=false) to delete manifest bases on the results of #2
// 4, clean keys of redis DB of registry, clean artifact trash and untagged from DB.
// 5, roll back readonly.
// More details:
// 1, why disable delete untagged when to call registry API
// Generally because that we introduce Harbor tag in v2.0, it's in database but no corresponding data in registry.
// Also one failure case example:
// there are two parts for putting an manifest in Harbor: write database and write storage, but they're not in a transaction,
// which leads to the data mismatching in parallel pushing images with same tag but different digest. The valid artifact in
// harbor DB could be a untagged one in the storage. If we enable the delete untagged, the valid data could be removed from the storage.
// 2, what to be cleaned
// > the deleted artifact, bases on table of artifact_trash and artifact
// > the untagged artifact(optional), bases on table of artifact.
func (gc *GarbageCollector) Run(ctx job.Context, params job.Parameters) error {
if err := gc.init(ctx, params); err != nil {
return err
readOnlyCur, err := getReadOnly(gc.cfgMgr)
if err != nil {
return err
if readOnlyCur != true {
if err := setReadOnly(gc.cfgMgr, true); err != nil {
return err
defer setReadOnly(gc.cfgMgr, readOnlyCur)
gc.logger.Infof("start to run gc in job.")
if err := gc.deleteCandidates(ctx); err != nil {
gc.logger.Errorf("failed to delete GC candidates in gc job, with error: %v", err)
gcr, err := gc.registryCtlClient.StartGC()
if err != nil {
gc.logger.Errorf("failed to get gc result: %v", err)
return err
if err := gc.cleanCache(); err != nil {
return err
gc.logger.Infof("GC results: status: %t, message: %s, start: %s, end: %s.", gcr.Status, gcr.Msg, gcr.StartTime, gcr.EndTime)
gc.logger.Infof("success to run gc in job.")
return nil
func (gc *GarbageCollector) init(ctx job.Context, params job.Parameters) error {
func (gc *GarbageCollector) init(ctx job.Context, params job.Parameters) error {
gc.logger = ctx.GetLogger()
gc.logger = ctx.GetLogger()
gc.deleteSet = make([]*blob_models.Blob, 0)
gc.trashedArts = make(map[string][]string, 0)
opCmd, flag := ctx.OPCommand()
opCmd, flag := ctx.OPCommand()
if flag && opCmd.IsStop() {
if flag && opCmd.IsStop() {
gc.logger.Info("received the stop signal, quit GC job.")
gc.logger.Info("received the stop signal, quit GC job.")
@ -166,19 +111,16 @@ func (gc *GarbageCollector) init(ctx job.Context, params job.Parameters) error {
gc.logger.Errorf("failed to start gc as registry controller is unreachable: %v", err)
gc.logger.Errorf("failed to start gc as registry controller is unreachable: %v", err)
return err
return err
return nil
errTpl := "failed to get required property: %s"
// parseParams set the parameters according to the GC API call.
if v, ok := ctx.Get(common.CoreURL); ok && len(v.(string)) > 0 {
func (gc *GarbageCollector) parseParams(params job.Parameters) {
gc.CoreURL = v.(string)
// redis url
} else {
return fmt.Errorf(errTpl, common.CoreURL)
secret := os.Getenv("JOBSERVICE_SECRET")
configURL := gc.CoreURL + common.CoreConfigPath
gc.cfgMgr = config.NewRESTCfgManager(configURL, secret)
gc.redisURL = params["redis_url_reg"].(string)
gc.redisURL = params["redis_url_reg"].(string)
// default is to delete the untagged artifact
// delete untagged: default is to delete the untagged artifact
gc.deleteUntagged = true
gc.deleteUntagged = true
deleteUntagged, exist := params["delete_untagged"]
deleteUntagged, exist := params["delete_untagged"]
if exist {
if exist {
@ -186,6 +128,174 @@ func (gc *GarbageCollector) init(ctx job.Context, params job.Parameters) error {
gc.deleteUntagged = untagged
gc.deleteUntagged = untagged
// time window: default is 2 hours, and for testing/debugging, it can be set to 0.
