# Copyright Project Harbor Authors # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License *** Settings *** Documentation This resource provides any keywords related to the Harbor private registry appliance Resource ../../resources/Util.robot *** Variables *** ${HARBOR_VERSION} v1.1.1 *** Keywords *** Check New Rule UI Without Endpoint Retry Element Click ${new_replication-rule_button} Page Should Contain Please add an endpoint first Retry Element Click ${link_to_registries} Retry Wait Until Page Contains Endpoint URL Retry Wait Element ${new_endpoint_button} Create A New Endpoint [Arguments] ${provider} ${name} ${url} ${username} ${pwd} ${save}=Y #click new button Retry Element Click xpath=${new_endpoint_button} #input necessary info Select From List By Value ${provider_selector} ${provider} Retry Text Input xpath=${destination_name_xpath} ${name} Run Keyword If '${provider}' != 'docker-hub' Run keyword Retry Text Input xpath=${destination_url_xpath} ${url} Retry Text Input xpath=${destination_username_xpath} ${username} Retry Text Input xpath=${destination_password_xpath} ${pwd} #cancel verify cert since we use a selfsigned cert Retry Element Click ${destination_insecure_xpath} Run Keyword If '${save}' == 'Y' Run keyword Retry Double Keywords When Error Retry Element Click ${replication_save_xpath} Retry Wait Until Page Not Contains Element ${replication_save_xpath} Run Keyword If '${save}' == 'Y' Run keyword Retry Wait Until Page Contains ${name} Run Keyword If '${save}' == 'N' No Operation Create A Rule With Existing Endpoint [Arguments] ${name} ${replication_mode} ${project_name} ${resource_type} ${endpoint} ${dest_namespace_input} ... ${mode}=Manual #click new Retry Element Click ${new_name_xpath} #input name Retry Text Input ${rule_name} ${name} Run Keyword If '${replication_mode}' == 'push' Run Keywords Retry Element Click ${replication_mode_radio_push} ... AND Retry Element Click //select[@id='dest_registry'] ... AND Retry Element Click //select[@id='dest_registry']//option[contains(.,'${endpoint}')] ... ELSE Run Keywords Retry Element Click ${replication_mode_radio_pull} ... AND Retry Element Click //select[@id='src_registry_id'] ... AND Retry Element Click //select[@id='src_registry_id']//option[contains(.,'${endpoint}')] #set filter Retry Text Input ${source_project} ${project_name} Run Keyword And Ignore Error Select From List By Value ${rule_resource_selector} ${resource_type} Retry Text Input ${dest_namespace_xpath} ${dest_namespace_input} #set trigger Retry Element Click //select[@id='ruleTrigger'] Retry Element Click //select[@id='ruleTrigger']//option[contains(.,'${mode}')] Run Keyword If '${mode}' == 'Scheduled' Log To Console Scheduled #click save Retry Double Keywords When Error Retry Element Click ${rule_save_button} Retry Wait Until Page Not Contains Element ${rule_save_button} Project Create A Rule With Existing Endpoint # day 1=Monday..7=Sunday timeformat 12hour+am/pm [Arguments] ${name} ${project_name} ${endpoint} ${mode} ${plan}=Daily ${weekday}=1 ${time}=0800a #click new Retry Element Click ${new_name_xpath} #input name Retry Text Input ${rule_name} ${name} #input descripiton,here skip, leave it blank #in this keyword, source project is not need to input #set filter Retry Element Click ${source_image_filter_add} Retry Text Input ${source_iamge_repo_filter} * Retry Element Click ${source_image_filter_add} Retry Text Input ${source_image_tag_filter} * #select endpoint Retry Element Click ${rule_target_select} Wait Until Element Is Visible //select[@id='ruleTarget']//option[contains(.,'${endpoint}')] Retry Element Click //select[@id='ruleTarget']//option[contains(.,'${endpoint}')] #set trigger Retry Element Click ${rule_trigger_select} Wait Until Element Is Visible //select[@id='ruleTrigger']//option[contains(.,'${mode}')] Retry Element Click //select[@id='ruleTrigger']//option[contains(.,'${mode}')] Run Keyword If '${mode}' == 'Scheduled' Setting Replication Schedule ${plan} ${weekday} ${time} #click save Retry Element Click ${rule_save_button} Setting Replication Schedule [Arguments] ${plan} ${weekday}=1 ${time}=0800a Retry Element Click ${schedule_type_select} Wait Until Element Is