# Copyright 2017 VMware, Inc. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License *** Settings *** Documentation This resource provides any keywords related to Unified OVA *** Variables *** ${ova_root_pwd} ova-test-root-pwd ${ova_appliance_options} --prop:appliance.root_pwd=${ova_root_pwd} --prop:appliance.permit_root_login=True ${ova_target_vm_name} vic-unified-ova-integration-test ${ovftool_options} --noSSLVerify --acceptAllEulas --name=${ova_target_vm_name} --diskMode=thin --powerOn --X:waitForIp --X:injectOvfEnv --X:enableHiddenProperties ${ova_network_ip0} ${ova_network_netmask0} ${ova_network_gateway} ${ova_network_dns} ${ova_network_searchpath} eng.vmware.com ${ova_network_domain} mrburns ${ova_network_options} --prop:network.ip0=${ova_network_ip0} --prop:network.netmask0=${ova_network_netmask0} --prop:network.gateway=${ova_network_gateway} --prop:network.DNS=${ova_network_dns} --prop:network.searchpath=${ova_network_searchpath} --prop:network.domain=${ova_network_domain} ${ova_harbor_admin_password} harbor-admin-passwd ${ova_harbor_db_password} harbor-db-passwd ${ova_service_options} --prop:registry.admin_password=${ova_harbor_admin_password} --prop:registry.db_password=${ova_harbor_db_password} ${ova_options} ${ovftool_options} ${ova_appliance_options} ${ova_service_options} ${ova_options_with_network} ${ova_options} ${ova_network_options} ${tls_not_disabled} False *** Keywords *** # Requires vc credential for govc Deploy VIC-OVA To Test Server [Arguments] ${dhcp}=False ${build}=False ${user}=%{TEST_USERNAME} ${password}=%{TEST_PASSWORD} ${host}=%{TEST_URL} ${datastore}=%{TEST_DATASTORE} ${cluster}=%{TEST_RESOURCE} ${datacenter}=%{TEST_DATACENTER} Run Keyword if ${build} Build Unified OVA ${rev}= Run git rev-parse --short HEAD Set Test Variable ${ova_path} bin/vic-1.1.0-${rev}.ova Log To Console \nCleanup environment... Run Keyword And Ignore Error Run GOVC_URL=${host} GOVC_USERNAME=${user} GOVC_PASSWORD=${password} GOVC_INSECURE=1 govc vm.destroy ${ova_target_vm_name} Run Keyword And Ignore Error Run GOVC_URL=${host} GOVC_USERNAME=${user} GOVC_PASSWORD=${password} GOVC_INSECURE=1 govc object.destroy /${datacenter}/vm/${ova_target_vm_name} Log To Console \nStarting to deploy unified-ova to test server... Run Keyword If ${dhcp} Log To Console ovftool --datastore=${datastore} ${ova_options} ${ova_path} 'vi://${user}:${password}@${host}/${datacenter}/host/${cluster}' ... ELSE Log To Console ovftool --datastore=${datastore} ${ova_options_with_network} ${ova_path} 'vi://${user}:${password}@${host}/${datacenter}/host/${cluster}' ${out}= Run Keyword If ${dhcp} Run ovftool --datastore=${datastore} ${ova_options} ${ova_path} 'vi://${user}:${password}@${host}/${datacenter}/host/${cluster}' ... ELSE Run ovftool --datastore=${datastore} ${ova_options_with_network} ${ova_path} 'vi://${user}:${password}@${host}/${datacenter}/host/${cluster}' Log ${out} Log To Console \n${out} @{out}= Split To Lines ${out} Should Contain @{out}[-1] Completed successfully Log To Console \nUnified OVA is deployed successfully # Requires vc credential for govc Cleanup VIC-OVA On Test Server [Arguments] ${url}=%{GOVC_URL} ${username}=%{GOVC_USERNAME} ${password}=%{GOVC_PASSWORD} ${rc} ${output}= Run And Return Rc And Output GOVC_URL=${url} GOVC_USERNAME=${username} GOVC_PASSWORD=${password} GOVC_INSECURE=1 govc vm.destroy ${ova_target_vm_name} Log ${output} Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0 Run Keyword And Ignore Error Run GOVC_URL=${url} GOVC_USERNAME=${username} GOVC_PASSWORD=${password} GOVC_INSECURE=1 govc object.destroy /%{TEST_DATACENTER}/vm/${ova_target_vm_name} Log To Console \nUnified-OVA deployment is cleaned up on test server Build Unified OVA [Arguments] ${user}=%{TEST_USERNAME} ${password}=%{TEST_PASSWORD} ${host}=%{TEST_URL} Log To Console \nStarting to build Unified OVA... Log To Console \nRemove stale local OVA artifacts Run Remove OVA Artifacts Locally ${out}= Run PACKER_ESX_HOST=${host} PACKER_USER=${user} PACKER_PASSWORD=${password} make ova-release Log ${out} @{out}= Split To Lines ${out} Should Not Contain @{out}[-1] Error Log To Console \nUnified OVA is built successfully Remove OVA Artifacts Locally ${rev}= Run git rev-parse --short HEAD Remove Files bin/vic-1.1.0-${rev}.ova bin/vic-1.1.0-${rev}.ovf bin/vic-1.1.0-${rev}.mk bin/vic-1.1.0-${rev}-disk*.vmdk