import yaml import click import importlib import os from collections import deque class MigratioNotFound(Exception): ... class MigrationVersion: ''' The version used to migration Arttribute: name(str): version name like `1.0.0` module: the python module object for a specific migration which contains migrate info, codes and templates down_versions(list): previous versions that can migrated to this version ''' def __init__(self, version: str): = version self.module = importlib.import_module("migrations.version_{}".format(version.replace(".","_"))) @property def down_versions(self): return self.module.down_revisions def read_conf(path): with open(path) as f: try: d = yaml.safe_load(f) except Exception as e: click.echo("parse config file err, make sure your harbor config version is above 1.8.0", e) exit(-1) return d def search(input_version: str, target_version: str) -> list : """ Find the migration path by BFS Args: input_version(str): The version migration start from target_version(str): The target version migrated to Returns: list: the module of migrations in the upgrade path """ upgrade_path = [] next_version, visited, q = {}, set(), deque() q.append(target_version) found = False while q: # BFS to find a valid path version = MigrationVersion(q.popleft()) visited.add( if == input_version: found = True break # break loop cause migration path found for v in version.down_versions: next_version[v] = if v not in (visited.union(q)): q.append(v) if not found: raise MigratioNotFound('no migration path found to target version') current_version = MigrationVersion(input_version) while != target_version: current_version = MigrationVersion(next_version[]) upgrade_path.append(current_version) return list(map(lambda x: x.module, upgrade_path))