# Copyright Project Harbor Authors # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License *** Settings *** Documentation Harbor BATs Library ../../apitests/python/testutils.py Library ../../apitests/python/library/oras.py Library ../../apitests/python/library/singularity.py Resource ../../resources/Util.robot Default Tags Nightly *** Variables *** ${HARBOR_URL} https://${ip} ${SSH_USER} root ${HARBOR_ADMIN} admin *** Test Cases *** Test Case - Sign With Admin [tags] admin Init Chrome Driver Sign In Harbor ${HARBOR_URL} ${HARBOR_ADMIN} ${HARBOR_PASSWORD} Close Browser Test Case - Push ORAS and Display [Tags] push_oras Init Chrome Driver ${d}= Get Current Date result_format=%m%s Sign In Harbor ${HARBOR_URL} user010 Test1@34 Create An New Project And Go Into Project test${d} ${repo_name}= Set Variable hello-oras-artifact ${tag}= Set Variable 1.0.0 Retry Keyword N Times When Error 5 Oras Push ${ip} user010 Test1@34 test${d} ${repo_name} ${tag} Go Into Project test${d} Wait Until Page Contains test${d}/${repo_name} Go Into Repo test${d}/${repo_name} Wait Until Page Contains ${tag} Close Browser ## TODO: uncomment it once #14470 fixed # Test Case - Push SIF and Display # [Tags] push_sif # Init Chrome Driver # ${d}= Get Current Date result_format=%m%s # ${user}= Set Variable user010 # ${pwd}= Set Variable Test1@34 # Sign In Harbor ${HARBOR_URL} ${user} ${pwd} # Create An New Project And Go Into Project test${d} # ${repo_name}= Set Variable busybox # ${tag}= Set Variable 1.28 # Retry Keyword N Times When Error 5 Push Singularity To Harbor library: library/default/ ${ip} ${user} ${pwd} test${d} ${repo_name} ${tag} # Go Into Project test${d} # Wait Until Page Contains test${d}/${repo_name} # Go Into Repo test${d}/${repo_name} # Wait Until Page Contains ${tag} # Close Browser Test Case - Push CNAB Bundle and Display [Tags] push_cnab Init Chrome Driver ${d}= Get Current Date result_format=%m%s ${index1_image1}= Set Variable busybox ${index1_image2}= Set Variable alpine ${index2_image1}= Set Variable hello-world ${index2_image2}= Set Variable redis ${user}= Set Variable user010 ${pwd}= Set Variable Test1@34 Sign In Harbor ${HARBOR_URL} ${user} ${pwd} Create An New Project And Go Into Project test${d} ${index1} ${index2}= Prepare Cnab Push Test Data ${ip} ${user} ${pwd} test${d} ${index1_image1} ${index1_image2} ${index2_image1} ${index2_image2} ${target}= Set Variable ${ip}/test${d}/cnab${d}:cnab_tag${d} Retry Keyword N Times When Error 5 CNAB Push Bundle ${ip} ${user} ${pwd} ${target} ./tests/robot-cases/Group0-Util/bundle.json ${ip} test${d} ${index1} ${index2} Go Into Project test${d} Wait Until Page Contains test${d}/cnab${d} Go Into Repo test${d}/cnab${d} Wait Until Page Contains cnab_tag${d} Go Into Project test${d} Wait Until Page Contains test${d}/cnab${d} Go Into Repo test${d}/cnab${d} Go Into Index And Contain Artifacts cnab_tag${d} total_artifact_count=3 archive_count=2 Close Browser Test Case - Create An New Project Init Chrome Driver ${d}= Get Current Date result_format=%m%s Sign In Harbor ${HARBOR_URL} ${HARBOR_ADMIN} ${HARBOR_PASSWORD} Create An New Project And Go Into Project test${d} Close Browser Test Case - Delete A Project Init Chrome Driver Sign In Harbor ${HARBOR_URL} ${HARBOR_ADMIN} ${HARBOR_PASSWORD} Delete A Project Without Sign In Harbor Close Browser Test Case - Repo Size Init Chrome Driver ${d}= Get Current Date result_format=%m%s Sign In Harbor ${HARBOR_URL} ${HARBOR_ADMIN} ${HARBOR_PASSWORD} Push Image With Tag ${ip} ${HARBOR_ADMIN} ${HARBOR_PASSWORD} library alpine 2.6 2.6 Go Into Project library Go Into Repo alpine Wait Until Page Contains 1.92MiB Close Browser Test Case - Staticsinfo Init Chrome Driver ${d}= Get Current Date result_format=%m%s Sign In Harbor ${HARBOR_URL} ${HARBOR_ADMIN} ${HARBOR_PASSWORD} ${element}= Set Variable ${project_statistics_private_repository_icon} Wait Until Element Is Visible ${element} ${privaterepocount1}= Get Statics Private Repo ${privateprojcount1}= Get Statics Private Project ${publicrepocount1}= Get Statics Public Repo ${publicprojcount1}= Get Statics Public Project ${totalrepocount1}= Get Statics Total Repo ${totalprojcount1}= Get Statics Total Project Create An New Project And Go Into Project private${d} Create An New Project And Go Into Project public${d} true Push Image ${ip} ${HARBOR_ADMIN} ${HARBOR_PASSWORD} private${d} hello-world Push Image ${ip} ${HARBOR_ADMIN} ${HARBOR_PASSWORD} public${d} hello-world Reload Page ${privateprojcount}= evaluate ${privateprojcount1}+1 ${privaterepocount}= evaluate ${privaterepocount1}+1 ${publicprojcount}= evaluate ${publicprojcount1}+1 ${publicrepocount}= evaluate ${publicrepocount1}+1 ${totalrepocount}= evaluate ${totalrepocount1}+2 ${totalprojcount}= evaluate ${totalprojcount1}+2 Navigate To Projects Wait Until Element Is Visible ${element} ${privaterepocountStr}= Convert To String ${privaterepocount} Wait Until Element Contains ${element} ${privaterepocountStr} ${privaterepocount2}= Get Statics Private Repo ${privateprojcount2}= get statics private project ${publicrepocount2}= get statics public repo ${publicprojcount2}= get statics public project ${totalrepocount2}= get statics total repo ${totalprojcount2}= get statics total