Build base image step should be in build package workflow, and local base images build by new step should be removed since images have been pushed to docker hub.
Signed-off-by: danfengliu <>
1. Add manifest and CNAB replication tests;
2. Duplicate ORAS and sigularity tests from API test to nightly common
3. Optimize get dns code in CI;
4. Optimize E2E dockerfile;
5. Sample image size should be cover requirement for large size like 512M.
Signed-off-by: danfengliu <>
Robot tests have been always executed in docker container, but API pyt-test is not,
so rebuild Dockerfile for it. During that, some of tools have been upgraded, so API py-test
scripts need some modification.
Signed-off-by: danfengliu <>
1. Upgrade robot-framework to 3.1 and Selenium library to 4.4.0.
2. Fix a registry issue for clear filter text input.
Signed-off-by: danfengliu <>
1. Fix issue that test step descriton was mismatch with test step;
2. Wrong helm command was used in Helm3 test, replace helm with helm3;
3. In API test, images were pulled from docker-hub registry, images size changed sometime, so we like to use internal registry.
Signed-off-by: danfengliu <>
1. update and docker-compose;
2. Install helm and helm3.
3. has been modify by commit image manually, so it should be updated.
4. Keyword <Get Matching Xpath Count> is no longer recommended in
library Selenium2Library. After Dockerfile is updated and image is going
to be rebuiled, library Selenium2Library has be updated to 3.0.0, but
not 1.8.0, so keyword must be upgraded.
Signed-off-by: Danfeng Liu (c) <>