Test 7-01 - Create Replication Policy ======= # Purpose: To verify that admin user can create a replication rule. # References: User guide # Environment: * This test requires that at least two Harbor instances are running and available. # Test Steps: 1. Login UI as admin user. 2. In `Administration->Replications` page, create a new rule and fill in name and description. 3. Choose a project by clicking the icon on the right of `Projects`. 4. Add repository and tag filter. 5. Choose an endpoint, create a new one if no endpoint exists. 6. Select a triggering condition: Immediate/Manaul/Scheduled, check/uncheck the `Delete remote images when locally deleted` if choosing `Immediate`. 7. Check/uncheck the option `Replicate existing images immediately`. 8. Save the rule. Repeat steps 1-8 under `Projects->Project_Name->Replication` page. # Expected Outcome: * In step8, a rule will be added. # Possible Problems: None