- update the resending logic in the hook agent
- use backoff lib to generate backoff duration
- remove retry cache queue
- leverage reaper to restore the sending if direct retries are all failed
- remove useless funcs/codes
Signed-off-by: Steven Zou <szou@vmware.com>
The version 1.8.0 of "github.com/prometheus/client_golang" bumps up lib "golang.org/x/sys" which referenced by "github.com/docker/docker@1.4.2". The changes of "golang.org/x/sys" causes the compile error in mac
Signed-off-by: Wenkai Yin <yinw@vmware.com>
Versions of the Go AWS SDK newer than 1.23.13 support OIDC in EKS.
Running Harbor on EKS doesn't require keys in a configmap for the
registry to authenticate to S3 when using the newer library.
Signed-off-by: Phil Fenstermacher <pcfens@wm.edu>
Add go build tags for gcs and oss, otherwise these drivers cannot be registered and the error "StorageDriver is not regsited: GCS" will raise on registryctl launch under the setting of GCS storage.
These build tags are designed in the distribution, just refer to https://github.com/docker/distribution/blob/release/2.7/registry/storage/driver/gcs/gcs.go#L13
Pin the google cloud API to a old version is because distribution depends on it, otherwise go mode will use v0.17.0 that go-migrate is using as the dependency version, but this version will break the compile process with following error:
harbor/pkg/mod/google.golang.org/cloud@v0.0.0-20151119220103-975617b05ea8/storage/acl.go:65:16: invalid type assertion: v.(map[string]<inter>) (non-interface type *storage.ObjectAccessControl on left)
that's bacause another dependency google.golang.org/cloud requires the pinned version of google.golang.org/api.
The pinned package should be removed once https://github.com/docker/distribution/pull/3019 is merged, and distribution ships their v2.8.0
Signed-off-by: wang yan <wangyan@vmware.com>
* Add api to delete blob and manifest
Enable the capability of registry controller to delete blob and manifest
Signed-off-by: wang yan <wangyan@vmware.com>
This commit replaces beego's CSRF mechanism with gorilla's csrf library.
The criteria for requests to skip the csrf check remain the same.
Signed-off-by: Daniel Jiang <jiangd@vmware.com>
1. Upgrade beego to v1.12.0
2. Add RequestID middleware to all HTTP requests.
3. Add Orm middleware to v2 and v2.0 APIs.
4. Remove OrmFilter from all HTTP requests.
5. Fix some test cases which cause panic in API controllers.
6. Enable XSRF for test cases of CommonController.
7. Imporve ReadOnly middleware.
Signed-off-by: He Weiwei <hweiwei@vmware.com>
- add DAO layer for scanner registration
- add CURD manager for scanner registration
- add API controller for plug scanner
- add REST APIs for CURD of plug scanner
- add migration sql:0011_1.10.0
- add scan interface definition (no implementations)
- add related UT cases with testify
Signed-off-by: Steven Zou <szou@vmware.com>
This commit bumps up the version of Go to compile the code to v1.12.5,
and shifts to go.mod for managing depedency.
Some code from "harbor/tests" to "harbor/src/testing" to avoid depedency
loop of modules.
Note that in short term we will still vendor the dependency.
Signed-off-by: Daniel Jiang <jiangd@vmware.com>
* Return 404 when the log of task doesn't exist
Return 404 when the log of task doesn't exist
Signed-off-by: Wenkai Yin <yinw@vmware.com>
* Upgrade the distribution and notary library
Upgrade the distribution library to 2.7.1, the notary library to 0.6.1
Signed-off-by: Wenkai Yin <yinw@vmware.com>
The controller will redirect user to the OIDC login page based on
Additionally this commit add some basic code to wrap `oauth2` package
and `provider` in `go-oidc`, and fixed an issue in UT to make
InMemoryDriver for config management thread-safe.
Signed-off-by: Daniel Jiang <jiangd@vmware.com>
* add authn proxy docker login support
User could use the web hook token issued by k8s api server to login to harbor.
The username should add a specific prefix.
Signed-off-by: wang yan <wangyan@vmware.com>
* update code per review comments
Signed-off-by: wang yan <wangyan@vmware.com>
* Add UT for auth proxy modifier
Signed-off-by: wang yan <wangyan@vmware.com>
getting chart list returns chart list instead of map and provides total versions info
getting chart details will return dependencies and values besides the metatdata of the chart version
add chartserver directory to put chart server code
add controller to coordinate the flow
add base/repo/manipulation handlers to handle requests
add operator to parse more details of chart version
call dep ensure
This commit fixes#5040, the harbor-db image will only contain empty
databases, and harbor ui container will use migrate tool to run initial
SQL scripts to do initialization. This is helpful for the case to
configure Harbor against external DB or DBaaS like RDS for HA deployment
However, this change will results some confusion as there are two tables
to track schema versions have been using alembic for migration, for this
release we'll try to use alembic to mock a `migration` table during
upgrade so the migrator will be bypassed, in future we'll consider to
consolidate to the golang based migrator.
Another issue is that the UI and adminserver containers will access DB
after start up in different congurations, can't ensure the sequence, so
both of them will try to update the schema when started up.