# Migration guide Migration is a module for migrating database schema between different version of project [Harbor](https://github.com/vmware/harbor) This module is for those machine running Harbor's old version, such as 0.1.0. If your Harbor' version is up to date, please ignore this module. **WARNING!!** You must backup your data before migrating ###Installation - step 1: change `db_username`, `db_password`, `db_port`, `db_name` in migration.cfg - step 2: build image from dockerfile ``` cd harbor-migration docker build -t your-image-name . ``` ###Migrate Step - step 1: stop and remove Harbor service ``` docker-compose down ``` - step 2: create backup file in `/path/to/backup` ``` docker run -ti --rm -v /data/database:/var/lib/mysql -v /path/to/backup:/harbor-migration/backup migrate-tool backup ``` - step 3: perform database schema upgrade ```docker run -ti --rm -v /data/database:/var/lib/mysql migrate-tool up head``` - step 4: rebuild newest Harbor images and restart service ``` docker-compose build && docker-compose up -d ``` You may change `/data/database` to the mysql volumes path you set in docker-compose.yml. ###Migration operation reference - You can use `help` to show instruction of harbor-migration ```docker run migrate-tool help``` - You can use `test` to test mysql connection in harbor-migration ```docker run --rm -v /data/database:/var/lib/mysql migrate-tool test``` - You can restore from backup file in `/path/to/backup` ``` docker run -ti --rm -v /data/database:/var/lib/mysql -v /path/to/backup:/harbor-migration/backup migrate-tool restore ```