Add ctr command for pulling oci

1. Manifest list can be pulled by ctr;
2. ui-test missing key checkpoint, fix it by add checking scan detail result;
3. add tag retension untag image test;

Signed-off-by: danfengliu <>
This commit is contained in:
danfengliu 2020-04-22 16:44:10 +08:00
parent 16f6ad3688
commit f8ce615e12
15 changed files with 186 additions and 20 deletions

View File

@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ def cnab_push_bundle(bundle_file, target):
raise Exception(r"Fail to get sha256 in returned data: {}".format(ret))
def push_cnab_bundle(harbor_server, user, password, service_image, invocation_image, target, auto_update_bundle = True):
docker_api.docker_login_cmd(harbor_server, user, password, enable_manifest = False)
bundle_file = load_bundle(service_image, invocation_image)
fixed_bundle_file = cnab_fixup_bundle(bundle_file, target, auto_update_bundle = auto_update_bundle)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import base
import json
import docker_api
def ctr_images_pull(username, password, oci):
command = ["sudo", "ctr", "images", "pull", "-u", username+":"+password, oci]
print "Command: ", command
ret = base.run_command(command)
print "Command return: ", ret
def ctr_images_list(oci_ref = None):
command = ["sudo", "ctr", "images", "list", "--q"]
print "Command: ", command
ret = base.run_command(command)
print "Command return: ", ret
if oci_ref is not None and oci_ref not in ret.split("\n"):
raise Exception(r" Get OCI ref failed, expected ref is [{}], but return ref list is [{}]".format (ret))

View File

@ -11,6 +11,12 @@ except ImportError:
pip.main(['install', 'docker'])
import docker
def docker_info_display():
command = ["docker", "info", "-f", "'{{.OSType}}/{{.Architecture}}'"]
print "Docker Info: ", command
ret = base.run_command(command)
print "Command return: ", ret
def docker_login_cmd(harbor_host, user, password, enable_manifest = True):
command = ["sudo", "docker", "login", harbor_host, "-u", user, "-p", password]
print "Docker Login Command: ", command

View File

@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ def pull_harbor_image(registry, username, password, image, tag, expected_login_e
ret = _docker_api.docker_image_pull(r'{}/{}'.format(registry, image), tag = tag, expected_error_message = expected_error_message)
print ret
def push_image_to_project(project_name, registry, username, password, image, tag, expected_login_error_message = None, expected_error_message = None):
def push_image_to_project(project_name, registry, username, password, image, tag, expected_login_error_message = None, expected_error_message = None, profix_for_image = None):
_docker_api = DockerAPI()
_docker_api.docker_login(registry, username, password, expected_error_message = expected_login_error_message)
@ -24,7 +24,10 @@ def push_image_to_project(project_name, registry, username, password, image, tag
_docker_api.docker_image_pull(image, tag = tag)
new_harbor_registry, new_tag = _docker_api.docker_image_tag(r'{}:{}'.format(image, tag), r'{}/{}/{}'.format(registry, project_name, image))
if profix_for_image == None:
new_harbor_registry, new_tag = _docker_api.docker_image_tag(r'{}:{}'.format(image, tag), r'{}/{}/{}'.format(registry, project_name, image))
new_harbor_registry, new_tag = _docker_api.docker_image_tag(r'{}:{}'.format(image, tag), r'{}/{}/{}/{}'.format(registry, project_name, profix_for_image, image))
_docker_api.docker_image_push(new_harbor_registry, new_tag, expected_error_message = expected_error_message)

View File

@ -134,6 +134,7 @@ class Retention(base.Base):
"kind": "doublestar",
"decoration": "matches",
"pattern": selector_tag