project Should Be Equal As Integers ${privateprojcount2} ${privateprojcount} Should be equal as integers ${privaterepocount2} ${privaterepocount} Should be equal as integers ${publicprojcount2} ${publicprojcount} Should be equal as integers ${publicrepocount2} ${publicrepocount} Should be equal as integers ${totalprojcount2} ${totalprojcount} Should be equal as integers ${totalrepocount2} ${totalrepocount} Close Browser Test Case - Push Image Init Chrome Driver ${d}= Get Current Date result_format=%m%s Sign In Harbor ${HARBOR_URL} ${HARBOR_ADMIN} ${HARBOR_PASSWORD} Create An New Project And Go Into Project test${d} Push image ${ip} ${HARBOR_ADMIN} ${HARBOR_PASSWORD} test${d} hello-world:latest Go Into Project test${d} Wait Until Page Contains test${d}/hello-world Close Browser Test Case - Project Level Policy Public Init Chrome Driver ${d}= Get Current Date result_format=%m%s Sign In Harbor ${HARBOR_URL} ${HARBOR_ADMIN} ${HARBOR_PASSWORD} Create An New Project And Go Into Project project${d} Goto Project Config Click Project Public Save Project Config # Verify Public Should Be Selected # Project${d} default should be private # Here logout and login to try avoid a bug only in autotest Logout Harbor Sign In Harbor ${HARBOR_URL} ${HARBOR_ADMIN} ${HARBOR_PASSWORD} Retry Double Keywords When Error Filter Project project${d} Project Should Be Public project${d} Close Browser Test Case - Verify Download Ca Link Init Chrome Driver Sign In Harbor ${HARBOR_URL} ${HARBOR_ADMIN} ${HARBOR_PASSWORD} Switch To System Settings Page Should Contain Registry Root Certificate Close Browser Test Case - Edit Token Expire Init Chrome Driver Sign In Harbor ${HARBOR_URL} ${HARBOR_ADMIN} ${HARBOR_PASSWORD} Switch To System Settings Modify Token Expiration 20 Logout Harbor Sign In Harbor ${HARBOR_URL} ${HARBOR_ADMIN} ${HARBOR_PASSWORD} Switch To System Settings Token Must Be Match 20 #reset to default Modify Token Expiration 30 Close Browser Test Case - Create A New Labels Init Chrome Driver ${d}= Get Current Date Sign In Harbor ${HARBOR_URL} ${HARBOR_ADMIN} ${HARBOR_PASSWORD} Switch To System Labels Create New Labels label_${d} Close Browser Test Case - Update Label Init Chrome Driver ${d}= Get Current Date Sign In Harbor ${HARBOR_URL} ${HARBOR_ADMIN} ${HARBOR_PASSWORD} Switch To System Labels Create New Labels label_${d} Sleep 3 ${d1}= Get Current Date Update A Label label_${d} Close Browser Test Case - Delete Label Init Chrome Driver ${d}= Get Current Date Sign In Harbor ${HARBOR_URL} ${HARBOR_ADMIN} ${HARBOR_PASSWORD} Switch To System Labels Create New Labels label_${d} Sleep 3 Delete A Label label_${d} Close Browser Test Case - User View Projects Init Chrome Driver ${d}= Get Current Date result_format=%m%s Sign In Harbor ${HARBOR_URL} user001 Test1@34 Create An New Project And Go Into Project test${d}1 Create An New Project And Go Into Project test${d}2 Create An New Project And Go Into Project test${d}3 Switch To Logs Wait Until Page Contains test${d}1 Wait Until Page Contains test${d}2 Wait Until Page Contains test${d}3 Close Browser Test Case - User View Logs [tags] user_view_logs Init Chrome Driver ${d}= Get Current Date result_format=%m%s ${img}= Set Variable kong ${tag}= Set Variable latest ${user}= Set Variable user002 ${pwd}= Set Variable Test1@34 &{image_with_tag}= Create Dictionary image=for_log_view tag=base ${replication_image}= Get From Dictionary ${image_with_tag} image ${replication_tag}= Get From Dictionary ${image_with_tag} tag @{target_images}= Create List '&{image_with_tag}' Sign In Harbor ${HARBOR_URL} ${user} ${pwd} Create An New Project And Go Into Project project${d} Logout Harbor Body Of Replication Of Pull Images from Registry To Self harbor https://cicd.harbor.vmwarecna.net ${null} ${null} nightly/${replication_image} project${d} N Flatten 1 Level @{target_images} Push image ${ip} ${user} ${pwd} project${d} ${img}:${tag} Pull image ${ip} ${user} ${pwd} project${d} ${replication_image}:${replication_tag} Close Browser Init Chrome Driver Sign In Harbor ${HARBOR_URL} ${user} ${pwd} Go Into Project project${d} Delete Repo project${d} ${replication_image} Delete Repo project${d} ${img} Sleep 3 Go To Project Log Advanced Search Should Display Do Log Advanced Search Close Browser Test Case - Manage Project Member Init Chrome Driver ${user}= Set Variable user004 ${pwd}= Set Variable Test1@34 Sign In Harbor ${HARBOR_URL} ${user} ${pwd} Manage Project Member Without Sign In Harbor ${user} ${pwd} Close Browser Test Case - Manage project publicity Body Of Manage project publicity Test Case - Assign Sys Admin Init Chrome Driver ${d}= Get Current Date result_format=%m%s Sign In Harbor ${HARBOR_URL} user009 Test1@34 Logout Harbor Sign In Harbor ${HARBOR_URL} ${HARBOR_ADMIN} ${HARBOR_PASSWORD} Switch to User Tag Assign User Admin user009 Logout Harbor Sign In Harbor ${HARBOR_URL} user009 Test1@34 Administration Tag Should Display Close Browser Test Case - Edit Project Creation # Create normal user and login Init Chrome Driver ${d}= Get Current Date result_format=%m%s Sign In Harbor ${HARBOR_URL} user010 Test1@34 Project Creation Should Display Logout Harbor Sleep 3 Sign In Harbor ${HARBOR_URL} ${HARBOR_ADMIN} ${HARBOR_PASSWORD} Set Pro Create