Visible //select[@name='scheduleType']/option[@value='${plan}'] Retry Element Click //select[@name='scheduleType']/option[@value='${plan}'] Run Keyword If '${plan}' == 'Weekly' Setting Replication Weekday ${weekday} Retry Text Input ${shcedule_time} ${time} Setting Replication Weekday [arguments] ${day} Retry Element Click ${schedule_day_select} Wait Until Element Is Visible //select[@name='scheduleDay']/option[@value='${day}'] Retry Element Click //select[@name='scheduleDay']/option[@value='${day}'] Endpoint Is Unpingable Retry Element Click ${ping_test_button} Wait Until Page Contains Failed Endpoint Is Pingable Retry Element Click ${ping_test_button} Wait Until Page Contains successfully Disable Certificate Verification Checkbox Should Be Selected ${destination_insecure_checkbox} Retry Element Click ${destination_insecure_xpath} Sleep 1 Enable Certificate Verification Checkbox Should Not Be Selected ${destination_insecure_checkbox} Retry Element Click ${destination_insecure_xpath} Sleep 1 Switch To Registries Retry Element Click ${nav_to_registries} Sleep 1 Switch To Replication Manage Retry Element Click ${nav_to_replications} Sleep 1 Trigger Replication Manual [Arguments] ${rule} Retry Element Click ${rule_filter_search} Retry Text Input ${rule_filter_input} ${rule} Retry Element Click //clr-dg-row[contains(.,'${rule}')]//label Retry Element Click ${action_bar_replicate} Retry Wait Until Page Contains Element ${dialog_replicate} #change from click to mouse down and up Mouse Down ${dialog_replicate} Mouse Up ${dialog_replicate} Sleep 2 Retry Wait Until Page Contains Element //clr-tab-content//div[contains(.,'${rule}')]/../div/clr-icon[@shape='success-standard'] Sleep 1 Rename Rule [Arguments] ${rule} ${newname} Retry Element Click ${rule_filter_search} Retry Text Input ${rule_filter_input} ${rule} Retry Element Click //clr-dg-row[contains(.,'${rule}')]//label Retry Element Click ${action_bar_edit} Retry Text Input ${rule_name} ${newname} Retry Element Click ${rule_save_button} Delete Rule [Arguments] ${rule} Retry Element Click ${rule_filter_search} Retry Text Input ${rule_filter_input} ${rule} Retry Element Click //clr-dg-row[contains(.,'${rule}')]//label Retry Element Click ${action_bar_delete} Retry Wait Until Page Contains Element ${dialog_delete} #change from click to mouse down and up Mouse Down ${dialog_delete} Mouse Up ${dialog_delete} Sleep 2 Filter Rule [Arguments] ${rule} Retry Element Click ${rule_filter_search} Retry Text Input ${rule_filter_input} ${rule} Sleep 1 Select Rule [Arguments] ${rule} Retry Element Click //clr-dg-row[contains(.,'${rule}')]//label Stop Jobs Retry Element Click ${stop_jobs_button} View Job Log [arguments] ${job} Retry Element Click ${job_filter_search} Retry Text Input ${job_filter_input} ${job} Retry Link Click //clr-dg-row[contains(.,'${job}')]//a Rename Endpoint [arguments] ${name} ${newname} Filter Object ${name} Select Object ${name} Retry Element Click ${action_bar_edit} Retry Wait Until Page Contains Element ${destination_name_xpath} Retry Text Input ${destination_name_xpath} ${newname} Retry Element Click ${replication_save_xpath} Delete Endpoint [Arguments] ${name} Retry Element Click ${endpoint_filter_search} Retry Text Input ${endpoint_filter_input} ${name} #click checkbox before target endpoint Retry Element Click //clr-dg-row[contains(.,'${name}')]//label Retry Element Click ${action_bar_delete} Wait Until Page Contains Element ${dialog_delete} Retry Element Click ${dialog_delete} Select Rule And Replicate [Arguments] ${rule_name} Retry Element Click //hbr-list-replication-rule//clr-dg-cell[contains(.,'${rule_name}')] Retry Element Click ${replication_exec_id} Retry Double Keywords When Error Retry Element Click xpath=${dialog_replicate} Retry Wait Until Page Not Contains Element xpath=${dialog_replicate} Delete Replication Rule [Arguments] ${name} Retry Element Click ${endpoint_filter_search} Retry Text Input ${endpoint_filter_input} ${name} #click checkbox before target endpoint Retry Element Click //clr-dg-row[contains(.,'${name}')]//label Retry Element Click ${action_bar_delete} Wait Until Page Contains Element ${dialog_delete} Retry Element Click ${dialog_delete}