View File

@ -76,11 +76,16 @@ class TestProjects(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEqual(artifacts[0].type, 'CHART')
self.assertEqual(artifacts[0].tags[0].name, self.verion)
#5. Get chart(CA) by reference successfully;
#5.1 Get chart(CA) by reference successfully;
artifact = self.artifact.get_reference_info(TestProjects.project_push_chart_name, self.repo_name, self.verion, **TestProjects.USER_CLIENT)
self.assertEqual(artifact[0].type, 'CHART')
self.assertEqual(artifact[0].tags[0].name, self.verion)
#5.2 Chart bundle can be pulled by ctr successfully;
#oci_ref = harbor_server+"/"+TestProjects.project_push_chart_name+"/"+self.repo_name+":"+self.verion
#library.containerd.ctr_images_pull(user_name, self.user_push_chart_password, oci_ref)
#library.containerd.ctr_images_list(oci_ref = oci_ref)
#6. Get addtion successfully;
addition_r = self.artifact.get_addition(TestProjects.project_push_chart_name, self.repo_name, self.verion, "", **TestProjects.USER_CLIENT)
self.assertIn("Helm Chart for Harbor", addition_r[0])

View File

@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import unittest
import library.repository
import library.cnab
from testutils import ADMIN_CLIENT
from testutils import harbor_server
@ -23,8 +24,9 @@ class TestProjects(unittest.TestCase):
self.artifact = Artifact()
self.repo= Repository()
self.url = ADMIN_CLIENT["endpoint"]
self.user_push_chart_password = "Aa123456"
self.user_push_cnab_password = "Aa123456"
self.cnab_repo_name = "test_cnab"
self.cnab_tag = "test_cnab_tag"
def tearDownClass(self):
@ -60,8 +62,8 @@ class TestProjects(unittest.TestCase):
3. Delete user(UA).
#1. Create a new user(UA);
TestProjects.user_id, user_name = self.user.create_user(user_password = self.user_push_chart_password, **ADMIN_CLIENT)
TestProjects.USER_CLIENT=dict(endpoint = self.url, username = user_name, password = self.user_push_chart_password)
TestProjects.user_id, user_name = self.user.create_user(user_password = self.user_push_cnab_password, **ADMIN_CLIENT)
TestProjects.USER_CLIENT=dict(endpoint = self.url, username = user_name, password = self.user_push_cnab_password)
#2. Create a new project(PA) by user(UA);
@ -69,17 +71,23 @@ class TestProjects(unittest.TestCase):
#3. Pull images for bundle;
_docker_api = DockerAPI()
_docker_api.docker_image_pull("hello-world", tag = "latest")
_docker_api.docker_image_pull("busybox", tag = "latest")
_docker_api.docker_image_pull("alpine", tag = "latest")
_docker_api.docker_image_pull("haproxy", tag = "latest")
#4. Push bundle to harbor as repository(RA);
target = harbor_server + "/" + TestProjects.project_push_bundle_name + "/" + self.cnab_repo_name
reference_sha256 = library.cnab.push_cnab_bundle(harbor_server, user_name, self.user_push_chart_password, "hello-world:latest", "busybox:latest", target)
target = harbor_server + "/" + TestProjects.project_push_bundle_name + "/" + self.cnab_repo_name + ":" + self.cnab_tag
reference_sha256 = library.cnab.push_cnab_bundle(harbor_server, user_name, self.user_push_cnab_password, "alpine:latest", "haproxy:latest", target)
#5. Get repository from Harbor successfully;
index_data = self.repo.get_repository(TestProjects.project_push_bundle_name, self.cnab_repo_name, **TestProjects.USER_CLIENT)
print "index_data:", index_data
#5.2 Cnab bundle can be pulled by ctr successfully;
# This step might not successful since ctr does't support cnab fully, it might be uncomment sometime in future.
# Please keep them in comment!
#library.containerd.ctr_images_pull(user_name, self.user_push_cnab_password, target)
