# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import base import subprocess import json from testutils import DOCKER_USER, DOCKER_PWD, BASE_IMAGE, BASE_IMAGE_ABS_PATH_NAME try: import docker except ImportError: import pip pip.main(['install', 'docker']) import docker def docker_info_display(): command = ["docker", "info", "-f", "'{{.OSType}}/{{.Architecture}}'"] print("Docker Info: ", command) ret = base.run_command(command) print("Command return: ", ret) def docker_login_cmd(harbor_host, username, password, cfg_file = "./tests/apitests/python/update_docker_cfg.sh", enable_manifest = True): if username == "" or password == "": print("[Warnig]: No docker credential was provided.") return command = ["docker", "login", harbor_host, "-u", username, "-p", password] base.run_command(command) if enable_manifest == True: try: ret = subprocess.check_output([cfg_file], shell=False) print("docker login cmd ret:", ret) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as exc: raise Exception("Failed to update docker config, error is {} {}.".format(exc.returncode, exc.output)) def docker_manifest_create(index, manifests): command = ["docker","manifest","create", "--amend", index] command.extend(manifests) print( "Docker Manifest Command: ", command) base.run_command(command) def docker_images_all_list(): command = ["docker","images","-a"] base.run_command(command) def docker_load_image(image): command = ["docker","load","-i", image] base.run_command(command) def docker_image_clean_all(): docker_images_all_list() command = ["docker rmi -f $(docker images -a -q)"] base.run_command_with_popen(command) command = ["docker","system", "prune", "-a", "-f"] base.run_command(command) docker_images_all_list() def docker_manifest_push(index): command = ["docker","manifest","push",index] print( "Docker Manifest Command: ", command) ret = base.run_command(command) index_sha256="" manifest_list=[] for line in ret.split("\n"): if line[:7] == "sha256:": index_sha256 = line if line.find('Pushed ref') == 0: manifest_list.append(line[-71:]) return index_sha256, manifest_list def docker_manifest_push_to_harbor(index, manifests, harbor_server, username, password, cfg_file = "./tests/apitests/python/update_docker_cfg.sh"): docker_login_cmd(harbor_server, username, password, cfg_file=cfg_file) docker_manifest_create(index, manifests) return docker_manifest_push(index) def list_repositories(harbor_host, username, password, n = None, last = None): if n is not None and last is not None: command = ["curl", "-s", "-u", username+":"+password, "https://"+harbor_host+"/v2/_catalog"+"?n=%d"%n+"&last="+last, "--insecure"] elif n is not None: command = ["curl", "-s", "-u", username+":"+password, "https://"+harbor_host+"/v2/_catalog"+"?n=%d"%n, "--insecure"] else: command = ["curl", "-s", "-u", username+":"+password, "https://"+harbor_host+"/v2/_catalog", "--insecure"] ret = base.run_command(command) repos = json.loads(ret).get("repositories","") return repos def list_image_tags(harbor_host, repository, username, password, n = None, last = None): if n is not None and last is not None: command = ["curl", "-s", "-u", username+":"+password, "https://"+harbor_host+"/v2/"+repository+"/tags/list"+"?n=%d"%n+"&last="+last, "--insecure"] elif n is not None: command = ["curl", "-s", "-u", username+":"+password, "https://"+harbor_host+"/v2/"+repository+"/tags/list"+"?n=%d"%n, "--insecure"] else: command = ["curl", "-s", "-u", username+":"+password, "https://"+harbor_host+"/v2/"+repository+"/tags/list", "--insecure"] ret = base.run_command(command) tags = json.loads(ret).get("tags","") return tags class DockerAPI(object): def __init__(self): self.DCLIENT = docker.APIClient(base_url='unix://var/run/docker.sock',version='auto',timeout=30) self.DCLIENT2 = docker.from_env() def docker_login(self, registry, username, password, expected_error_message = None): ret = "" err_message = "" if username == "" or password == "": print("[Warnig]: No docker credential was provided.") return if expected_error_message == "": expected_error_message = None if registry == "docker": registry = None try: ret = self.DCLIENT.login(registry = registry, username=username, password=password) except Exception as err: print( "Docker image pull catch exception:", str(err)) err_message = str(err) if expected_error_message is None: raise Exception(r" Docker pull image {} failed, error is [{}]".format (image, str(err))) else: print("Docker image login did not catch exception and return message is:", ret) err_message = ret finally: if expected_error_message is not None: if str(err_message).lower().find(expected_error_message.lower()) < 0: raise Exception(r" Failed to catch error [{}] when login registry {}, return message: {}".format (expected_error_message, registry, err_message)) else: print(r"Docker image login got expected error message:{}".format(expected_error_message)) else: if str(err_message).lower().find("error".lower()) >= 