gc.timeWindowHours = 2
timeWindow, exist := params["time_window"]
if exist {
if timeWindowHours, ok := timeWindow.(string); ok {
str, err := strconv.ParseInt(timeWindowHours, 10, 64)
if err != nil {
gc.logger.Warningf("wrong type of time windows, set the default value. %v", err)
} else {
gc.timeWindowHours = str
// dry run: default is false. And for dry run we can have button in the UI.
gc.dryRun = false
dryRun, exist := params["dry_run"]
if exist {
if dryRun, ok := dryRun.(bool); ok && dryRun {
gc.dryRun = dryRun
// Run implements the interface in job/Interface
func (gc *GarbageCollector) Run(ctx job.Context, params job.Parameters) error {
if err := gc.init(ctx, params); err != nil {
return err
gc.logger.Infof("start to run gc in job.")
// mark
if err := gc.mark(ctx); err != nil {
gc.logger.Errorf("failed to execute GC job at mark phase, error: %v", err)
return err
// sweep
if !gc.dryRun {
if err := gc.sweep(ctx); err != nil {
gc.logger.Errorf("failed to execute GC job at sweep phase, error: %v", err)
return err
if err := gc.cleanCache(); err != nil {
return err
gc.logger.Infof("success to run gc in job.")
return nil
// mark
func (gc *GarbageCollector) mark(ctx job.Context) error {
arts, err := gc.deletedArt(ctx)
if err != nil {
gc.logger.Errorf("failed to get deleted Artifacts in gc job, with error: %v", err)
return err
// no need to execute GC as there is no removed artifacts.
// Do this is to handle if user trigger GC job several times, only one job should do the following logic as artifact trash table is flushed.
if len(arts) == 0 {
gc.logger.Info("no need to execute GC as there is no removed artifacts.")
return nil
gc.trashedArts = arts
// get gc candidates, and set the repositories.
// AS the reference count is calculated by joining table project_blob and blob, here needs to call removeUntaggedBlobs to remove these non-used blobs from table project_blob firstly.
if !gc.dryRun {
blobs, err := gc.blobMgr.UselessBlobs(ctx.SystemContext(), gc.timeWindowHours)
if err != nil {
gc.logger.Errorf("failed to get gc candidate: %v", err)
return err
if len(blobs) == 0 {
gc.logger.Info("no need to execute GC as there is no non referenced artifacts.")
return nil
// update delete status for the candidates.
blobCt := 0
mfCt := 0
for _, blob := range blobs {
if !gc.dryRun {
blob.Status = blob_models.StatusDelete
_, err := gc.blobMgr.UpdateBlobStatus(ctx.SystemContext(), blob)
if err != nil {
gc.logger.Warningf("failed to mark gc candidate, skip it.: %s, error: %v", blob.Digest, err)
gc.logger.Infof("blob eligible for deletion: %s", blob.Digest)
gc.deleteSet = append(gc.deleteSet, blob)
// as table blob has no repository name, here needs to use the ArtifactTrash to fill it in.
if blob.IsManifest() {
} else {
gc.logger.Infof("%d blobs and %d manifests eligible for deletion", blobCt, mfCt)
return nil
func (gc *GarbageCollector) sweep(ctx job.Context) error {
gc.logger = ctx.GetLogger()
for _, blob := range gc.deleteSet {
// set the status firstly, if the blob is updated by any HEAD/PUT request, it should be fail and skip.