#library.containerd.ctr_images_list(oci_ref = target)
#6. Verfiy bundle name;
self.assertEqual(, TestProjects.project_push_bundle_name + "/" + self.cnab_repo_name)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
from __future__ import absolute_import
import unittest
import urllib
from library.sign import sign_image
from testutils import ADMIN_CLIENT
from testutils import harbor_server
from testutils import TEARDOWN
from library.artifact import Artifact
from library.project import Project
from library.user import User
from library.repository import Repository
from library.repository import push_image_to_project
class TestProjects(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.project = Project()
self.user = User()
self.artifact = Artifact()
self.repo = Repository()
def tearDown(self):
print "Case completed"
@unittest.skipIf(TEARDOWN == False, "Test data won't be erased.")
def test_ClearData(self):
# remove the deletion as the signed image cannot be deleted.
#1. Delete repository(RA) by user(UA);
#self.repo.delete_repoitory(TestProjects.project_sign_image_name, TestProjects.repo_name.split('/')[1], **TestProjects.USER_sign_image_CLIENT)
#2. Delete project(PA);
#self.project.delete_project(TestProjects.project_sign_image_id, **TestProjects.USER_sign_image_CLIENT)
#3. Delete user(UA);
self.user.delete_user(TestProjects.user_sign_image_id, **ADMIN_CLIENT)
def testSignImage(self):
Test case:
Push Image With Special Name
Test step and expected result:
1. Create a new user(UA);
2. Create a new private project(PA) by user(UA);
3. Add user(UA) as a member of project(PA) with project-admin role;
4. Get private project of user(UA), user(UA) can see only one private project which is project(PA);
5. Create a new repository(RA) and tag(TA) in project(PA) by user(UA);
6. Sign image with tag(TA) which was tagged by step #5;
7. Get signature of image with tag(TA), it should be exist.
Tear down:
url = ADMIN_CLIENT["endpoint"]
user_001_password = "Aa123456"
#1. Create user-001
TestProjects.user_sign_image_id, user_sign_image_name = self.user.create_user(user_password = user_001_password, **ADMIN_CLIENT)
TestProjects.USER_sign_image_CLIENT=dict(with_signature = True, endpoint = url, username = user_sign_image_name, password = user_001_password)
#2. Create a new private project(PA) by user(UA);
TestProjects.project_sign_image_id, TestProjects.project_sign_image_name = self.project.create_project(metadata = {"public": "false"}, **ADMIN_CLIENT)
#3. Add user(UA) as a member of project(PA) with project-admin role;
self.project.add_project_members(TestProjects.project_sign_image_id, TestProjects.user_sign_image_id, **ADMIN_CLIENT)
#4. Get private project of user(UA), user(UA) can see only one private project which is project(PA);
self.project.projects_should_exist(dict(public=False), expected_count = 1,
expected_project_id = TestProjects.project_sign_image_id, **TestProjects.USER_sign_image_CLIENT)
image = "hello-world"
src_tag = "latest"
profix = "aaa/bbb"
#5. Create a new repository(RA) and tag(TA) in project(PA) by user(UA);
TestProjects.repo_name, tag = push_image_to_project(TestProjects.project_sign_image_name, harbor_server, user_sign_image_name, user_001_password, image, src_tag, profix_for_image=profix)
#7. Get signature of image with tag(TA), it should be exist.
full_name = urllib.quote(profix+"/"+image,'utf-8')
artifact = self.artifact.get_reference_info(TestProjects.project_sign_image_name, (str(full_name)).encode(), tag, **TestProjects.USER_sign_image_CLIENT)
print artifact
self.assertEqual(artifact[0].type, 'IMAGE')
if __name__ == '__main__':