0: raise Exception(r" It's was not suppose to catch error when login registry {}, return message is [{}]".format (registry, err_message)) def docker_image_pull(self, image, tag = None, expected_error_message = None, is_clean_all_img = True): ret = "" err_message = "" if tag is not None: _tag = tag else: _tag = "latest" if expected_error_message == "": expected_error_message = None try: ret = self.DCLIENT.pull(r'{}:{}'.format(image, _tag)) except Exception as err: print( "Docker image pull catch exception:", str(err)) err_message = str(err) if expected_error_message is None: raise Exception(r" Docker pull image {} failed, error is [{}]".format (image, str(err))) else: print("Docker image pull did not catch exception and return message is:", ret) err_message = ret finally: if expected_error_message is not None: if str(err_message).lower().find(expected_error_message.lower()) < 0: raise Exception(r" Failed to catch error [{}] when pull image {}, return message: {}".format (expected_error_message, image, err_message)) else: print(r"Docker image pull got expected error message:{}".format(expected_error_message)) else: if str(err_message).lower().find("error".lower()) >= 0: raise Exception(r" It's was not suppose to catch error when pull image {}, return message is [{}]".format (image, err_message)) if is_clean_all_img: docker_image_clean_all() def docker_image_tag(self, image, harbor_registry, tag = None): _tag = base._random_name("tag") if tag is not None: _tag = tag ret = "" try: ret = self.DCLIENT.tag(image, harbor_registry, _tag, force=True) print("Docker image tag commond return:", ret) return harbor_registry, _tag except docker.errors.APIError as err: raise Exception(r" Docker tag image {} failed, error is [{}]".format (image, str(err))) def docker_image_push(self, harbor_registry, tag, expected_error_message = None): ret = "" err_message = "" docker_images_all_list() if expected_error_message == "": expected_error_message = None try: ret = self.DCLIENT.push(harbor_registry, tag) except Exception as err: print( "Docker image push catch exception:", str(err)) err_message = str(err) if expected_error_message is None: raise Exception(r" Docker push image {} failed, error is [{}]".format (image, str(err))) else: print("Docker image push did not catch exception and return message is:", ret) err_message = ret finally: if expected_error_message is not None: if str(err_message).lower().find(expected_error_message.lower()) < 0: raise Exception(r" Failed to catch error [{}] when push image {}, return message: {}".format (expected_error_message, harbor_registry, err_message)) else: print(r"Docker image push got expected error message:{}".format(expected_error_message)) else: if str(err_message).lower().find("error".lower()) >= 0: raise Exception(r" It's was not suppose to catch error when push image {}, return message is [{}]".format (harbor_registry, err_message)) docker_images_all_list() def docker_image_build(self, harbor_registry, tags=None, size=1, expected_error_message = None): ret = "" err_message = "" docker_images_all_list() try: baseimage = BASE_IMAGE['name'] + ":" + BASE_IMAGE['tag'] if not self.DCLIENT.images(name=baseimage): print( "Docker load is triggered when building {}".format(harbor_registry)) docker_load_image(BASE_IMAGE_ABS_PATH_NAME) docker_images_all_list() c = self.DCLIENT.create_container(image=baseimage, command='dd if=/dev/urandom of=test bs=1M count={}'.format(size)) self.DCLIENT.start(c) self.DCLIENT.wait(c) if not tags: tags=['latest'] firstrepo="{}:{}".format(harbor_registry, tags[0]) #self.DCLIENT.commit(c, firstrepo) self.DCLIENT2.containers.get(c).commit(harbor_registry, tags[0]) for tag in tags[1:]: repo="{}:{}".format(harbor_registry, tag) self.DCLIENT.tag(firstrepo, repo) for tag in tags: repo="{}:{}".format(harbor_registry, tag) ret = self.DCLIENT.push(repo) print("docker_image_push ret:", ret) print("build image {} with size {}".format(repo, size)) self.DCLIENT.remove_container(c) except Exception as err: print( "Docker image build catch exception:", str(err)) err_message = str(err) if expected_error_message is None: raise Exception(r" Docker push image {} failed, error is [{}]".format (harbor_registry, str(err))) else: print("Docker image build did not catch exception and return message is:", ret) err_message = ret finally: if expected_error_message is not None: if str(err_message).lower().find(expected_error_message.lower()) < 0: raise Exception(r" Failed to catch error [{}] when build image {}, return message: {}".format (expected_error_message, harbor_registry, err_message)) else: print(r"Docker image build got expected error message: {}".format(expected_error_message)) else: if str(err_message).lower().find("error".lower()) >= 0: raise Exception(r" It's was not suppose to catch error when build image {}, return message is [{}]".format (harbor_registry, err_message)) docker_image_clean_all()