# Assign Users to a Project As a project administrator, you can add any user that is present in the Harbor system to a project, and assign them a role in that project. For more information about users and roles in Harbor, see [User Permissions By Role](..administration/managing_users/user_permissions_by_role.md). ## Prerequisites Log in to Harbor with a Harbor administrator or project administrator account. ## Procedure 1. Select **Projects**, and select the project to which you want to add users. 1. Click the **Members** tab and click **+ User** to add a new user to that project. 1. In the New Member window, configure the user and their level of access. 1. In the **Name** text box, start typing the name of the user and select it from the list. 1. For **Role**, select the appropriate role for that user and click **OK**. ![browse project](../img/new_add_member.png) 1. (Optional) To change the role of a user that is already assigned to the project, select the check box next to a user and select a new role from the **Action** menu. ![Update user role](../img/new_remove_update_member.png) ## What to Do Next TBD