## Developer's Guide for Internationalization (i18n) *NOTE: All the files you created should use UTF-8 encoding.* ### Steps to localize the UI in your language 1. In the folder `src/portal/src/i18n/lang`, copy json file `en-us-lang.json` to a new file and rename it to `<language>-<locale>-lang.json` . The file contains a JSON object including all the key-value pairs of UI strings: ``` { "APP_TITLE": { "VMW_HARBOR": "Harbor", "HARBOR": "Harbor", ... }, ... } ``` In the file `<language>-<locale>-lang.json`, translate all the values into your language. Do not change any keys. 2. After creating your language file, you should add it to the language supporting list. Locate the file `src/portal/src/app/shared/shared.const.ts`. Append `<language>-<locale>` to the language supporting list: ``` export const supportedLangs = ['en-us', 'zh-cn', '<language>-<locale>']; ``` Define the language display name and append it to the name list: ``` export const languageNames = { "en-us": "English", "zh-cn": "中文简体", "<language>-<locale>": "<DISPLAY_NAME>" }; ``` **NOTE: Don't miss the comma before the new key-value item you've added.** 3. Enable the new language in the view. Locate the file `src/portal/src/app/base/navigator/navigator.component.html` and then find the following code piece: ``` <div class="dropdown-menu"> <a href="javascript:void(0)" clrDropdownItem (click)='switchLanguage("en-us")' [class.lang-selected]='matchLang("en-us")'>English</a> <a href="javascript:void(0)" clrDropdownItem (click)='switchLanguage("zh-cn")' [class.lang-selected]='matchLang("zh-cn")'>中文简体</a> </div> ``` Add new menu item for your language: ``` <div class="dropdown-menu"> <a href="javascript:void(0)" clrDropdownItem (click)='switchLanguage("en-us")' [class.lang-selected]='matchLang("en-us")'>English</a> <a href="javascript:void(0)" clrDropdownItem (click)='switchLanguage("zh-cn")' [class.lang-selected]='matchLang("zh-cn")'>中文简体</a> <a href="javascript:void(0)" clrDropdownItem (click)='switchLanguage("<language>-<locale>")' [class.lang-selected]='matchLang("<language>-<locale>")'>DISPLAY_NAME</a> </div> ``` 4. Next, please refer [compile guideline](compile_guide.md) to rebuild and restart Harbor.