View File

@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import unittest
import library.repository
import library.docker_api
import library.containerd
from library.base import _assert_status_code
from testutils import ADMIN_CLIENT
from testutils import harbor_server
@ -60,7 +61,8 @@ class TestProjects(unittest.TestCase):
5. Get Artifacts successfully;
6. Get index(IA) by reference successfully;
7. Verify harbor index is index(IA) pushed by docker manifest CLI;
8. Verify harbor index(IA) can be pulled by docker CLI successfully;
8.1 Verify harbor index(IA) can be pulled by docker CLI successfully;
8.2 Verify harbor index(IA) can be pulled by docker CLI successfully;
9. Get addition successfully;
10. Unable to Delete artifact in manifest list;
11. Delete index successfully.
@ -101,9 +103,14 @@ class TestProjects(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEqual(manifests_sha256_harbor_ret.count(manifests_sha256_cli_ret[0]), 1)
self.assertEqual(manifests_sha256_harbor_ret.count(manifests_sha256_cli_ret[1]), 1)
#8. Verify harbor index(IA) can be pulled by docker CLI successfully;
#8.1 Verify harbor index(IA) can be pulled by docker CLI successfully;
pull_harbor_image(harbor_server, user_name, self.user_push_index_password, TestProjects.project_push_index_name+"/"+self.index_name, self.index_tag)
#8.2 Verify harbor index(IA) can be pulled by ctr successfully;
oci_ref = harbor_server+"/"+TestProjects.project_push_index_name+"/"+self.index_name+":"+self.index_tag
library.containerd.ctr_images_pull(user_name, self.user_push_index_password, oci_ref)
library.containerd.ctr_images_list(oci_ref = oci_ref)
#9. Get addition successfully;
addition_v = self.artifact.get_addition(TestProjects.project_push_index_name, self.index_name, self.index_tag, "vulnerabilities", **TestProjects.USER_CLIENT)
self.assertEqual(addition_v[0], '{}')

View File

@ -7,13 +7,14 @@ from testutils import ADMIN_CLIENT
from testutils import TEARDOWN
from testutils import harbor_server
from library.repository import push_special_image_to_project
from library.docker_api import list_image_tags
from library.retention import Retention
from library.project import Project
from library.repository import Repository
from library.user import User
from library.system import System
from library.artifact import Artifact
class TestProjects(unittest.TestCase):
@ -38,6 +39,8 @@ class TestProjects(unittest.TestCase):
self.repo = Repository()
self.project = Project()
self.retention = Retention()
self.artifact = Artifact()
self.repo_name_1 = "test1"
def testTagRetention(self):
user_ra_password = "Aa123456"
@ -51,14 +54,20 @@ class TestProjects(unittest.TestCase):
TestProjects.project_src_repo_id, TestProjects.project_src_repo_name = self.project.create_project(metadata = {"public": "false"}, **TestProjects.USER_RA_CLIENT)
# Push image test1:1.0, test1:2.0, test1:3.0,latest, test2:1.0, test2:latest, test3:1.0
push_special_image_to_project(TestProjects.project_src_repo_name, harbor_server, user_ra_name, user_ra_password, "test1", ['1.0'])
push_special_image_to_project(TestProjects.project_src_repo_name, harbor_server, user_ra_name, user_ra_password, "test1", ['2.0'])
push_special_image_to_project(TestProjects.project_src_repo_name, harbor_server, user_ra_name, user_ra_password, "test1", ['3.0','latest'])
push_special_image_to_project(TestProjects.project_src_repo_name, harbor_server, user_ra_name, user_ra_password, self.repo_name_1, ['1.0'])
push_special_image_to_project(TestProjects.project_src_repo_name, harbor_server, user_ra_name, user_ra_password, self.repo_name_1, ['2.0'])
push_special_image_to_project(TestProjects.project_src_repo_name, harbor_server, user_ra_name, user_ra_password, self.repo_name_1, ['3.0','latest'])
push_special_image_to_project(TestProjects.project_src_repo_name, harbor_server, user_ra_name, user_ra_password, "test2", ['1.0'])
push_special_image_to_project(TestProjects.project_src_repo_name, harbor_server, user_ra_name, user_ra_password, "test2", ['latest'])
push_special_image_to_project(TestProjects.project_src_repo_name, harbor_server, user_ra_name, user_ra_password, "test3", ['1.0'])
push_special_image_to_project(TestProjects.project_src_repo_name, harbor_server, user_ra_name, user_ra_password, "test4", ['1.0'])
tags = list_image_tags(harbor_server, TestProjects.project_src_repo_name+"/"+self.repo_name_1, user_ra_name, user_ra_password)
#Delete all tags of "artifact3" in repostory "image1";
self.artifact.delete_tag(TestProjects.project_src_repo_name, self.repo_name_1, "3.0", "latest",**TestProjects.USER_RA_CLIENT)
self.artifact.delete_tag(TestProjects.project_src_repo_name, self.repo_name_1, "3.0", "3.0",**TestProjects.USER_RA_CLIENT)
tags = list_image_tags(harbor_server, TestProjects.project_src_repo_name+"/"+self.repo_name_1, user_ra_name, user_ra_password)
resp=self.repo.list_repositories(TestProjects.project_src_repo_name, **TestProjects.USER_RA_CLIENT)
self.assertEqual(len(resp), 4)
@ -77,7 +86,13 @@ class TestProjects(unittest.TestCase):
resp=self.retention.get_retention_exec_tasks(retention_id,, **TestProjects.USER_RA_CLIENT)
self.assertEqual(len(resp), 4)
resp=self.retention.get_retention_exec_task_log(retention_id,,resp[0].id, **TestProjects.USER_RA_CLIENT)
#For Debug:
print("Task 0 log begin:-----------------------------")
for line in resp.split("\n"):
print("Line"+str(i)+": "+line)
print("Task 0 log end:-----------------------------")
# Real run
self.retention.trigger_retention_policy(retention_id, dry_run=False, **TestProjects.USER_RA_CLIENT)
@ -94,6 +109,13 @@ class TestProjects(unittest.TestCase):
# resp=self.repo.list_repositories(TestProjects.project_src_repo_id, **TestProjects.USER_RA_CLIENT)
# self.assertEqual(len(resp), 3)
#List artifacts successfully;
artifacts = self.artifact.list_artifacts(TestProjects.project_src_repo_name, self.repo_name_1, **TestProjects.USER_RA_CLIENT)
print artifacts
# 'test1' has 3 artifacts, artifact1 with tag '1.0' and artifact2 with tag '2.0' should be deleted because they doesn't match 'latest'
# artifact3 should be retained because it has no tag, so count of artifacts should be 1.
# TODO: This verfication should be enhanced by verify sha256 at the same time;
def tearDownClass(self):

