### Setup In harbor.cfg, make sure the attribute ```ui_url_protocol``` is set to ```https```, and the attributes ```ssl_cert``` and ```ssl_cert_key``` are pointed to valid certificates. For more information about generating https certificate please refer to: [Configuring HTTPS for Harbor](configure_https.md) ### Copy Root Certificate Suppose the Harbor instance is hosted on a machine `````` If you are using a self-signed cetificate, make sure to copy the CA root cert to ```/etc/docker/certs.d/``` and ```~/.docker/tls/``` ### Enable Docker Content Trust It can be done via setting envrironment variables: ``` export DOCKER_CONTENT_TRUST=1 export DOCKER_CONTENT_TRUST_SERVER= ``` ### Set alias for notary (optional) Because by default the local directory for storing meta files for notary client is different from docker client. If you want to use notary client to manipulate the keys/meta files generated by Docker Content Trust, please set the alias to reduce the effort: ``` alias notary="notary -s https// -d ~/.docker/trust --tlscacert /etc/docker/certs.d/" ```