# Copyright 2017 VMware, Inc. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License *** Settings *** Documentation This resource contains keywords related to creating and using certificates. Requires scripts in infra/integration-image/scripts be available in PATH *** Keywords *** Generate Certificate Authority # Generates CA (private/ca.key.pem, certs/ca.cert.pem, certs/STARK_ENTERPRISES_ROOT_CA.crt) in OUT_DIR [Arguments] ${CA_NAME}=STARK_ENTERPRISES_ROOT_CA ${OUT_DIR}=/root/ca Log To Console Generating Certificate Authority ${rc} ${out}= Run And Return Rc And Output generate-ca.sh -c ${CA_NAME} -d ${OUT_DIR} Log ${out} Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0 Generate Wildcard Server Certificate # Generates key and signs with CA for *.DOMAIN (csr/*.DOMAIN.csr.pem, # private/*.DOMAIN.key.pem, certs/*.DOMAIN.cert.pem) in OUT_DIR [Arguments] ${DOMAIN}=%{DOMAIN} ${OUT_DIR}=/root/ca ${CA_NAME}=STARK_ENTERPRISES_ROOT_CA Log To Console Generating Wildcard Server Certificate Run Keyword Generate Server Key And CSR *.${DOMAIN} ${OUT_DIR} Run Keyword Sign Server CSR ${CA_NAME} *.${DOMAIN} ${OUT_DIR} Run Keyword Create Certificate Bundle CA_NAME=${CA_NAME} SRC_DIR=${OUT_DIR} CN=*.${DOMAIN} ${out}= Run ls -al ${OUT_DIR}/csr Log ${out} ${out}= Run ls -al ${OUT_DIR}/private Log ${out} ${out}= Run ls -al ${OUT_DIR}/certs Log ${out} Generate Server Key And CSR # Generates key and CSR (private/DOMAIN.key.pem, csr/DOMAIN.csr.pem) in OUT_DIR [Arguments] ${CN}=%{DOMAIN} ${OUT_DIR}=/root/ca Log To Console Generating Server Key And CSR ${out}= Run generate-server-key-csr.sh -d ${OUT_DIR} -n ${CN} Log ${out} Sign Server CSR # Generates certificate signed by CA (certs/DOMAIN.cert.pem) in OUT_DIR [Arguments] ${CA_NAME}=STARK_ENTERPRISES_ROOT_CA ${CN}=%{DOMAIN} ${OUT_DIR}=/root/ca Log To Console Signing Server CSR ${out}= Run sign-csr.sh -c ${CA_NAME} -d ${OUT_DIR} -n ${CN} Log ${out} Trust Certificate Authority # Installs root certificate into trust store on Debian based distro [Arguments] ${CRT_FILE}=/root/ca/certs/STARK_ENTERPRISES_ROOT_CA.crt Log To Console Installing CA ${rc} ${out}= Run And Return Rc And Output ubuntu-install-ca.sh -f ${CRT_FILE} Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0 Log ${out} Reload Default Certificate Authorities # Reloads default certificates into trust store on Debian based distro # Removes all user provided CAs Log To Console Reloading Default CAs ${rc} ${out}= Run And Return Rc And Output ubuntu-reload-cas.sh Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0 Log ${out} Create Certificate Bundle [Arguments] ${CA_NAME}=STARK_ENTERPRISES_ROOT_CA ${SRC_DIR}=/root/ca ${OUT_FILE}=/root/ca/cert-bundle.tgz ${CN}=%{DOMAIN} ${TMP_DIR}=/root/ca/bundle ${rc} ${out}= Run And Return Rc And Output bundle-certs.sh -c ${CA_NAME} -d ${SRC_DIR} -f ${OUT_FILE} -n ${CN} -o ${TMP_DIR} Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0 Log ${out} Get Certificate Authority CRT # Return ascii armored certificate from file e.g. `-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----` [Arguments] ${CA_CRT}=STARK_ENTERPRISES_ROOT_CA.crt ${DIR}=/root/ca/certs ${out}= Run cat ${DIR}/${CA_CRT} [Return] ${out} Get Server Certificate # Return ascii armored certificate from file e.g. `-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----` # PEM must be provided if using a wildcard cert not specified by DOMAIN [Arguments] ${PEM}=%{DOMAIN}.cert.pem ${DIR}=/root/ca/certs ${out}= Run cat ${DIR}/${PEM} [Return] ${out} Get Server Key # Return ascii armored key from file e.g. `-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----` # PEM must be provided if using a wildcard cert not specified by DOMAIN [Arguments] ${PEM}=%{DOMAIN}.key.pem ${DIR}=/root/ca/private ${out}= Run cat ${DIR}/${PEM} [Return] ${out}