blob.Status = blob_models.StatusDeleting
_, err := gc.blobMgr.UpdateBlobStatus(ctx.SystemContext(), blob)
if err != nil {
gc.logger.Errorf("failed to mark gc candidate deleting, skip: %s, %s", blob.Digest, blob.Status)
// remove tags and revisions of a manifest
if _, exist := gc.trashedArts[blob.Digest]; exist && blob.IsManifest() {
for _, repo := range gc.trashedArts[blob.Digest] {
// Harbor cannot know the existing tags in the backend from its database, so let the v2 DELETE manifest to remove all of them.
gc.logger.Infof("delete the manifest with registry v2 API: %s, %s, %s",
repo, blob.ContentType, blob.Digest)
if err := v2DeleteManifest(repo, blob.Digest); err != nil {
gc.logger.Errorf("failed to delete manifest with v2 API, %s, %s, %v", repo, blob.Digest, err)
if err := gc.markDeleteFailed(ctx, blob); err != nil {
return err
return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to delete manifest with v2 API: %s, %s", repo, blob.Digest)
// for manifest, it has to delete the revisions folder of each repository
gc.logger.Infof("delete manifest from storage: %s", blob.Digest)
if err := ignoreNotFound(func() error {
return gc.registryCtlClient.DeleteManifest(repo, blob.Digest)
}); err != nil {
if err := gc.markDeleteFailed(ctx, blob); err != nil {
return err
return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to remove manifest from storage: %s, %s", repo, blob.Digest)
// delete all of blobs, which include config, layer and manifest
gc.logger.Infof("delete blob from storage: %s", blob.Digest)
if err := ignoreNotFound(func() error {
return gc.registryCtlClient.DeleteBlob(blob.Digest)
}); err != nil {
if err := gc.markDeleteFailed(ctx, blob); err != nil {
return err
return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to delete blob from storage: %s, %s", blob.Digest, blob.Status)
// remove the blob record
if err := ignoreNotFound(func() error {
return gc.blobMgr.Delete(ctx.SystemContext(), blob.ID)
}); err != nil {
if err := gc.markDeleteFailed(ctx, blob); err != nil {
return err
return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to delete blob from database: %s, %s", blob.Digest, blob.Status)
return nil
return nil
@ -222,10 +332,10 @@ func (gc *GarbageCollector) cleanCache() error {
return nil
return nil
// deleteCandidates deletes the two parts of artifact from harbor DB
// deletedArt contains the two parts of artifact
// 1, required part, the artifacts were removed from Harbor.
// 1, required part, the artifacts were removed from Harbor.
// 2, optional part, the untagged artifacts.
// 2, optional part, the untagged artifacts.
func (gc *GarbageCollector) deleteCandidates(ctx job.Context) error {
func (gc *GarbageCollector) deletedArt(ctx job.Context) (map[string][]string, error) {
if os.Getenv("UTTEST") == "true" {
if os.Getenv("UTTEST") == "true" {
gc.logger = ctx.GetLogger()
gc.logger = ctx.GetLogger()
@ -234,12 +344,15 @@ func (gc *GarbageCollector) deleteCandidates(ctx job.Context) error {
defer func() {
defer func() {
if flushTrash {
if flushTrash {
gc.logger.Info("flush artifact trash")
gc.logger.Info("flush artifact trash")
if err := gc.artrashMgr.Flush(ctx.SystemContext(), 0); err != nil {
if err := gc.artrashMgr.Flush(ctx.SystemContext(), gc.timeWindowHours); err != nil {
gc.logger.Errorf("failed to flush artifact trash: %v", err)
gc.logger.Errorf("failed to flush artifact trash: %v", err)
arts := make([]model.ArtifactTrash, 0)
// artMap : map[digest : []repo list]
artMap := make(map[string][]string)
// handle the optional ones, and the artifact controller will move them into trash.
