#!/usr/local/bin/python3 import subprocess import signal import sys from pathlib import Path import click import requests MIGRATE_CHART_SCRIPT = '/migrate_chart.sh' HELM_CMD = '/linux-amd64/helm' CA_UPDATE_CMD = 'update-ca-certificates' CHART_URL_PATTERN = "https://{host}/api/v2.0/projects/{project}/repositories/{name}/artifacts/{version}" CHART_SOURCE_DIR = Path('/chart_storage') errs = [] def print_exist_errs(): if errs: click.echo("There are {} errors exist".format(len(errs)), err=True) for e in errs: click.echo(e, err=True) # Write the error to file with open("/chart_storage/migration_errors.txt", "a") as f: f.write(e + "\n") def graceful_exit(signum, frame): print_exist_errs() sys.exit() signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, graceful_exit) signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, graceful_exit) class ChartV2: def __init__(self, filepath:Path): self.filepath = filepath self.project = self.filepath.parts[-2] parts = self.filepath.stem.split('-') flag = False try: for i in range(len(parts)-1, -1, -1): if parts[i][0].isnumeric() or ((parts[i][0]=='v' or parts[i][0]=='v') and parts[i][1].isnumeric()) : self.name, self.version = '-'.join(parts[:i]), '-'.join(parts[i:]) flag = True break if not flag: raise Exception('chart name: {} is illegal'.format('-'.join(parts))) except Exception as e: click.echo("Skipped chart: {} due to illegal chart name. Error: {}".format(filepath, e), err=True) return def __check_exist(self, hostname, username, password): return requests.get(CHART_URL_PATTERN.format( host=hostname, project=self.project, name=self.name, version=self.version), auth=requests.auth.HTTPBasicAuth(username, password)) def migrate(self, hostname, username, password): res = self.__check_exist(hostname, username, password) if res.status_code == 200: raise Exception("Artifact already exist in harbor") if res.status_code == 401: raise Exception(res.reason) oci_ref = "oci://{host}/{project}".format( host=hostname, project=self.project) return subprocess.run([MIGRATE_CHART_SCRIPT, HELM_CMD, self.filepath, oci_ref], text=True, stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) @click.command() @click.option('--hostname', default='', help='the password to login harbor') @click.option('--username', default='admin', help='The username to login harbor') @click.option('--password', default='Harbor12345', help='the password to login harbor') def migrate(hostname, username, password): """ Migrate chart v2 to harbor oci registry """ if username != 'admin': raise Exception('This operation only allowed for admin') subprocess.run([CA_UPDATE_CMD]) subprocess.run([HELM_CMD, 'registry', 'login', hostname, '--username', username, '--password', password]) charts = [ChartV2(c) for p in CHART_SOURCE_DIR.iterdir() if p.is_dir() for c in p.iterdir() if c.is_file() and c.name.endswith(".tgz")] with click.progressbar(charts, label="Migrating chart ...", length=len(charts), item_show_func=lambda x: "{}/{}:{} total errors: {}".format(x.project, x.name, x.version, len(errs)) if x else '') as bar: for chart in bar: try: result = chart.migrate(hostname, username, password) if result.stderr: errs.append("chart: {name}:{version} in {project} has err: {err}".format( name=chart.name, version=chart.version, project=chart.project, err=result.stderr )) except Exception as e: errs.append("chart: {name}:{version} in {project} has err: {err}".format( name=chart.name, version=chart.version, project=chart.project, err=e)) click.echo("Migration is Done.") print_exist_errs() if __name__ == '__main__': migrate()