CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_task_extra_attrs_report_uuids ON task USING gin ((extra_attrs::jsonb->'report_uuids')); /* Set the vendor_id of IMAGE_SCAN to the artifact id instead of scanner id, which facilitates execution sweep */ UPDATE execution SET vendor_id = (extra_attrs -> 'artifact' ->> 'id')::integer WHERE jsonb_path_exists(extra_attrs::jsonb, '$') AND vendor_id IN (SELECT id FROM scanner_registration) AND vendor_type = 'IMAGE_SCAN'; /* extract score from vendor attribute */ DO $$ BEGIN IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM vulnerability_record WHERE cvss_score_v3 IS NOT NULL LIMIT 1) THEN UPDATE vulnerability_record SET cvss_score_v3 = (vendor_attributes->'CVSS'->'nvd'->>'V3Score')::double precision WHERE jsonb_path_exists(vendor_attributes::jsonb, '$.CVSS.nvd.V3Score'); END IF; END $$; /* to improve the query of dangerousCVESQL it requires to query with vuln_record_id */ CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_report_vulnerability_record_vuln_record_id ON report_vulnerability_record (vuln_record_id); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_vulnerability_record_cvss_score_v3 ON vulnerability_record (cvss_score_v3); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_vulnerability_registration_uuid ON vulnerability_record (registration_uuid); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_vulnerability_record_cve_id ON vulnerability_record (cve_id); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_vulnerability_record_severity ON vulnerability_record (severity); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_vulnerability_record_package ON vulnerability_record (package); /* add summary information in scan_report */ ALTER TABLE scan_report ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS critical_cnt BIGINT; ALTER TABLE scan_report ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS high_cnt BIGINT; ALTER TABLE scan_report ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS medium_cnt BIGINT; ALTER TABLE scan_report ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS low_cnt BIGINT; ALTER TABLE scan_report ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS none_cnt BIGINT; ALTER TABLE scan_report ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS unknown_cnt BIGINT; ALTER TABLE scan_report ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS fixable_cnt BIGINT; /* extract summary information for previous scan_report */ DO $$ DECLARE report RECORD; v RECORD; critical_count BIGINT; high_count BIGINT; none_count BIGINT; medium_count BIGINT; low_count BIGINT; unknown_count BIGINT; fixable_count BIGINT; BEGIN IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM scan_report WHERE critical_cnt IS NOT NULL AND high_cnt IS NOT NULL AND medium_cnt IS NOT NULL AND low_cnt IS NOT NULL AND unknown_cnt IS NOT NULL AND fixable_cnt IS NOT NULL LIMIT 1) THEN RETURN; END IF; FOR report IN SELECT uuid FROM scan_report LOOP critical_count := 0; high_count := 0; medium_count := 0; none_count := 0; low_count := 0; unknown_count := 0; FOR v IN SELECT vr.severity, vr.fixed_version FROM report_vulnerability_record rvr, vulnerability_record vr WHERE rvr.report_uuid = report.uuid AND rvr.vuln_record_id = LOOP IF v.severity = 'Critical' THEN critical_count = critical_count + 1; ELSIF v.severity = 'High' THEN high_count = high_count + 1; ELSIF v.severity = 'Medium' THEN medium_count = medium_count + 1; ELSIF v.severity = 'Low' THEN low_count = low_count + 1; ELSIF v.severity = 'None' THEN none_count = none_count + 1; ELSIF v.severity = 'Unknown' THEN unknown_count = unknown_count + 1; ELSIF v.fixed_version IS NOT NULL THEN fixable_count = fixable_count + 1; END IF; END LOOP; UPDATE scan_report SET critical_cnt = critical_count, high_cnt = high_count, medium_cnt = medium_count, low_cnt = low_count, unknown_cnt = unknown_count WHERE uuid = report.uuid; END LOOP; END $$; /* Refactor the structure of replication schedule callback_func_param, convert the raw id to json object for extending */ /* callback_func_param Old: 100 New: {"policy_id": 100} */ UPDATE schedule SET callback_func_param = json_build_object('policy_id', callback_func_param::int)::text WHERE vendor_type='REPLICATION' AND callback_func_param NOT LIKE '%policy_id%';