// handle the optional ones, and the artifact controller will move them into trash.
if gc.deleteUntagged {
if gc.deleteUntagged {
untagged, err := gc.artCtl.List(ctx.SystemContext(), &q.Query{
untagged, err := gc.artCtl.List(ctx.SystemContext(), &q.Query{
@ -248,7 +361,7 @@ func (gc *GarbageCollector) deleteCandidates(ctx job.Context) error {
}, nil)
}, nil)
if err != nil {
if err != nil {
return err
return artMap, err
gc.logger.Info("start to delete untagged artifact.")
gc.logger.Info("start to delete untagged artifact.")
for _, art := range untagged {
for _, art := range untagged {
@ -263,22 +376,29 @@ func (gc *GarbageCollector) deleteCandidates(ctx job.Context) error {
gc.logger.Info("end to delete untagged artifact.")
gc.logger.Info("end to delete untagged artifact.")
// handle the trash
// filter gets all of deleted artifact, here do not need time window as the manifest candidate has to remove all of its reference.
required, err := gc.artrashMgr.Filter(ctx.SystemContext(), 0)
arts, err := gc.artrashMgr.Filter(ctx.SystemContext(), 0)
if err != nil {
if err != nil {
return err
return artMap, err
gc.logger.Info("required candidate: %+v", required)
for _, art := range required {
// the repositories of blob is needed when to delete as a manifest.
if err := deleteManifest(art.RepositoryName, art.Digest); err != nil {
for _, art := range arts {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to delete manifest, %s:%s with error: %v", art.RepositoryName, art.Digest, err)
_, exist := artMap[art.Digest]
if !exist {
artMap[art.Digest] = []string{art.RepositoryName}
} else {
repos := artMap[art.Digest]
repos = append(repos, art.RepositoryName)
artMap[art.Digest] = repos
gc.logger.Infof("delete the manifest with registry v2 API: RepositoryName(%s)-MediaType:(%s)-Digest:(%s)",
art.RepositoryName, art.ManifestMediaType, art.Digest)
gc.logger.Info("end to delete required artifact.")
gc.logger.Info("required candidate: %+v", arts)
if !gc.dryRun {
flushTrash = true
flushTrash = true
return nil
return artMap, nil
// clean the untagged blobs in each project, these blobs are not referenced by any manifest and will be cleaned by GC
// clean the untagged blobs in each project, these blobs are not referenced by any manifest and will be cleaned by GC
@ -320,6 +440,7 @@ func (gc *GarbageCollector) removeUntaggedBlobs(ctx job.Context) {
for project := range projects {
for project := range projects {
all, err := gc.blobMgr.List(ctx.SystemContext(), blob.ListParams{
all, err := gc.blobMgr.List(ctx.SystemContext(), blob.ListParams{
ProjectID: project.ProjectID,
ProjectID: project.ProjectID,
UpdateTime: time.Now().Add(-time.Duration(gc.timeWindowHours) * time.Hour),
if err != nil {
if err != nil {
gc.logger.Errorf("failed to get blobs of project, %v", err)
gc.logger.Errorf("failed to get blobs of project, %v", err)
@ -331,3 +452,14 @@ func (gc *GarbageCollector) removeUntaggedBlobs(ctx job.Context) {
// markDeleteFailed set the blob status to StatusDeleteFailed
func (gc *GarbageCollector) markDeleteFailed(ctx job.Context, blob *blob_models.Blob) error {
blob.Status = blob_models.StatusDeleteFailed
_, err := gc.blobMgr.UpdateBlobStatus(ctx.SystemContext(), blob)
if err != nil {
gc.logger.Errorf("failed to mark gc candidate delete failed: %s, %s", blob.Digest, blob.Status)
