drop database if exists registry; create database registry charset = utf8; use registry; create table access ( access_id int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, access_code char(1), comment varchar (30), primary key (access_id) ); insert into access (access_code, comment) values ('M', 'Management access for project'), ('R', 'Read access for project'), ('W', 'Write access for project'), ('D', 'Delete access for project'), ('S', 'Search access for project'); create table role ( role_id int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, role_mask int DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, role_code varchar(20), name varchar (20), primary key (role_id) ); /* role mask is used for future enhancement when a project member can have multi-roles currently set to 0 */ insert into role (role_code, name) values ('MDRWS', 'projectAdmin'), ('RWS', 'developer'), ('RS', 'guest'); create table user ( user_id int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, # The max length of username controlled by API is 20, # and 11 is reserved for marking the deleted users. # The mark of deleted user is "#user_id". # The 11 consist of 10 for the max value of user_id(4294967295) # in MySQL and 1 of '#'. username varchar(255), # 11 bytes is reserved for marking the deleted users. email varchar(255), password varchar(40) NOT NULL, realname varchar (255) NOT NULL, comment varchar (30), deleted tinyint (1) DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, reset_uuid varchar(40) DEFAULT NULL, salt varchar(40) DEFAULT NULL, sysadmin_flag tinyint (1), creation_time timestamp, update_time timestamp, primary key (user_id), UNIQUE (username), UNIQUE (email) ); insert into user (username, email, password, realname, comment, deleted, sysadmin_flag, creation_time, update_time) values ('admin', 'admin@example.com', '', 'system admin', 'admin user',0, 1, NOW(), NOW()), ('anonymous', 'anonymous@example.com', '', 'anonymous user', 'anonymous user', 1, 0, NOW(), NOW()); create table project ( project_id int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, owner_id int NOT NULL, # The max length of name controlled by API is 30, # and 11 is reserved for marking the deleted project. name varchar (41) NOT NULL, creation_time timestamp, update_time timestamp, deleted tinyint (1) DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, primary key (project_id), FOREIGN KEY (owner_id) REFERENCES user(user_id), UNIQUE (name) ); insert into project (owner_id, name, creation_time, update_time) values (1, 'library', NOW(), NOW()); create table project_member ( project_id int NOT NULL, user_id int NOT NULL, role int NOT NULL, creation_time timestamp, update_time timestamp, PRIMARY KEY (project_id, user_id), FOREIGN KEY (role) REFERENCES role(role_id), FOREIGN KEY (project_id) REFERENCES project(project_id), FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES user(user_id) ); insert into project_member (project_id, user_id, role, creation_time, update_time) values (1, 1, 1, NOW(), NOW()); create table project_metadata ( id int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, project_id int NOT NULL, name varchar(255) NOT NULL, value varchar(255), creation_time timestamp default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, update_time timestamp default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, deleted tinyint (1) DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id), CONSTRAINT unique_project_id_and_name UNIQUE (project_id,name), FOREIGN KEY (project_id) REFERENCES project(project_id) ); insert into project_metadata (id, project_id, name, value, creation_time, update_time, deleted) values (1, 1, 'public', 'true', NOW(), NOW(), 0); create table access_log ( log_id int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, username varchar (255) NOT NULL, project_id int NOT NULL, repo_name varchar (256), repo_tag varchar (128), GUID varchar(64), operation varchar(20) NOT NULL, op_time timestamp, primary key (log_id), INDEX pid_optime (project_id, op_time) ); create table repository ( repository_id int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, name varchar(255) NOT NULL, project_id int NOT NULL, description text, pull_count int DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, star_count int DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, creation_time timestamp default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, update_time timestamp default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, primary key (repository_id), UNIQUE (name) ); create table replication_policy ( id int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, name varchar(256), project_id int NOT NULL, target_id int NOT NULL, enabled tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, description text, deleted tinyint (1) DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, cron_str varchar(256), start_time timestamp NULL, creation_time timestamp default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, update_time timestamp default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, PRIMARY KEY (id) ); create table replication_target ( id int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, name varchar(64), url varchar(64), username varchar(255), password varchar(128), /* target_type indicates the type of target registry, 0 means it's a harbor instance, 1 means it's a regulart registry */ target_type tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, insecure tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, creation_time timestamp default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, update_time timestamp default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, PRIMARY KEY (id) ); create table replication_job ( id int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, status varchar(64) NOT NULL, policy_id int NOT NULL, repository varchar(256) NOT NULL, operation varchar(64) NOT NULL, tags varchar(16384), creation_time timestamp default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, update_time timestamp default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, PRIMARY KEY (id), INDEX policy (policy_id), INDEX poid_uptime (policy_id, update_time) ); create table img_scan_job ( id int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, status varchar(64) NOT NULL, repository varchar(256) NOT NULL, tag varchar(128) NOT NULL, digest varchar(128), creation_time timestamp default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, update_time timestamp default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, PRIMARY KEY (id) ); create table img_scan_overview ( id int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, image_digest varchar(128) NOT NULL, scan_job_id int NOT NULL, /* 0 indicates none, the higher the number, the more severe the status */ severity int NOT NULL default 0, /* the json string to store components severity status, currently use a json to be more flexible and avoid creating additional tables. */ components_overview varchar(2048), /* primary key for querying details, in clair it should be the name of the "top layer" */ details_key varchar(128), creation_time timestamp default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, update_time timestamp default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, PRIMARY KEY(id), UNIQUE(image_digest) ); create table clair_vuln_timestamp ( id int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, namespace varchar(128) NOT NULL, last_update timestamp NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(id), UNIQUE(namespace) ); create table properties ( id int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, k varchar(64) NOT NULL, v varchar(128) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(id), UNIQUE (k) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `alembic_version` ( `version_num` varchar(32) NOT NULL ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; insert into alembic_version values ('1.3.0');