// Copyright (c) 2017 VMware, Inc. All Rights Reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. import { Component, OnDestroy, OnInit, ViewChild } from '@angular/core'; import { forkJoin, Observable, of, Subscription } from 'rxjs'; import { catchError, finalize, map } from 'rxjs/operators'; import { TranslateService } from '@ngx-translate/core'; import { ClrDatagridComparatorInterface, ClrDatagridStateInterface, ClrLoadingState, } from '@clr/angular'; import { ActivatedRoute, Router } from '@angular/router'; import { Comparator } from '../../../../../../../shared/services'; import { calculatePage, clone, CustomComparator, dbEncodeURIComponent, DEFAULT_SUPPORTED_MIME_TYPES, doSorting, formatSize, getHiddenArrayFromLocalStorage, getPageSizeFromLocalStorage, getSortingString, PageSizeMapKeys, setHiddenArrayToLocalStorage, setPageSizeToLocalStorage, VULNERABILITY_SCAN_STATUS, SBOM_SCAN_STATUS, } from '../../../../../../../shared/units/utils'; import { ErrorHandler } from '../../../../../../../shared/units/error-handler'; import { ArtifactService } from '../../../artifact.service'; import { OperationService } from '../../../../../../../shared/components/operation/operation.service'; import { ConfirmationButtons, ConfirmationState, ConfirmationTargets, } from '../../../../../../../shared/entities/shared.const'; import { operateChanges, OperateInfo, OperationState, } from '../../../../../../../shared/components/operation/operate'; import { AccessoryType, artifactDefault, ArtifactFilterEvent, ArtifactFront as Artifact, ArtifactFront, } from '../../../artifact'; import { Project } from '../../../../../project'; import { ArtifactService as NewArtifactService } from '../../../../../../../../../ng-swagger-gen/services/artifact.service'; import { ADDITIONS } from '../../../artifact-additions/models'; import { Platform } from '../../../../../../../../../ng-swagger-gen/models/platform'; import { SafeUrl } from '@angular/platform-browser'; import { errorHandler } from '../../../../../../../shared/units/shared.utils'; import { ConfirmationDialogComponent } from '../../../../../../../shared/components/confirmation-dialog'; import { ConfirmationMessage } from '../../../../../../global-confirmation-dialog/confirmation-message'; import { ConfirmationAcknowledgement } from '../../../../../../global-confirmation-dialog/confirmation-state-message'; import { UN_LOGGED_PARAM, YES, } from '../../../../../../../account/sign-in/sign-in.service'; import { Label } from '../../../../../../../../../ng-swagger-gen/models/label'; import { EventService, HarborEvent, } from '../../../../../../../services/event-service/event.service'; import { AppConfigService } from '../../../../../../../services/app-config.service'; import { ArtifactListPageService } from '../../artifact-list-page.service'; import { ACCESSORY_PAGE_SIZE } from './sub-accessories/sub-accessories.component'; import { Accessory } from 'ng-swagger-gen/models/accessory'; import { Tag } from '../../../../../../../../../ng-swagger-gen/models/tag'; import { CopyArtifactComponent } from './copy-artifact/copy-artifact.component'; import { CopyDigestComponent } from './copy-digest/copy-digest.component'; export const AVAILABLE_TIME = '0001-01-01T00:00:00.000Z'; const CHECKING: string = 'checking'; const TRUE: string = 'true'; const FALSE: string = 'false'; @Component({ selector: 'artifact-list-tab', templateUrl: './artifact-list-tab.component.html', styleUrls: ['./artifact-list-tab.component.scss'], }) export class ArtifactListTabComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy { projectId: number; projectName: string; repoName: string; registryUrl: string; artifactList: ArtifactFront[] = []; availableTime = AVAILABLE_TIME; inprogress: boolean; pullComparator: Comparator = new CustomComparator( 'pull_time', 'date' ); pushComparator: Comparator = new CustomComparator( 'push_time', 'date' ); loading = true; selectedRow: Artifact[] = []; @ViewChild('confirmationDialog') confirmationDialog: ConfirmationDialogComponent; @ViewChild(CopyArtifactComponent) copyArtifactComponent: CopyArtifactComponent; @ViewChild(CopyDigestComponent) copyDigestComponent: CopyDigestComponent; pageSize: number = getPageSizeFromLocalStorage( PageSizeMapKeys.ARTIFACT_LIST_TAB_COMPONENT ); currentPage = 1; totalCount = 0; currentState: ClrDatagridStateInterface; get hasAddLabelImagePermission(): boolean { return this.artifactListPageService.hasAddLabelImagePermission(); } get hasRetagImagePermission(): boolean { return this.artifactListPageService.hasRetagImagePermission(); } get hasDeleteImagePermission(): boolean { return this.artifactListPageService.hasDeleteImagePermission(); } get hasScanImagePermission(): boolean { return this.artifactListPageService.hasScanImagePermission(); } get hasSbomPermission(): boolean { return this.artifactListPageService.hasSbomPermission(); } get hasEnabledScanner(): boolean { return this.artifactListPageService.hasEnabledScanner(); } get hasScannerSupportVulnerability(): boolean { return this.artifactListPageService.hasScannerSupportVulnerability(); } get hasScannerSupportSBOM(): boolean { return this.artifactListPageService.hasScannerSupportSBOM(); } get scanBtnState(): ClrLoadingState { return this.artifactListPageService.getScanBtnState(); } get generateSbomBtnState(): ClrLoadingState { return this.artifactListPageService.getSbomBtnState(); } onSendingScanCommand: boolean; onSendingStopScanCommand: boolean = false; onStopScanArtifactsLength: number = 0; scanStoppedArtifactLength: number = 0; onSendingSbomCommand: boolean; onSendingStopSbomCommand: boolean = false; onStopSbomArtifactsLength: number = 0; sbomStoppedArtifactLength: number = 0; artifactDigest: string; depth: string; // could Pagination filter filters: string[]; scanFinishedArtifactLength: number = 0; onScanArtifactsLength: number = 0; sbomFinishedArtifactLength: number = 0; onSbomArtifactsLength: number = 0; stopBtnState: ClrLoadingState = ClrLoadingState.DEFAULT; updateArtifactSub: Subscription; hiddenArray: boolean[] = getHiddenArrayFromLocalStorage( PageSizeMapKeys.ARTIFACT_LIST_TAB_COMPONENT, [ false, false, false, false, false, false, true, true, false, false, false, ] ); deleteAccessorySub: Subscription; copyDigestSub: Subscription; @ViewChild('datagrid') datagrid; constructor( private errorHandlerService: ErrorHandler, private artifactService: ArtifactService, private newArtifactService: NewArtifactService, private translateService: TranslateService, private operationService: OperationService, private eventService: EventService, private activatedRoute: ActivatedRoute, private router: Router, private appConfigService: AppConfigService, private artifactListPageService: ArtifactListPageService ) {} initRouterData() { this.projectId = this.activatedRoute.snapshot?.parent?.parent?.params['id']; if (!this.projectId) { this.errorHandlerService.error('Project ID cannot be unset.'); return; } const resolverData = this.activatedRoute.snapshot?.parent?.parent?.data; if (resolverData) { this.projectName = (resolverData['projectResolver']).name; } this.repoName = this.activatedRoute.snapshot?.parent?.params['repo']; if (!this.repoName) { this.errorHandlerService.error('Repo name cannot be unset.'); return; } this.depth = this.activatedRoute.snapshot.params['depth']; if (this.depth) { const arr: string[] = this.depth.split('-'); this.artifactDigest = this.depth.split('-')[arr.length - 1]; } } ngOnInit() { const appConfig = this.appConfigService.getConfig(); this.registryUrl = appConfig.registry_url; this.initRouterData(); if (!this.updateArtifactSub) { this.updateArtifactSub = this.eventService.subscribe( HarborEvent.UPDATE_VULNERABILITY_INFO, (artifact: Artifact) => { if (this.artifactList && this.artifactList.length) { this.artifactList.forEach(item => { if (item.digest === artifact.digest) { item.scan_overview = artifact.scan_overview; } }); } } ); } if (!this.deleteAccessorySub) { this.deleteAccessorySub = this.eventService.subscribe( HarborEvent.DELETE_ACCESSORY, (a: Accessory) => { this.deleteAccessory(a); } ); } if (!this.copyDigestSub) { this.copyDigestSub = this.eventService.subscribe( HarborEvent.COPY_DIGEST, (a: Accessory) => { this.copyDigestComponent.showDigestId(a.digest); } ); } } ngOnDestroy() { if (this.updateArtifactSub) { this.updateArtifactSub.unsubscribe(); this.updateArtifactSub = null; } if (this.deleteAccessorySub) { this.deleteAccessorySub.unsubscribe(); this.deleteAccessorySub = null; } if (this.copyDigestSub) { this.copyDigestSub.unsubscribe(); this.copyDigestSub = null; } this.datagrid?.