return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to mark gc candidate delete failed: %s, %s", blob.Digest, blob.Status)
return nil
@ -1,13 +1,14 @@
package gc
package gc
import (
import (
commom_regctl "github.com/goharbor/harbor/src/common/registryctl"
commom_regctl "github.com/goharbor/harbor/src/common/registryctl"
pkg_blob "github.com/goharbor/harbor/src/pkg/blob/models"
pkg_blob "github.com/goharbor/harbor/src/pkg/blob/models"
htesting "github.com/goharbor/harbor/src/testing"
artifacttesting "github.com/goharbor/harbor/src/testing/controller/artifact"
artifacttesting "github.com/goharbor/harbor/src/testing/controller/artifact"
projecttesting "github.com/goharbor/harbor/src/testing/controller/project"
projecttesting "github.com/goharbor/harbor/src/testing/controller/project"
mockjobservice "github.com/goharbor/harbor/src/testing/jobservice"
mockjobservice "github.com/goharbor/harbor/src/testing/jobservice"
@ -21,7 +22,7 @@ import (
type gcTestSuite struct {
type gcTestSuite struct {
artifactCtl *artifacttesting.Controller
artifactCtl *artifacttesting.Controller
artrashMgr *trashtesting.FakeManager
artrashMgr *trashtesting.FakeManager
registryCtlClient *registryctl.Mockclient
registryCtlClient *registryctl.Mockclient
@ -29,8 +30,6 @@ type gcTestSuite struct {
blobMgr *blob.Manager
blobMgr *blob.Manager
regCtlInit func()
regCtlInit func()
setReadOnly func(cfgMgr *config.CfgManager, switcher bool) error
getReadOnly func(cfgMgr *config.CfgManager) (bool, error)
func (suite *gcTestSuite) SetupTest() {
func (suite *gcTestSuite) SetupTest() {
@ -41,8 +40,6 @@ func (suite *gcTestSuite) SetupTest() {
suite.projectCtl = &projecttesting.Controller{}
suite.projectCtl = &projecttesting.Controller{}
regCtlInit = func() { commom_regctl.RegistryCtlClient = suite.registryCtlClient }
regCtlInit = func() { commom_regctl.RegistryCtlClient = suite.registryCtlClient }
setReadOnly = func(cfgMgr *config.CfgManager, switcher bool) error { return nil }
getReadOnly = func(cfgMgr *config.CfgManager) (bool, error) { return true, nil }
func (suite *gcTestSuite) TestMaxFails() {
func (suite *gcTestSuite) TestMaxFails() {
@ -60,7 +57,7 @@ func (suite *gcTestSuite) TestValidate() {
func (suite *gcTestSuite) TestDeleteCandidates() {
func (suite *gcTestSuite) TestDeletedArt() {
ctx := &mockjobservice.MockJobContext{}
ctx := &mockjobservice.MockJobContext{}
logger := &mockjobservice.MockJobLogger{}
logger := &mockjobservice.MockJobLogger{}
@ -73,13 +70,22 @@ func (suite *gcTestSuite) TestDeleteCandidates() {
}, nil)
}, nil)
suite.artrashMgr.On("Filter").Return([]model.ArtifactTrash{}, nil)
ID: 1,
Digest: suite.DigestString(),
ManifestMediaType: schema2.MediaTypeManifest,
}, nil)
gc := &GarbageCollector{
gc := &GarbageCollector{
artCtl: suite.artifactCtl,
artCtl: suite.artifactCtl,
artrashMgr: suite.artrashMgr,
artrashMgr: suite.artrashMgr,
arts, err := gc.deletedArt(ctx)
suite.Equal(1, len(arts))
func (suite *gcTestSuite) TestRemoveUntaggedBlobs() {
func (suite *gcTestSuite) TestRemoveUntaggedBlobs() {
@ -127,6 +133,7 @@ func (suite *gcTestSuite) TestInit() {
params := map[string]interface{}{
params := map[string]interface{}{
"delete_untagged": true,
"delete_untagged": true,
"redis_url_reg": "redis url",
