--- title: Creating a Replication Rule weight: 25 --- A replication endpoint must exist before you create a replication rule. To create an endpoint, follow the instructions in [Creating Replication Endpoints](create-replication-endpoints.md). 1. Log in to the Harbor interface with an account that has Harbor system administrator privileges. 1. Expand **Administration**, and select **Replications**. ![Add a replication rule](../../../img/replication-rule1.png) 1. Click **New Replication Rule**. 1. Provide a name and description for the replication rule. 1. Select **Push-based** or **Pull-based** replication, depending on whether you want to replicate artifacts to or from the remote registry. ![Replication mode](../../../img/replication-rule2.png) 1. For **Source resource filter**, identify the artifacts to replicate. ![Replication filters](../../../img/replication-rule3.png) * **Name**: Replicate resources with a given name by entering an artifact name or fragment. * **Tag**: Replicate resources with a given tag by entering a tag name or fragment. * **Label**: Replicate resources with a given label by using the drop-down menu to select from the available labels. * **Resource**: Replicate artifacts, charts, or both. The name filter and tag filters support the following patterns: * **\***: Matches any sequence of non-separator characters `/`. * **\*\***: Matches any sequence of characters, including path separators `/`. Note that the doublestar must appear as a path component by itself. A pattern such as /path\*\* is invalid and will be treated the same as /path*, but /path\*/\*\* should achieve the desired result. * **?**: Matches any single non-separator character `/`. * **{alt1,...}**: Matches a sequence of characters if one of the comma-separated alternatives matches. **NOTE:** You must add `library` if you want to replicate the official artifacts of Docker Hub. For example, `library/hello-world` matches the official hello-world artifacts. Pattern | String(Match or not) ---------- | ------- `library/*` | `library/hello-world`(Y)
`library/my/hello-world`(N) `library/**` | `library/hello-world`(Y)
`library/my/hello-world`(Y) `{library,goharbor}/**` | `library/hello-world`(Y)
`google/hello-world`(N) `1.?` | `1.0`(Y)
`1.01`(N) 1. Use the **Destination Registry** drop-down menu to select from the configured replication endpoints. 1. Enter the name of the namespace in which to replicate resources in the **Destination namespace** text box. If you do not enter a namespace, resources are placed in the same namespace as in the source registry. ![Destination and namespaces](../../../img/replication-rule4.png) **NOTE:** Because of major API changes in the v2.0 release to support [OCI](https://github.com/opencontainers/distribution-spec). You **can not** replicate from harbor 1.x to 2.0, and you **can not** replicate artifacts with **manifest list** from 2.0 to 1.x. 1. Use the Trigger Mode drop-down menu to select how and when to run the rule. * **Manual**: Replicate the resources manually when needed. **Note**: Deletion operations are not replicated. * **Scheduled**: Replicate the resources periodically by defining a cron job. **Note**: Deletion operations are not replicated. * **Event Based**: When a new resource is pushed to the project, or an artifact is retagged, it is replicated to the remote registry immediately. If you select the **Delete remote resources when locally deleted**, if you delete an artifact, it is automatically deleted from the replication target. {{< note >}} You can filter artifacts for replication based on the labels that are applied to the artifacts. However, changing a label on an artifact does not trigger replication. Event-based replication is limited to pushing, retagging, and deleting artifacts. {{< /note >}} ![Trigger mode](../../../img/replication-rule5.png) 1. Optionally select the Override checkbox to force replicated resources to replace resources at the destination with the same name. 1. Click **Save** to create the replication rule. ## What to Do Next After you create a replication rule, see [Running Replication Manually](manage-replications.md).