Admin Only Logout Harbor Sign In Harbor ${HARBOR_URL} user010 Test1@34 Project Creation Should Not Display Logout Harbor Sign In Harbor ${HARBOR_URL} ${HARBOR_ADMIN} ${HARBOR_PASSWORD} Set Pro Create Every One Close browser Test Case - Edit Repo Info Init Chrome Driver ${d}= Get Current Date result_format=%m%s Sign In Harbor ${HARBOR_URL} user011 Test1@34 Create An New Project And Go Into Project project${d} Push Image ${ip} user011 Test1@34 project${d} hello-world Go Into Project project${d} Go Into Repo project${d}/hello-world Edit Repo Info Close Browser Test Case - Delete Multi Project Init Chrome Driver ${d}= Get Current Date result_format=%m%s Sign In Harbor ${HARBOR_URL} user012 Test1@34 Create An New Project And Go Into Project projecta${d} Create An New Project And Go Into Project projectb${d} Push Image ${ip} user012 Test1@34 projecta${d} hello-world Navigate To Projects Filter Object project Retry Wait Element Not Visible //clr-datagrid/div/div[2] @{project_list} Create List projecta projectb FOR ${project} IN @{project_list} Retry Element Click //clr-dg-row[contains(.,'${project}')]//label END Retry Element Click ${project_action_xpath} Retry Element Click ${project_delete_btn} Retry Element Click ${repo_delete_on_card_view_btn} # Verify delete project with image should not be deleted directly Delete Fail projecta${d} Delete Success projectb${d} Close Browser Test Case - Delete Multi Repo Init Chrome Driver ${d}= Get Current Date result_format=%m%s Sign In Harbor ${HARBOR_URL} user013 Test1@34 Create An New Project And Go Into Project project${d} Push Image ${ip} user013 Test1@34 project${d} hello-world Push Image ${ip} user013 Test1@34 project${d} busybox Sleep 2 Go Into Project project${d} @{repo_list} Create List hello-world busybox Multi-delete Object ${repo_delete_btn} @{repo_list} # Verify Delete Success hello-world busybox Close Browser Test Case - Delete Multi Artifacts Init Chrome Driver ${d}= Get Current Date result_format=%m%s Sign In Harbor ${HARBOR_URL} user014 Test1@34 Create An New Project And Go Into Project project${d} Push Image With Tag ${ip} user014 Test1@34 project${d} redis 3.2.10-alpine 3.2.10-alpine Push Image With Tag ${ip} user014 Test1@34 project${d} redis 4.0.7-alpine 4.0.7-alpine Go Into Project project${d} Go Into Repo redis @{tag_list} Create List 3.2.10-alpine 4.0.7-alpine Multi-delete Artifact @{tag_list} # Verify Delete Success sha256:dd179737 sha256:28a85227 Close Browser Test Case - Delete Repo on CardView Init Chrome Driver ${d}= Get Current Date result_format=%m%s Sign In Harbor ${HARBOR_URL} user015 Test1@34 Create An New Project And Go Into Project project${d} Push Image ${ip} user015 Test1@34 project${d} hello-world Push Image ${ip} user015 Test1@34 project${d} busybox Go Into Project project${d} Switch To CardView Delete Repo on CardView busybox # Verify Delete Success busybox Close Browser Test Case - Delete Multi Member Init Chrome Driver ${d}= Get Current Date result_format=%m%s Sign In Harbor ${HARBOR_URL} user016 Test1@34 Create An New Project And Go Into Project project${d} Switch To Member Add Guest Member To Project user017 Add Guest Member To Project user018 Multi-delete Member user017 user018 Delete Success user017 user018 Close Browser Test Case - Project Admin Operate Labels Init Chrome Driver ${d}= Get Current Date result_format=%m%s Sign In Harbor ${HARBOR_URL} user019 Test1@34 Create An New Project And Go Into Project project${d} Sleep 2 # Add labels Switch To Project Label Create New Labels label_${d} Sleep 2 Update A Label label_${d} Sleep 2 Delete A Label label_${d} Close Browser Test Case - Project Admin Add Labels To Repo Init Chrome Driver ${d}= Get Current Date result_format=%m%s Sign In Harbor ${HARBOR_URL} user020 Test1@34 Create An New Project And Go Into Project project${d} Push Image With Tag ${ip} user020 Test1@34 project${d} redis 3.2.10-alpine 3.2.10-alpine Push Image With Tag ${ip} user020 Test1@34 project${d} redis 4.0.7-alpine 4.0.7-alpine Go Into Project project${d} Sleep 2 # Add labels Switch To Project Label Create New Labels label111 Create New Labels label22 Sleep 2 Switch To Project Repo Go Into Repo project${d}/redis Add Labels To Tag 3.2.10-alpine label111 Add Labels To Tag 4.0.7-alpine label22 Filter Labels In Tags label111 label22 Close Browser Test Case - Developer Operate Labels Init Chrome Driver ${d}= Get Current Date result_format=%m%s Sign In Harbor ${HARBOR_URL} user021 Test1@34 Create An New Project And Go Into Project project${d} Logout Harbor Manage Project Member user021 Test1@34 project${d} user022 Add ${false} Change User Role In Project user021 Test1@34 project${d} user022 Developer Sign In Harbor ${HARBOR_URL} user022 Test1@34 Go Into Project project${d} has_image=${false} Sleep 3 Retry Wait Until Page Not Contains Element xpath=//a[contains(.,'Labels')] Close Browser Test Case - Copy A Image Init Chrome Driver ${random_num1}= Get Current Date result_format=%m%s ${random_num2}= Evaluate str(random.randint(1000,9999)) modules=random Sign In Harbor ${HARBOR_URL} user028 Test1@34 Create An New Project And Go Into Project project${random_num1}${random_num2} Create An New Project And Go Into Project project${random_num1} Sleep 