"redis_url_reg": "redis url",
"time_window": 1,
suite.Nil(gc.init(ctx, params))
suite.Nil(gc.init(ctx, params))
@ -217,7 +224,6 @@ func (suite *gcTestSuite) TestRun() {
gc := &GarbageCollector{
gc := &GarbageCollector{
artCtl: suite.artifactCtl,
artCtl: suite.artifactCtl,
artrashMgr: suite.artrashMgr,
artrashMgr: suite.artrashMgr,
cfgMgr: config.NewInMemoryManager(),
projectCtl: suite.projectCtl,
projectCtl: suite.projectCtl,
blobMgr: suite.blobMgr,
blobMgr: suite.blobMgr,
registryCtlClient: suite.registryCtlClient,
registryCtlClient: suite.registryCtlClient,
@ -226,11 +232,106 @@ func (suite *gcTestSuite) TestRun() {
"delete_untagged": false,
"delete_untagged": false,
// ToDo add a redis testing pkg, we do have a 'localhost' redis server in UT
// ToDo add a redis testing pkg, we do have a 'localhost' redis server in UT
"redis_url_reg": "redis://localhost:6379",
"redis_url_reg": "redis://localhost:6379",
"time_window": 1,
suite.Nil(gc.Run(ctx, params))
suite.Nil(gc.Run(ctx, params))
func (suite *gcTestSuite) TestMark() {
ctx := &mockjobservice.MockJobContext{}
logger := &mockjobservice.MockJobLogger{}
ID: 1,
RepositoryID: 1,
}, nil)
ID: 1,
Digest: suite.DigestString(),
ManifestMediaType: schema2.MediaTypeManifest,
}, nil)
mock.OnAnything(suite.projectCtl, "List").Return([]*models.Project{
ProjectID: 1234,
Name: "test GC",
}, nil)
mock.OnAnything(suite.blobMgr, "List").Return([]*pkg_blob.Blob{
ID: 1234,
Digest: suite.DigestString(),
Size: 1234,
}, nil)
mock.OnAnything(suite.blobMgr, "CleanupAssociationsForProject").Return(nil)
mock.OnAnything(suite.blobMgr, "UselessBlobs").Return([]*pkg_blob.Blob{
ID: 1,
Digest: suite.DigestString(),
ContentType: schema2.MediaTypeManifest,
ID: 2,
Digest: suite.DigestString(),
ContentType: schema2.MediaTypeLayer,
ID: 3,
Digest: suite.DigestString(),
ContentType: schema2.MediaTypeManifest,
}, nil)
mock.OnAnything(suite.blobMgr, "UpdateBlobStatus").Return(int64(1), nil)
gc := &GarbageCollector{
artCtl: suite.artifactCtl,
artrashMgr: suite.artrashMgr,
projectCtl: suite.projectCtl,
blobMgr: suite.blobMgr,
func (suite *gcTestSuite) TestSweep() {
ctx := &mockjobservice.MockJobContext{}
logger := &mockjobservice.MockJobLogger{}
mock.OnAnything(suite.blobMgr, "UpdateBlobStatus").Return(int64(1), nil)
mock.OnAnything(suite.blobMgr, "Delete").Return(nil)
gc := &GarbageCollector{
artCtl: suite.artifactCtl,
artrashMgr: suite.artrashMgr,
projectCtl: suite.projectCtl,
blobMgr: suite.blobMgr,
registryCtlClient: suite.registryCtlClient,
deleteSet: []*pkg_blob.Blob{
ID: 1,
Digest: suite.DigestString(),
ContentType: schema2.MediaTypeLayer,
func TestGCTestSuite(t *testing.T) {
func TestGCTestSuite(t *testing.T) {
os.Setenv("UTTEST", "true")
os.Setenv("UTTEST", "true")
suite.Run(t, &gcTestSuite{})
suite.Run(t, &gcTestSuite{})
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ package gc
import (
import (
@ -38,8 +39,8 @@ func delKeys(con redis.Conn, pattern string) error {
return nil
return nil
// deleteManifest calls the registry API to remove manifest
// v2DeleteManifest calls the registry API to remove manifest
func deleteManifest(repository, digest string) error {
func v2DeleteManifest(repository, digest string) error {
exist, _, err := registry.Cli.ManifestExist(repository, digest)
