--- #Protocol used to serve {% if internal_tls.enabled %} protocol: "https" https_config: cert: "/etc/harbor/ssl/job_service.crt" key: "/etc/harbor/ssl/job_service.key" #Server listening port port: 8443 {% else %} protocol: "http" #Server listening port port: 8080 {% endif %} #Worker pool worker_pool: #Worker concurrency workers: {{max_job_workers}} backend: "redis" #Additional config if use 'redis' backend redis_pool: #redis://[arbitrary_username:password@]ipaddress:port/database_index redis_url: {{redis_url}} namespace: "harbor_job_service_namespace" idle_timeout_second: 3600 #Loggers for the running job job_loggers: - name: "STD_OUTPUT" # logger backend name, only support "FILE" and "STD_OUTPUT" level: "{{level}}" # INFO/DEBUG/WARNING/ERROR/FATAL - name: "FILE" level: "{{level}}" settings: # Customized settings of logger base_dir: "/var/log/jobs" sweeper: duration: {{logger_sweeper_duration}} #days settings: # Customized settings of sweeper work_dir: "/var/log/jobs" #Loggers for the job service loggers: - name: "STD_OUTPUT" # Same with above level: "{{level}}" {% if metric.enabled %} metric: enabled: true path: {{ metric.path }} port: {{ metric.port }} {% endif %} reaper: # the max time to wait for a task to finish, if unfinished after max_update_hours, the task will be mark as error, but the task will continue to run, default value is 24, max_update_hours: 24 # the max time for execution in running state without new task created max_dangling_hours: 168 # the max size of job log returned by API, default is 10M max_retrieve_size_mb: 10