['columnsService']?.columns?.forEach((item, index) => { if (this.depth) { this.hiddenArray[index] = !!item?._value?.hidden; } else { if (index < 2) { this.hiddenArray[index] = !!item?._value?.hidden; } else { this.hiddenArray[index + 1] = !!item?._value?.hidden; } } }); setHiddenArrayToLocalStorage( PageSizeMapKeys.ARTIFACT_LIST_TAB_COMPONENT, this.hiddenArray ); } clrDgRefresh(state: ClrDatagridStateInterface) { setTimeout(() => { //add setTimeout to avoid ng check error this.clrLoad(state); }, 0); } clrLoad(state: ClrDatagridStateInterface): void { this.artifactList = []; this.loading = true; if (!state || !state.page) { return; } this.pageSize = state.page.size; setPageSizeToLocalStorage( PageSizeMapKeys.ARTIFACT_LIST_TAB_COMPONENT, this.pageSize ); this.selectedRow = []; // Keep it for future filtering and sorting let pageNumber: number = calculatePage(state); if (pageNumber <= 0) { pageNumber = 1; } let sortBy: any = ''; if (state.sort) { sortBy = state.sort.by as | string | ClrDatagridComparatorInterface; sortBy = sortBy.fieldName ? sortBy.fieldName : sortBy; sortBy = state.sort.reverse ? `-${sortBy}` : sortBy; } this.currentState = state; // Pagination let params: any = {}; if (pageNumber && this.pageSize) { params.page = pageNumber; params.pageSize = this.pageSize; } if (sortBy) { params.sort = sortBy; } if (this.filters && this.filters.length) { let q = ''; this.filters.forEach(item => { q += item; }); params.q = encodeURIComponent(q); } if (this.artifactDigest) { const artifactParam: NewArtifactService.GetArtifactParams = { repositoryName: dbEncodeURIComponent(this.repoName), projectName: this.projectName, reference: this.artifactDigest, withImmutableStatus: true, withLabel: true, withScanOverview: true, // withSbomOverview: true, withTag: false, XAcceptVulnerabilities: DEFAULT_SUPPORTED_MIME_TYPES, withAccessory: false, }; this.newArtifactService.getArtifact(artifactParam).subscribe( res => { let observableLists: Observable[] = []; let platFormAttr: { platform: Platform }[] = []; this.totalCount = res.references.length; res.references.forEach((child, index) => { if ( index >= (pageNumber - 1) * this.pageSize && index < pageNumber * this.pageSize ) { let childParams: NewArtifactService.GetArtifactParams = { repositoryName: dbEncodeURIComponent( this.repoName ), projectName: this.projectName, reference: child.child_digest, withImmutableStatus: true, withLabel: true, withScanOverview: true, // withSbomOverview: true, withTag: false, XAcceptVulnerabilities: DEFAULT_SUPPORTED_MIME_TYPES, withAccessory: false, }; platFormAttr.push({ platform: child.platform }); observableLists.push( this.newArtifactService.getArtifact(childParams) ); } }); forkJoin(observableLists) .pipe( finalize(() => { this.loading = false; }) ) .subscribe( artifacts => { this.artifactList = artifacts; this.artifactList = doSorting( this.artifactList, state ); this.artifactList.forEach((artifact, index) => { artifact.platform = clone( platFormAttr[index].platform ); }); this.getArtifactTagsAsync(this.artifactList); this.getAccessoriesAsync(this.artifactList); this.checkCosignAndSbomAsync(this.artifactList); this.getIconsFromBackEnd(); }, error => { this.errorHandlerService.error(error); } ); }, error => { this.loading = false; } ); } else { let listArtifactParams: NewArtifactService.ListArtifactsParams = { projectName: this.projectName, repositoryName: dbEncodeURIComponent(this.repoName), withLabel: true, withScanOverview: true, withTag: false, sort: getSortingString(state), XAcceptVulnerabilities: DEFAULT_SUPPORTED_MIME_TYPES, withAccessory: false, }; Object.assign(listArtifactParams, params); this.newArtifactService .listArtifactsResponse(listArtifactParams) .pipe(finalize(() => (this.loading = false))) .subscribe( res => { if (res.headers) { let xHeader: string = res.headers.get('X-Total-Count'); if (xHeader) { this.totalCount = parseInt(xHeader, 0); } } this.artifactList = res.body; this.getArtifactTagsAsync(this.artifactList); this.getAccessoriesAsync(this.artifactList); this.checkCosignAndSbomAsync(this.artifactList); this.getIconsFromBackEnd(); }, error => { // error this.errorHandlerService.error(error); } ); } } refresh() { this.currentPage = 1; let st: ClrDatagridStateInterface = this.currentState; if (!st) { st = { page: {} }; st.page.size = this.pageSize; st.page.from = 0; st.page.to = this.pageSize - 1; } this.clrLoad(st); } canAddLabel(): boolean { if (this.selectedRow && this.selectedRow.length === 1) { return true; } if (this.selectedRow && this.selectedRow.length > 1) { for (let i = 0; i < this.selectedRow.length; i++) { if ( this.selectedRow[i].labels && this.selectedRow[i].labels.length ) { return false; } } return true; } return false; } stickLabel(labelEvent: { label: Label; isAdd: boolean }): void { if (labelEvent.isAdd) { this.addLabel(labelEvent?.label); } else { this.removeLabel(labelEvent?.label); } } addLabel(label: Label) { if (!this.inprogress) { const params: NewArtifactService.AddLabelParams = { projectName: this.projectName, repositoryName: dbEncodeURIComponent(this.repoName), reference: this.selectedRow[0].digest, label: label, }; this.inprogress = true; this.newArtifactService .addLabel(params) .pipe(finalize(() => (this.inprogress = false))) .subscribe({ next: res => { this.refresh(); }, error: err => { this.refresh(); this.errorHandlerService.error(err); }, }); } } removeLabel(label: Label) { if (!this.inprogress) { let params: NewArtifactService.RemoveLabelParams = { projectName: this.projectName, repositoryName: dbEncodeURIComponent(this.repoName), reference: this.selectedRow[0].digest, labelId: label.id, }; this.inprogress = true; this.newArtifactService .removeLabel(params) .pipe(finalize(() => (this.inprogress = false))) .subscribe({ next: res => { this.refresh(); }, error: err => { this.refresh(); this.errorHandlerService.error(err); }, }); } } sizeTransform(tagSize: string): string { return formatSize(tagSize); } hasEnabledSbom(): boolean { return ( this.hasScannerSupportSBOM && this.hasEnabledScanner && this.hasSbomPermission ); } retag() { if (this.selectedRow && this.selectedRow.length && !this.depth) { this.copyArtifactComponent.retag(this.selectedRow[0].digest); } } deleteArtifact() { if (this.selectedRow && this.selectedRow.length && !this.depth) { let artifactNames: string[] = []; this.selectedRow.forEach(artifact => { artifactNames.push(artifact.digest.slice(0, 15)); }); let titleKey: string, summaryKey: string, content: string, buttons: ConfirmationButtons; titleKey = 'REPOSITORY.DELETION_TITLE_ARTIFACT'; summaryKey = 'REPOSITORY.DELETION_SUMMARY_ARTIFACT'; buttons = ConfirmationButtons.DELETE_CANCEL; content = artifactNames.join(' , '); let message = new ConfirmationMessage( titleKey, summaryKey, content, this.selectedRow, ConfirmationTargets.TAG, buttons ); this.confirmationDialog.open(message); } } deleteArtifactobservableLists: Observable[] = []; confirmDeletion(message: ConfirmationAcknowledgement) { if ( message && message.source === ConfirmationTargets.ACCESSORY && message.state === ConfirmationState.CONFIRMED ) { // delete one accessory this.loading = true; // init operation info const opeMessage = new OperateInfo(); opeMessage.name = 'ACCESSORY.DELETE_ACCESSORY'; opeMessage.data.id = message.data.id; opeMessage.state = OperationState.progressing; opeMessage.data.name = message.data.digest.slice(0, 15); this.operationService.publishInfo(opeMessage); const params: NewArtifactService.DeleteArtifactParams = { projectName: this.projectName, repositoryName: dbEncodeURIComponent(this.repoName), reference: message.data.digest, }; this.newArtifactService .deleteArtifact(params) .pipe(finalize(() => (this.loading = false))) .subscribe( res => { this.errorHandlerService.info( 'ACCESSORY.DELETED_SUCCESS' ); operateChanges(opeMessage, OperationState.success); this.refresh(); }, error => { this.errorHandlerService.error(error); operateChanges( opeMessage, OperationState.failure, errorHandler(error) ); } ); } if ( message && message.source === ConfirmationTargets.TAG && message.state === ConfirmationState.CONFIRMED ) { let artifactList = message.data; if (artifactList && artifactList.length) { artifactList.forEach(artifact => { this.deleteArtifactobservableLists.push( this.delOperate(artifact) ); }); this.loading = true; forkJoin(...this.deleteArtifactobservableLists).subscribe( deleteResult => { let deleteSuccessList = []; let deleteErrorList = []; this.deleteArtifactobservableLists = []; deleteResult.forEach(result => { if (!result) { // delete success deleteSuccessList.push(result); } else { deleteErrorList.push(result); } }); this.selectedRow = []; if (deleteSuccessList.length === deleteResult.length) { // all is success let st: ClrDatagridStateInterface = { page: { from: 0, to: this.pageSize - 1, size: this.pageSize, }, }; this.clrLoad(st); } else if ( deleteErrorList.length === deleteResult.length ) { // all is error this.loading = false; this.errorHandlerService.error( deleteResult[deleteResult.length - 1] ); } else { // some artifact delete success but it has error delete things this.errorHandlerService.error( deleteErrorList[deleteErrorList.length - 1] ); // if delete one success refresh list let st: ClrDatagridStateInterface = { page: { from: 0, to: this.pageSize - 1, size: this.pageSize, }, }; this.clrLoad(st); } } ); } } } delOperate(artifact: Artifact): Observable | null { // init operation info let operMessage = new OperateInfo(); operMessage.name = 'OPERATION.DELETE_TAG'; operMessage.data.id = artifact.id; operMessage.state = OperationState.progressing; operMessage.data.name = artifact.digest; this.operationService.publishInfo(operMessage); let params: NewArtifactService.DeleteArtifactParams = { projectName: this.projectName, repositoryName: dbEncodeURIComponent(this.repoName), reference: artifact.digest, }; return this.newArtifactService.deleteArtifact(params).pipe( map(response => { this.translateService .get('BATCH.DELETED_SUCCESS') .subscribe(res => { operateChanges(operMessage, OperationState.success); }); }), catchError(error => { const message = errorHandler(error); this.translateService .get(message) .subscribe(res => operateChanges(operMessage, OperationState.failure, res) ); return of(error); }) ); } showDigestId() { if (this.selectedRow && this.selectedRow.length === 1 && !this.depth) { this.copyDigestComponent.showDigestId(this.selectedRow[0].digest); } } goIntoArtifactSummaryPage(artifact: Artifact): void { const relativeRouterLink: string[] = ['artifacts', artifact.digest]; if (this.activatedRoute.snapshot.queryParams[UN_LOGGED_PARAM] === YES) { this.router.navigate(relativeRouterLink, { relativeTo: this.activatedRoute, queryParams: { [UN_LOGGED_PARAM]: YES }, }); } else { this.router.navigate(relativeRouterLink, { relativeTo: this.activatedRoute, }); } } // Get sbom status sbomStatus(artifact: Artifact): string { if (artifact) { let so = (artifact).sbom_overview; if (so && so.scan_status) { return so.scan_status; } } return SBOM_SCAN_STATUS.NOT_GENERATED_SBOM; } // Get vulnerability scanning status scanStatus(artifact: Artifact): string { if (artifact) { let so = this.handleScanOverview((artifact).scan_overview); if (so && so.scan_status) { return so.scan_status; } } return VULNERABILITY_SCAN_STATUS.NOT_SCANNED; } // if has running job, return false canScanNow(): boolean { if (!this.hasScanImagePermission) { return false; } if (this.onSendingScanCommand) { return false; } if (this.selectedRow && this.selectedRow.length) { let flag: boolean = true; this.selectedRow.forEach(item => { const st: string = this.scanStatus(item); if (this.isRunningState(st)) { flag = false; } }); return flag; } return false; } // Trigger scan scanNow(): void { if (!this.selectedRow.length) { return; } this.scanFinishedArtifactLength = 0; this.onScanArtifactsLength = this.selectedRow.length; this.onSendingScanCommand = true; this.selectedRow.forEach((data: any) => { let digest = data.digest; this.eventService.publish( HarborEvent.START_SCAN_ARTIFACT, this.repoName + '/' + digest ); }); } selectedRowHasVul(): boolean { return !!