package notification import ( "fmt" "" "" "" "" "" ) // UpdateNotificationJob update notification job func UpdateNotificationJob(job *models.NotificationJob, props ...string) (int64, error) { if job == nil { return 0, errors.New("nil job") } if job.ID == 0 { return 0, fmt.Errorf("notification job ID is empty") } o := dao.GetOrmer() return o.Update(job, props...) } // AddNotificationJob insert new notification job to DB func AddNotificationJob(job *models.NotificationJob) (int64, error) { if job == nil { return 0, errors.New("nil job") } o := dao.GetOrmer() if len(job.Status) == 0 { job.Status = models.JobPending } return o.Insert(job) } // GetNotificationJob ... func GetNotificationJob(id int64) (*models.NotificationJob, error) { o := dao.GetOrmer() j := &models.NotificationJob{ ID: id, } err := o.Read(j) if err == orm.ErrNoRows { return nil, nil } return j, nil } // GetTotalCountOfNotificationJobs ... func GetTotalCountOfNotificationJobs(query ...*models.NotificationJobQuery) (int64, error) { qs := notificationJobQueryConditions(query...) return qs.Count() } // GetNotificationJobs ... func GetNotificationJobs(query ...*models.NotificationJobQuery) ([]*models.NotificationJob, error) { var jobs []*models.NotificationJob qs := notificationJobQueryConditions(query...) if len(query) > 0 && query[0] != nil { qs = dao.PaginateForQuerySetter(qs, query[0].Page, query[0].Size) } qs = qs.OrderBy("-UpdateTime") _, err := qs.All(&jobs) return jobs, err } // GetLastTriggerJobsGroupByEventType get notification jobs info of policy, including event type and last trigger time func GetLastTriggerJobsGroupByEventType(policyID int64) ([]*models.NotificationJob, error) { o := dao.GetOrmer() // get jobs last triggered(created) group by event_type. postgres group by usage reference: // sql := `select distinct on (event_type) event_type, id, creation_time, status, notify_type, job_uuid, update_time, creation_time, job_detail from notification_job where policy_id = ? order by event_type, id desc, creation_time, status, notify_type, job_uuid, update_time, creation_time, job_detail` jobs := []*models.NotificationJob{} _, err := o.Raw(sql, policyID).QueryRows(&jobs) if err != nil { log.Errorf("query last trigger info group by event type failed: %v", err) return nil, err } return jobs, nil } // DeleteNotificationJob ... func DeleteNotificationJob(id int64) error { o := dao.GetOrmer() _, err := o.Delete(&models.NotificationJob{ID: id}) return err } // DeleteAllNotificationJobsByPolicyID ... func DeleteAllNotificationJobsByPolicyID(policyID int64) (int64, error) { o := dao.GetOrmer() return o.Delete(&models.NotificationJob{PolicyID: policyID}, "policy_id") } func notificationJobQueryConditions(query ...*models.NotificationJobQuery) orm.QuerySeter { qs := dao.GetOrmer().QueryTable(&models.NotificationJob{}) if len(query) == 0 || query[0] == nil { return qs } q := query[0] if q.PolicyID != 0 { qs = qs.Filter("PolicyID", q.PolicyID) } if len(q.Statuses) > 0 { qs = qs.Filter("Status__in", q.Statuses) } if len(q.EventTypes) > 0 { qs = qs.Filter("EventType__in", q.EventTypes) } return qs }