1 Push Image With Tag ${ip} user028 Test1@34 project${random_num1} redis ${image_tag} Sleep 1 Go Into Repo project${random_num1}/redis Copy Image ${image_tag} project${random_num1}${random_num2} ${target_image_name} Retry Wait Element Not Visible ${repo_retag_confirm_dlg} Navigate To Projects Go Into Project project${random_num1}${random_num2} Sleep 1 Page Should Contain ${target_image_name} Go Into Repo project${random_num1}${random_num2}/${target_image_name} Sleep 1 Retry Wait Until Page Contains Element xpath=${tag_value_xpath} Close Browser Test Case - Copy A Image And Accessory [Tags] copy_image_and_accessory Init Chrome Driver ${d}= Get Current Date result_format=%m%s ${source_project}= Set Variable source_project${d} ${target_project}= Set Variable target_project${d} ${user}= Set Variable user006 ${pwd}= Set Variable Test1@34 ${image}= Set Variable redis ${tag}= Set Variable latest Sign In Harbor ${HARBOR_URL} ${user} ${pwd} Create An New Project And Go Into Project ${target_project} Create An New Project And Go Into Project ${source_project} Push Image With Tag ${ip} ${user} ${pwd} ${source_project} ${image} ${tag} Cosign Generate Key Pair Docker Login ${ip} ${user} ${pwd} Cosign Sign ${ip}/${source_project}/${image}:${tag} Docker Logout ${ip} Retry Double Keywords When Error Go Into Repo ${source_project}/${image} Should Be Signed By Cosign ${tag} Copy Image ${tag} ${target_project} ${image} Retry Wait Until Page Contains Copy artifact successfully Retry Double Keywords When Error Go Into Project ${target_project} Retry Wait Until Page Contains ${image} Retry Double Keywords When Error Go Into Repo ${target_project}/${image} Retry Wait Until Page Contains Element //clr-dg-row[contains(.,${tag})] Should Be Signed By Cosign ${tag} Close Browser Test Case - Create An New Project With Quotas Set Init Chrome Driver ${d}= Get Current Date result_format=%m%s ${storage_quota}= Set Variable 600 ${storage_quota_unit}= Set Variable GiB Sign In Harbor ${HARBOR_URL} ${HARBOR_ADMIN} ${HARBOR_PASSWORD} Create An New Project And Go Into Project project${d} storage_quota=${storage_quota} storage_quota_unit=${storage_quota_unit} ${storage_quota_ret}= Get Project Storage Quota Text From Project Quotas List project${d} Should Be Equal As Strings ${storage_quota_ret} 0Byte of ${storage_quota}${storage_quota_unit} Close Browser Test Case - Project Storage Quotas Dispaly And Control Init Chrome Driver ${d}= Get Current Date result_format=%m%s ${storage_quota}= Set Variable 350 ${storage_quota_unit}= Set Variable MiB ${image_a}= Set Variable one_layer ${image_b}= Set Variable redis ${image_a_size}= Set Variable 330.83MiB ${image_b_size}= Set Variable 34.1\\dMiB ${image_a_ver}= Set Variable 1.0 ${image_b_ver}= Set Variable donotremove5.0 Sign In Harbor ${HARBOR_URL} ${HARBOR_ADMIN} ${HARBOR_PASSWORD} Create An New Project And Go Into Project project${d} storage_quota=${storage_quota} storage_quota_unit=${storage_quota_unit} Push Image With Tag ${ip} ${HARBOR_ADMIN} ${HARBOR_PASSWORD} project${d} ${image_b} tag=${image_b_ver} tag1=${image_b_ver} ${storage_quota_ret}= Get Project Storage Quota Text From Project Quotas List project${d} Should Match Regexp ${storage_quota_ret} ${image_b_size} of ${storage_quota}${storage_quota_unit} Cannot Push image ${ip} ${HARBOR_ADMIN} ${HARBOR_PASSWORD} project${d} ${image_a}:${image_a_ver} err_msg=adding 330.1 MiB of storage resource, which when updated to current usage of err_msg_2=MiB will exceed the configured upper limit of ${storage_quota}.0 MiB Go Into Project project${d} Delete Repo project${d} ${image_b} Push Image With Tag ${ip} ${HARBOR_ADMIN} ${HARBOR_PASSWORD} project${d} ${image_a} tag=${image_a_ver} tag1=${image_a_ver} ${storage_quota_ret}= Get Project Storage Quota Text From Project Quotas List project${d} ${storage_quota_ret_str_left} Fetch From Left ${storage_quota_ret} 25. Log ${storage_quota_ret_str_left} ${storage_quota_ret_str_right} Fetch From Left ${storage_quota_ret} 25. Log ${storage_quota_ret_str_right} Log ${storage_quota_ret_str_left}${storage_quota_ret_str_right} Should Be Equal As Strings ${storage_quota_ret} ${image_a_size} of ${storage_quota}${storage_quota_unit} Close Browser Test Case - Project Quotas Control Under Copy Init Chrome Driver ${d}= Get Current Date result_format=%m%s ${image_a}= Set Variable redis ${image_b}= Set Variable logstash ${image_a_ver}= Set Variable donotremove5.0 ${image_b_ver}= Set Variable do_not_remove_6.8.3 ${storage_quota}= Set Variable 330 ${storage_quota_unit}= Set Variable MiB Sign In Harbor ${HARBOR_URL} ${HARBOR_ADMIN} ${HARBOR_PASSWORD} Create An New Project And Go Into Project project_a_${d} Create An New Project And Go Into Project project_b_${d} storage_quota=${storage_quota} storage_quota_unit=${storage_quota_unit} Push Image With Tag ${ip} ${HARBOR_ADMIN} ${HARBOR_PASSWORD} project_a_${d} ${image_a} tag=${image_a_ver} tag1=${image_a_ver} Push Image With Tag ${ip} ${HARBOR_ADMIN} ${HARBOR_PASSWORD} project_a_${d} ${image_b} tag=${image_b_ver} tag1=${image_b_ver} Go Into Project project_a_${d} Go Into Repo project_a_${d}/${image_a} Copy Image ${image_a_ver} project_b_${d} ${image_a} Retry Wait Element Not Visible ${repo_retag_confirm_dlg} Go