Test 2-01 - User Create Project (DB Mode) ======= # Purpose: To verify that a non-admin user can create projects when users are managed locally by Harbor (DB mode). # References: User guide # Environment: * This test requires that a Harbor instance is running and available. * Harbor is set to authenticate against a local database. ( auth_mode is set to **db_auth** .) The user data is stored in a local database. * A linux host with Docker CLI installed (Docker client). * At least two non-admin users are in Harbor. # Test Steps: **NOTE:** In below test, user A and B are non-admin users. User A, B and project X, Y should be replaced by longer and meaningful names. 1. Log in to UI as user A (non-admin). 2. Create a new project X with publicity is off (default). 3. Create another new project Y with publicity is on . 4. While keeping user A logging on, in another browswer log in as user B (non-admin). 5. User B checks his/her public projects to see if project Y is listed and project X is not listed. 6. User A changes project X's publicity to on, project Y's publicity to off. 7. User B refreshes his/her public projects to see if project X is listed and project Y is not listed. 8. On a Docker client host, use `docker login ` to log in as user A. 9. User A runs `docker push` to push an image to project X, push an image to project Y. 10. User A checks in the browser that the images had been successfully pushed to project X and Y. 11. On a Docker client host, use `docker login ` to log in as user B. 12. User B runs `docker pull` to an image of project X, and an image of project Y. # Expected Outcome: * Step 5, user B should see project Y is listed and project X is not listed. * Step 7, user B should see project X is listed and project Y is not listed. * Step 9,10, images should be pushed to project X and Y successfully and can be viewed from UI. * Step 11,12, user B can pull the image of project X, cannot pull from project Y. # Possible Problems: None