( this.selectedRow && this.selectedRow[0] && this.selectedRow[0].addition_links && this.selectedRow[0].addition_links[ADDITIONS.VULNERABILITIES] ); } selectedRowHasSbom(): boolean { return !!(this.selectedRow && this.selectedRow[0]); } hasVul(artifact: Artifact): boolean { return !!( artifact && artifact.addition_links && artifact.addition_links[ADDITIONS.VULNERABILITIES] ); } hasSbom(artifact: Artifact): boolean { return !!( artifact && artifact.addition_links && artifact.addition_links[ADDITIONS.SBOMS] ); } submitFinish(e: boolean) { this.scanFinishedArtifactLength += 1; // all selected scan action has started if (this.scanFinishedArtifactLength === this.onScanArtifactsLength) { this.onSendingScanCommand = e; } } submitStopFinish(e: boolean) { this.scanStoppedArtifactLength += 1; // all selected scan action has stopped if (this.scanStoppedArtifactLength === this.onStopScanArtifactsLength) { this.onSendingScanCommand = e; } } submitSbomFinish(e: boolean) { this.sbomFinishedArtifactLength += 1; // all selected scan action has started if (this.sbomFinishedArtifactLength === this.onSbomArtifactsLength) { this.onSendingSbomCommand = e; } } submitSbomStopFinish(e: boolean) { this.sbomStoppedArtifactLength += 1; // all selected scan action has stopped if (this.sbomStoppedArtifactLength === this.onStopSbomArtifactsLength) { this.onSendingSbomCommand = e; } } handleScanOverview(scanOverview: any): any { if (scanOverview) { const keys = Object.keys(scanOverview) ?? []; return keys.length > 0 ? scanOverview[keys[0]] : null; } return null; } goIntoIndexArtifact(artifact: Artifact) { let depth: string = ''; if (this.depth) { depth = this.depth + '-' + artifact.digest; } else { depth = artifact.digest; } const linkUrl = [ 'harbor', 'projects', this.projectId, 'repositories', this.repoName, 'artifacts-tab', 'depth', depth, ]; if (this.activatedRoute.snapshot.queryParams[UN_LOGGED_PARAM] === YES) { this.router.navigate(linkUrl, { queryParams: { [UN_LOGGED_PARAM]: YES }, }); } else { this.router.navigate(linkUrl); } } filterEvent(e: ArtifactFilterEvent) { this.filters = []; if (e?.isLabel) { if (e?.label?.name) { this.filters.push(`${e.type}=(${e?.label?.id})`); } } else { if (e?.stringValue) { if (e?.isInputTag) { // for input tag, use fuzzy match this.filters.push(`${e.type}=~${e?.stringValue}`); } else { this.filters.push(`${e.type}=${e?.stringValue}`); } } } this.refresh(); } // when finished, remove it from selectedRow scanFinished(artifact: Artifact) { if (this.selectedRow && this.selectedRow.length) { for (let i = 0; i < this.selectedRow.length; i++) { if (artifact.digest === this.selectedRow[i].digest) { this.selectedRow.splice(i, 1); break; } } } } // when finished, remove it from selectedRow sbomFinished(artifact: Artifact) { this.scanFinished(artifact); } getIconsFromBackEnd() { if (this.artifactList && this.artifactList.length) { this.artifactService.getIconsFromBackEnd(this.artifactList); } } showDefaultIcon(event: any) { if (event && event.target) { event.target.src = artifactDefault; } } getIcon(icon: string): SafeUrl { return this.artifactService.getIcon(icon); } // get Tags and display less than 9 tags(too many tags will make UI stuck) getArtifactTagsAsync(artifacts: ArtifactFront[]) { if (artifacts && artifacts.length) { artifacts.forEach(item => { const listTagParams: NewArtifactService.ListTagsParams = { projectName: this.projectName, repositoryName: dbEncodeURIComponent(this.repoName), reference: item.digest, page: 1, pageSize: 8, }; this.newArtifactService .listTagsResponse(listTagParams) .subscribe(res => { if (res.headers) { let xHeader: string = res.headers.get('x-total-count'); if (xHeader) { item.tagNumber = Number.parseInt(xHeader, 10); } } item.tags = res.body; }); }); } } // get accessories getAccessoriesAsync(artifacts: ArtifactFront[]) { if (artifacts && artifacts.length) { artifacts.forEach(item => { const listTagParams: NewArtifactService.ListAccessoriesParams = { projectName: this.projectName, repositoryName: dbEncodeURIComponent(this.repoName), reference: item.digest, page: 1, pageSize: ACCESSORY_PAGE_SIZE, }; this.newArtifactService .listAccessoriesResponse(listTagParams) .subscribe(res => { if (res.headers) { let xHeader: string = res.headers.get('x-total-count'); if (xHeader) { item.accessoryNumber = Number.parseInt( xHeader, 10 ); } } item.accessories = res.body; }); }); } } checkCosignAndSbomAsync(artifacts: ArtifactFront[]) { if (artifacts) { if (artifacts.length) { artifacts.forEach(item => { item.signed = CHECKING; // const sbomOverview = item?.sbom_overview; // item.sbomDigest = sbomOverview?.sbom_digest; // let queryTypes = `${AccessoryType.COSIGN} ${AccessoryType.NOTATION}`; // if (!item.sbomDigest) { // queryTypes = `${queryTypes} ${AccessoryType.SBOM}`; // } this.newArtifactService .listAccessories({ projectName: this.projectName, repositoryName: dbEncodeURIComponent(this.repoName), reference: item.digest, page: 1, pageSize: ACCESSORY_PAGE_SIZE, q: encodeURIComponent( `type={${AccessoryType.COSIGN} ${AccessoryType.NOTATION}}` ), }) .subscribe({ next: res => { if (res?.length) { item.signed = TRUE; } else { item.signed = FALSE; } }, error: err => { item.signed = FALSE; }, }); }); } } } // return true if all selected rows are in "running" state canStopScan(): boolean { if (this.onSendingStopScanCommand) { return false; } if (this.selectedRow && this.selectedRow.length) { let flag: boolean = true; this.selectedRow.forEach(item => { const st: string = this.scanStatus(item); if (!this.isRunningState(st)) { flag = false; } }); return flag; } return false; } // return true if all selected rows are in "running" state canStopSbom(): boolean { if (this.onSendingStopSbomCommand) { return false; } if (this.selectedRow && this.selectedRow.length) { let flag: boolean = true; this.selectedRow.forEach(item => { const st: string = this.sbomStatus(item); if (!this.isRunningState(st)) { flag = false; } }); return flag; } return false; } isRunningState(state: string): boolean { return ( state === VULNERABILITY_SCAN_STATUS.RUNNING || state === VULNERABILITY_SCAN_STATUS.PENDING || state === VULNERABILITY_SCAN_STATUS.SCHEDULED ); } stopNow() { if (this.selectedRow && this.selectedRow.length) { this.scanStoppedArtifactLength = 0; this.onStopScanArtifactsLength = this.selectedRow.length; this.onSendingStopScanCommand = true; this.selectedRow.forEach((data: any) => { let digest = data.digest; this.eventService.publish( HarborEvent.STOP_SCAN_ARTIFACT, this.repoName + '/' + digest ); }); } } stopSbom() { if (this.selectedRow && this.selectedRow.length) { this.sbomStoppedArtifactLength = 0; this.onStopSbomArtifactsLength = this.selectedRow.length; this.onSendingStopSbomCommand = true; this.selectedRow.forEach((data: any) => { let digest = data.digest; this.eventService.publish( HarborEvent.STOP_SBOM_ARTIFACT, this.repoName + '/' + digest ); }); } } tagsString(tags: Tag[]): string { if (tags?.length) { const arr: string[] = []; tags.forEach(item => { arr.push(item.name); }); return arr.join(', '); } return null; } deleteAccessory(a: Accessory) { let titleKey: string, summaryKey: string, content: string, buttons: ConfirmationButtons; titleKey = 'ACCESSORY.DELETION_TITLE_ACCESSORY'; summaryKey = 'ACCESSORY.DELETION_SUMMARY_ONE_ACCESSORY'; buttons = ConfirmationButtons.DELETE_CANCEL; content = a.digest.slice(0, 15); let message = new ConfirmationMessage( titleKey, summaryKey, content, a, ConfirmationTargets.ACCESSORY, buttons ); this.confirmationDialog.open(message); } isEllipsisActive(ele: HTMLSpanElement): boolean { return ele?.offsetWidth < ele?.scrollWidth; } }