exist, _, err := registry.Cli.ManifestExist(repository, digest)
if err != nil {
if err != nil {
return err
return err
@ -54,3 +55,11 @@ func deleteManifest(repository, digest string) error {
return nil
return nil
// ignoreNotFound ignores the NotFoundErr error
func ignoreNotFound(f func() error) error {
if err := f(); err != nil && !errors.IsNotFoundErr(err) {
return err
return nil
@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ package dao
import (
import (
@ -71,9 +72,9 @@ func (d *dao) Filter(ctx context.Context, cutOff time.Time) (arts []model.Artifa
return deletedAfs, err
return deletedAfs, err
sql := `SELECT aft.* FROM artifact_trash AS aft LEFT JOIN artifact af ON (aft.repository_name=af.repository_name AND aft.digest=af.digest) WHERE (af.digest IS NULL AND af.repository_name IS NULL) AND aft.creation_time <= ?`
sql := fmt.Sprintf(`SELECT aft.* FROM artifact_trash AS aft LEFT JOIN artifact af ON (aft.repository_name=af.repository_name AND aft.digest=af.digest) WHERE (af.digest IS NULL AND af.repository_name IS NULL) AND aft.creation_time <= TO_TIMESTAMP('%f')`, float64(cutOff.UnixNano())/float64((time.Second)))
_, err = ormer.Raw(sql, cutOff).QueryRows(&deletedAfs)
_, err = ormer.Raw(sql).QueryRows(&deletedAfs)
if err != nil {
if err != nil {
return deletedAfs, err
return deletedAfs, err
@ -87,11 +88,11 @@ func (d *dao) Flush(ctx context.Context, cutOff time.Time) (err error) {
if err != nil {
if err != nil {
return err
return err
sql := `DELETE FROM artifact_trash where creation_time <= ?`
sql := fmt.Sprintf(`DELETE FROM artifact_trash where creation_time <= TO_TIMESTAMP('%f')`, float64(cutOff.UnixNano())/float64((time.Second)))
if err != nil {
if err != nil {
return err
return err
_, err = ormer.Raw(sql, cutOff).Exec()
_, err = ormer.Raw(sql).Exec()
if err != nil {
if err != nil {
return err
return err
@ -16,8 +16,11 @@ package models
import (
import (
v1 "github.com/opencontainers/image-spec/specs-go/v1"
@ -83,6 +86,12 @@ func (b *Blob) IsForeignLayer() bool {
return b.ContentType == schema2.MediaTypeForeignLayer
return b.ContentType == schema2.MediaTypeForeignLayer
// IsManifest returns true if the blob is manifest layer
func (b *Blob) IsManifest() bool {
return b.ContentType == schema2.MediaTypeManifest || b.ContentType == schema1.MediaTypeManifest ||
b.ContentType == v1.MediaTypeImageManifest || b.ContentType == v1.MediaTypeImageIndex || b.ContentType == manifestlist.MediaTypeManifestList
// ProjectBlob alias ProjectBlob model
// ProjectBlob alias ProjectBlob model
type ProjectBlob = models.ProjectBlob
type ProjectBlob = models.ProjectBlob
@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ class System(base.Base):
def create_gc_schedule(self, schedule_type, cron = None, expect_status_code = 201, expect_response_body = None, **kwargs):
def create_gc_schedule(self, schedule_type, cron = None, expect_status_code = 201, expect_response_body = None, **kwargs):
client = self._get_client(**kwargs)
client = self._get_client(**kwargs)
gc_parameters = {'delete_untagged':True}
gc_parameters = {'delete_untagged':True, 'time_window':'0'}
gc_schedule = swagger_client.AdminJobScheduleObj()
gc_schedule = swagger_client.AdminJobScheduleObj()
gc_schedule.type = schedule_type
gc_schedule.type = schedule_type
Reference in New Issue
Block a user