Into Project project_a_${d} Go Into Repo project_a_${d}/${image_b} Copy Image ${image_b_ver} project_b_${d} ${image_b} Retry Wait Element Not Visible ${repo_retag_confirm_dlg} Sleep 2 Go Into Project project_b_${d} Sleep 2 Retry Wait Until Page Contains Element xpath=//clr-dg-cell[contains(.,'${image_a}')]/a Retry Wait Until Page Not Contains Element xpath=//clr-dg-cell[contains(.,'${image_b}')]/a Close Browser Test Case - Tag CRUD Init Chrome Driver Sign In Harbor ${HARBOR_URL} ${HARBOR_ADMIN} ${HARBOR_PASSWORD} ${d}= Get Current Date result_format=%m%s Create An New Project And Go Into Project project${d} Push Image With Tag ${ip} ${HARBOR_ADMIN} ${HARBOR_PASSWORD} project${d} hello-world latest Switch To Project Repo Go Into Repo hello-world Go Into Artifact latest Should Contain Tag latest # add more than one tag Add A New Tag 123 Add A New Tag 456 Delete A Tag latest Close Browser Test Case - Tag Retention Init Chrome Driver Sign In Harbor ${HARBOR_URL} ${HARBOR_ADMIN} ${HARBOR_PASSWORD} ${d}= Get Current Date result_format=%m%s ${image_sample_1}= Set Variable hello-world ${image_sample_2}= Set Variable memcached Create An New Project And Go Into Project project${d} Switch To Tag Retention Add A Tag Retention Rule Delete A Tag Retention Rule Add A Tag Retention Rule Edit A Tag Retention Rule ** latest Push Image With Tag ${ip} ${HARBOR_ADMIN} ${HARBOR_PASSWORD} project${d} ${image_sample_1} latest Push Image With Tag ${ip} ${HARBOR_ADMIN} ${HARBOR_PASSWORD} project${d} ${image_sample_2} 123 Set Daily Schedule Execute Dry Run ${image_sample_2} 0/1 Execute Run ${image_sample_2} 0/1 Execute Dry Run ${image_sample_1} 1/1 Execute Run ${image_sample_1} 1/1 Close Browser Test Case - Tag Immutability Init Chrome Driver Sign In Harbor ${HARBOR_URL} ${HARBOR_ADMIN} ${HARBOR_PASSWORD} ${d}= Get Current Date result_format=%m%s Create An New Project And Go Into Project project${d} Switch To Tag Immutability @{param} Create List 1212 3434 Retry Add A Tag Immutability Rule @{param} Delete A Tag Immutability Rule @{param} Create List 5566 7788 Retry Add A Tag Immutability Rule @{param} Edit A Tag Immutability Rule hello-world latest Push Image With Tag ${ip} ${HARBOR_ADMIN} ${HARBOR_PASSWORD} project${d} hello-world latest Push Image With Tag ${ip} ${HARBOR_ADMIN} ${HARBOR_PASSWORD} project${d} busybox latest Go Into Project project${d} @{repo_list} Create List hello-world busybox Multi-delete Object ${repo_delete_btn} @{repo_list} # Verify Delete Fail hello-world Delete Success busybox Close Browser Test Case - Robot Account [tags] robot_account Init Chrome Driver ${d}= Get Current Date result_format=%m%s Sign In Harbor ${HARBOR_URL} ${HARBOR_ADMIN} ${HARBOR_PASSWORD} Create An New Project And Go Into Project project${d} ${token}= Create A Robot Account And Return Token project${d} robot${d} Log To Console ${token} Log ${token} Push image ${ip} robot${d} ${token} project${d} hello-world:latest is_robot=${true} Pull image ${ip} robot${d} ${token} project${d} hello-world:latest is_robot=${true} Close Browser Test Case - Push Docker Manifest Index and Display Init Chrome Driver ${d}= Get Current Date result_format=%m%s ${image_a}= Set Variable hello-world ${image_b}= Set Variable busybox ${image_a_ver}= Set Variable latest ${image_b_ver}= Set Variable latest Sign In Harbor ${HARBOR_URL} user010 Test1@34 Create An New Project And Go Into Project test${d} Push image ${ip} ${HARBOR_ADMIN} ${HARBOR_PASSWORD} test${d} ${image_a}:${image_a_ver} Go Into Project test${d} Wait Until Page Contains test${d}/${image_a} Push image ${ip} ${HARBOR_ADMIN} ${HARBOR_PASSWORD} test${d} ${image_b}:${image_b_ver} Go Into Project test${d} Wait Until Page Contains test${d}/${image_b} Docker Push Index ${ip} user010 Test1@34 ${ip}/test${d}/index${d}:index_tag${d} ${ip}/test${d}/${image_a}:${image_a_ver} ${ip}/test${d}/${image_b}:${image_b_ver} Go Into Project test${d} Wait Until Page Contains test${d}/index${d} Go Into Repo test${d}/index${d} Wait Until Page Contains index_tag${d} Go Into Project test${d} Wait Until Page Contains test${d}/index${d} Go Into Repo test${d}/index${d} Go Into Index And Contain Artifacts index_tag${d} total_artifact_count=2 Close Browser Test Case - Can Not Copy Image In ReadOnly Mode Init Chrome Driver ${random_num1}= Get Current Date result_format=%m%s ${random_num2}= Evaluate str(random.randint(1000,9999)) modules=random Sign In Harbor ${HARBOR_URL} ${HARBOR_ADMIN} ${HARBOR_PASSWORD} Create An New Project And Go Into Project project${random_num1}${random_num2} Create An New Project And Go Into Project project${random_num1} Sleep 1 Push Image With Tag ${ip} ${HARBOR_ADMIN} ${HARBOR_PASSWORD} project${random_num1} redis ${image_tag} Sleep 1 Enable Read Only Go Into Repo project${random_num1}/redis Copy Image ${image_tag} project${random_num1}${random_num2} ${target_image_name} Retry Wait Element Not Visible ${repo_retag_confirm_dlg} Navigate To Projects Go Into Project project${random_num1}${random_num2} has_image=${false} Sleep 10 Go Into Project project${random_num1}${random_num2} has_image=${false} Disable Read Only Sleep 10 Close Browser Test Case - Read Only Mode Init Chrome Driver ${d}= Get Current Date result_format=%m%s Sign In Harbor ${HARBOR_URL} ${HARBOR_ADMIN} ${HARBOR_PASSWORD} Create An New Project And Go Into Project project${d} Enable Read Only Cannot Push image ${ip} ${HARBOR_ADMIN} ${HARBOR_PASSWORD} project${d} busybox:latest Disable Read Only Sleep 5 Push image ${ip} ${HARBOR_ADMIN} ${HARBOR_PASSWORD} project${d} busybox:latest Close Browser Test Case - System Robot Account Cover All Projects [Tags] sys_robot_account_cover ${d}= Get Current Date result_format=%m%s ${pro_name}= Set Variable project_${d} Init Chrome Driver Sign In Harbor ${HARBOR_URL} ${HARBOR_ADMIN} ${HARBOR_PASSWORD} Create An New Project And Go Into Project ${pro_name} ${name} ${secret}= Create A New System Robot Account is_cover_all=${true} Navigate To Projects Switch To Robot Account System Robot Account Exist ${name} all Close Browser Test Case - System Robot Account [Tags] sys_robot_account ${d}= Get Current Date result_format=%m%s ${project_count}= Evaluate random.randint(3, 5) ${pro_name}= Set Variable project_${d} Init Chrome Driver Sign In Harbor ${HARBOR_URL} ${HARBOR_ADMIN} ${HARBOR_PASSWORD} ${project_permission_list}= Create A Random Project Permission List ${project_count} ${name} ${secret}= Create A New System Robot Account project_permission_list=${project_permission_list} System Robot Account Exist ${name} ${project_count} Close Browser Test Case - Go To Harbor Api Page [Tags] go_to_harbor_api_page Init Chrome Driver Sign In Harbor ${HARBOR_URL} ${HARBOR_ADMIN} ${HARBOR_PASSWORD} Retry Keyword N Times When Error 4 Check Harbor Api Page Close Browser Test Case - WASM Push And Pull To Harbor [Tags] wasm_push_and_pull_to_harbor Init Chrome Driver ${user}= Set Variable user004 ${pwd}= Set Variable Test1@34 Sign In Harbor ${HARBOR_URL} ${user} ${pwd} ${d}= Get Current Date result_format=%m%s Create An New Project And Go Into Project project${d} Run wget https://github.com/engineerd/wasm-to-oci/blob/v0.1.2/testdata/hello.wasm Wait Unitl Command Success docker login -u ${user} -p ${pwd} ${ip} Wait Unitl Command Success wasm-to-oci push hello.wasm ${ip}/project${d}/wasm-to-oci:v1 Wait Unitl Command Success wasm-to-oci pull ${ip}/project${d}/wasm-to-oci:v1 --out test.wasm Wait Unitl Command Success docker logout ${ip} Retry file should exist test.wasm Close Browser Test Case - Carvel Imgpkg Push And Pull To Harbor [Tags] imgpkg_push_and_pull Init Chrome Driver ${user}= Set Variable user004 ${pwd}= Set Variable Test1@34 ${out_path}= Set Variable /tmp/my-bundle ${repository}= Set Variable my-bundle ${tag}= Set Variable v1.0.0 Sign In Harbor ${HARBOR_URL} ${user} ${pwd} ${d}= Get Current Date result_format=%m%s Create An New Project And Go Into Project project${d} Prepare Image Package Test Files ${EXECDIR}/config Docker Login ${ip} ${user} ${pwd} Imgpkg Push ${ip} project${d} ${repository} ${tag} ${EXECDIR}/config Imgpkg Pull ${ip} project${d} ${repository} ${tag} ${out_path} Docker Logout ${ip} Retry File Should Exist ${out_path}/.imgpkg/bundle.yml Retry File Should Exist ${out_path}/.imgpkg/images.yml Close Browser Test Case - Cosign And Cosign Deployment Security Policy [Tags] cosign Init Chrome Driver ${user}= Set Variable user006 ${pwd}= Set Variable Test1@34 ${d}= Get Current Date result_format=%m%s ${image}= Set Variable hello-world ${tag}= Set Variable latest Sign In Harbor ${HARBOR_URL} ${user} ${pwd} Create An New Project And Go Into Project project${d} Goto Project Config Click Cosign Deployment Security Save Project Config Content Cosign Deployment security Be Selected Push Image With Tag ${ip} ${user} ${pwd} project${d} ${image} ${tag} Go Into Project project${d} Retry Double Keywords When Error Go Into Repo project${d}/${image} Should Not Be Signed By Cosign ${tag} Cannot Pull Image ${ip} ${user} ${pwd} project${d} ${image}:${tag} err_msg=The image is not signed in Cosign. Cosign Generate Key Pair Cosign Verify ${ip}/project${d}/${image}:${tag} ${false} Cosign Sign ${ip}/project${d}/${image}:${tag} Cosign Verify ${ip}/project${d}/${image}:${tag} ${true} Retry Double Keywords When Error Retry Element Click ${artifact_list_refresh_btn} Should Be Signed By Cosign ${tag} Pull image ${ip} ${user} ${pwd} project${d} ${image}:${tag} Retry Double Keywords When Error Delete Accessory ${tag} Should be Accessory deleted ${tag} Close Browser Test Case - Audit Log And Purge [Tags] audit_log_and_purge Init Chrome Driver ${user}= Set Variable user003 ${pwd}= Set Variable Test1@34 ${d}= Get Current Date result_format=%m%s ${image}= Set Variable alpine ${tag1}= Set Variable 3.10 ${tag2}= Set Variable test ${sha256}= Set Variable sha256:de78803598bc4c940fc4591d412bffe488205d5d953f94751c6308deeaaa7eb8 Sign In Harbor ${HARBOR_URL} ${user} ${pwd} # create project Create An New Project And Go Into Project project${d} Switch To Logs Verify Log ${user} project${d} project create # create artifact Push Image With Tag ${ip} ${user} ${pwd} project${d} ${image} ${tag1} ${tag1} Clean All Local Images Verify Log ${user} project${d}/${image}:${tag1} artifact create Go Into Project project${d} Go Into Repo ${image} Go Into Artifact ${tag1} # create tag Add A New Tag ${tag2} # delete tag Delete A Tag ${tag2} Switch To Logs Verify Log ${user} project${d}/${image}:${tag2} tag delete Verify Log ${user} project${d}/${image}:${tag2} tag create 2 Docker Login ${ip} ${user} ${pwd} # pull artifact Docker Pull ${ip}/project${d}/${image}:${tag1} Docker Logout ${ip} Verify Log ${user} project${d}/${image}:${sha256} artifact pull Go Into Project project${d} Go Into Repo project${d}/${image} # delete artifact @{tag_list} Create List ${tag1} Multi-delete Artifact @{tag_list} Switch To Logs Verify Log ${user} project${d}/${image}:${sha256} artifact delete Go Into Project project${d} # delete repository Delete Repo project${d} ${image} Switch To Logs Verify Log ${user} project${d}/${image} repository delete # delete project Delete Project project${d} Logout Harbor Sign In Harbor ${HARBOR_URL} ${HARBOR_ADMIN} ${HARBOR_PASSWORD} Switch To Logs Verify Log ${user} project${d} project delete Switch To Log Rotation Purge Now 1 Hours Close Browser Test Case - Audit Log Forward [Tags] audit_log_forward need_syslog_endpoint ${SYSLOG_ENDPOINT_VALUE}= Get Variable Value ${SYSLOG_ENDPOINT} ${EMPTY} ${ES_ENDPOINT_VALUE}= Get Variable Value ${ES_ENDPOINT} ${EMPTY} Skip If '${SYSLOG_ENDPOINT_VALUE}' == '${EMPTY}' or '${ES_ENDPOINT_VALUE}' == '${EMPTY}' Init Chrome Driver ${d}= Get Current Date result_format=%m%s ${test_endpoint}= Set Variable test.endpoint ${image}= Set Variable alpine ${tag1}= Set Variable 3.10 ${tag2}= Set Variable test Sign In Harbor ${HARBOR_URL} ${HARBOR_ADMIN} ${HARBOR_PASSWORD} Create An New Project And Go Into Project project${d} Switch To Logs Verify Log ${HARBOR_ADMIN} project${d} project create Switch To System Settings Retry Wait Element Should Be Disabled ${skip_audit_log_database_checkbox} Set Audit Log Forward ${test_endpoint} bad request: could not connect to the audit endpoint: ${test_endpoint} # Set Audit Log Forward Set Audit Log Forward ${SYSLOG_ENDPOINT} Configuration has been successfully saved. Wait Until Element Is Enabled ${skip_audit_log_database_checkbox} # create artifact Push Image With Tag ${ip} ${HARBOR_ADMIN} ${HARBOR_PASSWORD} project${d} ${image} ${tag1} ${tag1} Switch To Logs Verify Log ${HARBOR_ADMIN} project${d}/${image}:${tag1} artifact create Retry Action Keyword Verify Log In Syslog Service ${HARBOR_ADMIN} project${d}/${image}:${tag1} artifact create # Enable Skip Audit Log Database Enable Skip Audit Log Database Go Into Project project${d} Go Into Repo ${image} Go Into Artifact ${tag1} # create tag Add A New Tag ${tag2} Switch To Logs Verify Log ${HARBOR_ADMIN} project${d}/${image}:${tag1} artifact create Retry Action Keyword Verify Log In Syslog Service ${HARBOR_ADMIN} project${d}/${image}:${tag2} tag create Set Audit Log Forward ${null} Configuration has been successfully saved. Retry Wait Element Should Be Disabled ${skip_audit_log_database_checkbox} Checkbox Should Not Be Selected ${skip_audit_log_database_checkbox} Go Into Project project${d} Go Into Repo ${image} Go Into Artifact ${tag1} # delete tag Delete A Tag ${tag2} Switch To Logs Verify Log ${HARBOR_ADMIN} project${d}/${image}:${tag2} tag delete Retry Action Keyword Verify Log In Syslog Service ${HARBOR_ADMIN} project${d}/${image}:${tag2} tag delete 0 Close Browser Test Case - Export CVE [Tags] export_cve Init Chrome Driver ${d}= Get Current Date result_format=%m%s ${user}= Set Variable user023 ${pwd}= Set Variable Test1@34 &{images}= Create Dictionary nginx=1.14.0 redis=5.0 alpine=3.9.4 photon=4.0-20210226 postgres=9.6 ${labels}= Create List sys_level_export${d} proj_level_export${d} ${cve_ids}= Create List CVE-2019-18224 CVE-2021-3997 CVE-2022-25315 ${nginx_sha256}= Set Variable sha256:d43aa3719937f9df0502f8258f3034a21b720b5b9bbf01bbfdbd09871aac8930 ${redis_sha256}= Set Variable sha256:e4b315ad03a1d1d9ff0c111e648a1a91066c09ead8352d3d6a48fa971a82922c ${expected_cve_data}= Create List project${d}/nginx,${nginx_sha256},${cve_ids}[1],libudev1,232-25+deb9u4,,Medium,,"{""CVSS"": {""redhat"": {""V3Score"": 5.5, ""V3Vector"": ""CVSS:3.1/AV:L/AC:L/PR:L/UI:N/S:U/C:N/I:N/A:H""}}}",Trivy ... project${d}/nginx,${nginx_sha256},${cve_ids}[1],libsystemd0,232-25+deb9u4,,Medium,,"{""CVSS"": {""redhat"": {""V3Score"": 5.5, ""V3Vector"": ""CVSS:3.1/AV:L/AC:L/PR:L/UI:N/S:U/C:N/I:N/A:H""}}}",Trivy ... project${d}/redis,${redis_sha256},${cve_ids}[0],libidn2-0,2.0.5-1,2.0.5-1+deb10u1,Critical,CWE-787,"{""CVSS"": {""nvd"": {""V2Score"": 7.5, ""V3Score"": 9.8, ""V2Vector"": ""AV:N/AC:L/Au:N/C:P/I:P/A:P"", ""V3Vector"": ""CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:H/A:H""}, ""redhat"": {""V3Score"": 5.6, ""V3Vector"": ""CVSS:3.0/AV:N/AC:H/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:L/I:L/A:L""}}}",Trivy ... project${d}/redis,${redis_sha256},${cve_ids}[1],libudev1,241-7~deb10u2,,Medium,,"{""CVSS"": {""redhat"": {""V3Score"": 5.5, ""V3Vector"": ""CVSS:3.1/AV:L/AC:L/PR:L/UI:N/S:U/C:N/I:N/A:H""}}}",Trivy ... project${d}/nginx,${nginx_sha256},${cve_ids}[2],libexpat1,2.2.0-2+deb9u1,2.2.0-2+deb9u5,Critical,CWE-190,"{""CVSS"": {""nvd"": {""V2Score"": 7.5, ""V3Score"": 9.8, ""V2Vector"": ""AV:N/AC:L/Au:N/C:P/I:P/A:P"", ""V3Vector"": ""CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:H/A:H""}, ""redhat"": {""V3Score"": 9.8, ""V3Vector"": ""CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:H/A:H""}}}",Trivy ... project${d}/redis,${redis_sha256},${cve_ids}[1],libsystemd0,241-7~deb10u2,,Medium,,"{""CVSS"": {""redhat"": {""V3Score"": 5.5, ""V3Vector"": ""CVSS:3.1/AV:L/AC:L/PR:L/UI:N/S:U/C:N/I:N/A:H""}}}",Trivy Sign In Harbor ${HARBOR_URL} ${HARBOR_ADMIN} ${HARBOR_PASSWORD} Switch To System Labels Create New Labels ${labels}[0] Logout Harbor Sign In Harbor ${HARBOR_URL} ${user} ${pwd} Create An New Project And Go Into Project project${d} # push images FOR ${image} IN @{images.keys()} Push Image With Tag ${ip} ${user} ${pwd} project${d} ${image} ${images['${image}']} ${images['${image}']} END # scan images Refresh Repositories FOR ${image} IN @{images.keys()} Go Into Repo ${image} Scan Repo ${images['${image}']} Succeed Back Project Home project${d} END Switch To Project Label Create New Labels ${labels}[1] Switch To Project Repo Go Into Repo nginx Add Labels To Tag ${images['nginx']} ${labels}[0] Back Project Home project${d} Go Into Repo redis Add Labels To Tag ${images['redis']} ${labels}[1] Navigate To Projects Should Not Be Export CVEs Retry Element Click //clr-dg-row[1]//label Retry Element Click //clr-dg-row[2]//label Should Not Be Export CVEs Export CVEs project${d} photon,postgres,nginx,redis ${images['photon']},${images['nginx']},${images['redis']} ${labels} ${cve_ids}[0],${cve_ids}[1],${cve_ids}[2] ${csv_file_path}= Download Latest CVE CSV File ${csv_file}= OperatingSystem.Get File ${csv_file_path} ${csv_file_content}= Create List ${csv_file} ${actual_cve_data}= Split To Lines @{csv_file_content} 1 Lists Should Be Equal ${expected_cve_data} ${actual_cve_data} ignore_order=True Close Browser Test Case - Helm3.7 CLI Push And Pull In Harbor [Tags] helm_push_and_push Init Chrome Driver ${user}= Set Variable user004 ${pwd}= Set Variable Test1@34 Sign In Harbor ${HARBOR_URL} ${user} ${pwd} Retry Keyword N Times When Error 4 Helm3.7 CLI Work Flow ${user} ${pwd} Close Browser Test Case - Job Service Dashboard Job Queues [Tags] job_service_job_queues Init Chrome Driver ${d}= Get Current Date result_format=%m%s Sign In Harbor ${HARBOR_URL} ${HARBOR_ADMIN} ${HARBOR_PASSWORD} # Pause GARBAGE_COLLECTION PURGE_AUDIT_LOG IMAGE_SCAN RETENTION jobs Switch To Job Queues Pause Jobs GARBAGE_COLLECTION PURGE_AUDIT_LOG IMAGE_SCAN RETENTION Check Button Status Create An New Project And Go Into Project project${d} Push Image With Tag ${ip} ${HARBOR_ADMIN} ${HARBOR_PASSWORD} project${d} photon 2.0_scan 2.0_scan Push Image With Tag ${ip} ${HARBOR_ADMIN} ${HARBOR_PASSWORD} project${d} photon 3.0_scan 3.0_scan Push Image With Tag ${ip} ${HARBOR_ADMIN} ${HARBOR_PASSWORD} project${d} photon 4.0_scan 4.0_scan Switch To Tag Retention Add A Tag Retention Rule # Triggers two RETENTION jobs ${retention_execution1}= Execute Dry Run photon 0/0 ${retention_execution2}= Execute Run photon 0/0 # Triggers three IMAGE_SCAN jobs Switch To Project Repo Go Into Repo photon Retry Element Click //clr-datagrid//label[contains(.,'Select All')] Retry Button Click ${scan_artifact_btn} # Triggers a GARBAGE_COLLECTION job ${gc_execution1}= GC Now dry_run=${true} # Triggers a PURGE_AUDIT_LOG job Switch to Log Rotation Purge Now 2 Days Running # Check job queues Switch To Job Queues Check Pending Job Card IMAGE_SCAN=3 RETENTION=2 Others=2 Total=7 Check Jobs Pending Count IMAGE_SCAN=3 RETENTION=2 GARBAGE_COLLECTION=1 PURGE_AUDIT_LOG=1 Check Jobs Latency GARBAGE_COLLECTION=${false} PURGE_AUDIT_LOG=${false} IMAGE_SCAN=${false} RETENTION=${false} # Resume GARBAGE_COLLECTION RETENTION jobs Resume Jobs GARBAGE_COLLECTION RETENTION # Check job queues Check Pending Job Card IMAGE_SCAN=3 PURGE_AUDIT_LOG=1 Others=0 Total=4 Check Jobs Pending Count IMAGE_SCAN=3 RETENTION=0 GARBAGE_COLLECTION=0 PURGE_AUDIT_LOG=1 Check Jobs Latency GARBAGE_COLLECTION=${true} PURGE_AUDIT_LOG=${false} IMAGE_SCAN=${false} RETENTION=${true} # Check retention and GC status Go Into Project project${d} Switch To Tag Retention Check Retention Execution ${retention_execution1} Success Yes Check Retention Execution ${retention_execution2} Success No Retry GC Should Be Successful ${gc_execution1} success to run gc in job # Stop PURGE_AUDIT_LOG IMAGE_SCAN jobs Switch To Job Queues Stop Pending Jobs PURGE_AUDIT_LOG IMAGE_SCAN # Check job queues Check Pending Job Card first_job=0 second_job=0 the_third_job=0 Total=0 Check Jobs Pending Count IMAGE_SCAN=0 PURGE_AUDIT_LOG=0 Check Jobs Latency GARBAGE_COLLECTION=${true} PURGE_AUDIT_LOG=${true} IMAGE_SCAN=${true} RETENTION=${true} # Triggers a PURGE_AUDIT_LOG job Switch to Log Rotation Purge Now 1 Days Running # Triggers three IMAGE_SCAN jobs Go Into Project project${d} Go Into Repo photon Retry Element Click //clr-datagrid//label[contains(.,'Select All')] Retry Button Click ${scan_artifact_btn} # Check job queues Switch To Job Queues Check Pending Job Card IMAGE_SCAN=3 PURGE_AUDIT_LOG=1 Others=0 Total=4 Check Jobs Pending Count IMAGE_SCAN=3 PURGE_AUDIT_LOG=1 Check Jobs Latency IMAGE_SCAN=${false} PURGE_AUDIT_LOG=${false} # Stop all job Stop All Pending Jobs # Check job queues Check Pending Job Card first_job=0 second_job=0 the_third_job=0 Total=0 Check Jobs Pending Count IMAGE_SCAN=0 PURGE_AUDIT_LOG=0 Check Jobs Latency IMAGE_SCAN=${true} PURGE_AUDIT_LOG=${true} Resume Jobs IMAGE_SCAN PURGE_AUDIT_LOG Close Browser