- add more cases in the ChartRepositoryAPI controller
- move chart utility testing functions to a separate go file under testing
- ignore testing coverage for testing folder
- update other UT cases to reflect the change of adding chart testing utility functions
Signed-off-by: Steven Zou <szou@vmware.com>
- use unified proxy handler to handle all the proxy traffic
- define interfaces for the handlers
- implement the interface at chart controller level
- refactor UT cases
- update other related reference code
Signed-off-by: Steven Zou <szou@vmware.com>
add chart repo API controller
update GetChartVersion to extract repo name from the request
update the corresponding UI cases
update the chart controller initialization process
pass cache config to the constructor of chart cache
use break loop to instead of return in GetIndexYaml
fix typo reids to redis
pass credential to the reverse proxy and chart client via constructors
add UT cases for cache
add UT cases for ChartOperator
add UT cases for the main API service of chart server
export some consts in the security.go of filter package to let them visible in chartserver package