View File

@ -56,5 +56,5 @@ Add A New User
Retry Text Input xpath=${newPassword_xpath} ${newPassword}
Retry Text Input xpath=${confirmPassword_xpath} ${newPassword}
Retry Text Input xpath=${comment_xpath} ${comment}
Retry Element Click xpath=${save_new_user_button}
Retry Double Keywords When Error Retry Element Click xpath=${save_new_user_button} Retry Wait Until Page Not Contains Element xpath=${save_new_user_button}
Retry Wait Until Page Contains Element xpath=//harbor-user//clr-dg-row//clr-dg-cell[contains(., '${username}')]

View File

@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ Resource ../../resources/Util.robot
*** Keywords ***
View Repo Scan Details
Retry Element Click xpath=${first_repo_xpath}
Capture Page Screenshot viewcve1.png
Capture Page Screenshot
Retry Wait Until Page Contains unknown
Retry Wait Until Page Contains high
Retry Wait Until Page Contains medium

View File

@ -95,3 +95,6 @@ Test Case - Scan All Images
Test Case - Registry API
[Tags] reg_api
Harbor API Test ./tests/apitests/python/
Test Case - Push Image With Special Name
[Tags] special_repo_name
Harbor API Test ./tests/apitests/python/

View File

@ -105,6 +105,7 @@ Test Case - Scan Image On Push
Go Into Project library
Go Into Repo memcached
Summary Chart Should Display latest
View Repo Scan Details
Close Browser
Test Case - View Scan Results

View File

@ -107,6 +107,7 @@ Test Case - Scan Image On Push
Go Into Project library
Go Into Repo memcached
Summary Chart Should Display latest
View Repo Scan Details
Close Browser
Test Case - View Scan Results